Part 3: LET DO IT.

''I want you to put your hands on the air and say I LOVE MY LIFE!!!!! now'' he said,  ''what I'm not doing that you are a fool if you think I'm going to do that'' I said ''yes I'm now do it I dare you'' he said. '' do you what to know something i hat....'' '' you hate me I know do it''  '' ok'' I put my hands up and said I LOVE MY LIFE!!!.   '' Are you happy now''  yes I'm  do you want to know why I said we should paly this is game?'' he asks ''no why?'' I ask  '' Because I know that you have a bad girl inside you waiting to come out so I'm trying to help her out that is why'' he said.

Was he right is there a bad girl inside me wanting to come out.

''Stephany we are here''  '' thanks'' I said,  '' Stephany'' I look back and I saw  Niklaus. 

''Hi Nik I'm coming''  ''ok''  Nik said,

''I have to go now and remember let her out'' he said and winked at my left.

''So Stephany when did you and the new kid stade get close?'' he asked with a jealous voice '' no we are not he just ask me for something and why do you care who I tell to now'' I ask, '' because I care about you that is why.''

I look at him and ask ''why are you here''.  ''Because I want to talk to you'' ''ok tall'' ''sit down so i can tell you, you are making me nervous by standing'' he said ''ok'' i said with a nervous voice.

''ok i like you and i was hoping that you could be my girlfriend''  he said, ''ok'' I said ''Is that all you have to say,''   '' what do you want me to say''    '' I don't know but not just ok I just told you how I feel'' ''i know but i need time  so can you give me time?'' '' yes i can'' ''ok good do you want to come in''  ''no i can't i have to go home'' ''ok bye'' ''bye.

i could not sleep all i could hear was Nik saying that he likes me and wanted to be my boyfriend.  OMG what should i do, how i'm i going to face him now  and what will i say to Stacy, she likes him form the first time we all met we all heve been friend forevery. God what shuold i do i can not do this to her she is my bset friend i'm going to tell i can not be with him.

''hi are you not going out of the car'' mom said  ''oh yeah i'm bye mom see you last'' bye my baby see you too'' .

''Hi'' Stacy said ''hi i have to talk to you about something'' i said  yeah ok we can talk after this is class if you want'' no now if that is ok with you because this is big so can we do it now.'' ''ok then something happde to you mom or dad?'' ''no nothig like that but it is big yesterday Nik came to my house to tell my that he likes me and he want me to bee his girlfriend'' so what did you say to him'' i said i was going to think about it'' so what are you going to tell him?'' i'm going to say no because i can not do that to you and i think i like someone else.'' what i don't like him'' don't lie  know you do form the first day we met him so don't lie to me i'm your best friend so don't ok '' i can't belive that you knew about it''  and why did you not tell me that you like him'' i don't know i'm sorry for not tell you and who do you think you like?'' it is the new kid i don't know but all i know is i want him to be by my side i don't know but i think i will know when we start sing together'' wait are you going to say yes?'' yes i'm.''

the end for school lookde for Nik and jamse when i saw  they coming out for they last class i said ''hi you two i have to talk to you now'' ok'' they said, so who do you want to talk to first'' they ask ''Nik'' i said  ''ok'' he said '' i can't be with you because i like someone else and i know someone who likes you and waiting for you to see they i'm sorry.''  it's ok but can i ask who it is that you like and who like me''  i can't tell you who i like but i can tell you who like you and if i do don't tell her i told you ok'' ok who is it?'' it's Stacy.'' what!!! no  she don't like me'' yes i do'' 

i trun i saw Stacy there looking at Nik and he was looking at her. then i said ''i'm going to go and talk to Jamse and let you two talk ok bye'' and i lifte.

''JAMSE LET DO IT!!!!. i said then he trun and run and  hug me.
