20. - Embarrassing Situation -

jamal musiala

I just couldn't stop staring at her. I was in complete hypnosis. His brunette hair was thrown messily across his face. The mouth slightly open. The early sun hitting her face, illuminating it. Madison looked like a fucking angel wrapped in the sheets of my bed.

I wanted to wake her up with kisses on her face, but I don't know if that would be right. We don't really date, despite our attitudes showing otherwise.

We are closer than ever. There are no more fights or irritations. It's fun to spend time with Madison. It seems that things are lighter and calmer with her. It is synonymous with calm. Even in moments of anger he looks like a little pinscher.

- Stop doing this!

I am awakened from my thoughts by the voice of the girl who has just woken up. Her brown eyes analyze me, and she frowns slightly.

- This what?

- Staring at me like a crazy person. Is weird. - She gets up, passing her hand over her face. -What time is it?

-Seven in the morning.

Madison jumps up from the bed, running straight to the bathroom.

- We still have an hour! - I shout to calm her down.

- I forgot, damn it! I need to get to college early, I agreed with Mrs. Furry that I would help decorate for the Halloween party.

She appears back in the room, her eyes wide with despair. I can't help but notice how beautiful she looks wearing my clothes. Last night, Madison wore a sequined dress that would hurt her entire body if she slept in it. So here she is, wearing one of my button-down shirts and a pair of lightweight shorts.

- Jamal, stop it! - She crosses her arms, looking at me seriously.

- I'm not doing anything. - I raise my hands in a sign of surrender, but I can't help but smile.

- You keep looking at me like that... Making me embarrassed...

She blushes. So cute.

- Um... So, does that mean I embarrass you? - I smile, amused by his poor attempt at being angry.

Parker huffs, heading back to the bathroom. I hear some mumbling, and Madison lets out a whimper.

-Why does it have so many buttons!? - she complains, impatiently.

Soon the girl leaves the room, with one of her shirt buttons tangled in her hair. She almost trips on the way because the piece of clothing is blocking her view. Her belly appears a little, revealing her navel piercing.

Holy shit.

This girl is full of surprises.

I approach the girl, starting to unbutton the buttons to make it easier to take off.

- Children, you're already awake- The door is abruptly opened by my mother, who looks at us without reacting.

But it's obvious. Me unbuttoning (my) Madison's shirt, while the girl has half of her belly showing. And to make matters worse, I'm also shirtless.

-Hey! That's not what you're thinking at all... - Madison speaks the words in a rush, stuttering over them all.

-I, uh... breakfast is on the table! - My mother says and quickly leaves the room, then closing the door. But not before giving me an apologetic look.

-What an embarrassing situation! - Madison whimpers under her shirt. -Hurry up with it, Jamal! Now I need to go down and apologize to your mother. Otherwise she will think I'm clueless, thinking I did inappropriate things with her son, in his room, in her house, and while she was here!

I laugh at his desperation and finally manage to unbutton the entire shirt.

But, shit. It is a mistake.

-Your bra is shiny, right?

The girl glares at me, and she runs into the bathroom again, but first grabs her dress from last night.

- That never happened, Jamal! Nobody needs to know about this! - she says, leaving the bathroom now properly dressed in her own clothes.

- If it never happened, then there's nothing for me to say. -she smiles innocently, amused by his haste.

- Let's go. And please, make sure you put on a shirt!

- Oh, really? Just because I don't have a killer piercing?

She throws a pillow in my face.

-Stupid boy.
