Kylo x Rey

Kylo stood above the destruction he had caused, he removed his helmet as he walked along the desolation before him.

His smile was wide as he spotted the one person he was looking for. Her one hand wrapped around her saber, the rest of her soot covered. She was laying in a heap on the ground, slightly curled inward.

Kylo made his way towards her and slowly dropped himself to his knees, he placed his helmet back on before he grabbed her saber placing it on his belt beside his own. Brushing her dark locks behind her ear he scooped her up in his arms and carried her back towards the ship. He held her close as he walked aboard and walked into his chambers, he placed her on the bed before clapping his hands. A bot appeared from the ceiling and began to clean her of the grime and soot.

He watched with interest as her clothes once again were white, her skin clean. He smiled softly as he placed his helmet down once more and put both the sabers in a compartment in the wall.

He waited patiently as she slowly came to, she popped up in surprise. She scrambled back against the bed slamming into the wall, Kylo cringed at the thud. "You kidnapped me!"

"I saved you," Kylo argued, "if I had left you, the heat the of the ships take off would have ended your life. You should be thanking me."

"Thank you?!" Rey's hands were raised in disbelief.

Kylo simply smiled. "Your welcome."

"Oh screw you!" She snarled. "Don't come near me."

"This is my room," Kylo snapped.

"You're the one who brought me here!" Rey hissed. She slowly stood up, her hand reaching down to her belt, her eyes widened in terror. "My saber!"

"It's in safe keeping." Kylo remarked, "I think you'll do good to listen."

Rey sat back and nodded, he was fair in that assumption at least. If she didn't listen she'd be trapped one way or another.

"Fine, go ahead I'm listening."

Kylo grinned and handed her a biscuit within seconds her stomach growled, she cocked her head in confusion. "I have a proposition for you, if you'll care to try and see my way."

"You're trying to take over the galaxy I am fighting for the freedom of the people and the galaxy." Rey seethed. "What could you and I see the same?"

"You want something, you want to know the truth of your family, I want something too. I want us to be together. We could work together to get what we both want."

"I want nothing from you," Rey hissed, "how could I want your help? You're the enemy."

Kylo gave her a soft sad look. "Excuse me?"

"You're the enemy, I want nothing from you."

"I would like to remind you that you're a rebel. You're actively breaking the laws of the galaxy. I could give you a clean break, I could make your wildest dreams come true if you only behave for me."

"I want... I want to know the truth of my family but I cannot betray the people I care for. I cannot betray your mother."

Kylo lowered his eyes, images of a happy childhood exploring the galaxy siting upon his fathers lap on the Millennium Flacon danced in his eyes mind. "I can understand your desire to not betray the people you know, but they want you only for your powers in the force. They will not give you what you desire, they don't want you to understand or know who your family is."

Rey lowered her eyes, she hoped he was not right but she has asked so many questions and every-time she was told nothing.

Rey looked him over softly, maybe if she played him she could get her answers and she could avoid betraying those she loved and cared for.

"F.. Fine... I'd like to try this whatever we are... I just.. I'm s- I am unsure if it is the right path..."

"We are to be together, I can feel it can't you Rey?"

Kylo reached for Rey's hand, hesitantly she reached for him. Their fingers touched and a spark seemed to rock through them. Rey looked up in surprise. She felt it, but she didn't know if she should per-sue it.

Kylo leaned forward, he slowly caressed her cheek before bringing her lips to his own. Rey let out a soft whine, before she returned the kiss without hesitation.

Kylo smirked, for now he had won even if there was more to fight for.
