001 - The Party -

madison parker

The party in celebration of the title that the university football team had won was already happening for about an hour , and I wanted to leave. I like parties, but when your friends leave you to be with some guy, it's fucking.

I face my glass of energy almost empty. I promised myself not to take a drop of alcohol today, reason tomorrow have class and go to college hangover does not give.

But the point is, the university students are kind of crazy, party on Tuesday.
They really don't have the right days to schedule a party.

I get up from the small bench that was sitting, and go to the kitchen, in order to get some water. The fridge is full of tequila, vodka and other unknown drinks.
I reach out to get the last bottle of water, but someone comes before me.

- Oops, my bad, Parker. I got it first. - Jamal smiles at me and I roll my eyes.

Jamal is the captain of the college football team , and dates - or dated - the girl ,so named by herself, the most popular in college. But actually, I think Audrey has a lot of self-love anyway.

- I saw her first ,give me ! - I extend my hand, but the idiot opens the bottle , leads to his lip , taking a sip.

- Oh, I'm sorry, did you want to ? - he asks cynical and I squint.

- Shouldn't you be drunk somewhere in this house?

- I have practice tomorrow in the morning, sweetie . No alcohol today.

- Don't call me sweetie . - mumble.

- Or what? You gonna kick Jamal Junior again?

- Jamal Junior ? My God, you're disgusting . And that was with my knee - he rolls his eyes - and you deserved it .

- I was just sincere !

- You said I had beautiful breasts, you idiot.

I've known Jamal since elementary school, and I can say we never got along. When we talk-which is rare - we always exchange barbs with each other.

- Miles didn't appreciate you.

- Don't talk about him!

- Are you still sensitive, sweetie? - He laughs.

- I don't, but you tell me. I heard Audrey dumped you.

- No. People distort the facts a lot . I broke up with her . - he says .

- She betrayed you, didn't she ? I always knew that private lessons every Wednesday and Friday were not just classes - I shrug my shoulders.

- Sure, just like you always knew that Miles would cheat on you with a teacher ? - Jamal arches his brow and I roll my eyes.

- But , and so, what is Bayern's next game ? - I ask in order to make a point. I hate Jamal, but when you're alone at a party, you have to appeal to whatever comes.

He made a strange face, but soon he starts babbling about his team, and how good he is. Over his shoulders, I see the person who I tried to run away all week. Since we broke up, Miles is trying to talk to me, he has even gone to my house , but luckily I pretended that there was no one and he ended up leaving. I thank God that every day we don't have any classes together , which only facilitates my "escape" .

When his eyes fall on me, and he starts coming towards me, and I ice instantly.

Holy shit.

- Jamal , kiss me . - I say , and she stops talking on the spot.

- What? -he laughs , but he gets serious when he sees that I'm not loosing funny. - I'm sorry, sweetie. But you're not my type....

I roll my eyes and pull him down the back of the neck, joining our mouths. Jamal looks a little scared at first, but in soon reciprocate. He asks for passage with his tongue and I early. His hands slip to my waist, while I fix his nape with my nails, making him shiver.

We ended the kiss panting and I looked over his shoulder, realizing that Miles was no longer there.

-That was just a...

- Thank you, I have to go. Bye ! - I say fast and running away. Jamal gets confused expression on his face, but I dare not say anything, I must be thinking I'm crazy, well, maybe I am. I kissed the boy I hate, to throw off my insistent ex-boyfriend.

Okay. That was exciting.

