1: We First Met.

"I remember when we first time we met. Like if it was yesterday. It was the beginning of my senior year of high school and my first day at our school. I saw you I thought you were going to be the bad boy for our school but I did not know that it was the beginning of our story".

"My name is Stephany and this is a story of how I met my first and last love. His name was James Reid. He was the hottest guy in school and a bad boy.  I was a good girl, two days before school, I and my best friend Stacy went shopping for school on Monday".

"my mom said that we are going to be a new student in school,"  she said

oh before forgetting Stacy's mom is a teacher in our school.  "So do you know who it is," I ask 

"It is a.... omg is that Niklaus Mikaelson he looks hot," she said  "Do not say that," I said. 

But she was right he looked hot. "Hey Stephany," he said and looked at me with his ocean-blue eyes.

''hi you look different'' I said, ''what do you mean by difference'' he said '' I mean you look hot....mmm, no I mean you look taller'' I said  ''so you think I'm hot'' 

''NO!! that is not what I mean '' '' so you don't think I'm hot''  I was so surprised that he started laughing and said, ''haha I'm messing with you haha you should have seen your face it was so priceless'' how are you?''. 

''I'm fine, how are you?''  good now'' and he winked at me and left.

''What was that all about'' Stacy said.

''I don't know'' I said so who is the new kid in our school? I ask.

''yeah, he's from England his Becky's stepbrother'' she said ''Wait what!!! do you mean it'' I said.

I know what you are thinking why did I say it like that?  Becky is the Queen b of the school she is so mean.  When we were 6 I wore the same clothes to school, and then she used scissors to cut my clothes and said ''no one wears the same clothes as me''  then my classmate started laughing at me I cried for a week. 

''Can we go now" I Said, "ok let me pay for this and we can go," she said. Then I went home, "I'm back"  "Mom! Dad!" Are you guys home" Yes we are in the kitchen," they said, "what are you guys doing there," I said "We are Cooking I hope you haven't Eaten," mom said "Yes I and Stacy got some food before we were home I sorry?" I said it ok baby girl but next time call us and tell us ok," dad said  "ok" I said I'm going to watch some tv ok," I said "mm" mom said.

"It is 10 pm you have to go to bed, you are going to school tomorrow," Mom said but I want to watch a movie coming up after this one.  No, but go to bed now, Dad! Tell mom to let me watch the movie no your mom is right you have to go to bed  thank you my love" Mom said I hate my life!'' I said.

 ''Ok, they said.

The next day was the first day of my senior year "I'm not ready, oh God help me this year" ok  now go in and smile at everyone ok " I said to myself  "Hi" Stacy said to me "Hi" I sida "how are you" she asked, "I'm fine i think, you?" I'm fine  have you seen the new Guy?" She asks "No I have not" have you?" I ask "No," she said..... ring!! " I have to go to class see you soon," I said "ok I see you soon kido," she said.

"OK, class we have a new study can you tell us your name and something about yourself". "My name is James Reid and love to sing"  is that all"  one of his friends said and language then I looked up I saw him then my heart started to Beat fast he looked so beautiful...... then he looked at me with his Brown eyes and Smile at me. "Go and sit down beside Stephany," the teacher said "Ok," he said with his sexy British accent.

I couldn't stop looking at him to me he looked so innocent in the way he was listening to the teacher..... "STEPHANY STOP LOOKING AT THE NEW KID AND ANSWER THE QUESTION!!!" the teacher said. "What," I said then he looked at me and smiled.
Ring ring!!!!! "OK class remember to read pages 17 to 23 of the book ok" Wait, Stephany and James," he said, " Mr. Wayland I'm so sorry about what happened today," I said "It's okay, but that is not why I asked you to wait I want you to show James Reid around the school ok," the teacher said. "Ok," I said " so what would you like to see first" Just the music room" ok"... here it's ok I have to go now," I said  "Wait would you like to sta..... nothing forgot it thanks for showing me around the school," he said but I don't show you everything," I said yeah you did to me," he said  I have to go.
After school I saw him playing the guitar he sounded so beautiful I couldn't stop looking at him I had never felt this way before. "Stephany let go, "Niklaus said  "Sh**," I said and ran "omg why did you say my name," I said because I want to is that a bad thing," Niklaus said. Then James came out and saw me then he smiled.
