I was waiting for my mom and then I heard someone call my name. "Stephany" then I looked back and i saw him. "James what are you doing here" I came to tell you that I like you and I want to be your boyfriend" what!! Say that again" ok I said wake up" what " STEPHANY WAKE UP!!! Then I opened my eyes it's was a dream, ''Stephany get up if you don't get up you will be later of school so get up now''  my mom said  '' ok'' i said.  

''Stephany!!!!'' I looked back it was Stacy 

''Hi how are you?'' she said  

I'm fine how about you?'' i said 

''good have you see Niklaus''  ''no why'' i ask 

''Nothing he called me yesterday and say that he wants to talk to you so i was wondering if you have talked to him that all'' she said. ''No, do you know why he wants to talk to me?'' i ask.

''No i don't know'' she said.

''Hi'', I looked back it was James with a smile on his face and look at me with other beautiful  Brown eyes of his, then my face gets so red. He saw it and smile. 

''How are you?'' he asks'' I'm fine and you?'', ''ok i thing can we talk after school if that will be ok with you'' he asks. ''Yes it ok but may ask why you want to talk to me '' i ask,  ''no not now you just have to wait'' he said and winked at me and left. 

Ok, what was that all about and what does he want to talk to me about, ring!!!!!!!! 

''Stacy i have to go to class now and you also go to class too''

''ok mommy'' she said.

The end of the day i did not see Niklaus at school then someone called my name, ''Stephany!'' i look back it was James he was sating down wait for me with a camera.

'' Are you going without talking to me'' he asks ''no'' i said  '' so what do you want'' i ask, '' i was thinking if would like to help me with this song i wrote my friends said that you have a beautiful voice so will do it with me?''.

''Can i think about it'' i ask ''yes you can'' he said, ''but you have 24 hours to think about it by tomorrow this is time you have to give me an answer ok.'' ''Ok'' i said ''good i can i take you home'' he asked, '' ok where is your car'' i ask. '' there it is.'' 

 ''That not a car that is a death trap'' i said  '' stop it and get on'' he said, ''no ''. ''Ok let us play a game dare or dare'' he siad ''ok'' I said ''we have to do  the dare that one of us said we have to do it  ok.''

''Ok,'' i said.

''I will start i dare you to get on'' he said  '' I HATE YOU but ok'' I said.

''Good was that so hard remember to hold tight'' he said, ''ok'' i said.
