
thirty-nine. don't forget you're mine

You were getting ready for the party. In the end, you had decided to go. You needed the distraction. Your thoughts had solely been on one thing all day. Connor was not just a Hunter. He was one of the Five. You hadn't seen them since you were in Italy, all those years ago, when the Hunters almost killed the Mikaelsons. They would have succeeded if Klaus wasn't a hybrid and the daggers had no effect on him. They would have killed you too if you hadn't thought it the perfect night to look at the stars, and fell asleep in the meadow you'd found. You remembered how Klaus had been for decades after that, when you and Elijah had had to lock him away for his own protection and theirs. You hadn't been afraid of him hurting you. You knew he wouldn't. But he had the daggers then, his intent to use them obvious when he used one to subdue Finn in anger.

You wondered if you should tell him now, what you had learned. You knew what the Five were protecting. You knew how much he would want it, especially now. Rebekah had destroyed whatever blood he had left from Elena, and as she was a vampire now, a childless vampire, who knew when he would find another doppelganger to continue making his hybrids? They were a rare commodity these days indeed. You decided against it. It wasn't your problem and quite frankly, if Klaus couldn't make more hybrids, you wouldn't lose any sleep. Besides, the second Klaus and his guard dog Kol let up a bit, you were still going to make your escape.

Your phone rang and you sighed, seeing it was Damon. "What do you want now?" you answered.

"Your greetings need some work," he said easily. "Where are you?"

"At home," you checked your outfit one last time.

"The Mikaelson House of Horrors, you mean?"


"How do you feel about going Hunter hunting later?" he asked.

You tensed. Damon didn't know what Connor was. He didn't know about the Five, you were sure of it. But then, most people didn't. You wouldn't have if you hadn't run into them in Italy either. You knew you couldn't kill him. You didn't fancy being plagued by the hallucinations like Klaus had been back then. But then Damon didn't know that either, and knowing him, he would kill first, ask questions later.

There was a knock on your door before it opened and Klaus leaned against the frame, his eyes roaming over your frame. "Maybe," you said to Damon as your eyes met Klaus'. "I'm going to Rebekah's party first."

"I thought you weren't into playing with the children," he commented on the phone.

"I'm not," you said, smirking. "But I'm definitely into feeding on them."

"Y/N," he sighed.

"Text me the details later," you said before hanging up.

"You look beautiful," Klaus said, standing straight and walking over to him. He tucked your hair behind your ear, his eyes never leaving yours as his fingers lingered there. "I take it this little get up is for Rebekah's housewarming."

"Well, I was invited," you said, pushing his hand away with more ease than it took to push the feelings tittering in the corner of your mind away. You didn't want to be affected by his touch, but his hungry gaze was reminding you of all the nights you'd spent with him looking at you exactly like that.

He smirked, as if he knew what was going through your mind. He leaned forward, his lips a phantom's touch on your ear. "Perhaps I'll see you there." He stepped back, and walked away, leaving your skin tingling. Damn it.

• • •

The party was in full swing when you walked in. Rebekah's new home was exactly as you would have pictured for her, a teenage girl desperate for individuality, trying to break free from her brother's control.

"Y/N!" Rebekah ran over to you, grabbing your hand. "I'm so glad you came. Welcome to my abode."

You pulled your hand out of hers. "Yeah well, I needed a break from the guard dog. Coming here was better than your brothers breathing down my neck."

She looked at you seriously for a moment, and you knew what she was thinking, what she was remembering. After all, she had seen you like this before. "Well, I hope you enjoy," she said, her tone a bit too jovial. "There's drinks in the kitchen. Help yourself."

You nodded and walked towards the kitchen. Bottles were lined up on the counter. You poured yourself and turned to see Stefan and Elena walking in. "Y/N?" Stefan's voice was surprised.

You looked Elena over, ignoring him. You were a bit surprised she was here given that it was Rebekah who had killed her. Outwardly, she seemed the same. Weak, pathetic. But there was something in her eyes as they met yours, something you couldn't quite place. "Ready to rejoin society as the newest member of the vampire club, I see, Elena," you smirked.

She tensed slightly at your sarcastic tone. "I'm dealing with it," she said softly.

"Y/N, can I talk to you a moment alone?" Stefan tried again.


"Please?" he asked. You sighed and nodded. You were sure you could guess what he wanted to talk about.

"I'll be right back," Stefan told Elena before leading you to the living room.

You crossed your arms and looked at him. "Talk."

"Damon told me what happened," he said predictably. "You turned it off."


"And, I'm here if you need me," he said.

You laughed. "Why would I need you, Stefan?"

"Because I know what you're going through," he said. "I can help you."

"You?" you scoffed. "You can't even control your own blood lust, and let's not forget that when you turned your humanity off, you couldn't even do that right. I don't need your help, Stefan. Maybe you should focus on helping your girlfriend before Damon helps her out instead."

His jaw tightened, but he kept his cool. "Y/N, listen to me. I know you don't care. I know you don't see the point in your emotions, but I also know this isn't you."

"Why? Because of the months we spent together on the road?" you rolled your eyes. "Newsflash, Stefan. Those few months, even this year that I've been in this wretched town, are nothing. You are all blips in my long, long life. You don't know me, and I sure as hell do not need your help."

"Y/N, wait," he grabbed your arm as you went to walk away, but you sped out of his grasp and twisted his arm behind his back.

"That will no longer work on me, Stefan," you said menacingly in his ear. "You will not get close enough again."

"What...what do you mean?" he asked.

You pushed him away from you, a glare on your face. "The Y/N you've known all this time has been weak. I no longer have that infliction. So I'd advise you to stay the fuck away from me."

You walked away from him before he could speak again, leaving him with a very confused look.

You went to the backyard where the high schoolers were hanging out. There was a keg in the middle of the yard with a bunch of them crowding around it. You were starting to regret coming here.

"Well, doesn't this look fun," Klaus' voice made you turn. You rolled your eyes as you saw him and Kol standing behind you.

"Our baby sister really knows how to throw a party," Kol smirked.

"I'm pretty sure the two of you weren't invited," you said.

"When have you ever known me to pass up a party?" Kol said. "Besides, I'm pretty sure it's only Niklaus that wasn't on the invite list."

"Actually, I'll have you know that Rebekah called me here," he said, his eyes still on you. "Seems she thought I could...benefit from coming."

You rolled your eyes, knowing Rebekah had probably called him here for you, to help him turn your emotions back on. Regardless of what was happening between them, she apparently had no qualms about involving him in your  business. "Then by all means, I hope you have a good time," you chugged the rest of your glass before shoving it into his hand. You smirked as you grabbed Kol's hand. "I'm looking for a bit of a good time, too. What do you say, Kol? Let's dance."

You pulled him to the makeshift dancefloor before either of them could say anything, though the look they exchanged did not escape your notice. You put his hands on your hips as you began to dance. "You always were the best dancer in the family," you said.

"Easy, darling," he said, his tone tight as you moved against him.

"Why?" you met his eyes, a smirk on your lips. "Isn't this what you wanted? You love me, don't you, Kol? Now, you can have me."

A groan escaped his lips. "You're killing me," he said. "You know this isn't what I want."

"No?" you chuckled, brushing your thigh against his growing hardness. "Isn't this what you were hoping for in your whore Mary's house? When we were standing there so close?" You leaned up to whisper in his ear. "Do you want to know a secret? I've dreamt of that night. I wondered how it would have felt if you had actually kissed me."

You heard the distance growl resonate in the air and smirked. You felt Kol shudder against you. "Y/N, please," he said quietly.

"What?" you said. "Are you telling me you don't want me? I can feel how much you do."

"Not like this," his tone was strangled, as if he were holding himself back.

"Maybe like this then?" you reached up to tangle your fingers in his hair, pulling his head down towards you. You leaned up to press your lips against his. He tensed against you, his hands becoming fists against your hips. With your lips still on his, you looked to the side, your eyes meeting Klaus'. He was livid. You could feel the anger radiating off of him even from a distance. Mission accomplished.

In the time it would have taken you to blink, Klaus stalked over, pulling him off of you. "What the hell are you doing?" he demanded.

"I'm having a good time," you smirked.

He growled before looking at Kol, who seemed dazed and flustered. As if he couldn't believe what had just happened either. "Go," Klaus said through clenched teeth. It was a testament to how much you had affected him that Kol did not argue before taking off.

Klaus grabbed your arm before you could protest and dragged you towards the house. You saw Rebekah looking at you in shock from the stairs, and you waved at her, smirking. He didn't stop until you had reached a bedroom, shoving you inside and closing the door behind you. He pressed you against the wall, pressing against you. His eyes were ablaze, the anger still burning bright. "Are you proud of your little performance, love?"

"I figured Kol should enjoy himself too," you said. "I know I did."

He growled again, his hand reaching for your neck, his fingers closing around your throat. "Maybe you need a reminder of who you belong to," he said, his tone low and deadly.

Before you could respond, he slammed his lips against yours. You gasped out, albeit with difficulty as his hand was still around your neck. His other hand was holding your hips to his, your back arching off the door. This wasn't a gentle kiss. It was scorching, claiming. He explored your mouth with a precision that had been mastered over a thousand years. He knew exactly what to do to drive you wild, knowing your body as only he did. And fuck, if it didn't turn you on. Your hands reached up to entangle in his hair, trying to pull him closer, your fingers scraping at his scalp. You were on fire, every nerve in your body ablaze. You'd kissed him a few times in recent months, but nothing, nothing was like this.

"Fuck," you moaned out as his lips finally left yours, trailing to your ear.

"Whether you have your humanity or not, you are mine," he said, his tone demanding and firm. "I will kill anyone you try to touch again, including my own brother."

You shuddered at his words. There was no hint of a lie in his tone. You knew he would do it. You took a deep breath, trying to center yourself again. You couldn't lie and say the kiss hadn't affected you, in ways you had thus refused to acknowledge. But you couldn't let him in, not again. It made you weak. You mustered what little will power you had left and pushed him away.

"I'm not yours," you said, breathing heavily.

"You are," he said easily, as if it was the most basic fact of life. "You always will be. So have your fun, Y/N, but bear in mind that when your emotions do come back on, you will be sad if I have killed your best friend in the interim because of it."

You glared at him, but your phone rang, drawing your attention away from him. You saw it was Damon and picked it up, needing the reprieve. "You found him?"

"Yeah, the ever reliable and alluringly attractive Dr. Fell just called me," he said. "Meet me at the hospital."

"I'll see you soon," you said, hanging up. You had decided on your way to the party that you weren't going to get involved with Damon trying to kill the hunter anymore. You didn't want to risk it. But now? Now, you were glad for the distraction.

Klaus grabbed your arm, his eyes hard on yours. "You're going after the hunter?"

"It's none of your business," you said, trying to pull your arm out of his grasp.

"If you're going to put yourself in danger like this, then it is my business," he said. "I told you, you're mine." He went silent for a moment, as if debating something before he sighed. "I'm coming with you."

"Like hell you are," you glared at him. You needed to get away from him, from the things he was igniting within you.

"I have no qualms about breaking your neck and dragging you back to the mansion, love," he said. "So it's up to you. I can come with you or you're not going."

You groaned in defeat. "Fine."

You rolled your eyes at his ensuing smirk.

• • •

"Why'd you bring him?" Damon glared at Klaus as you met him at the entrance to the hospital.

"I didn't have a choice," you also glared at him.

"Oh don't mind me, I'm just here to lend a helping hand," Klaus said with a smirk. "Can't have you accidentally getting my girl killed again."

You rolled your eyes. "Just ignore him. So where's the hunter?"

"He just went in with Jeremy," Damon said. You raised an eyebrow at him. "Don't ask. It's a long story. I just want to get this done and get the hell out of dodge."

"You're leaving?" your voice was full of the surprise you felt.

"Yeah well, Stefan and I had a deal," he said. "She finally chose."

Klaus let out a barking laugh and Damon glared at him. "Sorry, sorry. I thought the world would end before Elena made her decision between the two of you."

"Where are you going?" you ignored Klaus' comment as you looked at Damon. You could feel...something under your skin at his admission, but you fought to push it down.

"Not sure yet," he shrugged. "Why, you interested in tagging along?"

This time it was Klaus' turn to glare. "She is not."

"She is standing right here," you snapped.

"Yeah, and she can make her own decisions," Damon smirked. Klaus growled, but Damon's phone pinged. He looked at the text. "Show time."

"You have a plan?" you asked, walking into the hospital after him.

"Well...kind of," he smirked. You rolled your eyes.

• • •

You watched silently as the Hunter followed the doctor lady into the storage room. Damon followed closely behind. When you moved to follow, Klaus grabbed your arm. "Maybe you should stay here," he said.

"Not on your life," you said. "Damon asked me to be here, not you. If you're so concerned about this hunter, you stay here."

He growled. "I'm invincible, you're not, love," he said.

"I'm also not weak," you told him. "Not anymore."

You shoved past him and walked into the dark storage room. You saw Connor walking through the darkness before freezing. "Is the hospital the best place for a germaphobe?" He said suddenly.

"Did I say germaphone?" Damon walked into his view. "Sorry. I meant vampire."

Connor pulled out his gun, aiming at Damon but Damon rushed at him, stabbing him with an arrow, dropping him to his knees. He reached for his dropped gun, but Damon stabbed him with another arrow. "Stings, doesn't it?"

Connor saw the wiring on the arrows and smirked. He cautiously moved, trying to grab his gun still, but you sped over, kicking it out of his reach. His eyes widened in surprise when he saw you. "Hi again," you smirked.

"This was your plan?" Klaus asked, shaking his head.

"It worked, didn't it?" Damon said. "Besides, I figured if it didn't, the shock of seeing Y/N would at least give me a minute to employ plan b." Klaus looked at him with a questioning look. "Oh you didn't know? Our hunter seems to be a little sweet on our Y/N. I've caught him flirting a few times."

Klaus glared at the hunter and you rolled your eyes. "Is this really the time?"

"Right," Damon clapped his hands, and looking at Connor. "Shall we play a game?"

Connor was kneeling now, his eyes on Damon as he walked over. You could tell he was itching to move, to take you all with him. The nature of the Five. Their life didn't matter, only the mission. "Keep it up, buddy," Damon said. "We'll be scraping you off the ceiling."

"You three are gonna kill me anyway," Connor said.

"Well, let's not be too hasty," Klaus said. "I feel like we're just getting to know each other."

"Kind of like he tried to do with Y/N," Damon supplied unhelpfully.

Klaus wrapped his arm around your neck. "Ah yes, my girl does like to have her fun. But sorry, mate, she's off limits to you."

You pushed his arm off and rolled your eyes. "Let's just get this over with, shall we?"

"Yeah, let's start with the basics," Damon said. "Where are you from? What do you know? What were you imagining to do to Y/N at the Grill?"

Connor smirked, his eyes meeting Klaus. "Your girl doesn't really seem to think she's off limits."

Klaus looked ready to kill him, but Damon grabbed his arm. "Need I remind you of the little bomb I have attached to him?" Klaus stopped, but his eyes remained deadly as they stayed on Connor. "So, maybe you can cue me in on this greater evil, because I've fought this guy," he gestured at Klaus, "and there's nothing more evil than that."

"Yeah, truth be told, I'm as evil as it gets," Klaus smirked.

"I'm not telling you anything," Connor said. "You think if you kill me, it's gonna be over? There's another waiting to take my place."

You laughed. "Please don't tell me you mean Jeremy Gilbert." He just smirked. "Hate to break it to you, cupcake. But Jeremy will never be one of you."

"Give him time," Connor said. "He will get there, just as I did."

"See, this is what I like to hear," Damon said. "Vague threats, ominous prophecies, disappearing tattoos."

You saw it the moment Klaus froze, when Damon's words processed in his mind. "What do you mean, tattoos?"

He walked over to Connor, and looked him over. "Don't bother," Damon told him. "You can't see the damn thing. Only the moody Gilbert can apparently."

"There's more to you than meets the eye, isn't there?" Klaus said, his tone shifting as he realized what this meant.

"Ask your girl, she was there when he saw it," Connor said.

Klaus looked over at you in shock. You smirked. "Oops, did I forget to mention? He's one of them."

Klaus growled. Connor used the distraction to try to stake Klaus, but Klaus reacted swiftly, catching his arm. "Nice try, but I'm faster than your average vampire." He twisted the hunter's arm and took the stake, looking at it. His eyes met yours across the room. "He's one of the Five."

"The what?" Damon looked between you two. You just continue to smirk. This is exactly what you needed, something to distract Klaus so you could get away.

"I'm faster than your average hunter," Connor said, breaking the silence. He pulled at the arrows in his chest. Klaus looked at you before grabbing Connor and speeding out of the room at the same time Damon cursed and grabbed you too, rushing out as the room exploded behind you.

You pushed him off and sat up. "Well, that was one way to do it," you looked at the flames engulfing the storage room.

"It killed him just the same, didn't it?" Damon groaned in pain. You raised an eyebrow at that. He hadn't seen Klaus escape with Connor. "Where's your boyfriend? Why isn't he here saving you?"

"He knows I can handle myself," you said.

"Clearly," he sat up too. "So, you wanna tell me what that was?"

"It was a bomb," you deadpanned.

"You're hilarious," he rolled his eyes. "What the hell is the Five?"

"What do you care? You're leaving, aren't you?"

"Aw, do I hear a touch of sadness in your tone?" he smirked. "Don't tell me you're gonna miss me."

You rolled your eyes and stood up, choosing not to answer.

"Y/N, come on," he said. "What is the Five?"

"You'll find out soon enough," you said, not bothering to turn around as you walk away.

• • •

Your phone rang when you stepped outside the hospital. Firefighters and police men were running past you, trying to get to the fire as they evacuated the occupants of the ward. You walked towards the parking lot before answering Stefan's call. "Calling to offer your help again?" you answered.

"No," he said. "Y/N, the beer at the party, it had werewolf venom in it."

"That doesn't seem like a good housewarming gift," you said.

"I think it was the hunter," he said. "Elena drank the beer."

Ah, now you understood why he was calling you. "Well, I hope you think of a good eulogy for her."

He cursed in frustration. "Klaus isn't picking up. Is he with you?"

"No, I don't know where he is," you said. You saw a lone woman walking through the parking lot, looking lost.

"Y/N, please," he said. "Can you call him? He'll pick up your call."

"It's not my problem, Stefan," you said. "Quite frankly, I don't care if she dies or not."

"You know this isn't you, Y/N," he breathed out.

"It is now," you said and hung up. You stared at your phone for a second. You could call Klaus. You knew he would pick up your call. He now had a vested interest in keeping Elena alive, you knew that. But did you want to? Because you knew what the Five were guarding. You knew Klaus would never stop until he got it now that he knew he had a path to it. Wasn't this exactly what you wanted? You wanted him to focus on the hybrids so he could let you go. You wanted him distracted so that you could run. Then then what was that burning you felt in your chest?

You groaned out in frustration, refusing to let your mind go down this path. You knew only weakness came with the feelings that were pushing at your subconscious, trying to worm their way back in. You closed your eyes, taking a deep breath, pushing it all down. You would not be weak again.

You opened your eyes and saw the woman still there. Maybe you needed a distraction, you thought. Something to get your mind off of Klaus and Elena and the stupid Five. You walked over to the woman. "Are you okay?" you asked, trying to keep your voice as friendly as possible.

"I can't find my car," she said sadly. "My daughter dropped it off while I was getting some tests done, but I don't know where she parked it."

"Oh, what kind of car is it? Maybe I can help you," you said. "If you help me first."

"What do you mean?" she turned to look at you, but gasped when she saw your fast had changed.

You smirked as you met her eyes. "Don't scream," you compelled before speeding over to her and piercing her neck with your fangs. Yes, this distraction was exactly what you needed.

• • •

Thanks for reading! Hope you enjoyed! Did you enjoy the Kol scene? hahaha I feel like this story is going to be getting a bit smuttier soon. Hope you don't mind ;)
