
sixteen. plan a sucked, i went with plan b

It was the laughing that woke you up. You walked down and saw Damon standing at the bottom of the stairs, staring at Stefan. There were two dead girls on the floor and a few more alive still playing twister.

"What the hell is going on?" You asked.

"Stefan is trying to be all he can be," Damon rolled his eyes.

"Y/N," Stefan smirked at you. "How would you like a spin? You seem like you'd be very good at Twister."

You blanched at his words. He was leering at you, and you found humanity-less Stefan creeped you out.

"Why is Stefan flirting with you?" Damon asked. "And very bad flirting at that. Guess dickwad Stefan has less game than regular Stefan."

"How should I know?" you wrapped your arms around yourself, suddenly feeling super exposed under his gaze. "Klaus told him to watch me."

There was a knock on the door and Damon went to open it. Rebekah walked passed him into the house, shopping bags in her hands. "Where's Stefan?" she asked.

"Who the hell are you?" Damon asked.

"He left me here," Rebekah looked over at you when she saw you standing there. "My brother actually left me here."

"Why do you sound surprised he abandoned you? Seems about right," you rolled your eyes.

"That absolute bastard, I can't believe this," she complained.

"Oh, I'm sorry," Stefan sat up from where he was drinking from one of the girls. "Your tone implies that I'm actually supposed to care."

"You're Klaus' sister?" Damon asked.

"Rebekah," she introduced herself. "Pleasure, I'm sure. Which one's my room?"

"You're not staying here," Stefan said.

She looked first at Damon and then you but neither of you said anything. You were still angry at her.

"Rude," she said. "I'll see to it myself."

She walked up the steps passed you. "Seriously?" Damon asked you.

"So I guess she's staying here," Stefan said.

You rolled your eyes before turning and walking back to your room with Damon following you.

"Scale of one to ten on people who's ass I want to kick, I'd say humanity-less Stefan is a fifteen," Damon rolled his eyes. "Now Barbie Klaus is staying here too? The fun just keeps coming."

You sat on your bed and looked up at him. "Barbie Klaus? Never mind."

"You don't seem overly worried," he said.

"About Rebekah? I'm not," you said. "Stefan? I'd say it's going to be a problem. But not as big a problem as waking Mikael."

"This again?" He groaned. "Y/N, I know you have this weird and long history with Klaus, but he's not a good guy. He's going to kill Elena."

"No, he's not," you said. He looked at you as if you'd grown a second head. "About killing Elena, I mean. She's the key to making his hybrids. He will protect her at all costs. You can trust me on that. Mikael though? He would kill her just to make sure Klaus doesn't get what he wants. Then he'll kill me, you, Stefan and anyone else he wants. You don't know what a monster he is."

"Enemy of my enemy," he shrugged. "Look, I promised I'd protect you, and I meant it. You're my friend. I won't let anything happen to you."

You smiled at him sadly. "You won't stand a chance against him, Damon. Don't you get it? He is the vampire hunter. We're all abominations to him."

"Is that why he hates Klaus so much? Being a hybrid makes him an even bigger abomination?" Damon asked.

You looked at the ground, centuries of memories and fears coming to your mind. "Mikael hates him because he is an abomination, yes," you said vaguely. "It doesn't have anything to do with him being a hybrid."

"Then why? Come on, Y/N, enough with the secrets," he said. "I know you know."

"I can't tell you," you said. "Because you want to use this information to kill Klaus and I can't help you do that."

"Seriously? After everything he's done to you? He left you here, Y/N," Damon told you. "He heard Mikael is coming and he left you here. I'm assuming he knows you're number one on Mikael's hit list."

"You heard what he said," you told him. "He wants me to go with him willingly. He knows I'm not willing."

"Oh please," he rolled his eyes. "He dragged you out of Mystic Falls at the beginning of summer. What's different now?"

"Everything," you said quietly. Because now you knew what you had not known before. You knew why he had sent you away.

"Don't tell me you're Team Klaus now," he scoffed.

"I'm not," you said firmly. "What he did hasn't changed. But I'm not Team Kill Klaus either."

"Then what are you even doing here?" Damon asked you. "You could have run far from here and never looked back. Why did you come back?"

"To help you with Stefan," you said truthfully. You felt a kinship with Stefan. You'd been together all summer. You'd gone through the battle together and you wanted to help him. You couldn't leave him as he was, without his humanity, without remorse. You knew Damon would drive himself crazy trying to help him. You also knew Lexi would want you to try to save him, if you could. But you knew that had to be the extent of your involvement. You would never help them kill Klaus, and with Mikael on the loose, you knew you did have to get as far away from here as possible as soon as you could. "But once we get his humanity back, I'm leaving, Damon."

• • •

You were grabbing a blood bag from the kitchen when Rebekah suddenly appeared beside you, holding up a dress.

"What do you think of this?" she asked. "I swear, the lack of clothing in this decade is positively scandalous. I love it."

You stared at her as you pulled the blood bag away from your lips. "What are you doing?"

"Trying to decide what I want to wear on my first day of school," she said casually.

"No, I mean what are you doing talking to me?" you rolled your eyes. "Did you forget what happened yesterday?"

"Of course not, but we're sisters, we fight and then pretend it didn't happen," she said.

"Rebekah," you tried to stay as calm as possible. "It wasn't a fight. This isn't like the times we used to argue and then gang up on Niklaus. You broke my neck and sided with Niklaus after everything I've done for you without even hearing my side of the story. So no, we're not going to just pretend it didn't happen."

"Y/N, I said I was sorry," she said.

"And I don't care," you rolled your eyes, stepping around her to walk out. "Have fun at school."

• • •

"So what exactly is the plan?" you asked, sitting down on the edge of Alaric's desk. Damon had called you to come to the school to figure out a plan to handle Stefan.

"We're going to lock him up," Elena told you. "Get him off the human blood first, and then deal with his humanity switch."

"Right," you said. "Easy enough. How are you planning to do that? He's high on human blood."

"I'll lure Stefan away from the bonfire. Then when he's distracted...," Elena trailed off.

"I'll shoot him," Alaric finished.

"Can't Bonnie just ju-ju him or something?" Damon asked.

"I'm trying to keep Bonnie out of this. I don't trust that Stefan won't hurt her. Caroline, are you covered?" Elena asked.

"Yes! I will make sure that the old Forbes jail cell is prepped and ready," she answered.

"Or easier option, I'll just break his neck and we can..." you started.

"How are you gonna do that?" Damon asked. "Like you said, he's high on human blood and he's hyper alert now that he's gone all watch dog."

"There's three of us," you nodded towards Caroline too. "And one of him."

"You're forgetting a key player here," Damon said. "Rebekah? Wherever Stefan goes, the blond ponytail tends to follow."

"Can you distract her, Y/N? You've known Klaus all this time so you must have known her too, right?" Elena asked.

"I do and no, I can't," you said simply.

"Why the hell not?" Damon asked.

"We're not speaking at the moment," you said. "If I suddenly talk to her, she'll get suspicious."

"Hell of a time to get into a chick fight," he said.

"Okay, so then Damon will have to do it," Elena said.

"How?" he scoffed. "She's an original. Last time I checked, we're out of daggers."

"Maybe preoccupy her with your charm," you smirked.

"Might have better luck finding the dagger," Alaric grumbled.

"Are ever not going to be mad at me for a day?" Damon sighed.

"Doubtful," Alaric said.

"Hell of a time to get into a chick fight, Damon," you shot back at him.

"You don't even know what happened," he rolled his eyes at you.

"He killed me," Alaric told you. You glared at Damon and smacked him in the arm.

"You're an idiot," you said.

"Hey, how do you know he didn't deserve it?" he asked.

"Because I know you?"

Tyler walked in, cutting off Damon's comeback. "Sorry I'm late. What's going on?"

"We need you to raid your mom's vervain supply. Enough to keep Stefan down for a while," Elena said.

"You can't do that to Stefan," Tyler said and you looked at him warily.

"Why not?" Caroline asked.

"Trust me, Tyler, it's in his best interest," Elena said.

"But it's not in Klaus's," Tyler said. Oh shit. You knew what this was. You stood up in preparation.

"But Klaus is the bad guy, Tyler," Caroline scoffed. "You know, why are you acting like some freaky, hybrid, slave minion?"

"Uh oh," Damon stood too, exchanging a look with you. You knew he had experience with this. He'd told you about that girl, in New Orleans.

"What?" Alaric asked him.

"Klaus made me who I am, Caroline. I owe him everything," Tyler said.

"Oh, boy," Damon said.

"Okay, can we cool it on the commentary, please?" She glared at Damon.

"What is going on?" Elena asked.

Damon picked up a vervain dart slowly. Tyler noticed the movement and stepped back. "I'm just going to go," he said.

You sped over to him and snapped his neck before he could leave. He crumpled to the ground, dead.

"Y/N!" Caroline shrieked before crouching down to  check on him. "What the hell?"

"He's been sired," Damon said, putting the dart down.


"Sired," he said again. "He feels loyal to Klaus because Klaus' blood created him."

"Loyal how?" Elena asked.

"He'll seek acceptance from his master. It's really rare," Damon said.

"But maybe not so much in hybrids," you looked over at Damon with worry in your eyes. The hybrids were bad enough, but if they were sired to didn't want to think of what he could do with an army like that.

"So how do I fix him?" Caroline asked.

"Get a new boyfriend," Damon shrugged.

She looked at him in shock before turning to you. "You must know something," she said. "Anything, Y/N?"

"I'm sorry, Caroline," you said softly. "I don't know any cures for those who have been sired." You looked up at Elena. "But on another note, as you can see, snapping necks is very effective. I still say we just sneak up on Stefan and snap his neck."

Damon rolled his eyes as Elena looked at you hesitantly. "Maybe that can be Plan B," she said finally.

• • •

You had just gotten out of the shower waiting for your meet up time when your phone rang. Klaus. You sighed, debating if you wanted to answer. You wondered why he was calling you. You had no idea where he'd run off to, but you could guess, especially since he'd left with a supply of Elena's blood.

You stared at the phone until the ringing died. You weren't sure what he wanted, but you just didn't have it in you to talk to him right now. A few minutes later, your phone buzzed with a new voicemail.

You sat on your bed and played it.

"Y/N, I'm here in the Rockies, just enjoying the sights, and I saw something that made me think of you," his voice rang in your ear. "It was a baby hummingbird that had fallen out of its nest. It reminded me of the time we went trekking in the Andes. Do you remember it, love? Just you and me and the open air. I remember what you said to me that day, about the things you lost when you turned. I told you that you'd never failed me. I still believe that. But I do think I've failed you. It took me crossing the town line to realize I should have thrown you over my shoulder and took you with me, even if you were kicking and screaming. The only thing that stopped me was knowing I took away your choice once, and I can't do that again. But the thought of leaving you there, with Mikael...please, be careful, love. I couldn't bear it if I came back to that little town and had to stand over your corpse. I am an invincible hybrid, but I do think that would kill me. I know what you think of me now, but just know this. I will love you until the last breath leaves my body. See you soon, Y/N."

You sighed, and not knowing why, you played it again. "Y/N, I'm here in the Rockies..."

There was a knock on your door and you closed your voicemail quickly. You turned to see Damon, watching you. "Was that your psycho ex?"

"What do you want, Damon?" you ignored his question.

"Okay, I get it, you want some 'alone time'," he used air quotes as he smirked at you. You threw your pillow at him. "Hey, this is my house."

"It's going to be your house I bash your face into in a moment," you said.

"Touchy," he said.

"Did you need something or did you just want to be a dick?"

"I can multitask, Y/N," he smirked. "But no, I came to tell you to finish getting ready. We're leaving in fifteen."

"Okay, get out," you said. You sped to the door and closed it on him, sighing as you leaned back against the door, clutching your phone to your chest.

He knew Mikael was coming, and he ran. A part of you wondered why he didn't take you with him after all the stuff he told you in Chicago. Why would he risk leaving you behind if he thought Mikael was coming? You had wondered if it was all bullshit, the things he had said to you. But now you knew it was because he didn't want to take your choice again, not after last time. You smiled slightly, biting your bottom lip. It shouldn't melt your heart just a little bit, but it did.

You remembered the day he was taking about so clearly, when you had seen the humming bird and you had told him your insecurities and he had told you his. In a thousand years, that was the closest you'd ever felt to him. You sighed. You knew it was dangerous, letting him into your heart again. You weren't over your anger. But you couldn't help it. Rebekah had asked you last night if you were willing to throw away a thousand years of familial bonds for a few decades of friendship. But she didn't understand. She didn't get what he had done, what he was capable of. Not really. If she misbehaved, he daggered her for a few decades, give or take a century. But with you, that was never an option. He was still able to pull out the daggers when he so wished, and be reunited with his family. With you, he had forced you to forget so that you wouldn't even know him if you saw him. The cruelty of that decision, regardless of his reasons, it was why you had chosen not to go with him last night, despite how much Mikael scared you.

That was why as soon as you helped them fix Stefan, you were going to leave. You had told Damon you would, and you knew he didn't really believe you. But you couldn't stay here, where either of them could find you. Because Mikael would kill you, but Klaus...Klaus could break you again. And that wasn't a risk you were willing to take.

• • •

"So how long you really gonna be mad at him?" you asked Alaric. The two of you were hiding from view for the plan. Elena was going to isolate Stefan on the bleachers, and when she distracted him, Alaric would shoot him with a vervain dart. You were there for back up in case he missed and you did need to break his neck. Honestly, you still thought that was the most simple solution. Stefan may have been hopped up on the human stuff, but you were a thousand years old.

"Well, he hasn't actually apologized yet so, not any time soon," Alaric said.

You smiled. "Apologies are not really his thing."

"I know that works for you in whatever weird friendship you guys have, but it doesn't work for me," Alaric said.

"Yeah, I know," you said. "Honestly, if we didn't have the history we did, it wouldn't work for me either."

"You know what I don't get?" he asked. You looked over at him in question. "You forgive Damon no matter what, but you won't forgive Klaus."

You looked at him oddly. "Did Klaus possess you again?"

"I'm serious, Y/N," he said. "I mean don't get me wrong. I don't want you to go back to being on Team Klaus, but Damon tried to assault you. He says incredibly hurtful things. And you just forgive him. Whatever Klaus did to you, you still won't forgive him. I mean I get Damon helped you when your humanity was off, but why is that enough?"

You thought about the answer for a moment. It wasn't the first time the question had popped into your head, and you were sure it wouldn't be the last given how often Damon did dumb things. But it was a valid question, especially from someone who was trusting you to watch his back. "We all bring something with us when we turn," you told him. "Our most prominent characteristics get amplified. For me, it was my love for Klaus and my loyalty. Klaus...had my loyalty for a long time, and he would have had it for an eternity or until my death, whichever came first. But he broke that. He broke my trust. Regardless of the things Damon has done or things he has said, he has never betrayed me. I guess it makes it easier to forgive the darker parts of him."

"Fair enough," he said after a moment. "I guess I'm just not there yet."

"Yeah, I get it, he doesn't make it easy," you smirked. He smirked back at you.

You both shut up as you heard Elena and Stefan a few feet away. She was acting drunk, and he was humoring her. It hurt your heart to know Klaus had broken their love. But he was good at that.

You heard Elena scream. "I knew you would catch me," she said.

Alaric walked out as quietly as possible and shot him in the back with the vervain dart. Stefan groaned before falling to the ground.

"I can't believe that worked," you said as you walked over to them.

"Thanks for the vote of confidence, Y/N," Elena said.

"You okay?" Alaric asked her.

"Yeah, I'm fine," she slurred.

"You look uh not sober," Alaric said.

"The plan worked, that's all that matters," she said. "Let's get him out of here."

You nodded and picked him up. Elena opened Alaric's trunk and you dumped him in there, shutting it behind you. Elena climbed into the front seat. Alaric kicked a gas can with his foot.

"I guess all the geniuses came out today," he said.

"I'll grab Damon," you said. "We'll meet you at the cell."

He nodded and walked towards the car when suddenly, you saw something out of the corner of your eye. A trail of fire was rushing towards the car. You jumped Alaric, knocking him to the ground as the car erupted in fire. You then sped over to Elena's door, trying to pry it open but it wouldn't budge. You groaned, knowing witchcraft when you saw it.

"Elena!" Alaric tried to open the door on the other side. "Open the door! Elena!"

"I can't!" She screamed back, trying the handle. "It won't open."

"It's witchcraft," you said, looking around for something to hit the window with. There was nothing close by so you ripped the bottom of your shirt and wrapped it around your fist. "Move back."

She nodded and slid to the other seat. You punched the window, but nothing happened.

"I really hate witchcraft," you mumbled, punching it again. Alaric found a lacrosse stick and tried to break it too, but he also had no luck.

"We have to do something!" he said.

"Well, I'm not standing here just stargazing," you rolled your eyes, punching the window harder.

Elena started coughing, looking back at Stefan. He was regaining consciousness, and kicked the trunk. To your surprise, the trunk window broke. Whatever spell it was must have broken, you thought. Elena climbed back to the trunk, and Alaric grabbed her through the back window, pulling her out. "Hurry! Before it blows."

"Wait! Wait!" She said, trying to turn to grab Stefan.

"Move," you said, speeding beside her. She nodded and got out of the way. You punched the window again and grabbed him, pulling him out.

The four of you got away just before the car exploded. Stefan was still weak, his head falling to the ground as you looked at the car. "What the hell was that?" Alaric asked.

"Probably a sign that your car was a piece of junk," you joked. He rolled his eyes at you.

• • •

Your hand had healed as soon as you helped yourself to a blood bag back at the Boarding House. Damon had taken Elena to his room to fix her burns. Stefan had regained consciousness and had run off before any of you could get him again.

You thought maybe your life would have been easier if you had just gone with Klaus. Then you wouldn't have to deal with Stefan or live in this constant fear of Mikael.

"You okay?" Alaric asked, breaking you out of your thoughts as you threw out your blood bag.

"Yeah, nothing a little blood can't fix," you said. "You?"

"Well, I don't have a way to get to work tomorrow, but other than that, I'm good," he said.

You laughed and tossed him your keys. "You can borrow my car," you said. "I can get anywhere in this town faster with vamp speed anyway."

"Thanks," he said.

"I'm gonna need that back when we bring Stefan back," you said. "I'm gonna need a ride out of here."

"I heard Damon telling Elena you were going to leave once we fixed Stefan," he said. "That still true?"

"Yeah," you said. "His psycho ex is still trying to wake Mikael, and I want to be long gone before that happens."

Alaric watched you for a second. "Can I ask you answer question?"

"The first one was free, I may have to charge you for this one," you joked.

"You're scared of Mikael," he ignored your joke.

"He's infinitely worse than Klaus so yeah, I am," you said.

"But when Klaus asked you to leave with him last night, you didn't go," he said.

"I'm waiting for the question," you said. He just gave you a look and you sighed. "I told you. I'm loyal. I'm not just gonna abandon Damon or Stefan. Me and the little budding psychopath got really close during the summer. We didn't really have a choice, mind you. And I...I know what it's like having your choice taken away from you. He turned it off but it wasn't his choice. I want to help him."

"You know, there may not be a way to help him," Alaric said. "After the things he's doing, whatever he did in the summer, he probably doesn't want to turn it back on."

You nodded. "I know, but I had this friend once. Her name was Lexi, and well, she loved Stefan a lot. And if he's in there, I have to try to help him. For her if nothing else."

• • •

You heard Alaric and Elena talking to Stefan in the hallway. He was taunting them. You weren't sure when Stefan had gotten home, but he seemed safe and sound now from the sound of it.

"Elena, wait," you heard him say. "You could have let me die in that fire tonight. Why didn't you?"

"Because I still have hope," she said.

"After everything I've done, you... You still think I'll be able to find my humanity again," Stefan said. You flinched as you heard it in his voice. He was toying with her.

"Yes, I do. I know who you really are better than anyone, Stefan. And I'm not giving up," she said.

"Elena, do you have any idea how pathetic that makes you?" he said.

"No, Stefan, it makes me strong," she said.

You heard a release of some kind following by Stefan groaning in pain. You knew this was your best opportunity. You sped into the hall behind Stefan. He was kneeling on the ground, clutching his stomach and Elena was taking off her wrist band. Before any of them could react, you snapped his neck.

Elena gasped, looking at you with wide eyes. "I think it's time for Plan B," you said as Stefan fell to the floor, dead.

• • •

You dragged him into the cellar and locked the door behind you. Elena followed you down. "Y/N, we didn't want to snap him neck," she said. Damon and Alaric were right behind her.

"No, you guys said you thought you couldn't because he's hopped up on human blood," you said. "So am I, and I've been alive longer. We should have gone with this plan from the beginning. Then Alaric's car wouldn't have blown up and you wouldn't have almost been burned alive."

"It was pretty effective," Damon said, looking through the slot in the door.

"Damon," Elena rolled her eyes. "That's not the point."

You sighed and looked at her. "The point is we got it done, just not the way you wanted," you said. "I get it, Elena. He's your epic love and you don't want to hurt him. But have you ever seen how a vampire turns their humanity back on? Do you know what drives us to flip the switch?"

"No," she said after a moment.

"It's a moment of weakness," you told her. "When a spark of emotion gets in. The problem with Stefan right now is that he's so drugged out on human blood, he's just building up his guilt resume again so much that he doesn't want to turn it back on. The sooner we get him off the stuff, the better."

Elena seemed to debate with herself on this. You weren't sure what her plan was for when they locked him up in the first place, but you were done with these half measures. You didn't have time to sit around when Mikael could show up at any time. You needed to be long gone before that. Your phone started ringing again and you saw Damon watch you suspiciously. You ignored it. You had a feeling you knew who it was.

"Okay," she said finally.

"Great," you said, walking passed them out of the cellar.

You walked up to your room and sat down on your bed, pulling your phone out. You were right. You had another message from Klaus. You pushed play and held your phone up to your ear.

"Hello, love," he said. "I see you're still not picking up my calls. I must admit it is harder now than it was in 1919 to let you go, to not have you by my side. I think perhaps because I had resolved to myself before that I was saving you by letting you go. It was my burden to carry and it was worth it if you lived on, even long after me. But now, I'm not even sure I could make that same decision. I wonder if that lifts your anger at all or does it just make me selfish? To know even at the cost of death, I would rather keep you by my side than free you? Perhaps when I return, you'll come away with me of your own choice. I'll dream about it. I hope you will too. Sweet dreams, love."

You sighed and clutched the phone tight in your hand. Why was he doing this to you? His sweet words reminded you of the boy you knew once long ago, when you were human. Before the truths and betrayals were reveals, before the blood lust and aggression took over. A boy you loved more than anything that you were willing to die than be parted from him.

But Klaus had proved time and time again that he wasn't that boy anymore. Even if he had your heart still, he had changed so much over the centuries. Was he trying to show you that underneath it all, at least with you, he could still be that person? You weren't sure, but you knew you needed to be careful or you'd get burned. The problem weren't sure you were going to care about that much longer.

You leaned back on your bed, closing your eyes as you took a deep breath.

"Wow, don't tell me you buy that garbage," you heard from the foot of your bed. Your eyes opened and you sat up quickly.

"Lexi?" You gaped at the blonde smirking at you.

"Hello, friend."

• • •

Thanks for reading! Hope you guys liked it! I know I'm making Klaus to be a little less...Klaus at the moment but like stay with me. He's obviously going to be different with her than anyone else.

Anyways! Hope to update again soon! Let me know what you thought!
