30.- Haloween Party -

jamal musiala

- Turn on the fucking air conditioning and I'm sweating like a pig, and my makeup is going to melt! - Joshua complains in the back seat of the Audi.

We were on our way to college, where the annual Halloween party was taking place. Joshua had been nervous since the day began, as he and Riley had agreed to go as a couple. Victor and Victoria from Corpse Bride. Pretty clichรฉ, but cute, after all.

- Jamal! Jamal! - he started kicking my bench. This idiot is starting to annoy me.

- Joshua, if you don't stop this now, I swear to God I'll push you out of this car. - I grumble, turning on the damn air conditioning, which makes him shut up.

He puts his arm through the suspenders, taking them off until we at least get to school. I was dying of heat too, I confess.

My costume wasn't about a specific theme. I was wearing black pants with suspenders, a white tank top underneath that had some red details, simulating blood. And lastly, the makeup. Slightly dark shadow around the eyes and a detail as if blood was dripping from the eyes. I was more of a 60s vampire.

After Halloween, we're going to have to double our training. - I start by telling them exactly what the coach told me yesterday. - This year there's a game against the Red Devils, and I don't intend to lose.

- They won last year. This year we caught them. -Benjamin speaks decisively, straightening his hair for the fifth time since he got in the car.

I nod, agreeing. The truth is that I trust my team. We trained a lot this year, and our performance improved a lot. So, I think victory is assured.

- Okay, enough game talk. -Joshua grumbles, looking at him in the rearview mirror. - And Madison? - he gets straight to the point, without hesitation.

Benjamin also turns to look at me, waiting for an answer.

I don't know what they want me to answer. A week has passed since the incident with her mother, and Madison ended up asking for a mini vacation from school to help her mother at home. From what I heard from Joshua, she was doing her classes at home.

I didn't have the courage to go visit her to see how she and her mother were doing, and at least I sent a message. I'm being a coward, I know. But she wanted distance and didn't even give me a complete answer when I said everything I felt.

This past week has been shit and I'd be lying if I said I didn't miss you. To be honest, without her it's as if everything would have lost its charm.

- I don't know if she's coming today. - And I really didn't know. She must have been too worried about her mother to waste time at a stupid college party like I'm doing. Due to free and pure pressure from my friends, of course.

- That's not what I asked, Jamal - The fake corpse groom rolls his eyes.

I stop at the traffic light, turning around and pointing my finger in his face.

-She made it clear that she wants nothing to do with me. I can not do anything else. - I say the phrase quietly, because it is difficult to accept this.

- You're so stupid that I don't know how your mother hasn't disowned you yet. -Joshua says, raising his cell phone to his face to check his blue hair.

I turn onto the college street and soon notice the movement of cars. The annual Halloween party is looked forward to by all students. Even though it happens every year.

I unfasten my seat belt and get out of the car. That day was funny. Madison was really mad at me, and she almost made it impossible for me to have kids. It was that day that I really saw her. Before I just liked annoying her because it was fun to see her stressed, considering she was easily stressed by me. But later, I realized that she was much more than that. Underneath the pretty and serene face, there was a tough girl who was there ready to defend herself, and defend who she loves.

But, I also saw his insecurities. Her difficulty in communicating, the way her tough demeanor wavered a little, making it clear that she was wearing armor so that no one could see what was really happening.

And there are those who say that sometimes we need a shake to understand what we feel. Well, in my case, it was a real kick in the nuts.

- Lets go in. - I just respond, watching Benjamin roll his eyes.

Right at the entrance, there were spiders and webs hanging from the ceiling, and two student representatives taking the invitations. The college courtyard was full of teenage bodies dancing and having fun with Michael Jackson music in the background. The decor wasn't bad. There were pumpkins, skulls, mummies in tombs, ghosts and other things scattered all over the place.

- Have they already named the punch? -Joshua runs to the food table.

- I already tried, but the director caught me. - Mathys arrives at our side with Kingsley.

- He almost got kicked out of the party. - Kingsley makes fun of his friend, getting slapped on the arm.

They start a conversation with each other, but I am completely oblivious, observing my surroundings. Some students scare each other with their costumes, others dance, or just sit at tables talking.

- Holy crap! - I hear Joshua exclaim, staring at something.

When I follow his gaze, I swallow hard. Suddenly it made me thirsty.

Did they focus the stage light on her? Because it might be just impression, but I swear Madison is glowing. So beautiful that Van Gogh's works of art cannot compare to it.

- Huh, Jamal? It's dripping here. - Kingsley scoffs, and all my friends laugh like clowns.

I barely pay attention.

I'm hypnotized.

Madison is wearing a tight, shiny green dress, and two shiny green-edged wings. Tinker Bell herself.

She looks around, while her friends chat excitedly next to her. Madison hasn't seen me yet, and I wonder what it will be like when she does. Will she ignore me? Come talk to me? Roll your eyes and go home? Nah, that last option is not something she would do. I think.

- Let's go.

Next thing I know, my friends are walking up to them. Cum. Well, I'm not going to be alone. Taking a deep breath, I go after them.


One more and ........ u know .
