
eleven.  what would you give?

You walked into the library of the Boarding House. When you had woken up, you were in your bedroom. The last thing you remembered was Elijah snapping your neck. But that meant someone had brought you here. You wondered if it was Damon. You hoped it was, because that would mean he didn't hate you. You were sure Elena had already transitioned and told them what you had said in the Quarry. Even if she hadn't, Stefan had heard what Klaus had said.

"You're up," Stefan said when he saw you.

"What happened?" you asked. You needed to know. You needed to know if they had killed Klaus. You didn't feel half your heart gone, and you thought, maybe you should if he was dead. After all, he had been your partner for so long. There should have been some kind of mark on you from losing him. There had been when you were compelled to leave him in 1919, an emptiness in your mind you just couldn't fill. It had to be worse now, you thought, if he was actually dead.

"Elijah betrayed us," Stefan said.

"What?" you dared not hope until you heard the words. Elijah had been so adamant on his path. He had snapped your neck to prove it. Why would he betray them? Elijah never broke his word. His word was his bond, it was his honor. What had Niklaus done?

"Seems like he's not the only one," Damon walked in and you tensed. "Your boyfriend is alive, by the way."

"He's not my boyfriend," you said softly. Though now, you let the relief wash over you.

"No, you're right, he's not your boyfriend," Damon said as he poured himself a drink. "What do you call someone you were in a relationship with for 900 years?"

"Damon," Stefan chided. "She tried to save Jenna."

"And a wonderful job she did there," Damon glared at you.

"She did about the same as me, remember?" Stefan said.

"No, it's okay, Stefan," you turned to look at Damon. "He needs to get it out."

"Why would I ever do that? It's not like we actually tell each other anything," Damon said. "I mean, we just go around hiding that our ex is a psychopath hellbent on killing everyone. What else is there to say after that?"

"To be fair, you also have a psychopath ex hellbent on killing everyone," you smiled sheepishly.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't do that. What the hell, Y/N? Why the hell didn't you tell me you not only knew Klaus, but you were sleeping with him for oh a few centuries? You didn't think that could help us?"

You sighed. "Damon, I couldn't help you kill him.  I'm sorry I didn't tell you, but it was a chapter of my life I couldn't tell anyone about."

"Yeah well, now we can't kill him so," he said, chugging back his drink. "Guess you don't have to worry about that."

He walked away, and you watched him sadly. You knew he hadn't forgiven you, and you wondered if he ever would. You looked back at Stefan. "Is this the part where you kick me out?"

"No, hey, listen, I don't like the lies but I get it, more than anyone," he smiled sadly. "There are whole parts of my past that I wish I could pretend never happened." He looked passed you where Damon had gone. "I wouldn't worry too much. He went back to the Quarry for you last night. He'll get over it eventually."

"Well, thankfully, as vampires, we have nothing but time," you smiled sadly. You looked down at his outfit, and your face fell. "I'm guessing black suit isn't just a new fashion choice for you?"

"It's uh it's Jenna and John," Stefan said. "We're having the funeral today."

"Oh," you said sadly. "I really liked Jenna. I'm sorry I couldn't save her. How's Elena? I'm sure all the emotions so early in the transition are hard."

"Elena's still human. John and Bonnie, they did some kind of spell. He gave his life to keep her human."

Your eyes widened. In a thousand years, the witches never ceased to surprise you. "Bonnie is...incredibly powerful. Though I suppose I shouldn't be surprised. All the Bennetts have always been extraordinary."

He stood up. "I'm gonna go pick up Elena and Jeremy for the funeral. It's at the cemetery if you want to come."

You nodded and he left. You sighed and poured yourself a drink. You weren't sure it was appropriate for you to go to the funeral. After all, it was your...Klaus who killed her. Your phone buzzed and you pulled it out.

Please meet me in the woods near the Old Witch House. - Elijah

You sighed and threw back the rest of your drink. You were sure this would be interesting.

• • •

You slowed down when you made it to the location. You could see Elijah standing there, staring up at the old burnt building. You walked over to him, but he didn't turn to look at you. "You recognized the significance of this place, I'm sure?" he asked quietly.

"Of course I did," you said. "Rebekah and I used to spend hours here, searching for the right herbs for your mother and Ayana. And Kol used to practice his spells here."

"Perhaps that is why the witches they burned here chose this piece of land to make their home," he said. "There is magic here, seeping into the soil, the trees, even the very air." He finally turned to you. "This is also the place you first tied yourself to Niklaus for all eternity, is it not?"

You didn't want to talk about that. "Did you call me here for a history lesson, Elijah?"

"No," he said. "Y/N, I am truly sorry for what I did to you."

"I know," you said. In truth, you had known it could have ended much worse for you. "I heard what you did, Elijah. You spared him."

He tensed for a moment before nodding. "I am afraid I did have to break my word to your friends."

"What did he tell you?" you asked. You knew there was only one way Elijah would have broken his word, especially given the reason for his drive.

"He said he still has them," he said. "He did not scatter them across the seas. He will take me to them."

You felt relieved. You had loved all the Mikaelsons. They were your family, your chosen few. You had missed them terribly once you remembered them, and it had broken your heart to think Klaus had thrown them into the oceans to never be found again. You hadn't believed he could be capable of it, because while he didn't always know how to show it, he loved each of his siblings too.

"That's incredible, Elijah!" you said. "I knew he wouldn't do that, not to them."

"Yes well," he didn't sound as convinced as you. "As this is Niklaus, I am wary to just take him at his word."

"You think he's lying?" you asked him.

"I do not know," he said. "He said he will take me to them."

"But that's good, isn't it, Elijah?" you asked.

"If he keeps his word, yes," he said. "But you do not know what Niklaus has become without you, Y/N. I couldn't risk being wrong, not when the price was so high, and so I spared him, but I do not trust him. That is actually why I called you here, besides for the apology I owe you. I have a favor to ask of you."

"What is it?" you asked warily.

"If this is a nefarious trick, I need to know you will find our family, Y/N," he said.

"Elijah..." you sighed. You knew what he was asking of you, but you had already decided that you were leaving. Now that Klaus knew you remembered, now that he knew you had stood against him, he would come for you. And you needed a massive head start. You had already called Will. You were going to get your new identity papers from him tomorrow, and then you would disappear. You'd fix your issues with Damon later on, once you knew Klaus had left Mystic Falls. But you needed to be gone, like yesterday.

"Y/N, please," he said. "I know after what I did to you, I have no right to ask anything of you. But they are your family too, and if Niklaus does not keep his word, I must do what I can to ensure their safety."

You nodded after a moment. He was right. They were your family too. Your bond with them went further than just through Nik. You had known them long before you and Niklaus got together. You remembered picking herbs in this very spot with Rebekah, and playing tricks on Finn and Elijah with Kol. You remembered when Elijah secretly taught you to read and write when your father had refused to show you 'skills you do not need'. You had spent many lifetimes with them and while their relationship with Klaus was rocky at times, to put it mildly, their relationship with you was always strong. They loved you as you loved them. You couldn't just leave them at Klaus' disposal.

"Okay, Elijah," you said softly. "I will find them."

"Thank you," he smiled, putting his hand on your arm. You suddenly heard a howl in the air. That was no regular wolf howl. You'd been around enough werewolves to know the difference. But that wasn't possible. The full moon had come and gone.

You looked at Elijah in shock. "Is that...that's him, isn't it? How is that possible? The full moon is gone."

"It seems he now has the ability to shift at will," Elijah said. Your eyes widened. None of you had known what breaking the curse would actually look like. You knew it would make Klaus stronger, invincible. But there was never before a hybrid like this. You didn't quite know what to expect. You had a feeling running, for you, had just gotten a lot harder.

You looked out into the woods. "I'm assuming you're here to keep an eye on him? Clean up his messes as per usual?"

He smirked slightly. "Why break tradition now?"

"You'll call me, right? If you need me?" you looked at him.

"I will," he said. You nodded and started to walk away. He called after you, and you turned to face him again. "Thank you. Despite my unforgivable actions towards you, you have still proven you aren't a monster, not like the rest of us. A thousand years, and you somehow escaped the darkness of the Mikaelson name."

You smiled sadly at him. "I don't know about that. I wouldn't say you're monsters. I think we're all just broken in some way. Even Niklaus."

You left him there, staring after you with a forlorn expression on his face.

• • •

The Grill was not very crowded when you walked in. Your eyes scanned the place quickly. Alaric was at the bar and Caroline and Bonnie were walking towards you. Alaric, and even Caroline, you could subdue. But Bonnie...that could be a problem. You could see the anger and resentment on Bonnie's face.

"Hey, Y/N," Caroline said awkwardly as they stopped in front of you.

"Caroline, Bonnie," you said. Bonnie scoffed and looked away. "So, is this where you threaten me?"

Bonnie looked at you coldly. "I haven't decided yet."

"No," Caroline said. "Oh my God, no. We were just grabbing food before heading over to Elena's."

"Right," you said.

"So are you um are you leaving town now?" Caroline asked.

"Soon," you said.

"Are you taking your boyfriend with you?" Bonnie said.

"Not my boyfriend and no, I think it's better if I leave before he finds me," you said. You looked at Caroline. "I would be careful though. He doesn't take opposition well."

"I can take him," Bonnie scoffed.

You wanted to laugh at her arrogance. She had already tried and failed to kill him, twice. And now that he had broken the curse, there was no way she would be able to handle the amount of power it would take. "You really can't," you said. She looked at you pointedly and you grunted as you felt the pain in your head. "I'm not a hybrid. Showing me your prowess isn't going to convince me," you gasped through the pain.

"Bonnie, stop," Caroline said. The pain stopped suddenly.

You took a deep breath and looked at her. "Now that the curse is broken, the amount of power you would need to kill him would kill you. Even if you drew from the power of the whole Bennett line, you wouldn't be able to."

"Nature doesn't let anything be truly invincible," she told you.

"That's true," you said. "But nearly invincible is still going to require a lot more power than you can draw."

"Okay," Caroline said loudly. "Well, now that that's cleared up. We're gonna go. Elena and Jeremy are waiting for us. See you, Y/N."

They walked passed you and left. You sighed and walked over to the bar. Alaric was sitting there with a drink in his hand. It was still morning, but you supposed you couldn't judge him. He'd just lost his girlfriend. You sat next to him and gestured at the bartender for a glass of what he was drinking as well. "So you look like you're having fun," you said.

"Why wouldn't I be? This is apparently the only thing I'm allowed to do," he said, taking another sip. "Trying to save my girlfriend from the evil psychopath? That's not in my purview."

You looked at him sadly. "I'm sorry, about Jenna. I tried to save her."

"I know," he said. "I heard."

The bartender handed you your glass and you took a sip. "So where's your usual drinking buddy?"

"Don't know, don't care," he said.

"You know, he was just trying to protect you," you said. "I know it doesn't feel like you need it. But, it was a misguided good deed."

"A good deed that got Jenna killed," he grumbled.

"There is that," you said. Your phone started ringing and you saw it was Stefan. "Hey Stefan."

"Hey, where are you?"

"At the Mystic Grill with Alaric," you said. "What's going on?"

"What do you know about werewolf bites?" he asked.

"They're not fun," you said.

"Do you know anything about a cure?" he asked.

"Why?" you asked slowly.

"Tyler Lockwood bit Damon," he said.

"What?" you said, your eyes widening. You looked at Alaric.

"What's going on?" he asked.

"Damon got bit by a werewolf," you told him.

"I'm gonna fix it," Stefan said.


"I'm gonna fix it, Y/N," Stefan said again. "Bonnie's looking for the cure right now. I'm gonna go meet her."

You knew what the cure was. It had saved you once, before you knew there was a cure. "What do you need from us?" you asked. You needed to call Elijah. Klaus was still in wolf form, and you didn't know when he'd transform back. Bonnie looking for another route wasn't a bad idea. You knew there wasn't time to waste.

"I need you to watch Damon," he said. "I um I have him locked in the cellar right now."


"He took off his ring," he said.

You sighed. Of course that would be Damon's reaction. "We'll meet you at the house."

You looked at Alaric who seemed to have sobered up rather quickly. You knew what you had to do. Because even though you agreed that Bonnie looking for another plan wasn't a bad idea, you knew there really was only one way for sure. You just needed to see Damon first and then you'd handle it.

• • •

"You look like shit," Alaric said to Damon through the hole in the door.

"I'll be back," Stefan said to you both. "Just make sure he doesn't get out and kill himself."

He started to leave and you followed him up. "Stefan, wait."

"Bonnie's waiting for me," he said.

"I know, but this is important," you said. "There is a cure."

He froze and looked at you. "You know of a cure to a werewolf bite? What is it?"

"That's where it gets complicated," you said. "We have to get to Klaus."

"What do you mean?" He asked.

"Klaus is the key to the cure," you said. "But if Bonnie can find something different..."

"Then we don't have to find him and risk him finding out Elena is alive," Stefan agreed. "Okay. We'll try her first, and if she can't find anything, then we'll go find him. Y/N, I can't let him die. I'm the reason he's like this. I owe him."

You put your hand on his arm. "Hey, you said we'll fix it and I believe you. Go, see if she can find a way. I'll see if I can figure out where Klaus is just in case."

He nodded and headed out. You sent Elijah a text. I need to see him when he's human. Something's come up.

You walked to the library without waiting for a response. You knew Elijah would get back to you. You grabbed the most expensive bottle of bourbon you could find before walking back down to the cellar. "So who's up for double shots?"

"Great, so you're both on suicide watch?" Damon groaned.

"Well, I've put a lot of effort in keeping you alive so far," you said. "Can't let it go to waste just because you're an idiot."

You handed Alaric a shot and put one of the door window sill for Damon. You saw his ring was still there. He got up and grabbed the shot. "Here's to a slow and painful death," he said, chugging it back.

You poured him another one. "You're not going to die, Damon."

"Why not? I deserve it," he said, looking at Ric. "You should want me dead. I'm the reason Jenna got killed."

"I don't blame you for Jenna," Alaric said.

"I guess you're right, it was her boyfriend," he said, taking the shot back.

"He's not my boyfriend," you said.

"You know what I can't figure out?" He said, putting on his ring finally. "You gave me so much shit about saying we weren't friends. You didn't talk to me for a decade after I said it last time. And yet you hid something like this from me. What happened to our big friendship then?"

You winced, knowing he was right. You were a hypocrite. You poured another round of shots. "I don't think we're drunk enough for this conversation," you said.

"Why didn't you tell us?" Alaric asked too. "I mean you were here for weeks. You were helping us. But you kept this massive secret."

You sighed, taking your shot before looking at him. "Because you were nothing to me. Besides Damon, I didn't know any of you. You meant nothing. I came here to help Damon because he called me, and when I found out it was against Klaus, I knew I had to stay to keep him alive, and by proxy, the rest of you." You looked at Damon. "I came here because we are friends, and I stayed because I couldn't let him kill you."

"And yet you didn't tell me either," Damon rolled his eyes.

"Do you remember when you found me in Chicago?" you asked softly.

"Yeah, that was oddly terrifying and arousing at the same time," he said.

"That was when I got my memories back," you said. "Klaus had compelled me to forget my past, but I found a witch who was able to break through his compulsion. And when I remembered, I had to turn it off. 900 years, and that was the second time I ever turned it off." You poured another round of shots. "I couldn't tell you because it's not a time in my life I can talk about."

He looked at you for a long time before taking back his own shot. He was probably remembering how you were back then. "Okay, well, when you were in Chicago, I went a little crazy on a few of my victims and blamed it on your count. So I guess we're even."

Your phone buzzed and you looked at it. It was from Stefan. The witches won't give us an answer but they did say Klaus' name. Did you find him?

Then Klaus was the only cure. You cringed internally. You knew it would be difficult to convince Klaus to help Damon. But you had to try.

Not yet, you responded. Waiting for the info now.

Okay let me know. I know Damon said not to tell Elena but I think she needs to know. I'm gonna go tell her now.

"Man, just kill me already," Damon groaned.

"No," Ric said. He looked down at the empty bottle. "I'll go grab a refill." He left you alone with Damon.

"Stefan said he'll find a way," you told him.

"My brother, the do-gooder," Damon rolled his eyes. "Trying to right the wrongs of the past."

"Is that so bad?" You asked. "He cares about you."

He cries out and bends over in pain. "Maybe he shouldn't. Maybe you shouldn't either. I haven't exactly been a good friend to you lately."

"Damon, you don't deserve to die just because you've made a few dumb decisions in your life," you said. "We all have."

"Why are you still even here, Y/N?" he asked. "I mean, he can't be too happy you sided with us. I wasn't there but from what Elena told Stefan, he expected you to stand by his side."

"Once, I would have," you said quietly. "I would have helped him raze this town to the ground to break the curse. But then he betrayed me. I was going to leave town, but then I heard you got yourself in the way of some werewolf teeth. So until we save you, I'm here."

"Hate to break it to you, but there's no cure for what I have," he said before groaning in pain.

You didn't tell him that there was a cure, a cure you were going to get for him. One way or another. You knew if you told him where the cure was coming from, he would refuse it. And while you weren't above shoving it down his throat, you didn't want to make him more agitated as he was already in pain. "We're gonna fix this, Damon," you said instead. "You're not dying today."

"Why do you even care?" he groaned. "Why do you even care if I live or die? I'm sure you've had other friends die before. You'll survive. And in the last few days alone, I've verbally and physically assaulted you."

You thought about it for a moment before answering. Because he was right. He did a lot of shitty things to you. But you had known who he was when you befriended him. More than that, you saw something good in him, something he tried very, very hard to hide. He was like Kol in a lot of ways, just wanting to be loved and understood and enjoying life. Even before you remembered Kol, it was drew you towards Damon in the first place.

"You don't know why Chicago matters so much to me, do you?" you asked quietly.

"So you turned it off for a bit and went on a killing spree," he said. "We're vampires, that's what we do."

"You're right, we can choose to turn it off," you said. "But in 900 years, I had only turned it off once and the first time, I only had it off for a bit, before I could do serious damage to myself and other people. But after that, I never shied away from my humanity, even while I was with Klaus, seeing the things he and the others did. I never even thought about it. But then he erased my memories. He took something from me, and when I got it back, I couldn't handle it. For the second time in 900 years, I chose to escape the pain of humanity. I killed more people in that time than I had in my entire existence. I'm not saying I was a saint. I killed people before. But that was the first time I didn't care about the mess I left behind."

"Damon, when you found me, I was lost," you said. "I was broken. And quite frankly, I didn't care how much noise I made or if someone killed me." You didn't add that that person would have been Mikael. He didn't need that ammunition against Klaus. "When you forced me to turn my humanity back on, it was the first time in a hundred years I felt like I could breathe again. And when I needed someone the most, you stayed. You were there for me. I don't think there are words to express what that actually meant to me."

"So this is all just payback then," he said.

"Yes and no," you said. "I can't let you die now when you didn't let me. But we all bring something with us when we turn. I brought my loyalty. So whatever you say, whatever you do to me, whether you want it or not, Damon Salvatore, you have a friend in me."

"Well, I won't be around much longer to hold you to it," he said after a moment. You could see in his face that he didn't expect your answer.

You smiled sadly. "I told you, you're not dying today."

Your phone buzzed and you looked at it. He transformed. We are going back to Alaric's apartment.

You breathed out in relief. Klaus was human again, which meant you could get the cure. You knew he wouldn't give it without your forgiveness, and while it pained you to give it, you knew you would. This wasn't Jenna on the line anymore. As much as you liked Jenna, you'd only just met her. But as you told Damon, he wasn't going to be dying today.

"Hey," Elena ran down. "I just heard. How is he?"

You glanced down at Damon before looking at her. "He looks like shit. Just...don't open the door and let him out. I have to go."

"Wait, where are you going?" she asked.

"To save his life," you said before speeding out.

• • •

"Are you sure he'll be here?" Stefan asked you as you walked up to Alaric's apartment.

"Yes," you said. "They're on their way back here."

He opened the door and stepped in first. "I see you're still alive," Stefan said coldly. You rolled your eyes. How was it that everyone else always died but somehow Katherine survived?

"Two days I've been waiting," she got up and walked towards Stefan. "I'm supposed to be free of Klaus' compulsion by now. He's supposed to be dead." She seemed to notice you behind Stefan now and her eyes widened as she took a step back. "What is she doing here?"

You smirked, stepping in next to Stefan. "Glad to see you remember me finally, Katerina," you said.

"Klaus had his witch remove whatever spell Elijah's witches put on me to forget you," she said before looking at Stefan. "Stefan, you can't trust her. She's with him."

"He can trust me more than you," you said.

"We don't have time for this," Stefan said. "I need to find him. Do you know where he is?"

She sped at him, pushing him against the wall. You rolled your eyes and pulled her away from him as the door opened. Klaus and Elijah walked in.

"Klaus, you're back," Katherine said. "Look who decided to visit."

Klaus ignored Stefan at first, his eyes on you. "My beautiful Y/N, have you come to your senses and decided to join me?" he asked with a smirk. You glared at him. "I'll take that as a no."

"I need your help," Stefan stepped forward. "For my brother."

Klaus' eyes flashed momentarily at the mention of Damon before he smirked. "Well, whatever it is, it's gonna have to wait a tick. You see, I have an obligation to my brother my requires my immediate attention."

You looked over at Elijah who looked unamused. "You understand how important family is, or you wouldn't be here. My brother gave me his word that he would reunite me with my own," he said to Stefan.

You saw it after it was too late. Your eyes widened as you saw Klaus step behind Elijah, the ever familiar dagger in his hand. "And so I shall," he said, stabbing Elijah through the heart.

"No!" You yelled, running forward. Klaus grabbed you by the throat. He wasn't hurting you, more just keeping you in place.

"I do believe you remember the rules, Y/N," he said softly. "Elijah needs to have a bit of a time out. Do be a good girl and refrain from removing the dagger."

"Why don't you just compel me to stay away?" You glared at him, struggling in his grasp. You saw the guilt flash in his eyes. "He trusted you," you said softly. "He spared you."

"And I will keep my word to him and reunite him with the others," he said, letting go and stepping close to you to whisper in your ears. "Don't make me do something I'll regret, Y/N. Behave while I decide if I will deal with your friend."

You heard the unspoken threat. He knew you cared about Damon. If you pulled the dagger out, he would turn Stefan away. Once, you would have listened without him needing to threaten you. But that time had passed. He seemed to see it in your face that you wouldn't remove it and rushed over to Stefan, pushing him against the wall. "Now what am I gonna do with you?" He asked, stabbing Stefan in the chest with a stake. Stefan groaned in pain.

"Do you feel that?" Klaus asked. "It's scraping against your heart. The slightest little movement and you're dead."

"Stop it, Klaus," you snapped. "He is just trying to help his brother. I think even you can understand that."

"The witches said you had a cure," Stefan gasped out. "Make me a deal. Just give me the cure and I'll do whatever you want."

Klaus pulled the stake out and you rushed forward to catch him before he fell to the ground. Klaus watched you for a moment before walking over to the counter, pouring himself a glass of blood.

"Trouble is, I don't know if you'd be any good to me the way you are now," he said. "You are just shy of useless." He walked over and looked at him, a smirk on his face. "I heard about this one vampire, crazy bloke, always on and off the wagon for decades. When he was off, he was magnificent. 1917, he went into Monterrey and wiped out an entire migrant village...A true ripper. Sound familiar?"

"I haven't been that way in a very long time," Stefan said softly.

"Well, that's the vampire I can make a deal with," Klaus said. "That is the kind of talent I can use when I leave this town."

"No," you said. "Klaus, you can't do that to him."

"I can do whatever I want, love," he said, smirking slightly. "I do have something he wants."

"So you do have the cure?" Stefan asked.

"Katerina, come here," he ordered. Katherine walked over to him, and he took her arm. His eyes met yours as his face changed, his eyes turning yellow, before he bit her.

"No! No, no, no," Katherine stammered out as she realized what he had done. Klaus but his own wrist and forced it to her mouth. You watched, unamused, as her wound healed.

"You want your cure?" Klaus said, his face shifting back to normal. "There is it."

"You're so dramatic," you rolled your eyes.

"Your blood is the cure," Stefan said, in shock. He looked over at you. "You knew?"

"She was the very first," Klaus answered for you. "The very first vampire I healed from this painful death. Gotta love Mother Nature."

It was a painful memory for you now. Once, it had brought you joy. It had been a reminder of how much he loved you. Until he betrayed you and turned even the most loving memories sour.

"Now, let's talk, you and I," Klaus said, smirking at Stefan. He slit his palm with a knife, letting the blood pour from his hand into a vial. "There is it. You want to save your brother? How 'bout a decade-long bender? I have big plans for you when we leave this town."

"No," you said. "Take me, not him."

"Hm," Klaus said as Stefan looked at you. You ignored the questioning look on his face. You knew what blood did to Stefan. You'd heard enough from Damon to know. You couldn't let that happen.

"Come on, Niklaus, you know you'd rather it be me," you said.

"Well, that is true," he said. "Though I do recall you saying you couldn't give me what I wanted."

"I take it back," you lied. You hadn't changed your mind. You didn't forgive him. You couldn't. But he didn't need to know that. He just needed to give Stefan the cure. And, if you needed to follow Klaus around for a few years, so be it.

Klaus sped over to you, standing so close he was almost touching you. You closed your eyes as he raised his hand to your face, but his touch never came.

"If only it were true, love," he said softly. You could feel his breath on your face. You opened your eyes and met his. You saw the pain in them for a brief moment before they hardened and he stepped back, looking at Stefan. "I have other plans for her so she will not be able to save you, I'm afraid. So what do you say?"

"I'm not like that anymore," Stefan said.

"Well, that's too bad," Klaus shrugged, walking back over to the sink. "You would have made a hell of a wingman." He started pouring the blood down the sink.

"Wait," Stefan said.

"Now that's more like it. I want you to join me for a drink," Klaus said, tossing him a blood bag. He took a sip from his own glass as Stefan struggled with the bag in his hand.

"Klaus, please," you said softly. "Not this."

"I'm afraid my price for him will not change, Y/N," he said. "Not even for you."

Stefan drank from the bag as you all watched.

"Finish it. All of it," Klaus said. "You do everything I say, and I save your brother. That's the deal." Stefan finished the bag and Klaus threw him another one. "Again."

Your phone rang. "Elena?" you answered. There was no point walking anywhere else to answer it. They'd hear it regardless. You looked at Stefan apologetically.

"Damon escaped," she said frantically.

"What?" This was not good. Stefan's eyes widened beside you as he kept drinking the blood.

"Sheriff Forbes, she was here," Elena said. "Y/N, they're after Damon."

"Where are you?" you asked.

"At the Sheriff's office," she said. "Stefan's not answering his phone and, Y/N, we need to find him before..."

"I know," you said. "I'll head over to the square, see if I can get a trail on him."

"No, I'm afraid you won't," Klaus said, interrupting you.

You looked over at him. "You gonna stop me?"

"How badly do you want this cure for your friend?" He asked.

You glared at him. "You would let him die just to spite me for not forgiving you?"

"I would let him die without a second thought, Y/N," he said. "You're not leaving."

You wondered if you could convince him, if you could somehow reason with him. But the Niklaus you knew was gone, replaced by Klaus. You didn't know how to reach him anymore. "Elena, you need to find him," you said into the phone.

"I will," she said and you hung up. Klaus smirked and held his hand out for your phone. You glared at him as you placed it in his hand.

He tossed Stefan another bag and sat down, patting the seat beside him. You rolled your eyes and went to Stefan, kneeling beside him.

"She needs to find him," Stefan said to you. You could see the blood beginning to get to him. How long had it been since he'd had human blood?

"She will," you said softly. You could feel Klaus watching you, but you ignored him.

• • •

Stefan was grunting as he finished the latest blood bag. Klaus had forced him to drink four already. You were standing, leaning against the counter, watching him with worry in your eyes.

"Can't you stop him?" Katherine said, suddenly beside you.

"I don't recall allowing you to speak to me," you said coldly. "Just because I'm not with Klaus anymore does not mean I have forgotten, Katerina."

"No wonder Klaus left you," she scoffed. "I forgot what a bitch you can be."

You grabbed her throat, bringing her close to you. "I am more than happy to remind you, Katerina."

"Now, now, ladies, play nice," Klaus said. "I still have plans for her, Y/N, so if you could refrain from killing her for the time being?"

You scoffed and pushed her away from you. "I'm sure you'd love to keep her," you glared at him, making him smirk. You heard the jealousy in your tone yourself, and so, you knew he heard it too. You knew it didn't matter anymore. He didn't want her, and you didn't want him. And yet, your time with her in England left the insecurities in you just brimming at the surface.

Klaus walked over to you, leaning against the counter beside you. "Your friend is very cooperative. It's almost as if he's enjoying it."

"You don't know what you're doing," you said softly. "You don't know how much damage you're causing."

"I wouldn't call it damaging, love," he said. "More like I'm setting him free, bringing him back to himself, if you will."

You looked at him. There was something in his tone that aroused your suspicion but he just smirked, not giving anything away. What game was he playing? "What do you want with me then?" You asked. "You know I won't forgive you, especially if you let my friend die. So why am I still here?"

He was silent for a moment. He crossed his arms, his eyes on Stefan as he contemplated his answer. "I know you believe you can't forgive me for what I've done," he said softly. "But you can't deny your love for me remains."

You tensed. He was right. You couldn't deny it, no matter how much you wished you could. Not that you'd ever admit it. "You sound very sure of yourself."

He looked over at you, and you saw the hopeful look in his eyes again. "Not sure but I hope I am right," he said so quietly you weren't sure you heard him right.

"So what? Your plan is to keep me here until I give in?" you asked.

"I won you over before," he said. "I believe I can do it again, given time."

"What makes you think I'll give you that chance?" You asked.

"How much do you want to save Damon's life?" he asked.

"So is that it then? Our deal?" You laughed coldly. "I what? Let you court me? You'd have a greater chance if you just compelled me again."

"Come on, love. You have your memories back. You know how much fun we had," he said.

"We did," you admitted. "And then you broke my heart."

"I'll make it up to you," Klaus said. "What do you say? Come with me. I'll give you the same time as Stefan. Ten years. Give me a chance."

"Do I have a choice?" you asked.

"Well, it depends," he said. "How much do you want Damon to survive his little infliction?"

You looked at him. "If I come with you, you'll save him?"

"Well, it does depend on Stefan here, but as I said, he seems to be enjoying it," Klaus smirked. "Come on, love. Say yes."

You thought about it. You didn't want to go with him. You didn't want to be anywhere near him. But it didn't seem like you had a choice. You couldn't let Damon die, not when you had it in your power to save him. And you knew that if you were there, you could help Stefan, keep him sane, keep his humanity on. "Fine."

"Excellent," Klaus smiled. "Now, what do you say we seal that with a kiss?"

"I say you can drop dead," you rolled your eyes.

"It was worth a try," he laughed before looking at Stefan. "Now, Stefan, it's all really up to you."

He tossed him another bag but Stefan shook his head. "No more, not until you give me the cure," he said.

"Not until we make a deal. It's your choice, Stefan," Klaus said. "I'm not particularly eager to save your brother's life after his little stunt and I must say seeing him touch what's mine doesn't make me more inclined to save him either." He looked at you as he said it. "So, you can either remain here living your life in Mystic Falls, or you can embrace what you truly are, leave town with me, and save your brother's life."

Klaus picked up the bag and held it out to Stefan who grabbed it and began drinking.

"That's the spirit," Klaus smirked. He took the vial of his blood and looked at Katherine. "Sweetheart, take this over to Damon and come right back."

"You want me to leave?" Katherine asked and you tensed. You knew she was on vervain now. His compulsion wouldn't work.

"No!" you said. "I'll take it. I'll take it and come back."

"No, Katerina will do it," Klaus said, handing it to her. "And if I were you..." She sped out before he could finish his sentence. "I'd hurry."

"No! She'll never take it to him," Stefan said in a panic.

Klaus looked at him with indifference. Stefan was distraught, whispering to himself. "She'll never take it to him."

You glared at Klaus. "You want me to forgive you? You want to remind me of why I loved you? Letting my friend die isn't the way to do that, Niklaus."

"Katerina is compelled to do what I say," he said in a bored tone. "Unless there's something you want to tell me?"

You rolled your eyes. "It seems you already know."

"Well, I have been around for a long time," he said before standing. "Well then, it seems everything is in order here. I've got my wingman, I've got my girl. Let's leave this pitiful town."

• • •

You were staring sadly at Elijah's grey face in his coffin, a coffin Klaus had had designed for him centuries ago. So many times you'd seen your friend in this state, and it never got easier. You looked at the other coffins that held the rest of your family, Rebekah, Kol, Finn. How long would they have to suffer like this?

"I suppose, brother, you've been reunited with our family after all," Klaus said, coming beside you before closing the coffin.

"How can you be so cold?," you asked. "They're your family. What happened to Always and Forever? Last time I saw you, Rebekah was still with you. What did she do to deserve the dagger since then? What did any of them?"

He was quiet for a moment. "My family doesn't always know what's best for them," he said finally.

"And me?" you asked quietly.

"Y/N," he started but was interrupted as his two lackeys and Stefan joined you. "Put him with the others."

Stefan was looking at his phone. "So, did Katerina make it in time?" Klaus asked him.

"You won't be seeing her again, you know," Stefan said.

"Ah yes the vervain," he said. "I doubt she'll get very far. I'm sure you'll help me hunt her down. In the meantime, we have other plans."

"What is it you really want from me?" Stefan asked. "I get you want to try to get lucky with Y/N, but I can't really help you with that, especially since it seems like she hates you."

Klaus' eyes flashed at him for a brief moment. "All will be explained in time. Once we leave this tragic little town."

"Then are we done here?" Stefan asked. "Can we go?"

"I call shot gun," you said unenthusiastically.

"Not quite," Klaus said. "You see, I have a gift for you. Come here, sweetheart. Don't be afraid." You watched silently as a girl walked over. "See, I know Y/N won't run. She has too much loyalty for that. You, however, I don't quite trust yet. I wanna make sure you honor our deal...that you'll be of use to me."

His eyes turned yellow as he bit the girl's neck. "I could have compelled her to behave, but a true ripper enjoys the hunt."

He let her go, and she ran, screaming. Stefan sped after her, biting into her neck and drinking her blood. Your eyes were sad as you watched him. "This is cruel, Niklaus."

"Aw, come on, love, it's just a bit of a test," he said, smirking as Stefan drank the girl dry. She fell to the ground, dead. "Now we can go."

You followed them into the car, praying you hadn't just made a mistake.

• • •

Thanks for reading! Sorry for the delay! It's been a bit busy with the holidays! I hope everyone had a great time this holiday!

Hope you liked this chapter! I'd love it if you let me know what you thought but no pressure! See you next time!
