19. - Dinner .-

madison parker

-Hey, are you okay? -Jamal holds my chin, lifting my gaze to his.

- Um... Of course. - I answer, or rather, I lie.

Today is dinner at his parents' house. They're going to meet their son's fake girlfriend, and we're going to have to lie... Which sucks.

We were in his Audi, parked in the garage, while we listened to a song by The Weeknd to calm me down.

- Sweetie, calm down, I already told you that my parents are super good. They don't care about social classes. - placing a strand of my hair behind my ear, Jamal gives me a long kiss on the cheek, an act that leaves me with goosebumps. - And they will like you, it's impossible not to.

On impulse, I throw my arms around his neck, squeezing him in a hug. Jamal seems to be a bit unresponsive, but soon I feel his arms cross my waist, and the boy touches his nose to my neck, giving me goosebumps again.

-I like the smell of it. - he confesses, and a smile grows on my face.

- I like yours too.

I had already realized that the 212 vip black was Jamal's trademark, which only completed the sexy boy combo.

- Let's go? - smiling, I nod in confirmation.

The boy opens the car door for me, and after closing it, he puts his arm around my waist, pulling me closer, which causes butterflies in my stomach. I could say that I hate these feelings he causes in me, but who would I be fooling by saying that?

Jamal's parents were waiting for us in the living room, they both smile when they see me, and then all the tension and nervousness comes back to the surface again. When he notices, he squeezes my hip, making me look into his vibrant brown eyes, which strangely give me confidence.

- Madison! It's a pleasure to finally meet you! - Jamal's mother is a very beautiful woman, with brown eyes and black hair, she exudes kindness and elegance.

- The pleasure is all mine! - I return the smile.

- This is my husband! -she points to the man next to her, who wears a black tuxedo and has his hair combed in perfect alignment.

- It's a pleasure to meet you, sir! - I shake the outstretched hand of Jamal's father, who, despite his serious expression, smiles at me.

- Likewise, Madison! It's great to meet the person who makes Jamal never miss a day of college.

I blush violently at his words. At a glance, I can see that Jamal next to me is in the same situation.

- Father! - he scolds the older man, who winks at the boy.

- Let's eat? I hope you like shrimp, Madison. Our cook's recipe is great! - She hugs me by the shoulders, guiding me to the huge dining room.


-I loved meeting you, Madison. Show up whenever you want! โ€“ Jamal's mother says gently, accompanying me to the living room.

Despite my nervousness, the dinner was great and I hope I made a good impression.

-Thank you for having me! Everything was very good! - I smile in gratitude.

- Don't forget to tell your mother to come by the restaurant tomorrow to sign the contract, okay? - I agree, smiling even more.

During dinner, Jamal had commented about my mother losing her job. And also because I want a job. I felt relieved when his own parents offered us both a job at one of his restaurants.

And it's all thanks to Jamal-no longer an asshole-and of course, his parents.

A loud clap of thunder makes me jump in fright and then heavy rain starts to fall. Excellent. The beginning of summer is summed up in rain.

-Madison, I think you'd better spend the night here.

I slowly turn my head towards the woman.

Is she really serious?

- My mother must be waiting for me at home...

- Send a message. - Jamal speaks. From the corner of my eye I notice a roguish smile on his face. I discreetly kick him in the shin.

-I don't know... tomorrow there's class and-

-I'll take you home as soon as dawn. Promise! - Jamal makes a pout, extremely cute by the way.

What hate.

-It's OK! But you take me home early!

- I swear with my finger. - he smiled.

It is mathematically impossible to resist Jamal's smile.

-Excellent! Our guest rooms are all available. You can choose one if you want. โ€“ She offers. Friendly as always.

- Actually, Mom, I think Madison could sleep in my room. If she wants too, of course.

-I think... it could be. - I smile slightly, dying of shame inside.


It's really impossible to resist Jamal.

And I say, with complete and clear certainty, that I no longer have the strength to do this.
