Chapter 70 Beyond gold and jade

Master Dou's name is Dou Qichun and he is considered a high-ranking person in Tai'an Academy. He is a gentleman who taught Ye Chonghui for several years and was very fond of his talent. For the sake of his beloved disciple, he accepted this treasured member of the Ye family.

There have long been rumors in the capital that the Ye family is a century-old scholarly family but this Young Master is a blunt crossbow. He didn't know how to read until he was seven years old. He has never been to a school and a teacher was never hired for him. He only knows how to play all day long. Everyone in the family pampers him and by even holding a pen, they were afraid it would tire his precious little hands. At this age, he has long become a beautiful burden.

The so-called beautiful baggage, as the name suggests, looks splendid on the outside, wrapped in gold and jade but on the inside it is an empty, useless piece of waste.

Dou Qichun secretly thought to himself that such a spoiled young master must be extremely difficult to control. He must establish his authority when teaching for the first time!

Carrying the pretense of being a gentleman, he deliberately delayed going to the Ye family mansion for half an hour, thinking that the Young Master of the Ye Family would be so furious. As a result, when he walked in, he didn't see any student. He only saw a letter of confession on the desk. Notwithstanding the elegant and graceful handwriting on the paper that amazed him, the content made him very angry.

Ye Chongjin actually didn't say anything, he just said that he has a Master and the rules of the Master were not to worship a second master and he hoped for his forgiveness. At the end, he added another sentence: This younger generation knows that he is stubborn and cannot be taught so he dare not waste his precious time.

Dou Qichun choked for a long time. He could have complained to the Prime Minister's office with this letter and then resign from the job. However Ye Chongjin added such a sentence at the end. If he couldn't wait to complain, wouldn't he be acquiescing to this sentence?

That family was well-known for guarding their weaknesses. After much deliberation, Master Dou decided to stay put and wait and see how the Young Master of the Ye family ended up.

He was humming a little tune and watering the flowers and plants in the yard. Suddenly he heard three knocks on the door. The thin and dark book boy hurriedly opened the door to greet the guests. He recognized Ye Chonghui and looked happy. He greeted them and invited them in then walked towards the yard, calling: "Sir, Young Master Ye is here!"

The gourd in Dou Qichun's hand suddenly fell to the ground, making his shoes wet. Young Master of the Ye he the Young Master of the Ye family? Then he thought about it, he was just a fourteen-year-old boy. Why be so apprehensive!

He straightened his face and said, "Take him to the tea room and serve tea."

He changed his clothes and put the confession paper into his sleeve then rushed to the tea room.

Pushing the door open, he saw at a glance the brothers of the Ye family sitting on a low couch. One was tall and the other was short. They were both immortal-like figures. His beloved disciple, who had always been unsmiling, now had a smile in his eyes. His index finger slightly curled, he gently scratched the tip of his younger brother's nose. The young man pouted his lips and grinned, obviously with some flattering meaning.

Dou Qichun was stunned in front of the door, feeling inexplicably sweet in his heart. This smile was like being soaked in a jar of honey.

The two brothers were not very similar in appearance. Ye Chonghui looked like his father with facial features as sharp as a knife, light brows and an air of aloofness, coldness and arrogance. As for Ye Chongjin, he looks nothing like anyone in his family. According to the old Master, he looks fifty-six times like his late grandmother, who was once the most beautiful woman in Jinzhou.

Although they don't look alike, these two people are sitting together and anyone with a discerning eye will know that they are brothers. Such a picture of siblings, even if you don't know the inside story, it is still a bit touching.

Master Dou's prepared remarks could not be uttered for a while.

However, Ye Chonghui pulled his younger brother to stand up and bowed. He said: "This student has met the teacher. This is my Brother."

"I am here to apologize." Ye Chongjin said hurriedly: "Master Dou, I know I was wrong. Please don't tell my Grandfather about me. Grandfather and Father have high expectations for me. If they know about this, they will inevitably be sad. If you are angry, just beat and scold me. I will not complain at all."

Master Dou saw that he spoke sincerely and felt that most of his anger had already dissipated. He said: "You both sit down first, we can talk about anything."

After sitting down, Ye Chonghui said first: "Teacher, to be honest, my Brother is a lay disciple of Jinguang Temple. He became a disciple of Master Kongchen a few years ago. Because the Master is traveling and his return date is uncertain, my family does not want him to waste time so I asked you to teach him some knowledge. However, my Brother is a kind-hearted person and thinks that after worshiping one master, it would be a blasphemy to worship another master. This is what led to today."

Ye Chongjin pursed his lips and snickered. What he admired most about his brother was his ability to tell lies with open eyes. Even he can hardly tell the difference between what was true and what was false, what was false and what was true.

Master Dou would never have thought that his most beloved disciple would lie to him. After hearing these words, his previous impression of the Young Master of the Ye family was completely overturned. This child was not as unbearable as the outside world said. He was clearly innocent and natural. A good boy who has both filial piety and brotherhood.

He sighed: "I see. The Young Master's character is something that Dou admires."

Ye Chongjin said: "No, no. This younger generation has long heard of Master Dou's talent. My brother is able to have the knowedge he has today is all thanks to you, sir. It is a pity that this junior has no chance to meet Master Dou otherwise I would not let this opportunity pass easily."

These words touched Dou Qichun's heart. Since ancient times, how many nineteen-year-old Hanlin Academy editors have there been? Just such a person calling him teacher is already a matter of honour. He twirled his goatee and couldn't hide the smile on his face.

Master Dou waved his hand and said: "That's because Hengzhi himself is very talented and it has nothing to do with Dou."

Ye Chongjin knew that he was going to fall for this trick. He praised him a few more times, making Dou Qichun laugh so hard that he couldn't open his eyes. He wanted to accept this disciple. Even if he is a bit dull, it doesn't matter. He is not an impatient person.

He then asked, "Chongjin, what have you learned after practicing with Master Kongchen for several years?"

Ye Chongjin said, "Master Kongchen's knowledge is not as high as yours but the dharma is profound. He often travels around and understands many books. There is knowledge that is not available in books."

The first sentence made Dou Qichun very excited. When he heard the second sentence, his interest was aroused and he asked: "Is there knowledge that is not found in books?"

Ye Chongjin stood up and pointed to a potted plant outside the window. He said: "For example, this kind of blue-covered flower comes from the Western Regions. It looks delicate and slender but if you plant it in a flower bed with other flowers and plants, within a few days, there will be only one plant left in the whole flower bed. Its rhizomes will secrete a kind of sap that seeps into the soil and prevents other plants from competing with it for nutrients. Therefore, it can only be planted in a flower pot and raised alone."

"..." Dou Qichun's face changed and he said, "I didn't expect this. A beautiful flower can be so vicious!"

This flower was given to him by someone else. That person bought it from a vendor in the Western Region. They only said that this flower is delicate and difficult to grow and should not be mixed with other plants. Unexpectedly, it would destroy other flowers and plants. Thinking of how he was taking care of it carefully these days, he felt a little scared.

Master Dou sighed: "To be wise, it is better to read thousands of books than to travel thousands of miles. In terms of experience, Dou is indeed not as good as Master Kongchen. It doesn't matter. Since you already have a good teacher, I will discuss with your father and cancel the apprenticeship. If you are free, come to my yard and listen to me talk a few words or look at the flowers and plants for me."

Ye Chongjin was grateful and the two brothers went out together. As soon as they got on the carriage, Master Dou suddenly chased him from inside the house. He took out the letter from his sleeve, unfolded it carefully and asked: "Little friend Chongjin, I wonder whose handwriting this letter is?"

Ye Chongjin smiled and said: "Of course the confession should be written by one's own hand. How can we ask someone else to do it?"

After the Prime Minister's carriage left, he still stood there with a stunned expression. The book boy waved his hand in front of him and said: "Sir, everyone has gone far!"

Dou Qichun was silent for a long time and suddenly seemed to wake up. He shook his head and laughed, "Wonderful, wonderful. In the past, I only heard that the Ye family doted on their youngest son which made the Young Master more and more useless. Now it seems that it is not doting but it is clearly doting on top of the heart."

He was very doted upon. He still retains the innocent nature of a child even though he is many years old. He is pampered to the point that he is in the Ye family where the Emperor's grace is so great, yet he is able to stay away from the secular world and the court. He is so pampered that he would not hesitate to use the name of waste to obscure his brilliance.

It was a beautiful baggage but it turned out that after peeling off the outer layer of gold and jade, there was a treasure inside.

He was very curious. One day, a pair of hands would lift off this disguise and how dazzling this young man would be by then.


As soon as the carriage arrived at the house, Manager Liu had been waiting outside the door. When he saw Ye Chongjin, he secretly breathed a sigh of relief, stepped forward and said respectfully, "Hello Young Masters."

Ye Chonghui nodded lightly. He turned around and pinched his brother's cheek before heading to his courtyard.

Manager Liu said: "Young Master, you are back. The old Master has been waiting for a while and asked you to go over so he can ask some questions. However... the Eldest Young Master is coming back from the Hanlin Academy and the Young Master should be coming back from Bieyuan in the west of the city and he is not on the same way. How could he be in the carriage?"

Ye Chongjin lied without changing his expression: "We met on the road so we came back together. I'm going to find Grandpa right now."

Manager Liu didn't dare to ask further questions and followed him to Kangshou Yuan.

At this time in the previous life, the old Master had been gone for three or four years. In this life, he may have untied his knot and he does not look old but is very energetic.

When he saw his dear grandson, he took his hand and asked with a smile: "My dear, have you met Master Dou? What do you think of him?"

Ye Chongjin nodded repeatedly: "Yes, Master Dou is very knowledgeable and his conversation is very interesting. It was a pleasure talking to him."

"As long as our A-Jin likes it," the old man spoke slowly but with a strong tone. He smiled and said, "Although there are many gentlemen with good reputations in the capital, they are not suitable for our A-Jin. This is the only one. Master Dou is a humble and courteous person and extremely open-minded. Fortunately, your Brother had some friendship with him in the past. Otherwise, how would he be willing to make an exception and admit you as a disciple?"

Ye Chongjin stuck out his tongue, not daring to say that Master Dou was trying to take him in today but he politely refused.

"Grandpa," he took the old man's hand, shook it gently and said, "I watched the sky last night and thought that the Master was coming back. If he comes back and sees that I have another master, he will inevitably be concerned. Tell me, what should we do?"

The old man frowned when he heard this and said: "As the saying goes, if we are three people walking together, we must have a teacher. Life in this world is a process of continuous learning. It is normal to have more than one teacher, not to mention Master Kongchen is a monk and has a broad mind. He will not embarrass you over such a trivial matter. Or is it that A-Jin doesn't want to learn?"

Seeing his grandson's head hanging down and his thick eyelashes trembling in a pitiful way, he hurriedly softened his expression and said, "My dear, don't be upset. If you don't want to hear it, Grandpa won't say anything, okay?"

Ye Chongjin put his hand around the old man's neck and said coquettishly: "Grandpa is also doing it for A-Jin's good. How can A-Jin let Grandpa down? I will go to Master Dou's place."

The young man's voice was clear and sweet and the old man felt that his heart was cleansed by the clear spring. If children from other families have been pampered since childhood, they will be somewhat spoiled but his A-Jin, no matter how much he was loved, was always considerate and well-behaved. No matter how much he was loved, it will never be enough.

The old man said: "My dear, you have been wronged this time. Grandpa has here a few boxes of jade bamboo paper to compensate you. Your Father has been asking for it and I haven't given it to him. I will move it to your study later." After that, he came to the child and he whispered in his ear: "Secretly, don't let your father see it so that he does not to make trouble with me."

Ye Chongjin was stunned for a moment then nodded in agreement. The grandfather and grandson covered their mouths and snickered.

In fact, he knew in his heart that the old man, and even his father, had no high hopes for him. How could they care about getting ahead and being rich in knowledge? They suddenly forced him to study because they saw him delving into the heresy and were afraid that he would go astray on the wrong path. They wanted to pull him back to the right path.

But he just likes these heresy.

After dinner, he lay in front of the window again, observing the stars on the star chart left to him by Master Kongchen. The Ziwei Emperor Star was dimmer than yesterday and not far away, an orange star had entered the Star Palace Master. The position of power.

At this time in the previous life, Emperor Qingzong had died of illness and Gu Chen had been on the throne for a year.

A Crown Prince who has been on the border for several years and has no foundation and several princes who have grown up and are intertwined in the capital. If the Emperor suddenly dies, the Crown Prince may not have time to attend the funeral and the country will have changed hands.

A Crown Prince who cannot become Emperor will only die.

Late at night, a vigorous white tiger scurried into the house, tilted its head and looked at the boy lying in front of the window. It stared with its bright yellow eyes, looking a bit stupid. It froze for a while and then walked slowly to the sleeping young man. He put the person on his back and moved to the bed step by step.

When the big cat put him on the bed, the boy suddenly opened his eyes, a pair of bright black eyes shining brightly in the dark night, not even the slightest bit sleepy.

He turned around and hugged the big tiger and said quietly: "I don't want him to be Emperor and I don't want him to die. What should I do?"
