
twenty-six. we can chase all the stars and see where they lead us

"Welcome," Elijah said. "Thank you for joining us this evening. You know, whenever my mother brings our family together like this, it's tradition for us to commence the evening with a dance." Esther joined you on the stairs. "Tonight's pick is a centuries-old waltz, so if all of you could please find yourselves a partner, please join us in the ballroom."

"Shall we show them how it's done, love?" Klaus held his hand out to you.

You put your hand in his and let him lead you down the stairs to the ballroom as other couples began to join you. You saw Caroline standing with Kol, looking slightly nervous, next to Damon and Elena. Elena looked aggravated as she kept looking towards the stairs. Where Esther had disappeared.

Klaus put his hand on your waist, drawing you close. "I don't like your attention drifting elsewhere," he said softly.

"Sorry," you said automatically, looking back at him with concern in your face.

"What is it?" He asked as the music started. He started twirling you around.

"I think something's going on," you whispered in his ear as he pulled you close.

He tensed. "Is it my mother?"

"I don't know," you said. "But I'll find out."

He nodded as he pushed you away and pulled you in again before spinning you. You had always loved this waltz, especially with Niklaus. He had a way of maneuvering you that you found incredibly sexy. It was still affecting you now, despite your estrangement. "I know I said this before, but you do look beautiful," he said.

"Thank you," you said as you continued the waltz.

"Your dress reminds me of when we were in France," he said, his eyes roaming down your body. "When we danced with kings and queens, and you held the whole room captivated with your beauty."

You knew what he was talking about. It was shortly after you had become a vampire, after you had finally gained control of yourself. It had been the first time you'd been able to be part of civilization again without fearing you'd rip everyone's heads off. You and Klaus were still in your honeymoon phase, unable to keep your hands off of each other. Being a vampire had...intensified the passion you felt for each other. When you felt his hand on your waist even now, you could feel the effect of it.

"I'm surprised you remember that given how distracted you were by Aurora," you said, trying to focus on anything else but the feeling of his touch.

He smirked. "Are you still jealous of her, love?"

You scoffed. "I was never jealous of that psycho."

"It was centuries ago and she was just a means to an end. I never touched her, nor did I want to. You are the only one who's ever had my heart," he said, not believing you.

You went silent as he spun you around again. You remembered how angry you'd gotten, watching her throw herself at Klaus. He never did anything to encourage her but he never discouraged her either. You'd been even angrier when Rebekah turned her. It had caused a lot of tension and fighting amongst you, everyone taking sides. It only ended when Elijah finally stepped in and compelled Aurora to leave. It was the first time you all realized they could compel the vampires they turned. You wondered what your life would have been now if they had never discovered that little ability, if Aurora had never existed to cause such strife in the Mikaelson household that Elijah had to step in. You thought perhaps, you would have had a million dances just like this with Klaus in the last hundred years.

"I will see you again soon, my love," he said.

He spun you away and so lost in your thoughts, you landed in Damon's arms, tripping just slightly. He smirked at you. "I knew you'd eventually fall for me, Y/N."

"In your dreams, Damon," you rolled your eyes as you spun around.

"Hm, I think I'm not blonde enough for your dreams though," he smirked.

"Shut up," you glared at him as you continued to dance.

He chuckled. "I'm just kidding, relax, Y/N. Enjoy the party and our renewed best friendship."

"I said maybe," you reminded him.

"Yeah right, just admit it, you can't resist my charm," he said.

"I'm a vampire, Damon," you said. "My immune system is pretty strong against such illnesses." He rolled his eyes at you as he spun you. "Is Elena up to something with Esther?"

For just a moment, you saw his smile tighten before he relaxed his face again. It was so quick, if you didn't have vampire senses, you would have missed it. "No, of course not," Damon said.

"Would you tell me if she was?"

He was quiet for a moment. "I want to be your friend again, Y/N, and I apologized for putting you in the middle of trying to kill Klaus. But truth? No, I wouldn't. You're my best friend but we're not on the same team anymore."

You nodded, knowing he was right. Even now, if it hurt Niklaus or another of your family, you would stand between them and Damon.

He looked at you sadly before you were spun away from him, straight into Elijah's arms. You tensed ever so slightly. He sighed as you began dancing with him. "I'm curious, Y/N," he said finally. "You seem to have forgiven Rebekah for her transgressions and yet you still remain upset with me."

"You broke my neck again," you said simply. "Twice in one night."

"I am sorry about that," he said, spinning you. "I didn't want you to have to stand between your family and your love."

"You always have an excuse, Elijah," you rolled your eyes. "But you don't see that your actions are just as hurtful as his. You took my choice away as easily as he did with no regard to what I wanted. He sent me away so I would not die at Mikael's hands. In claiming to save me from pain, you almost did the one thing that would cause my heart to break beyond repair."

He looked at you with regret in his eyes as you continued the dance with him in silence until you changed partners again, this time coming face to face with Kol. "You look like you could use a drink," he said.

"I could use four," you agreed.

"I take it you're enjoying your dalliances with all the finest men Mystic Falls has to offer then?" he smirked.

You rolled your eyes as he spun you around. "Sometimes, I wish I was also an Original, just so I could hit you hard enough for it to hurt," you said.

"You wound me, Y/N," Kol said. "I was merely being supportive."

"Maybe be less supportive then," you suggested.

"Which of my brothers do I have to fight?" He asked. "Or perhaps it is the Salvatore brother?"

"You sound way too excited at that prospect," you laughed.

"You know me so well," he smirked before his expression tightened. "You and my brother seem to be getting on well again."

"Finn and I were always friendly," you said, knowing that wasn't who he meant.

He rolled his eyes at you. "You know he hasn't changed. Not really," he said.

"It's none of your business, Kol," you bristled.

"I'm just trying to look out for you," he said. "I can see you softening to his advances."

"Why does everyone seem to think I can't take care of myself?" you glared at him.

"He doesn't deserve you," Kol said quietly.

You tensed, your eyes cold as they met him. "I'm not an idiot, Kol. I know very well who Niklaus is. Contrary to what you all seem to think, what I decide to do with my life is my choice. I'm so tired of you Mikaelsons and Salvatores and everyone else taking that away from me."

"Y/N," he sighed.

But you ignored him as you were switched again and found yourself back in Klaus' arms just as the music finished. "Hello, love," he said, stepping close to you. He looked at you curiously and with slight regret. You were sure he had heard your conversations with your other dance partners, but you didn't want to talk about it.

His fingers grazing the back of yours, as if tempting to you to hold his hand but you pulled your hand away. "I need some air," you said, turning and walking to the door.

You stepped outside onto the back patio into the chilly night. The decorators had hung lights around, twinkling in the darkness and casting a beautiful glow on the fountain. The whole patio reminded you of something, like a dream. But you couldn't quite place it.

"There you are," Klaus walked out, joining you on the patio. "I thought you had run away when the clock struck twelve."

"I told you, I needed some air," you said, wrapping your arms around yourself.

He stood quietly for a moment beside you. "Do you like it? I built it for you." You looked at him questioningly. "The patio. It's exactly like the one you commissioned in our home in New Orleans."

You looked around, realizing why it felt so familiar. The fountain, the stone, the garden. It was almost exactly the same. "I can't believe I didn't recognize it," you said softly. You had spent a lot of time in the courtyard of your home in New Orleans. You would sit there for hours with your son, listening to him read aloud everything he could once you taught him.

"So much has happened since we left our home there," he said. Yes, it felt like a different life, the peace you had felt in New Orleans, before everything erupted.

"Do you think it's still there?" you asked.

Despite your aggravation, you could still admit that Kol was right. You were already softening to Niklaus, you knew it as well as anyone. Despite your resolve, despite your own convictions, your heart was thawing. Every touch, every word. Even when you knew you shouldn't fall for it. But Niklaus held your heart. He had for a thousand years, and you had never gotten it back. Even when you didn't remember him, he still owned it.

"We could go see," he suggested. "Once this business with my mother and siblings is all settled, we could go."

"You would leave Mystic Falls?" Your eyes widened in shock. "Even with the doppelgänger here?"

"I have enough of her blood to create hybrids, and she could also make another...donation should the need arise," he shrugged. Of course. Why did you even for a second believe he'd ever give her up? "Besides, New Orleans has an abundance of werewolves. We could take our home back, and live with an army protecting us. We wouldn't have to worry about Mikael ruining it again."

"Wrong answer," you said softly, turning to walk back in.

"Y/N," he grabbed your arm, stopping you. "I just want to keep you safe. Is that so wrong?"

"Please," you scoffed, pulling your arm away. "You're not making an army of hybrids for me. I'm not a fool, Niklaus. You're doing it for your own ego. The king of the hill with an army no one would dare challenge."

"Why shouldn't I be king?" He asked. "You used to enjoy being my queen."

"I used to enjoy a lot of things," you said softly before sighing and turning to look at him. "Thank you, Niklaus."

"For what?"

"For reminding me why I have to walk away from you," you said, before turning and walking back into the house.

• • •

You were walking by the library when you heard it. A neck being broken. You knew if it was one of the Mikaelsons, there would be hell to pay when Elijah found out they had broken Esther's rules. You were surprised when you opened the door and saw Stefan and Elena with a dead Damon on the floor.

"What's going on?" you asked suspiciously.

"Nothing," Elena said quickly.

You looked at her pointedly before turning to Stefan. "Why is your brother dead on the floor?"

"He...fell," Stefan looked away.

"I don't have time for this," Elena tried to walk past you but you sped in front of her.

"You're going to see Esther, aren't you?" you asked.

"What?" She looked at you in shock. "How did you..."

"Know? I didn't, I suspected," you said, crossing your arms and sighing. "Look, I know we're no longer friends and there's a lot of shit between us what with you trying to kill me and all."

"I didn't try to kill you," she said quickly.

"No you were just going to let Mikael do your dirty work," you corrected. "But that's neither here nor there at the moment, Elena. I'm just warning you, you can't trust her."

"Why not? She wants to keep the peace right?" Stefan asked.

You looked over at him. "So she says. But Esther forgave Klaus for killing her, and something just doesn't seem right." You looked back at Elena. " careful. Your only experience with witches is Bonnie and she's your best friend. But witches can be...tricky."

"She just wanted to talk," Elena said. "I don't think she's gonna do anything to me."

"Just be careful," you said. You had warned her. Whether she took your advice or not was up to her.

She looked at you. "Y/N, I'm sorry about Mikael. I didn't think he would..."

"Yes you did," you cut her off. "But I get it. You don't care who you have to sacrifice as long as your family is okay."

"That's not what I was doing," she insisted.

"Whatever," you said. "But let me be clear. If you do something to hurt my family, I will have no problem taking a page out of your playbook." You stepped aside. Elena and Stefan exchanged a look before she left.

"You know she was just trying to kill Klaus. It wasn't personal," Stefan said quietly and you looked over at him.

"Funny, that's exactly what Mikael said," you laughed. "It wasn't personal that he chased me around the world trying to kill me to torture his son. He was cruel. What does that say about your girlfriend?"

"She's not my girlfriend," he said. "And she's nothing like Mikael. Unlike Klaus. He's done cruel things to you."

"So have you," you said, leaning back against the wall. "You're so eager to paint him with this villain brush, but you are literally the Ripper of Monterey. What right do you have to judge him?"

"I'm not proud of my past but I'm trying to be better," Stefan defended.

"And if he did the same?" you raised an eyebrow. "Would you give him the same grace that Elena and company have given you? Would you let go of this grudge and live in peace?"

Stefan's jaw tensed as he looked away and you had your answer. He would never let it go. "When did he stop being the villain in your story, Y/N?" he asked after a moment, his eyes meeting yours.


"All summer, I watched you push him away," Stefan said. "You were adamant you would never go back to him. I understand you not wanting to take part in killing him, given your history. But I never thought you'd run back to him after what he did to you."

"I haven't run back to him," you said.

"No? You looked pretty cozy up there on that staircase," Stefan said. "Damon seems to think Klaus will do something to you again and you'll come running back. But you put up with him for 900 years. Now that you're all uh starry eyed again about him, I think you'll be more than happy to overlook everything else again."

Your eyes flashed at him. He wasn't wrong. You weren't ignorant to the cruelty Niklaus had exhibited over the centuries, but Stefan didn't know Niklaus like you did. When they met in Chicago, he met the broken man. But you knew how deep those cuts ran in the hybrid. You had been there through each and every one. Perhaps Stefan was right, just like Kol had been. Your heart was softening towards him, despite your mind knowing it was dangerous. But you couldn't help it. A thousand years of history was a long time to forget.

"For the sake of Lexi and the friendship you and I built over the summer, I'm going to let that go," you said. "But I'm warning you, Stefan. Whatever Elena is planing to do with Esther is going to blow up in your faces. They've been doing this for a thousand years. They will always beat you in the end." You looked down at Damon who was starting to stir as he came back to life. "Don't get blood in the carpet."

You walked out, letting your words sink in.

• • •

You were tired of the games that had been played during this ball. You just wanted to retire to isolation and wait for this endless night to finally be over. You were walking down the hall to find somewhere to hide for the rest of the ball before you could go back to your room. You walked into what you thought was Klaus' study. He was still at the ball, you thought. You were glad for the moment alone.

You walked slowly along the wall, admiring the paintings on the wall. Some of them you knew. You had been there when he painted them. Others seemed newer, some of places you recognized and others not. You had always enjoyed watching Klaus paint, the passion he felt for it, the ability to transcend the darkness of your lives for something so light and beautiful left you in awe.

You suddenly stopped in front of a particular painting. You'd never seen it before, and yet, you knew it. You could hear the sounds of crickets in the distance. You could feel the light breeze rustling the petals and the soft grass on your skin. You could smell the different aromas from the flowers mixing together in a delectable and calming way. When you remembered the good times of being human, it was there, exactly there.

You had stood in that very spot so many times, twisting the stems of the flowers together to make crowns. "Do you remember the last time we were there?" Klaus said from behind you. You hadn't heard him come in.

"It was before we left for Europe," you said quietly, not turning as your eyes were transfixed on the meadow. There was a faceless couple there, a girl placing a beautiful flower crown on the boy's head. "After I finally regained control after my transformation."

He stepped closer to your back, though not quite touching you. You could feel his hot breath on the nape of your neck. "You told me you would love me in this life and the next," he said, his voice low. "I promised myself I'd move heaven and earth to ensure you'd live to keep that promise."

You turned your head slightly, your eyes meeting his. He was smiling at you. "I didn't break that promise, Niklaus," you said softly.

"I know," he said. He put his hands on your waist, leaning forward to press himself against your back.

"When did you paint this one?" You asked, letting yourself revel in his touch as you turned back to look at the painting, resting your head back on his chest.

"When I came to Mystic Falls and saw you again," he said, his thumbs gently rubbing into your hips. "I went to the spot where that meadow was. It's mostly a field now, but I still felt it."

"Felt what?" You turned in his arms to face him. He kept his hands on your waist as you looked up at him.

"The peace only you can bring," he said.

"Klaus," you sighed. You felt his words down your very spine. You had missed this, these quiet moments between you, more than you would ever admit. But it was hard to let your mind agree with what your heart felt.

"I know," he said. "Kol was right. I don't deserve you. I've done things to hurt you, things I promised both you and myself I would never do. But I will spend the rest of eternity ensuring you still want to keep that promise." He cupped your jaw, his thumb grazing your cheek.

Your heart ached as he stood before you, the same Niklaus he had always been with you. The boy who let you put flower crowns on him just to see you smile and promised you the world. The man who was ruthless to the world and yet gentle with you. The man who had captured your heart long before you even knew what that meant.

Your heart and your mind had been at war with each other since the day you came back to this land, but you saw now it was a losing battle. Your heart would always win. Because your heart belonged to Niklaus, and he always got what he wanted.

"Kiss me," you said softly.

"What?" He looked at you in shock. You knew he didn't really expect his words to sway you. He wasn't saying them to appease you. He wanted you to know how he felt, like a secret he carried only you could know. Like the many nights you would lay wrapped up with him in bed, in the dark of the night, as he told you all the things he needed to hide from the rest of the world in the light.

"Kiss me," you said again. "Before I change my..."

He cut you off as his lips met yours. You gasped as he pulled you closer, pressing tightly against you, one hand around your waist, the other cupping the back of your head as he took everything he could. A surge of warmth flooded through you, igniting every inch of your being. In that moment, nothing else mattered. It was just him and you, as it had been for centuries. The pain of the past, the schism that had grown between you was just a memory as you lost yourself in the intensity of his lips. His touch was electric as he deepened the kiss, his tongue pushing into your mouth and exploring everything he could. It sent shivers down your spine, the desire and longing you had felt for this man since you were human reigniting in your bones, consuming you. You had forgotten what this felt like, really felt like. Your memories had not done it justice.

There was a knock on the door, and you tried to jump back but Klaus held you in place, his lips still moving against yours, regaining all of your attention. The knock came again a few moments later, more insistent.

He sighed and pulled away, though his arms held you to him still. "What is it?"

"It's time for the toast," Elijah said. "Mother is insisting we all be present, a show of solidarity to our new neighbors."

"I'll be there in a moment," Klaus said, his thumb grazing your bottom lip as he still held your gaze.

"Have you seen Y/N?" Elijah continued. "We can't seem to find her."

"I'm sure she's around here somewhere. In fact, I'd say she is..." You quickly covered his mouth with your hand, your eyes wide.

"I see," Elijah said after an awkward moment. "Y/N, if I may speak with you after the toast please?"

You blushed, removing your hand from Klaus' mouth. "Yeah, okay," you said.

You waited until you heard his receding steps before smacking Klaus on the chest. "You didn't have to do that," you said.

"Am I to be your dirty little secret, love?" He smirked, bringing his hand to wipe at your mouth. "You should probably fix your lipstick before we go out there then."

You pushed him away, rolling your eyes.

• • •

"Where have you been?" Caroline said anxiously as you and Klaus rejoined the party. "I was looking for you everywhere."

"Um," you said.

"Hello, Caroline," Klaus smirked, putting his hand on your lower back. "You are looking well recovered. That's a beautiful dress."

"Ew, why are you even talking to us?" she glared at him but his smirk grew. She suddenly started looking between you, her eyes widening. "Oh my God!"

You shrank in your spot. Thankfully you were saved from answering as a waiter offered you glasses of champagne.

"Good evening, ladies and gentlemen," Esther said from the top of the stairs. "Waiters are coming round with champagne. I invite you all to join me in raising a glass. It provides me with no greater joy than to see my family back together as one. I'd like to thank you all for being part of this spectacular evening. Cheers!"

"Cheers, love. I have a lot to celebrate tonight," Klaus whispered in your ear before taking a sip. You blushed slightly before taking a sip of your own.

"That's disgusting," Caroline said, having heard him.

You met Elijah's eyes across the room. He was standing next to Elena, and he gestured for you to meet him. You sighed and looked over at Caroline. "I'm sorry to abandon you again. I'll be right back."

"I'll keep her company," Klaus said. "I'm sure we will have an...entertaining conversation."

"Don't torture my friend," you glared at him before looking at Caroline apologetically. She sighed and nodded at you and you walked away, following Elijah into the hallway.

You crossed your arms and glared at him. "What do you want?"

"You and Niklaus have...resumed relations then?" Elijah asked slowly.

"It's none of your business," you said. "I'm still mad at you so tell me what you want or I'm going back in."

He sighed. "Very well. Y/N, I know you are still angry at me, and I understand your ire. But I believe my mother is not as...forgiving as she claims to be."

Your arms fell to your side as you quickly looked around, making sure no one was around to hear you. You knew Elijah was the most cautious of his siblings. He had often been the one to stop Niklaus and Kol from their more...colorful exploits. If he had seen it, you knew your suspicions were right. "Me too," you said softly.

"Elena had an audience with my mother and she said my mother only wanted to apologize for having tried to kill her," Elijah said. "But I fear she is not being truthful with me."

"Really, Elijah, a doppelgänger being a lying snake?" You rolled your eyes. "Whoever would have guessed?"

"I know you are still angry they allowed Mikael to compel you, but I believe Elena is different from Katherine," Elijah said. You scoffed and he sighed. "Y/N, look, I know you are angry with me. I know I have hurt you deeply. But I need your help. I don't know what my mother is conspiring with Elena, but I must protect our family. You care for them too. I know you do. Can you please put aside your anger to help me?"

"Fine," you said. "What do you need me to do?"

"I believe Damon Salvatore has extended you a white flag?" He asked and you nodded. "Take it."

"You want me to use him?" you looked at him, both surprised and unsurprised. Elijah was morally superior to the rest of you. But he would do anything to protect his family.

"I simply want you to accept the hand of friendship," he said. "The Salvatores are rather impulsive but I believe if he accepts you back into the fold, we can at least get a hint of what they're planning."

You nodded. You were hesitant to agree, mainly because despite what Damon had done, you weren't sure you could use him the way Elijah wanted. You had told him once you were stronger than him and Klaus because your loyalty did not waver the way he thought it should. What would it say about you to do this?

But at the same time, your family was under attack. You weren't sure how deep the betrayal ran, but the force was coming from both inside and out. You couldn't risk anything happening to them. And as you had between Klaus and his siblings, you would stand between them and whatever came at them. Better you than them.

You were pulled out of your thoughts as you heard something outside. You and Elijah exchanged looks before going to see what was going on. You stepped outside, and groaned, seeing Kol dead on the floor, his neck broken. Stefan and Damon were glaring at each other.

"Maybe a little," Damon said before looking at Elena. "Far be it from me to cause a problem."

"You're an idiot," you rolled your eyes.

"Perhaps it is time for the evening to come to and end," Elijah said. "Y/N, if you could please take my brother inside."

You nodded and walked over, glaring at Damon as you passed. "Great start to this rekindled friendship, Damon," you said before picking up Kol.

"Your BFF started it," Damon scoffed. You knew it was probably a mix of Kol and Damon's fault, knowing how they were. It was why you were so drawn to Damon in the first place. They were too similar.

"Yeah well he's an idiot too," you said, speeding away to his room. You put him on his bed and sighed. "Fear of his mother will only keep him at bay so long, Kol."

You closed the door behind you and walked to your room. You were ready for the night to be over. You stepped out of your shoes and tried to unzip your dress.

"Need a hand, love?" Klaus asked, walking in.

You tensed, the feeling of his lips still lingering on yours. You weren't ready to address whatever had happened in his study. It had been a moment of weakness, lost in another more peaceful time as you were. Klaus' eyes watched your face as you nodded, letting him step behind you to unzip the dress.

You felt goosebumps along your spine as his slowly drew the zipper down, an electric charge between you. You had had a million moments like this between you in the last thousand years, but you couldn't help how it made you feel like a bumbling teen at this moment.

He was silent as he finished unzipping you, leaning in to gently kiss your neck. "I know you're not ready yet, love," he said, reading your mind as always. "I will wait for you to fully let me in. I want you to be sure you can take this step with me again."

He turned you in his arms, his eyes blazing on yours. "Because when you do, I will never let you go again."

His thumb grazed your bottom lip, as if binding his promise into your skin. And then he was gone, leaving you alone in your room, staring blankly in a daze.

• • •

We finally got a kiss! I hope you liked it. Thanks so much for reading! I'm so excited for them to move forward. As I've been writing I realized there's probably gonna be smut just fyi lol it just kind of goes there ya know? Anyways! Let me know what you thought thanks!
