7: I CAN'T.

when he said that he like me i colud not belive it that the guy i like like me too then i started think what if he was lie to me like cha eun woo did then i said "are you lie to me" no why will you think that oh! i understand, i'm not him i will never do that to you ok" i have go now." then as i trun and about to go he held me back and then said "you belive me rigth?" i don't know all i do know is that i have to go now so can you let me go"


'ok but what about what we were going to do today'' we can do it after school i have to go now.''
When everything was going down i don't not know that one for Bayck firends saw everything that happed and went and told Bayck what she saw. it was luch time then Bayck came to me and said she want to talk to me alone so i said ok then i left with her. '' So what do you want from me Bayck'' i wanted to tell you to stay away form my setpbrother all else...'' all else what '' you do not want to know what i will do you think last year was bad this is year would be your worst nightmare if you know what is good for you you do what i told you'' ok i will saty away from your brother'' good bye now hehehehe''
then run out crying how can this is be happen agin what have i did to her that she hate me so much''Stephany what are you doing out side it's raining'' i trun with tears i saw it was Jamse
then he stop and said ''what happed'' he came close to me was about to hug me then i pushed he away and told he that i hate him and he never come close to me agin.

And as i trun to leave he hug me and then said ''i know that you don't hate me and i know that Bayck said something to you that mead you cry so what did she say did she say you should stay away for me is that what she said''

Then he trun me and said ''look at me and tell me the true what did she say to you!!!!!! then i look at him he was crying i said ''yes she said that i should saty away from you ok!!!!!'' and i run as i was runnig i turn and i saw him cry

then i find someway none was and cryed

i fell on the ground crying then someone came in front of me and put umbrella on my head and i lookde up i saw cha eun woo then he ask''why are you crying '' because I CAN'T be with him.
