It has be two weeks that i have see Jamse, he as not come to school and I'm miss him so much and i how i can miss someone this much. '' hi'' stacy said ''hi'' how are you'' not good i miss him and i don't know want to do about it you'' i'm ok i hate see you like this, this is worst than last year you have to tell him how you feel about him'' i can't  you know if i do Bayck is going to make my live a levaing hell'' she is do that now if you don't know, if you don't tell him how you feel you are going to hate yourself for not saying anything and one thing that i love about you is that when you want something or someone you go for it even when someone say that you can get it so don't let one penson tell not to go for it'' you are rigth when did you get so wise  I don't know may be is when me and nick started dating  or may be I have always be wise'' I thing I know where he is'' where?'' the place I find out that I was in love with him'' then I run, ''where is that'' Stacy ask.  when I got there I saw him siting close to the water and looking at the waterfall 

'' hi what are you doing here'' I said then he turn and saw me and said '' I should be ask you that same question'' I asked you first''  I'm because for you and my stepsister now you'' I'm her for you'' what do you mean'' I what to say something that I have not say to anyone and not even cha eun woo and not even my mom and dad so this is so hard for me to say'' ok say it'' then he started to come close to so was i, i was so nervous my heart was beating so fast it felt like i was getting a heart attack i lo... then it started to rain '' we have to get out for the rain now'' he said '' NO!!! i have to say this is here'' ok said it''  I LOVE YOU AND I WANT YOU.  i have always love you form the first day i saw at school and i didn't realize it  till your sister said i can't be with you''  aren't you scared for her'' yes but I'm not going to let her tell me who i souhld be with she do not get to do that.''  then  he put me close to him  and he hold me so hard like he was not going to let me go and he kiss me the kiss started soft but then it was so hard.

 And then he said '' YOU ARE MINE NOW AND I"M NOT PLANNING ON LET GO''  when he said that my keen weekend.
