010. - Hard .-

madison parker

After Jamal left me at home, I practically ran into my room and sank into the fluffy pillows of my bed. Taking a two-hour nap.

I woke up with my phone ringing. I scratch my eyes and look at the screen blink, I see the name of Charlie and Riley calling me on a group call.

- Hello ? - I murmur after a yawn.

- Of course, you were certainly asleep. - Charlie says, and I know very well that she rolled her eyes.

- Why did you call ?

- Wow, you thick ! - Charlotte mumbles.

- We called to find out why you left last class ? - Riley asks.

- Gave me a headache. - I lie to them .

- Tell another, go. It was because of the cafeteria thing, right?

- It was...

I hear Riley sigh across the line.

- You wanted to see Audrey's face when Jamal left her alone and went after you, seriously, it was hilarious! - Charlie says excitedly.

- Madison, I saw Audrey and Miles talking in the hallway today . - the black-haired brunette speaks.

I swallow hard. These two together are a problem, it's serious.

- I think they're up to something. Two rotten meat on the same plate is a sign of something bad. - I frown at Charlie's speech.

- You're so strange, Charlie. - I laugh weakly.

- My mother always tells me that, a mother's words always make sense.

- Just be careful, okay? - Riley says worriedly. - From the looks of it, Jamal's revenge is working, but my intuition tells me that a possible other revenge is coming too.

I let out a long sigh.

- All good . I will be careful.

- You're going to university tomorrow, aren't you? - Charlie asks anxiously.

- I don't know yet, I think I need some time alone.- I murmur, throwing myself back onto the bed.

- We understand you, Mady. But the solution is not to isolate yourself from everything, you know that. If you want to tell us what happened, we are here for you.- Riley as always, protective and welcoming.

A tear flows, and I decide to let go of everything that suffocates me.

- Wasn't I enough? - I say quietly. - Should I have paid more attention? .- at this point the tears are already flowing uncontrollably, and I feel like an idiot for reliving the same subject.

- Hey, hey, hey, don't cry. You are the most incredible person I know. Unfortunately, there are shitty people in this world, sometimes we have the displeasure of bumping into them. But this ends up being a learning experience in our lives. We have to think this way.- Riley tries to calm me down.

- You only say that because you're my friend. The teacher was better than me, for sure.

- You're a fucking woman, Madison Parker! - Charlie shouts into the phone. - Miles didn't see that in you, he didn't give you the value you deserved. He's not worth a single tear you shed.

- He ruined my self-esteem, Charlie. - My voice breaks a little, and I dry some tears with the back of my hands. .- I try to appear strong, I try to pretend that I don't mind, but it's difficult. There comes a time when you run out.

- Madison, listen to me, calm down, okay? I understand you completely, I know this hurts. But please, don't let this get you down, we know how much you suffered last month, we don't want to see you like that. - The brunette says a little muffled.

Deep breath . My breakup with Miles was very painful for me. I didn't go to college for two weeks, locked in my room and my mother had to bring my food to my room.

During this time I had support from my mother, Liz and my friends. They were the ones who helped me realize that I was ending myself because of a boy who wasn't worth it.

- I hate having to relive that, it was inevitable not to think about it.- I say after a while in silence.

-Do you want us to come by? We go to the market, buy candy and do an Outer Banks marathon.- Charlie asks.

-I love you very much, but for now I want to be alone.

- It's okay, anything just call us!

- Just try not to think about it anymore, okay? You are too beautiful, and too incredible to fit into the small world of certain people! - I smile at Riley's speech.

- Thank you girls! - I sincerely thank them

- We love you! - they say at the same time, and we hang up the call.

I stare at the bedroom ceiling for a moment. My friends are right, I'm too incredible to cry for male.

I get out of bed and head towards the bathroom. I take a long shower and wash my hair. When I leave, Liz is already at home watching television. Her friend's mother always brings her, and she always arrives after me.

- Hi brat! - I kiss her head and go to the kitchen to prepare something for me to eat.

After eating bread with peanut butter and jelly, I hear the living room door open and my mother's voice fills the room, along with another stranger.

- Thanks for the ride, Will. - my mother smiles at a guy at the door.

- No problem, Eva. - Will returns the smile. - See you tomorrow at work?

- Of course! - she responds and the two say goodbye.

Ms. Eva Parker closes the door with a smile on her face, and I know exactly what it means.

- You're dating, huh? - She jumps in fright at my voice.

- Jesus, Madison, you scared me! - She puts her hand on her chest. - And no, Will and I are co-workers.

-He brought you to the door of the house, mom.- I smile.
- My car wasn't starting, so he offered to give me a ride. - she responds.

-I know....- I say laughing.

-Stop being silly, girl!- She pushes me lightly and goes to the kitchen.

- He seems to like you, you should give him a chance. - I advise.

After the separation, she no longer got involved with anyone, she decided to give all that time to me and Liz. But I think for once she should think a little about her happiness too.

- Don't make it up, Madison. Now help me with dinner!

I enter the kitchen and stop next to her making her look at me.

-What happened?- she asks.

- I'm serious, mom. All these years you put me and Liz above everything, and then work too. I love you for everything you did for us, but at least once in your life think only of yourself!

- I don't know, Madison. - she shakes her head. - I'll think about it.

I give a smile.

- Now take that packet of pasta for me.- she orders and I do so.

