
fourteen. i'd burn this world down for you

Klaus and Stefan soon joined you at the bar. Gloria walked over and placed two beers in front of them.

"Where's Rebekah?" she asked.

"She'll be here," Klaus said, taking a sip of his beer. "I can't just conjure her on demand."

Gloria rolled her eyes and walked away. You took a sip of your drink. "Did you guys have fun walking down Ripper Lane?"

Stefan grimaced, staring at his beer.

"It was certainly enlightening," Klaus smirked. "And what have you been doing?"

"Well, let's see, I'm in a bar and there's a glass of single malt scotch in front of me," you rolled your eyes. "I wonder what I could have been doing."

"Drop the attitude, Y/N," he growled. "Don't think I've forgotten about the ring."

You flinched slightly. You had been waiting for his anger. "I didn't expect you would," you said as nonchalantly as possible.

He looked around the bar before his eyes settled on you. "We will discuss it when we are alone," he seethed before looking at Stefan. "What's with you? I thought Chicago was your playground."

"So this is why you asked me to be your wingman? Because you liked the way that I tortured innocent people?"

"Well, that's certainly half of it," Klaus said.

"What's the other half?"

Klaus grabbed three shot glasses and poured out three drinks. "The other half, Stefan, is that you used to want to be my wingman." He slide the two shot glasses towards you and Stefan. "I admit, I was not in a good place at the time. I had just lost my love, but you were a friend to me, as I was to you."

He clinked his glass with Stefan's as you scoffed. Lost his love? Was that a synonym for compelled her and abandoned her?

"To friendship," he said before clinking it against yours. "And to love."

"So I'm confused," Stefan, like you, left his glass untouched. "If we were such great friends, then why do I only know you as the hybrid dick who sacrificed my girlfriend on an altar of fire? Huh?"

"All good things must come to an end," Klaus said. "I'm afraid it was time for Rebekah and I to move on. Better to have a clean slate."

You bristled at his words. You wondered if he was deliberately being cruel to punish you for giving away the ring. But you weren't going to take it. You hadn't been the one to betray him, not like he had you. He threw you away and he'd have to live with the consequences.

"He compelled you to forget, Stefan," you said coldly. "It's a classic trait of his. Can't be bogged down with weakness. Dagger his siblings, compel the rest of us. Clean slate, right?"

Stefan looked between the two of you. "Before you two start fighting again," he rolled his eyes. "You compelled me. But why? You shouldn't have to cover your tracks...unless you are running from someone."

Your eyes met Klaus' and you knew. Mikael must have found them again. You smirked slightly. Even after he got rid of you, he couldn't outrun Mikael. You clearly weren't the weight dragging him down.

"Storytime's over," Klaus said, pouring another shot.

Stefan was quiet for a moment, his eyes searching the room. Suddenly he stood. "I need an another drink. A real one," he said. "Plus I have a feeling the fighting's going to start again and I'd rather not be here for that so."

Klaus watched him walk away before turning back to you. You were still smirking at him. "Something you want to share with the class, love?"

"It was Mikael, wasn't it?" you asked. "You threw me away so he wouldn't find you, and yet, he found you anyway. That's why you had to end your little bromance with Stefan."

He looked at you in silence for a moment. He had an odd look on his face. You thought he would get angry at your taunts, but he looked more...regretful, if you had to choose a name for it.

"What?" you asked, feeling a tad subconscious as he continued to stare at you, his piercing gaze making you feel like he was staring into your soul. "No clever comeback? No 'of course he wouldn't catch me, love, I'm the Klaus Mikaelson, no 'I'm going to make you regret that comment by choking you again'?"

You hadn't forgotten the other night, when he'd actually hurt you physically. Klaus had broken your soul and mind decades ago, but in a thousand years, he had never physically harmed you. You were the one person you felt was exempt from that side of him. But he had proven you wrong, again.

His face definitely turned regretful as his gaze flickered to your neck for a brief moment. "I am now realizing I made a mistake," he said finally, his voice barely a whisper. If you weren't a vampire, you wouldn't have heard him. But you did, and you looked at him in shock for a moment before schooling your features. This had to be a trick. He was just trying to lull you into a false sense of security, trying to weasel his way back into your good graces.

"What? You realized you should have left me back in Mystic Falls?" you scoffed.

"You think I sent you away because you were my weakness," he said matter of factly, ignoring your comment.

You rolled your eyes. What game was he playing? "I don't think, I know. I was there too, Niklaus. And despite what you wanted, I have my memories back now. I remember that night more clearly than any dream you could send me."

He looked at you sadly. "My beautiful and silly girl," he said softly. "You have always been my greatest weakness, but that's not why I sent you away."

You looked at him in confusion. Because you knew that tone. You knew every tone Klaus had. You knew when he was lying, when he was scared, when he was happy. Even when he tried to hide it behind his false bravado. You knew when he was telling the truth. You'd heard each and every side of him so many times. You knew him better than anyone, even Elijah. And that was why you knew without a doubt that he was telling the truth now.

He reached out and touched your face lightly, and in your shock, you let him. "You have painted me the villain in your story and there are things that I have done that warrant that role, but not this."

"Then why?" you asked quietly.

"Well, doesn't this look cosy," Damon appeared suddenly beside you, leaning against the bar. You tensed. Whatever Damon's ridiculous plan was, you were going to have to make sure he didn't get killed. And with Damon, that was hard. He had a tendency to piss people off.

"Last call," you heard Gloria yell. "Drink 'em up!"

Klaus immediately withdrew his hand, and you felt the coldness set into your skin where his hand had been. "I see they've opened the doors to the riff-raff now," Klaus said.

"Oh honey, I've been called worse," Damon said. "Y/N. You okay?"

Klaus growled as Damon put his hand on your shoulder. "You don't give up, do you?"

"Give me Y/N and my brother back," Damon said. "You'll never have to see me again."

"Well, I am torn," Klaus said, sighing dramatically. "You see, I promised Stefan and my girl here I wouldn't let you die, but how many freebies did I really sign up for? And you clearly want to die, otherwise you wouldn't be here, so."

"What can I say?" Damon smirked. "I'm a thrill-seeker. Just ask your girl here."

"Knock it off, Damon," you said quietly.

Klaus extended his hand and grabbed his throat, lifting him off the floor.

"Klaus, stop it," you grabbed his free arm. You wouldn't physically be able to stop him from killing Damon, but you thought maybe you could appeal to him, make him understand. "He's my friend."

"Y/N tells me you saved her," Klaus said. "And for that, I will allow you one more chance. Leave. Now."

He let him go and Damon coughed as he clutched at his neck. "But I just got here. I don't think I'm quite ready to leave."

You rolled your eyes. You were going to kill him yourself.

Klaus looked over at you before picking up a toothpick from the bar. "Just remember, I tried to be nice to your friend."

He grabbed him again and stabbed him in the chest with the toothpick. "Oh dear, what was that? I'm boozey, so you'll forgive me if I miss your heart the first few tries."

He stabbed him again in the stomach and Damon grunted in pain. You sighed. Idiots, both of them. "Klaus, please. Just let him go," you pleaded.

He ignored you as he stabbed him again. "Oh, no that's not it," he said. He angled the toothpick up towards his heart. "Almost."

You rolled your eyes. You were a fool. For a moment, you had believed him. You had believed that maybe you were wrong about him. But then, once again, he showed you who he really was.

"You want a partner in crime? Forget Stefan. I'm so much more fun," Damon rasped.

Klaus pretended to think about it for a moment before grabbing him and throwing him back against a table. Damon crashed through it, landing on the ground. "You won't be as much fun when you're dead," Klaus said.

You sped in front of him as Klaus walked towards him, ripping a leg off the chair.

"No," you glared at him. "If you want to stake him, you'll have to stake me first."

"Y/N, don't," Damon groaned out.

"Shut up, Damon," you said, staring Klaus down. "I told you. He's my friend."

"I gave him a chance to leave," Klaus said.

"Yeah well, he's a moron," you rolled your eyes. You knew Klaus wouldn't actually stake you, but he would kill Damon in a heartbeat. Damon was an idiot, but you needed to make sure your idiot friend didn't die.

"Hey, I'm lying injured here," Damon said. "Maybe a little compassion."

"Shut up, Damon, you're fine," you didn't turn to look at him, your eyes still on Klaus.

"I gave him that chance for you," Klaus said.

"Oh please," you laughed. "Do you think I'm that naive? You did it for you. Because you want me to stop being angry. You want Stefan to be your BFF again. And you know neither of those things are possible if you kill him right now."

"You still think that low of me?" He asked, his voice dangerously calm.

"Why wouldn't I?" you asked. "What have you done to prove me otherwise? I told you. He saved me after you abandoned me. But you're so willing to kill him now? Why? Because he's concerned for his brother? Clearly that's not something you could understand since you don't undagger them long enough to feel anything for them or for anyone else."

His eyes hardened. "I don't feel anything for anyone?" he growled. "Tell me, Y/N, how long after your memories returned did you throw away my ring?"

"Seriously? What does that have to do with anything?" you scoffed.

"You dare to call me cruel. You accuse me of lying, of not having feelings," he said. "Spouting your woes of betrayal and you just threw it away."

"You threw it away first," you snapped at him. "Whatever your reasons, I don't care. You threw me away first. Don't you dare act like giving the ring to Gloria in payment for returning my memories to me is the same as what you did Niklaus, as what you continue to do. Regardless of your reason, you had no right to take them from me. And now you want to kill my friend? Do you really think I'll stand by and let you do it?"

You were so angry, at him, at Damon, at yourself. You had almost given in. You had almost let him weasel his way back into your heart. But you couldn't. Because whatever his reasons for sending you away were, he had promised you forever and he had broken that promise. He had decided on his own that he was better off without you, when he had always told you that you'd weather any storm that came your way together. Whatever his reasons, they weren't good enough.

"Why do I feel like this is a can of worms I shouldn't have opened?" Damon stood up behind you.

Klaus growled at him before looked at you again. "You are so set on keeping the villain in your story, then fine, I will play the role I have been given," he said before speeding passed you and grabbing Damon. He raised the stake to stab him but suddenly it bursted into flames and he dropped it in shock.

He glared at Gloria. "Really?"

"Not in my bar," she said. "Take it outside."

Damon smirked at you, but Klaus rolled his eyes and pushed him back to the ground. You breathed out in relief as Gloria winked at you discreetly.

"You don't have to negotiate your brother's freedom," Klaus said to Damon. "When I'm done with him, he won't want to go back." He looked over at you. "Say your goodbyes to your friend. I'm going to go make amends with Gloria and then we can leave."

You and Damon exchanged a look of concern. You noticed he didn't mention you wanting to stay with him, and you wondered if it was because you had finally pushed him too far or because it hadn't been far enough.

"So," Damon said. "I have to say it's definitely hot seeing you go all protective mama bear. 'If you want to kill my friend, you'll have to kill me first,'" he imitated you.

You rolled your eyes with a smirk. "Yeah well, someone has to save you from your moronic self."

"You wound me," he pouted, putting his hand to his chest dramatically.

"I'm sure," you said before looking at him. "Seriously, Damon, you need to go. I don't know how much I'll be able to rein him in."

"You seem to be handling it alright," he said.

"I think you know me better than that," you said softly. You looked over at Klaus who was talking quietly to Gloria. He didn't look like he was listening, but you couldn't be sure. "I feel bad for Stefan, he's had to listen to this all summer. I'm sure he's tired of the fighting."

"I think he'll get over Mommy and Daddy fighting," Damon said. "The other stuff though..."

You sighed, looking at him sadly. "Yeah, I know."

"I'm gonna head back to Mystic Falls tonight," he said. "Are you sure you'll be okay?"

You smiled at him. You could hear the genuine concern in his voice, and that was what you loved about Damon. He had a good heart, underneath all of that exterior. He just didn't always let himself use it. "Don't worry about me," you said. "I'm more worried about you. Try not to get bitten by any more werewolves while I'm gone."

He rolled his eyes at your joke. "A thousand years old and you never developed a sense of humor."

"I guess I won't stand between you and a stake next time," you said.

"Hey don't get pissy with me because of your psycho ex," Damon said.

"No, just because of your psycho ex, right?" you smirked.

Klaus suddenly appeared beside you again. "If you're done flirting," he rolled his eyes. "Time to go. Hopefully we won't be seeing you again."

• • •

After leaving the bar, Klaus had taken you back to the warehouse. He was quiet the whole time, looking lost in his own thoughts. You didn't want to poke that bear and restart your fight and so you enjoyed the silence.

"Wait here," he said, breaking the silence as he walked into the warehouse.

"Rebekah, it's your big brother," Klaus said. "Come out, come out, wherever you are."

Suddenly, she appeared, speeding at Klaus and stabbing him in the chest with her dagger. He gasped in pain.

"Go to Hell, Nik!" she yelled at him.

He pulled out the dagger and dropped it to the ground. She glared at him. "Don't pout, you knew it wouldn't kill me."

"Yeah, but I was hoping it would hurt more," she said.

"I understand that you're upset with me, Rebekah, so I'm going to let that go just this once. Besides, I brought you a little peace offering. You can come in now, love."

You guessed that was your cue as you stepped in. Rebekah gasped as she saw you before speeding at you and...punching you in the face. You flew back, clutching your cheek.

"Well, it seems like the time in the coffin didn't do anything to your right hook," you winced in pain.

"Now, now, play nice," Klaus said.

"How dare you show up here again?" she snapped at you. "After what you did?"

"After what I...oh right. You don't know, Elijah said you didn't," you realized she thought you left Klaus, left her.

"You've seen Elijah?" she asked. "Wait. What don't I know?"

"I know what he told you, but I didn't leave him by choice, Rebekah," you said.

Comprehension dawned on her face and she rounded on Klaus, anger on her face again. "What dastardly thing did you do, Nik?"

"Why do you assume it was something I did?" Klaus asked.

"Maybe because I know you," Rebekah rolled her eyes. "What did you do?"

"He compelled me," you said when it didn't seem like Klaus was going to answer her. "He compelled me to forget you all and leave. I wouldn't have left otherwise, Bekah. I wouldn't have left you behind."

Her eyes turned sad before she rushed at you again, this time to hug you tightly. "I should have known," she cried into your neck. You hugged her back, rubbing your hand on her back. "I'm so sorry, Y/N. I should have known you would never betray us like that. I shouldn't have believed him. And I'm sorry I punched you."

You pulled away and smiled at her. "It's okay," you said. "I was angry at you and Elijah for so long because I thought you knew and abandoned me too. But Elijah told me what he told you both and I forgive you. I'm just happy to have you back."

"He is standing in this room," Klaus rolled his eyes.

"Then leave," Rebekah snapped at him.

"Is that any way to treat your brother?" Klaus said. "If you're not nice to me, I won't give you my other gift."

"I don't want anything from you," Rebekah said.

"I'm sure you'll want this," he smirked. "Either way, too late to return it, he's finally here."

Stefan walked in, taking in the scene before him. He looked at Rebekah, though there was no recognition on his face. But Rebekah's eyes widened. You knew that look...she had feelings for him. You wondered what had happened between them in Chicago.

"Stefan," Rebekah said softly.

Klaus walked over to him, locking his gaze on Stefan's. "Now, you remember," he compelled him.

Stefan gasped as the memories flooded back to him. You looked at him sympathetically. You knew how hard it was to have memories return to you. Stefan looked over at Rebekah.

"Rebekah," Stefan breathed out. He started walking towards her.

"Stefan," Klaus stopped him. Stefan looked over at Klaus, an odd look on his face.

"I remember you," Stefan said finally. "We were friends."

Klaus smirked and clapped him on the shoulder. "We are friends," he corrected.

Stefan nodded and his gaze turned to you. "That girl you told me about, your lost love."

"Perhaps we don't need the full trip down Memory Lane," Klaus said as if he didn't want Stefan to continue that particular memory. You wondered what he was trying to hide. Klaus looked over at Rebekah. "And now, the reason you're here. Gloria tells me you know how to contact the original witch."

"The original witch?" Rebekah exchanged a look with you, and you knew why. Rebekah loved her mother more than any of them. It broke your heart that you couldn't tell her the truth of her passing. But you knew that it would break every tie she had to Klaus if you ever told her, and Rebekah, she needed Klaus as much as he needed her. Though neither of them would ever admit it. The Mikaelsons were all broken in their own way. You had seen it from the beginning. But it was their fierce love for their family that held them together. And even now, you couldn't be the one to break that for her.

"What do you have that Gloria needs?" Klaus asked.

Rebekah touched her neck but realized her necklace wasn't there. You knew where it was of course. You had recognized it as soon as you'd seen it. You'd been there when Rebekah took it off her mother's cold and dead body and wrapped it around her own neck when they buried her. A last reminder of the woman she'd loved. In the 900 years you'd been with Rebekah, you'd never seen her take it off once. It had been strange to you that Elena had it. You couldn't imagine how she could have gotten it. You knew Stefan had given it to her, and when you'd asked him about it once, he said he wasn't sure how he'd gotten it, he just had it. But now you had a feeling he had picked it up in the 20s, in Chicago.

"Where's my necklace? What did you do with it? I never take it off!" Rebekah yelled.

"I don't know. I didn't touch it," Klaus said.

"We need to find it, Nik. Now. I want it back!"

"Tell me that's not what she needs, Rebekah!" Klaus said angrily.

Rebekah ignored him and began searching her coffin for it. But you knew it wasn't there. You saw the panic on Stefan's face. He must have remembered how he'd come by Elena's necklace.

"Rebekah!" Klaus growled. "How could you lose it?"

"If someone hadn't daggered me, I wouldn't have lost it," she snapped back.

"Well then, I guess we don't need you after all," he picked up the dagger again.

"Enough!" you said, stepping naturally into your role of mediator between the two. "You are not daggering her again. We'll figure something else out. Gloria may have another way to contact the original witch."

"Y/N, ever your rescuer," Klaus smirked at his little sister.

"Go to Hell, Nik!" Rebekah said.

"So, more fighting then," Stefan added.

"Alright, change of plans," Klaus said, clapping his hands together. "Let's go see our witch."

"Not so fast," you said. He looked at you in question. You pointed at Rebekah who was still wearing a flapper dress. "It's not the 1920s anymore. She needs new clothes."

He rolled his eyes. "I think that can wait," he said even as Rebekah's eyes lit up in excitement.

"No," you looked at her dress, the gapping hole from the dagger visible in her chest. "It really can't. You daggered her for 90 years. It's the least you could do."

He sighed, giving in as Rebekah squealed.

• • •

You were looking at different garments for her to try on as Klaus and Stefan sat on a sofa, drinking champagne. Rebekah was behind the curtain trying on the dress you'd selected.

"There has to be more to this dress," Rebekah said through the curtain.

"There's not," Klaus said.

She opened the curtain and stepped out, wearing a short, black dress. "So women in the 21st century dress like prostitutes then? You know, we got dirty looks for wearing trousers. Remember, Y/N?"

"You wore trousers so women today could wear nothing," Klaus said. "Perhaps you'd like to model a few pieces, Y/N?"

"Not happening," you said, handing Rebekah another green dress. "This one will look cute on you."

"I still can't believe you and my brother aren't together, Y/N," Rebekah said as she closed the curtain again. "Actually, I can believe it. You were always too good for him."

"I can hear you, Rebekah," Klaus said as you laughed.

"Good, though I'm surprised you can hear anything over this music," she said. "What is it anyway? It sounds like a cable car crash."

"It's dance music," Stefan told her.

"People dance to this?" She asked.

"Are we done?" Klaus asked, annoyed.

"No," you said. "I told you not to come. Don't complain."

"I didn't think we'd be here for the whole bloody day," he rolled his eyes.

"Why are you so grumpy?" Rebekah asked. "You're sitting there drinking champagne. Are you pining because you lost Y/N?"

"I needed one thing from you for my witch to find out why my hybrids are dying. And you lost it," he growled.

"I didn't lost it," Rebekah opened the curtain, walking out in the green dress. "It's just been missing for 90 years." She looked over at Stefan. "So what do you think?"

"I like it," Stefan said casually. She rolled her eyes. "What? I said I like it."

"I can always tell when you're lying, Stefan," Rebekah said.

"Try the gray one, Bekah," you told her as she went back into the fitting room.

"Nice one. Good work," Klaus said.

"You're the one that pulled the dagger out of her," Stefan said. You looked at him oddly. He was being oddly...cordial with Klaus. Like they really were friends. You knew that couldn't be true, not after what Klaus had done to Elena. You assumed Stefan was putting on an act, though you weren't sure why. What was he planning?

"I heard that," Rebekah said.

"All right," Stefan said. "That's my limit. I'm going to get some fresh air."

He got up and left. Klaus poured himself some more champagne, pouring some in your glass too. He held it out to you and you looked at him oddly as you accepted it. He'd been acting strange since last night, as if the fight between you hadn't happened. What game was he playing now? "Should I be worried about poison?" You asked skeptically.

He smirked at you. "Poison isn't quite my style, love," he said.

"No, you always did prefer the messier approach," you said.

"What can I say? It's more...entertaining," he said, his arm now resting on the sofa behind your head. "You used to enjoy it too."

"I used to enjoy a lot of things," you said quietly. "I grew up."

"You know, we never finished our conversation last night," he said. "Before your friend Damon interrupted us so rudely."

"You mean when you tried to stake him?" you rolled your eyes.

"I never did tell you why I had to send you away," he ignored your comment.

"I told you, I don't care anymore," you said. "That's the thing you don't seem to understand through all of these games you're playing. I've never cared for the reason. You broke your promise, Klaus. We were supposed to handle it together, anything that came at us. We were supposed to be in it together. We had just lost Marcellus. We lost our son. And we should have been able to grieve him, together. But you took that away from us. You took something away from me."

"Perhaps I had a good reason," he argued.

"God, you just don't get it," you snapped at him, standing up. "There shouldn't have been any reason. You shouldn't have done it. But you did, and I told you then, I would never forgive you for it. And unlike you, Niklaus, I keep my promises."

Rebekah walked out, looking between you two. She knew better than to get involved as the two of you stared at each other, neither of you willing to break. "Where's Stefan?"

You sighed and finally looked away.

• • •

You were sitting on the bar when Stefan walked in. Gloria was at a table, her hands floating over a large tome, candles lit around her. Klaus and Rebekah were standing by you, all three of you turning to look at Stefan.

"You left us," Rebekah pouted. "I had to deal with their new weird tension by myself."

"Yeah sorry," Stefan said, his eyes meeting yours. "I've dealt with the fighting all summer so I know how you feel, but retail therapy was making my head explode."

"Tell me about it," Klaus said.

Stefan looked over at Gloria. "What's she doing?"

"She's failing," Klaus growled.

"It's hard to find something when you don't have anything to go on," Gloria snapped at him before looking at you. "Girl, you better get your behind up off my bar."

You smiled sheepishly at her as you leaped down.

"So use me," Rebekah said, taking the seat across from her. "I only wore it for a thousand years."

"See? Now this one offers a solution," Gloria said. "All right, give me your hand, sweetheart." She took Rebekah's hand and closed her eyes, starting to chant.

"She's, uh, she's looking for the necklace, huh?" Stefan said. He looked at you again, slight panic in his eyes.

"She's trying," you said. You very personally knew how powerful Gloria was. And you knew it was only a matter of time before she found Elena.

"I can sense something," Gloria said, her eyes still closed.

"Anta Cotis Syrum, Anta Cotis Syrum," she chanted. Suddenly, she dropped Rebekah's hand, looking over at Klaus. "I found it."

"So where is it?" Rebekah demanded.

"It doesn't work like that, doll. I get images. There's a girl with her friends," Gloria said.

"Yes, a dead girl with dead friends, if I don't get my necklace back," Rebekah said.

"Well, I'll have to dive back in to get the details," Gloria told her.

"So dive," Klaus said.

Gloria rolled her eyes. "I need more time." He walked over to the table, peering down at her with a smirk. "And space. You're garaging my ju-ju."

"We can wait," Klaus said happily.

"I'm sure you can. But that's not what I asked," Gloria crossed her arms, staring him down.

You and Stefan exchanged another look. You knew what more time and space would lead Gloria to and neither of you wanted that to happen, though for different reasons.

"Why don't we just give her some space?" You stood straight.

"Yeah, let's just come back later," Stefan said. "I'm hungry anyway. I'll let you pick who we eat."

He made his way to the door, not even waiting for them. The rest of you followed, but something in you made you turn back to look at Gloria. There was something in the look on her face that unsettled you. She looked like the cat that ate the canary. You knew that look. You'd seen it on her face when you gave her your ring. She wanted something and you had a feeling she wasn't going to stop until she got it.

• • •

You were back in the warehouse on the couch drinking from the girls you had all picked up. The others were all doing the same. Bachelorette weekends, they really were tasty.

"My girl's dead," Rebekah said atop a crate. "I'm bored."

Klaus let his own girl drop before looking at Stefan. "You weren't kidding about being hungry."

"Yeah, it's been a long day."

"Try being related to her," Klaus said with a chuckle. You pushed your body away from you and glared at him.

"You're being mean," Rebekah said. She looked over at Stefan."And why are you being mean? You used to love me."

"It's been ninety years, Rebekah. Give him a minute," Klaus said.

"Why are you taking his side?" She glared at him.

"Because, my dear sister, I feel pity for any man who doesn't give you what you want," he said.

"Don't be rude, she's more tolerable than you," you glared at him. Usually, you were the mediator between the two. Like with Kol, you were often acting as Rebekah's warrior against her older brothers. As the youngest and only girl, she often felt alone in their boys' club. She had told you once she wasn't sure what she would have done without you.

"Come on, love, we all know you don't mean that," Klaus smirked at you. "Even you can admit Rebekah's...enthusiasm with the opposite sex can be utterly terrifying."

"Will you stop making me out to be a brat? I am not a brat!" Rebekah glared at him.

"A thousand years of life experience says otherwise," Klaus said casually.

"Well, you're no picnic, either," Stefan said. "I mean, I've only spent one summer with you and I feel like I want to blow my head off. And your attempts to try to woo Y/N were embarrassing to watch."

Rebekah laughed. "Fantastic. I hope you made him grovel, Y/N. I would have loved to see that."

"I'm sure you still will," you said nonchalantly. You felt Klaus glare at you.

"I'm glad you're back, Y/N," Rebekah said. "Someone needs to keep Klaus in check. Chicago was torture without you."

"It really was," Klaus said quietly.

"Yeah well, whose fault was that?" you rolled your eyes.

Stefan dropped his dead girl to the ground and stood. "I need to go," he left quickly.

"Where's he going?" Rebekah asked.

"It write a name on a wall," Klaus said. "It's a long story."

You looked in the direction Stefan had gone. You had heard from Damon and Lexi the remorse Stefan felt when he went on a binge. You'd seen it yourself this summer. You felt pity for what Klaus was making him do, for who he was trying to make Stefan become. You knew Lexi would have killed Stefan.

You stood up. "I'll be back," you told the others when they looked at you questioningly before walking out.

"Does she have to write a name on a wall too?" You heard Rebekah ask behind you.

"No, I believe she has a friend she feels she owes," Klaus said.

You didn't respond, though it irritated you how well he still knew you. He was right. Lexi had saved you a long time ago, and you did owe it to her to try to save her friend. After all, you had promised Damon you would save Stefan from ruin. And you didn't break your promises.

• • •

You had been searching for him for over an hour but Stefan was nowhere to be found. You sighed as you walked into his old apartment. Damon had told you about this place last time you were in Chicago. He had brought you here when he'd found you all those years ago. It was here he had shown you Stefan's secret wall of names, where he'd forced you to turn it back on before you turned into his brother, ridden with guilt and unable to stop.

Your fingers traced the names, seeing the latest addition at the bottom. So he'd been here, but you must have just missed him.

When you walked out of the closet, you growled. Katherine stood at the door, a smirk on her face.

"Not exactly your usual scene, is it?" she asked, walking in.

"Katerina," you said coldly before speeding towards her, grabbing her throat. She didn't even react, as if she expected this. "I thought you'd be half way to Australia by now, far, far away from Klaus."

"I've been running for a long time," Katherine choked out. "I like to know where my opponents are."

"Now you know," you pushed her away. "Why are you still here?"

"I've been watching you guys since you left Mystic Falls. I'm surprised you haven't given into your long lost love yet, Y/N. I would have thought you'd have been back in his bed in no time."

"Bold of you to think baiting me is a smart move," you said. "I'm assuming you're showing your face here now because you want something. So what is it?"

"Stefan," she said.

You rolled your eyes. "This obsession you have for him is pathetic," you said. "Time to face the music, he doesn't want you."

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," Katherine said. "Besides, that's not what I meant. He's planning something."

"So?" you asked in a bored tone. You knew this already. You didn't know what he was planning besides keeping Klaus from finding out Elena was still alive, but you figured he probably wasn't telling you because of your history with Klaus and Rebekah. You had made it clear you weren't on Klaus' side, but you had been once before. It was smart to be wary of that connection, and you didn't blame him for it.

"So he may need my help," she said.

You laughed. "You really are delusional, aren't you? Katerina, the only thing Stefan needs from you is your heart ripped from your chest. Which I'm more than happy to help him with."

"Think what you want, Y/N, but I just stopped your friend Gloria from torturing him so clearly I'm useful," she said.

"What?" Your eyes widened.

"Oh you didn't know?" Katherine said. "Gloria wanted the locket. She's a bit too dead to use it now."

"Am I supposed to say thank you?" you rolled your eyes. You liked Gloria. She had helped you when you didn't have anywhere else to turn. But you also knew how much she liked powerful objects...clearly she was going to betray Klaus. So she was going to die either way.

"When your boyfriend finds out what Stefan's up to," Katherine said. "What do you think he's going to do to him?"

"Whatever he does, I'm sure Stefan would enjoy it more than spending even a second with you," you told her, stepping closer to her.

"You and Klaus may be on the outs now, but I remember the two of you," she said. "I remember how in love with him you were. I saw it in your face every time he tried to sweet talk me. That doesn't just go away. Eventually, you're going to go back to him. And when you do, I need to make sure Stefan doesn't become collateral damage."

"Careful, Katerina," you said, your tone a warning. "Klaus held me back from you then, because you were important to his ritual. Now, I don't have the same leash. So I would really watch what you say and not let me see you again."

You shoved passed her towards the door but suddenly stopped, a thought coming to your mind. You looked back at her. "I found Isobel's journal," you said. "She knew about me, and she asked you. Why didn't you tell her?"

Katherine scoffed. "Like I said, I remember the two of you. If I had anything to do with your death, there would have been no where I could run that he wouldn't find me."

You smirked at her. "Guess you're not as stupid as I thought."

Your phone buzzed. "Meet me at Gloria's" Klaus had texted you. You sighed and looked up at the other vampire. "Goodbye, Katerina."


When you walked in, the bar was empty and dark. You knew Gloria was dead, but her body was nowhere to be found. Instead, Klaus was standing at the table with her large tome.

"Where is Gloria?" you asked as you walked over to him. You couldn't tell him you knew she was dead. That would lead to too many questions.

"Looks like she cleared out," he said, his eyes on something in his hand. You couldn't see what it was, but his entire attention was on it.

"Guess you won't find the cure to your werewolf problem here then," you said.

"No, but I found a solution to another problem," he said, turning to face you. Your eyes widened when you saw what was in his hand. He was holding your ring. It had been decades since you'd seen it, a century since you'd worn it on your finger.

"You found it."

"I don't suppose I could convince you to wear this again?" He asked.

You took a step back instinctively. "It's not mine anymore."

He stepped closer to you. "It will always be yours, Y/N, as will my heart," he said softly. He reached up and cupped your cheek, his thumb grazing your skin. "Rebekah was right. Chicago was torture without you. Every place I went, every moment, every breath was torture since I compelled you to forget me. I know I've been the villain in your story, but that moment made me my own too. Sending you away was the single most heinous thing I've ever done. You said you don't care about my reasons, but you need to know this."

You kept silent, unable to speak. You didn't want to be affected by his touch, by his words. But you couldn't help it. Your heart, regardless of what had happened, still belonged to him.

"I didn't send you away because I was afraid you would bring Mikael down upon us," he said. "I sent you away because I knew when he would never stop hunting us. I knew he would find us eventually, and I knew I couldn't handle it."

"Couldn't handle what?"

"I couldn't handle standing over your body next," he said, wiping a tear from your cheek. You hadn't realized you had started crying. "We had just lost Marcellus, and I know Mikael would stop at nothing until he took everything from me. I couldn't let the price be you. I sent you away because I was afraid. I thought you'd be safer away from me, but I knew you'd never go on your own. You'd never leave me." He smiled at you, though it didn't meet his eyes. "My ever loyal Y/N. Sending you away shattered me, but I knew it would be worth it if it saved your life. I could champion that pain if it meant never feeling the pain of seeing your lifeless body. You are my weakness, Y/N. Your loss would lead to this world ending in fire."

You closed your eyes, feeling more tears gather. For so long, you had thought he'd sent you away because you were his weakness, a weakness he needed to cut out. But he hadn't. He had done it for you. A century ago, this would have made you jump into his arms. It would have made you forget everything and go back to loving him. But you weren't the same as you were back then. Your heart belonged to him still, but your mind knew better.

You took a deep breath and opened your eyes, meeting his gaze. "Nik, I wish it weren't too late," you said softly. "Thank you for telling me. But it doesn't change anything between us. You may have believed you had a noble reason, but you promised me forever. You promised me you'd never part me from your side. And you broke your promise."

He looked at you sadly, pulling his hand away from your face. "I know," he said, acceptance heavy in his tone. "Too much has happened between us. I know your heart has been hurt. But I'm hopeful I can mend what I have broken, even if it takes me an eternity."

"I don't know if you can," you told him truthfully. "You took something from me when you compelled me. You broke my trust. And I don't know if you can fix that."

He nodded and stepped back, putting the ring into his pocket. "I won't give up, Y/N. I will prove to you I am worthy of your trust and love again. Perhaps you will wear the ring again when I do."

He looked around the bar one last time. "Come on, we need to find ourselves another witch."

• • •

You were lost in your own thoughts as you walked back into the warehouse. Part of you wanted to give in, wanted to feel him wrap his arms around you again. But the other part knew you couldn't. You knew who he was now. You knew you had changed in the last century and so had he. You were telling the truth earlier when you told him it was too late. You didn't trust him anymore.

"We need to find a new witch immediately," Klaus told Rebekah and Stefan. "Gloria's gone. She's cleared out."

There was a new tension in the air between Stefan and Rebekah, palpable in the air. You looked between them. "What's going on?"

Stefan's eyes were slightly fearful when he met your gaze.

"Something's wrong," Rebekah said. "He was asking about Mikael. He's not with us, Nik. I can sense it."

You tensed, suddenly realizing what Stefan had been up to. You had stood against Klaus in the sacrifice, and with his hybrids. But you would never stand against with in regards to Mikael.

"She's wrong, Klaus," Stefan said.

Klaus didn't even give him a chance, speeding to him and snapping his neck. "That's unfortunate." His eyes turned to you. "Did you know?"

"What? No of course not," you said.

"Y/N, if you're lying to me..."

"I'm not, Niklaus," you said. "I would never have helped him get to Mikael. You know that. You know what he's taken from us."

Klaus nodded, believing you. He crouched down next to Stefan's lifeless form. "What are you hiding, my friend?" He looked up at Rebekah. "Did you tell him anything?"

"Of course I didn't," she said. "But he's holding something back, I can tell."

"He's moved on, Rebekah," you said. "And you haven't. Not your fault, you were daggered. But it's been ninety years. I'm sure he's just trying not to hurt your feelings."

You knew it was more than that. He had not only moved on, but he had found the love of his life, a girl Klaus believed was dead.

"Then why was he asking about Mikael?" Rebekah countered.

"You know Rebekah has a sixth sense about this things," Klaus stood up. He thought about it for a moment before clapping his hands together and smirking. "Who is up for a little road trip?"

"Where are we going?" you asked hesitantly.

"It's time to see what Stefan is holding back," Klaus said. "And the only way to do that is to take a little trip back down to Mystic Falls."

You tried to hide your wince. That was what you were afraid of.

• • •

Back to Mystic Falls! Thanks for reading! I hope you liked this one! It was so long to write lol

Now we know why Klaus betrayed Y/N! What did you guys think of his reasoning? I tried to make it like believable but also let's be real she can't just forgive him whatever the reason! There's no drama or angst in that!

Ps! I totally took the Mommy and Daddy fighting line from a comment left by Avooocccaaadoooo thanks for that! Like let's be real I'm sure Stefan feels hella uncomfortable with them fighting all the time and TECHNICALLY with the sire line......
