
thirty-one. it was legendary. it was momentary.

New York

"I still don't see why we can't just grab him and force the blood out of him," Klaus said as you walked down the street. "Finn has never been a challenge for me."

You rolled your eyes. "What happens to one happens to all, remember? Besides, my plan is much better than yours. As usual. Yet another reason you shouldn't have forced me to leave."

"Alright, alright, love," he chuckled, pulling you in and draping his arm around your neck. "I concede my nefarious plans turned out much better when I had your council. And I am forever indebted to you for forgiving my past transgressions."

"I haven't forgiven you," you said so softly that only his vampire ears could have picked it up in the bustling sounds of the city you had once called your home.

He was silent for a moment. "I did wonder if that was what was causing you to refrain from entering my bed again."

"I enter your bed every night," you said, though you knew that wasn't what he meant. "I literally woke up there this morning."

He stopped, pulling you to a stop as well and turning you to look at him. "You know that is not what I meant. You come to me for sleep, and I am grateful for the peace I can succumb to again after a hundreds years of restless nights without you. But you hesitate when I touch you. You pull away from me. Perhaps you have not actually let me back into your heart."

You sighed. "Can we not talk about this now?" You knew this conversation would come up eventually. You knew you were holding back, but you couldn't help it. Every time he touched you more intimately than a kiss, you couldn't help but pull back. And you had no idea why. In truth, you had gotten over the women he'd been with since he sent you away. Lexi was right. You weren't together then. But something was still holding you back.

He didn't move, just staring at you, a contemplative look on his face.

"Klaus," you sighed, trying to pull out of his grip, but he didn't budge. "We have to find Finn."

"This conversation isn't over," he said. "But luckily for you, I have found my suicidal brother."

He stepped back, his entire demeanor changing as he let you go. You followed him to an alley, tense as you felt his silent rage. Finn was walking down the street as you approached.

"Hello, Finn," Klaus greeted.

Finn looked unsurprised to see you both. "Hello, Niklaus, Y/N. I have nothing to say to you both."

"I'm not here to chat," Klaus said easily. "I will ask you one thing, though. Where's our mother?"

"Gone to find another way to end our abominable lives," Finn said. "And when she does, I will sacrifice myself all over again."

"Do you ever get tired of being a momma's boy?" You rolled your eyes.

Finn's eyes flashed at you. You knew he was probably remembering the things you'd said to his mother last time. "I could say the same of you, Y/N, the way you're standing beside Niklaus again. Given everything he has done to you, including condemning you to this monstrosity of a life, I would think you'd have more self-respect and stay far away from him."

Klaus growled. "I would watch your words, brother. My patience with you, and I'm sure you can imagine, has run out."

"Why? Do I speak lies? You banished her and yet, here she stands, inexplicably tethered to you like a moth to a flame, oblivious to the burns she suffers in your presence," he said. "I suppose the only solace she will find will be in your death once mother returns."

You could feel the anger radiating off of Klaus though he smirked slightly, unwilling to show Finn how deeply his words cut him. "How fortunate I found you before her return then. I require your assistance."

"I have no wish to help you, Niklaus," Finn said. "Only to see you dead."

"Well, that's the thing," Klaus said. "You see, you won't be able to see me dead because if I die, you die, so it's a wish unfulfilled."

"Oh, bother someone else with your hollow charms, Niklaus," Finn snapped, starting to walk away. Klaus sped over, pushing him against the brick wall.

"Why? When I can bother my big brother?" Klaus smirked. "I need you to accompany me back to Mystic Falls. I have a witch there who can help undo Esther's spell that linked us together."

"I have to wish to be unlinked!" Finn pushed him back.

"Finn, you know this is madness," you sighed. "They're your siblings. How can you do this to them?"

"Perhaps the same way you were able to allow me to stay in that coffin for 900 years," Finn said coldly. "I wish they could see this the way I do though. Perhaps then they could go in peace."

"Again with the wishes," Klaus rolled his eyes. "Let me will come back with me or I will put you back in that coffin in which you rotted for 900 years."

"What happens to one happens to all, Niklaus," Finn reminded him. "You may not feel the effects of the dagger, but you'd lose your precious Rebekah. Y/N would lose Kol. Could you do that to her? Again?"

"Wouldn't be the first time," Klaus said easily. You glared at him. Over your dead body was he going to dagger them again, not when you just got them back.

Finn realized words weren't going to work in his favor and tried to speed away, but Rebekah jumped down, blocking his path. "Let's not make this any worse than it has to be, darling brother," she said.

"You're siding with him?" Finn asked her. "After everything he's done to us?"

"At least he's not trying to make us go extinct," Rebekah reminded him. The two siblings rushed at their eldest brother, knocking him out.

"Well, guess that wasn't part of the linking spell," Klaus said, looking at Rebekah who was still standing. "Let's get out of here."

• • •

Mystic Falls

Klaus threw Finn to the floor of the parlor as you and Rebekah stood back. He was finally coming too though Klaus did have to knock him out a few more times between New York and Mystic Falls.

"Gather your witch," Rebekah said. "Let's get his blood and get on with it."

"You can't force me to help you," Finn said.

"Oh, I mostly like could," Klaus said. "But I'm letting the missus handle the show at the moment. Luckily for you, she thinks persuasion is the better tactic here."

"Your tactics won't work on me," Finn insisted.

"I wouldn't be so sure about that," you said, smirking.

Sage walked down the stairs, and Finn's eyes widened as she smiled at him. "Hello, Finn."

"Sage!" He sped towards her, wrapping her in his arms.

"What do you know? True love prevails," Rebekah said.

Klaus met your eyes. "It does indeed."

"So you admit my plan was better?" you smirked slightly.

"Well, it was easier than torturing him," he conceded.

"And he's your brother and may actually stop wanting to kill himself if he has love again," you added.

"He was more interesting in a box so either way would have been fine with me," Klaus said as he pulled out his phone, responding to a text. "It seems Kol is in position for phase 2."

"Phase 2?" you asked. You didn't know what other plans he had concocted, and from the look on his face, that worried you a bit.

"Yes well, this part of the plan does necessitate torture, I'm afraid," Klaus said. "Which is my expertise."

"I have something to do," Rebekah said. "What do you need from me for this spell?"

"Just your blood and your blessing," Klaus said. "Where are you going?"

"I have some unfinished business with Damon Salvatore," Rebekah said. "Ask Y/N what he did to me and you'll understand why retribution is in order."

You sighed, knowing how Rebekah could be when she was delivering 'retribution'. "Just don't kill him, Rebekah, please."

"Oh I wouldn't put him out of his misery that quickly," Rebekah said before leaving.

"What did your not so charming friend do to my sister?" Klaus questioned.

"It's a long story," you said as Finn and Sage approached you, a smile on both their faces.

"I'm going to show Finn around town," Sage told you. "Thank you for this, Y/N."

"Yes, thank you, Y/N," Finn said. "I know it was your plan that convinced my brother to allow this reunion. It seems I misjudged you. I am sorry."

"Well, we'll call it even for all the pranks Kol and I used to play on you, shall we?" you smiled.

He smiled back, turning to face Klaus. "While I am still wary of the monstrous life to which we have been condemned, I will no longer attempt to sacrifice myself in mother's goals."

"That is all I wanted to hear, big brother," Klaus smirked.

"But I have a condition," he continued.

"Spoke too soon," Klaus said. "Alright, out with it."

"You will leave Sage alone," he said. "She will face no calamity by your hand."

Klaus rolled his eyes. "You could ask for anything, but the one thing you ask for is protection for your lady friend?"

"You know what she means to me," Finn said. "You understand it, don't you, brother? After all, the proof of your understanding is standing right beside you."

Klaus looked at you for a moment before smirking at Finn. "Very well, brother. Sage will not meet her end by my hands."

Finn smiled in thanks, and you felt elated for him. Regardless of his betrayal with Esther, Finn had been a brother to you once too. You were never as close to him as the others, partly due to the larger difference in your age and partly due to his serious mannerism, but the bond was still there. You had seen firsthand the connection he had with Sage. You were the only one he had confided in back then, when he used to sneak away from his siblings to meet her. He had asked you about the transition process before he turned her. Your experience in becoming a vampire was different than the Mikaelsons. You had been the first vampire turned by their blood, and he was worried what the experience would do to her.

They left, leaving you alone with Klaus. You turned to face him. "That was nice of you, giving your brother that peace," you said, slightly surprised by Klaus' agreement. Klaus held grudges more than anyone you knew. You knew he wouldn't forgive Finn's betrayal as easily as you had.

"Yes well, I suppose my big brother does deserve some happiness," he said, reaching to tuck your hair behind your ear. "Besides, perhaps if he gets laid, he will stop trying to kill himself."

You rolled your eyes, understanding now why he had agreed. "Why am I not surprised?"

"He colluded with our mother to kill us," he said. "He's lucky he's not hanging from his breeches in the basement."

You sighed, shaking your head.

"Now," he clapped his hands together, a smirk on his face. "Perhaps we can resume our previous conversation?"

You rolled your eyes. "I thought it was time for phase 2."

"I'm multitasking," he said, grabbing you by the waist and pulling you close to him. "Tell me, love, what will it take to allow me back into your heart?"

"Maybe this isn't the best time to talk about this," you said softly. Because you didn't really know what to say. You loved Klaus, and he had your heart. But the ice that had built around your heart was just too frozen still.

He put his finger under your chin, causing you to meet his eyes. You could see the question in them. You saw the vulnerability he refused to show others, that you would see when it was just the two of you, lost in your own world.

You sighed. "You have my heart, Nik," you said softly. "You've always had my heart and you will have it long after I am gone."

"Then what is your hesitation?" he asked, a small smirk on his lips at your admission.

"I just...don't know if that's enough anymore," you admitted. And there it was, the weight that you had been carrying on your shoulders for months. You'd always loved him, long before you were a vampire, long before he was even yours, you had loved him with every fiber in your being. But too much had happened. "Who you are now, the things you've done," you shook your head. "You were always ruthless, Niklaus. But not like this. Not towards me." His arms tightened around you at your words. "Nik, you're hurting me."

He let you go finally, the anger radiating off of him. You knew it was dangerous, telling him what was deep in your heart. The Niklaus you knew before, you knew him better than you knew yourself. You knew every reaction, every thought, every move he would make. But this man, this Klaus in front of wasn't just the women he'd been with after he sent you away. It was that you no longer knew him. You hadn't even realized that was what was holding you back so much until now.

He turned away from you for a moment, and you could see his shoulders moving as he if was calming himself down. When he turned again, his gaze was cold, distant. He was not Niklaus in this moment. "Time for phase 2."

"And what exactly is phase 2?" you asked suspiciously, glad he wasn't going to continue the conversation. In truth, you didn't know what else to say anymore.

"Getting our resident Bennett witch to reverse Esther's spell," he said.

You raised an eyebrow at that. Caroline had told you she left with Bonnie and her mom to help her mom with her transition. But even if Bonnie was around, you knew her opinion on the Originals. "She's not going to help you," you said.

"Oh, I think she will," he smirked. "Your plan with Finn worked. But with the little witch, I plan to use more...persuasive means."

"Klaus," you said, grabbing his arm. "She's still a Bennett. She may not be able to kill you, but she can still hurt you. Don't do anything stupid."

"I'm glad you still care," he said flippantly. You glared at him. "Fine, fine. I will not provoke the witch."

• • •

Bonnie was sitting on the sofa, looking uncomfortable and angry. Her eyes flitted towards you, the anger increasing before looking back at Klaus.

"Why am I here?" She asked.

"Well, Bonnie, you see, you and your bloodline has caused a bit of a problem for me," Klaus said. "So I'm going to need your help to undo it."

"Why would I ever help you?" Bonnie scoffed.

"I'm sure I don't have to tell you how this works, Bonnie," Klaus said. "You refuse, I threaten you. You break the blood vessels in my brain, and I kill someone you love. Perhaps we can just skip all that to the part where you remember I am indestructible and you look through my mother's grimoire here and undo the little spell she cast on my siblings and I?"

"Or I can just wait until your mother finds a way to kill you first," she said.

"Yes, my brother said our esteemed mother is still finding a way to end our existence," Klaus said. "Unfortunately, that does put me in a bit of a time crunch. My mother has always been quite precocious. So I guess we are going to presume the old dance then. Very well, little witch. You will find a way to unlink my siblings and I or I will head straight to your mother's house and end her new existence."

You saw the fear in Bonnie's eyes. "If you touch her, I will find a way to end you myself."

"And here we are at the impasse I was hoping to avoid," Klaus said.

"Let me try," you said softly to Klaus. You knew Bonnie wasn't going to back down. She was too prideful for that. Unfortunately, so was Klaus. Neither of them would bend.

He looked over at you, a small smirk coming to his face. "Very well, let's see if your persuasion works better...first."

You walked over to Bonnie who was looking at you with untrusting eyes. "I'm not helping you either," she said.

"Bonnie," you sighed.

"How can you support him, Y/N?" She cut you off before you could say anything else. "After everything he's done? To you, to Elena, to Stefan, Caroline, Damon...the list goes on. How can you help him?"

"Because he's my family," you told her. Regardless of how you felt about him right now, that would never change. After all, he would still have your heart, even in your death. "They are my family. And like you would protect your family to the death even standing against an indestructible hybrid when he's desperately trying to save the lives of himself and his family. Besides, let's not forget what Elena and Damon did to me when Mikael came."

"I won't help him," she said stubbornly.

"I know you and I haven't always seen eye to eye, but I understand how you feel, Bonnie, I do," you said.

"You don't know anything about me," she snapped.

"I know you lost your grandmother because of vampires," you said, recalling what Caroline had told you when you stayed at her house. "I know your best friend died and became the very thing every instinct in your body is telling you that you should be against. I know you found your mother and just when you thought you could have her again, she was killed too."

"Because of him," Bonnie said, gesturing at Klaus who smiled innocently.

"Partially, yes," you admitted. "But it wasn't just him. You know that, don't you? You know this isn't just his fault?"

Her eyes darted back to you as she picked up what you were throwing down. "I'm not going to turn against Elena. She's my best friend too."

"And I'm not saying you have to," you said. "But if we're going to place blame, even losing your mother comes back to her. She led Mikael to North Carolina to protect Elena. So why to keep her alive does everyone else have to die?"

"You don't know what you're talking about," Bonnie said, but you could see the doubt simmering in her eyes.

"I don't? Okay," you said. "Then think about it this way. I know what happened to your mom is heartbreaking. I know you wish you had never gone to find her to protect Elena. But she can have a life again. You've seen it with Caroline, haven't you? You could help her and maybe you could have a relationship with her still. But right now, you and I are the only things standing between Klaus killing her and saving her. I promise, Bonnie, if you do this, I'll make sure he leaves her alone. If you don't, I don't think I'll be able to stop him."

Bonnie looked at you for a long moment before looking at Klaus with the question in his eyes. He smiled at her. "Very well. If you do this, I won't kill your mother. You have my word," he said.

"Why should I believe you?" she asked.

"Believe me," you said before he could open his mouth. "I won't let him."

She sighed. "Caroline said you're actually a good person. I don't know if I believe that, since you are just as much a Mikaelson as them, but I believe in Caroline. So, okay."


"Give me the grimoire," she held her hand out with a sigh.

You turned and grinned at Klaus. "I guess I'm better at persuasion than you are too," you said.

He rolled his eyes with a smirk.

• • •

You heard the scream before you reached the dining room. You knew that voice. You sped in and pushed Rebekah away just as she was slicing Damon's chest. "What the hell are you doing?"

Damon was hanging from a rafter, bloody and bond in chains. "Nice of you to show up," Damon groaned out.

"I'm just extracting my revenge," Rebekah stood up, brushing her clothes off. "After all, you know what he did to me."

"This is not an eye for an eye, Rebekah," you said. "I thought you were just gonna beat him up."

"Wow, thanks," Damon said.

"Shut up, this is your fault," you said, moving towards him to unchain him.

Rebekah grabs your arm. "I wouldn't do that if I were you, Y/N. He's my play thing."

"He's my friend," you said. The past events had proven otherwise again and again, but you still didn't want him to get hurt like this.

"I see where your loyalties lie," She twisted you away, but you pulled out of her grasp, and kicked her back. She rushed at you but you grabbed her by the hair, pulling her head back.

"You may be an Original, Rebekah, but I'm still the better fighter. This won't be like the summer when you broke your neck. If you want him, you will have to kill me."

"You're going to turn against me for him?" she asked. She twisted out of your grab and grabbed your arm, twisting it behind your back. "You know better than anyone, Y/N. I can hold a grudge much better than you." She pushed you away and you stood in front of Damon, facing her. "I don't have to kill you, Y/N. But you're right. I am an Original and you are not, which means I can compel you."

You look at her with anger and surprise bristling in her eyes. "You would go that far just to exact revenge on Damon Salvatore? Knowing what I went through when Klaus compelled me? You would ruin our relationship for this?"

"I can always compel you to forget I did," she shrugged. "Now leave us, Y/N, before you regret it."

"Go ahead, Rebekah. Ruin the last true relationship you have," you snapped at her. "Just like your brother."

Klaus walked in then. "What's all this noise? You're distracting my witch."

He didn't seem surprised to see Damon hanging there. "You knew?" You demanded.

"Briefly," he said offhandedly. "Rebekah reminded me that he was her toy, not mine."

You sped over to him and pushed him back. "He's not a toy."

"Protecting your little friend still, I see," Klaus said. "Despite all that's happened between you."

You knew he was trying to throw your words back at you, and pushed at his chest. "And I see your ruthlessness still knows no bounds," you said coldly. "And you question why I would hesitate to be with you again?"

"Because I won't help your little friend?" Klaus' eyes flashed. "Is your loyalty so easily turned, my love?"

You slapped him. "How dare you question my loyalty? I have gone against every friend I made in the last hundred years since you cast me out, for you. I am standing here helping you find a way to survive your psychotic mother. Would I be standing here if my loyalty was as easily turned as yours and Rebekah's?"

Klaus growled, speeding over to you and grabbing your chin in one hand, forcing you to face him. "Enough of this," he said. "I see now that in the end, I will forever be the villain in your story, Y/N, regardless of the sweet words you may speak. And if that is the role you still wish me to play, I will have no trouble stepping into it again."

He nodded at Rebekah slightly before he leaned forward to press his lips against yours for just a moment before suddenly, you felt two new hands on your head, snapping your neck and sending you into darkness.

• • •

When you woke up, you were lying by the fire. Klaus was standing a few feet away from you, gazing at the flames. The dining room door was still open, and you could see Rebekah still standing in front of a bleeding Damon. You groaned at you sat up, massaging your neck.

"Finally awake, love?" Klaus turned and looked down at you. He reached down to help you up, but you shrugged him off.

"Don't touch me," you glared at him as you stood. "How could you?"

"A broken neck is a better fate than allowing Rebekah to compel you, don't you think?" he asked. You saw the guilt in his eyes for a moment before he schooled his expression again.

You glared at him. "Always have an excuse, don't you, Niklaus?"

"If that is the way you wish to see it," he shrugged. "I believe you'll be pleased to know that the little Bennett witch came through in your...absence. My siblings and I are no longer connected."

Your eyes widened. "She did it?"

"She did. After a bit of persuasion," he smirked. "Kol was very helpful in that regard."

You breathed out in relief. Regardless of your feelings towards him and Rebekah at the moment, they were all still your family. And you were glad Esther would no longer be able to kill them all.

Stefan suddenly walked in, a bag in his hand. "Klaus!" he said. "I'm here. Let's do this."

"Oh good," Klaus smirked. "What do you want? Here to save your brother again?"

"I'm here to make a deal," Stefan said.

"Stefan, what are you doing?" Damon demanded, though his voice was weak.

"Eight stakes," Stefan ignored him. "Made of white oak. The part of wickery bridge that you forgot to burn."

Your eyes widened as Klaus looked at Rebekah. "That's impossible," she said.

"Actually, it's not," Stefan said. "Finn's dead."

You gasped and Klaus tensed beside you. "You killed my brother?" Rebekah seethed.

Stefan looked at her for a moment before looking at Klaus again. "Damon in exchange for the last eight weapons that could kill you."

Something felt off to you about this. Stefan would never give up the only leverage he had over Klaus so freely, not after everything Klaus had taken from him. "And how do we know there aren't any more left?" Klaus asked, and you knew he was thinking the same thing as you.

"Because there aren't," Stefan said.

"Let's be certain, shall we?" Klaus smirked, walking over to Damon. He forced Damon to look him in the eyes. "Leave," he compelled.

Damon struggled but in the end, tried to pry himself off the nails staked into his body. He groaned out in pain. "Klaus, stop it," you said, rushing at him, trying to pull him away.

He pushed you off, grabbing your neck. "Behave, Y/N, or I will compel your friend to walk into one of those stakes." You stared at him with anger in your eyes. He looked at Damon again, still holding your neck. "Come on, go home."

Damon screamed out as he tore his hands from the traps they were in, and Klaus smiled. "All right, stop, stop. Before you hurt yourself. I see now you can be compelled. Now." He stepped closer. "Minus the stake that's in my brother, how many more stakes are out there that can kill me?"

"Eleven," Damon bit out.

"Eleven, really?" Klaus pretended to be surprised as he let you go to turn to face Stefan. You rushed over to Damon, checking his injuries. "So not eight, then. You really shouldn't have lied."

"I'll get you the other three," Stefan said bitterly.

"Yeah that would be nice," Klaus said. "Or since you lied, maybe I'll just compel your brother to chew out his own tongue. Perhaps then he won't be able to sway Y/N at least."

"What is wrong with you?" Stefan glared at him.

"What is wrong with you?" Klaus yelled at him. "Do you really have no appreciation for me? I have given you someone to hate, to loathe. A target for all of your anger so you don't have to turn it on yourself. I have given your life a purpose as your friend." He looked over at you. "Perhaps I have not been ruthless enough." He laughed as he looked back at Stefan. "I really think you should be thanking me."

Stefan rushed at Klaus with a stake in his hand. You tried to stop him, but Klaus pushed you behind him, out of the way as Stefan tackled him, one hand holding the stake back. "Step down or you'll both die," Klaus screamed.

Stefan let go of the stake after a moment, and Klaus pocketed it, smirking. "There. Now you'll only have to get me the other two."

"This is ridiculous," Rebekah said finally. She walked over to Damon and cut him down. You rushed over, catching him before he hit the floor.

"Guess this friendship isn't completely dead yet," Damon whispered in your ear.

"You're an idiot," you smiled slightly as you bore most of his weight. He would heal, but given the vervain she had doused the traps in, it would probably take a little bit longer than usual.

"What are you doing?" Klaus seethed.

"I brought him here," Rebekah said. "I get to release him. My rules now. Bring us the stakes and you both live. Take your brother as a sign of good faith." She looked at you for a moment, the regret clear on her face when you looked away. This was always the way with Rebekah. She would react impulsively and then regret it. You didn't care to forgive her this time, not after what she had threatened to do. She sighed and grabbed the bag of stakes before walking out.

Stefan walked over to you and took Damon from you.

"Bring us the stakes," Klaus said. "All of them. Or I'll wage a war against everyone you love. I hope I'm being clear."

"Text me if you need me," you said quietly to Stefan. He looked at you seriously for a moment before nodding. You knew what he was thinking. You kept cutting ties with Damon, and then going right back. But even if you had chosen different sides, even if you felt there was too much history to actually be friends anymore, you still cared about him. You didn't want to see him be killed. You'd never want that.

They left, leaving you alone with Klaus. He smirked at you. "It seems your little friend survived another night," he said.

You glared at him. "Do you think that's funny?"

"I do find it a bit amusing, yes," he said. "Given how at the edge of a knife he chooses to live."

You shoved his chest. "Because you and your family keep being that knife."

"Me and my family," he repeated slowly."I thought they were our family."

"I'm referring to you and Rebekah," you said. "Two sides of the same coin, you and your sister. You don't care who you hurt, do you? Even if it's me."

He growled. "You know that isn't true."

You laughed coldly. "Isn't it? She just threatened to compel me because I disagreed with her. Where do you think she learned that from? And your response to that, instead of helping me, you had her break my neck. God, I was so stupid to trust you again." Your laugh turned sad.

"Y/N," he said softly.

"No," you cut him off. "I was so stupid to come back here. I don't even know you anymore. You and I...we're not good for each other."

"What?" his face dropped as he realized what you were saying. "I love you as I have loved nothing and no one before, as I will not ever again."

You put your hand on his cheek, looking into his eyes. "As I love you, Niklaus. But it's no longer enough."

You needed to get out of here. You couldn't do this. You couldn't fall back into the same pattern you had before, not when he was not the same as the man you loved. Too much had happened, too much time had passed. You had thought you could do this again, you could forgive him and move on and finally, finally be

"We've averted the danger," you said. Your voice came out quiet and resigned. "Even if your mother comes back, you are no longer connected. You can get the stakes back from Damon and Stefan and then you'll be safe. You'll all be safe."

"If you think you can just leave me..."

"You'll what?" You asked quietly. "Are you going to threaten to lock me up, Niklaus? Are you going to compel me again and force me to stay? Are you going to threaten the people I love? Go ahead and prove my point."

"You would turn against me...for them?" he seethed.

You sighed. "I'm not turning against you. You still have all my heart, and you will even when I join the Other Side. This life and the next. But I can't do this anymore, Nik. I can't pretend I'm okay here, with you. Please, let me go."

Rebekah walked back in, the look on her face sad and forlorn. "I can't believe Finn is dead," she said quietly, completely ignoring the tension in the room.

Klaus was still staring at you, a million emotions running through his eyes.

"Good riddance," he said finally. "He was an embarrassment, Rebekah."

"He was still your brother. Mind your tongue," she said.

Even though you and Finn had never been very close, you were still sad about his death. After all, he had once been a brother to you. You remembered when you were still human, and he would tell you about his lost sister Freya. And when he first met Sage. You remembered your heart soaring that he found someone who he loved. Finn had always had a hard time with what you all were. He was quiet and withdrawn because of it. But then he met Sage, and you saw the change in him immediately. You knew he would be okay with her by his side. And, he was gone.

"Fine," Klaus said, breaking you out of your thoughts. "Let's all say a prayer for Finn, who slept in a box longer than he lived as a man. He was a lovesick fool. He's better off in death."

"Is that how you'll talk of me when I am gone?" you asked softly. "I was a lovesick fool too."

His eyes flashed so quickly you thought it could have been a trick of the light. "Not lovesick enough," he shot back.

"What is this?" Rebekah looked between you. "Are you fighting? Don't we have more important things to worry about?"

"Well, you did let the Salvatores loose with two stakes that could kill us," Klaus said. "Since when did you have a soft spot for them?"

"The Salvatores may fight like dogs, but in the end, they would die for each other. At least they know what family means. You destroyed ours," Rebekah said.

"I wanted a family. They just didn't want me," he said, looking at you again. You knew the words were really meant for you. "And now we're unlinked. We're no longer responsible for each other."

"So, what, are you leaving?" Rebekah asked.

"It's all the rage these days," he said. "As soon as I get my stakes, I'm gone. Nothing keeping me here anymore, is there, Y/N?"

You looked away, not even dignifying that with an answer.

"And if I choose to stay?" Rebekah asked.

Klaus finally broke his gaze on you to look at her. "Then you're just as pathetic as Finn," he said before storming out of the room.

The room was filled with silence for a moment before Rebekah looked over at you. "He has no compassion, does he?"

"Are you trying to say you do?" you laughed. Of course she would act like nothing had happened a mere few hours ago.

She rolled her eyes. "You're not still upset about that, are you? I was obviously just kidding."

"Just kidding about the worst moment in my life?" you asked. "Aren't you the one that said we can both hold grudges? Trust me when I say I'm not just going to let this joke go."

You started to walk out of the room but stopped at the door. You turned back to face her. "You blame Niklaus for breaking this family, but the reason you're alone right now, Rebekah, is not because of him. It's because of you."

You left before she could even respond. You went to your room and packed your bag. Klaus was nowhere to be found, and you were glad for it. You didn't want to see him right now, to rehash out your feelings. You just wanted to be done with him and this town. You needed to break away.

You walked to your car, pulling your phone out. "Well, well, look who remembered my existence," Kol said when he picked up.

"Where are you?" you asked. You could hear the smirk when he told you.

You tossed your bag in the trunk and walked to your car door when your phone rang again. It was Damon. You sighed as you picked up. "What?"

You were glad he was okay, but honestly, you just wanted to get away from it all. From Klaus, Rebekah, Damon, Stefan and that frustrating Elena. You just needed to be anywhere but here.

"Someone has their claws out," he said.

"What do you want Damon?"

"Well, I just wanted you to know I'm all better now," he said easily. "Thank you...for you know..."

"Damon Salvatore actually saying thank you?" You turned your car on. "That brush with death must have been something."

"Yeah well, I'm prioritizing certain emotions," he said. "Listen, I heard what you said to Klaus earlier, and I'm thinking you might want an escape for a while. I figured I'd remind you that you still have an open invitation to the Salvatore casa."

"Thanks, but I think I'm done with Mystic Falls for a while," you said. "But feel free to look me up in a decade or so if this pissing match between you and Klaus doesn't kill you."

"You're leaving?" he asked.

"Don't sound so surprised," you said. "The battle is done. I have no use here anymore."

"What about Ric?" he asked.

"Isn't Bonnie giving him the witchy herbs to keep the murderous alter ego away? Just make sure he keeps taking them," you said, pulling out of the driveway.

"Yeah, well, a little late for that," he said. "Look, obviously we didn't tell your psycho boyfriend and his equally psycho sister this, but when you end an Original, it ends their entire sire line."

You slammed the breaks. "What?

"Sage came over to get revenge and well, she's no longer with us," he said. "Oh and Ric's alter ego has hidden the last stake somewhere and now doesn't want to come out to play to tell us where it is. Just so all the cards are on the table."

You groaned, leaning your head back. Why was it never ending in this godforsaken town? You debated turning around and helping them. Because obviously, this was not good. But you couldn't bring yourself to do it. You couldn't walk back into that house, not now. "I'm sorry, Damon," you said quietly. "But I'm not coming back."

"You know the most practical one to use that stake on is your boyfriend slash sire, right?" he prodded.

The thought had not escaped you. If they killed Klaus, you now knew it would kill you too. You wondered if it was fitting. Klaus made you, in a way, for him. Wouldn't it make sense to take you with him if he was no longer on this earth? Would you even want to live on if he was gone? "I'm sorry," you said finally. "But it's not my problem anymore. Take care, Damon."

You hung up and sighed, looking down at your phone. Your words weren't really true. It was your problem. It was your probable death. But you still couldn't bring yourself to turn around. You were numb to all of it. Finally, you picked up the phone.

"Miss me so soon?" Klaus said as he answered.

"I have something you're gonna wanna hear..."

• • •

Thanks for reading! I hope you liked it! I needed them to break up since Hailey will be coming in soon. I don't think I could handle him cheating on her lol what did you guys think?

But I kind of need advice. Someone did mention in the comments to just make her Hope's mom and like I hadn't considered before because vampire. But were able to enter the Silas period. In theory he could do some magic stuff that allows her to get pregnant, yes? I mean I would much rather her be hope's mom even though I do like Hailey in The Originals. What do you guys think? I'm like 50/50 on this idea right now idk I'm just kind of rambling lol let me know your thoughts please!
