Gifts - Jaskier/Geralt

Jaskier smiled as Geralt took his hand, they walked together. "Where are we going?" Jaskier asked as he followed him along, Roach trotted behind them whinnying.

"I have a place to show you." Geralt smiled, "I just want to show you something."

"Darling." Jaskier grinned.

Geralt softly smirked at him without much of a word leading both Jaskier and Roach along a ridge. Jaskier watched him as he followed, he was unsure what his wolf had planned for them. It was beginning to grow dark and he got a bit nervous, he knew very well his lover was capable of protecting him if anything happened but he didn't exactly like the fact that he was out in the dark.

Geralt held Jaskier's hand tightly. "Don't worry." He grunted sensing his song bird tense. "Nothing will happen to you blossom."

Jaskier blushed and hid his face in his sleeves, Geralt grinned again. He stopped moving and turned carefully picking up Jaskier and placing him on Roach's back. "Geralt."

"Yes Jaskier?"

"You hardly ever let me ride Roach."

"I want to get there and not have you worry." Geralt replied watching his lover carefully. "Are you okay on Roach?"

Jaskier thought for a moment, and smiled softly. "Yes."

"Then don't worry." Geralt grinned. "Sing for me?"

"I can?"

"Please. It will calm your nerves." Geralt suggested. "I like hearing you sing Jaskier."

Jaskier pulled his lute from his back and began to strum humming to find a tune before he began to sing, Geralt led Roach along the ridge till they came upon a mountain top. Jaskier continued to sing for Geralt, it made him happy knowing Geralt wanted to hear him, wanted him to sing and play for him.

"We are here," Geralt said. Jaskier looked over the mountains unsure if there was something special about the place around him. "You have to wait till it gets a bit darker song bird."

Jaskier nodded, the confusion he felt must have been plastered on his face. He wasn't exactly good at hiding his emotions. Geralt also seemed to just always know how he was feeling no matter the situation. Geralt took a deep breath hoping this was going to go well, he had talk a lot to Ciri to make sure that she liked Jaskier enough to see him as more than just the bard. His cub had agreed and continued to reassure him about his feelings for Jaskier.

Jaskier watched the night sky unsure of what was to come, as he looked up a gradual and then quick moving light of intertwining blue and green light lit up the sky. It moved in wonderous twists and turns, Jaskier's eyes got wide as he watched the movement of the colors above him.

"It's beautiful." Jaskier exclaimed as he watched the sky, he hadn't even looked at Geralt since the lights began to dance above them. Ideas of songs began to pop up as he watched the dancing lights. "Darling, thank you for brining me here."

As Jaskier turned his head to look at Geralt he nearly fell off of Roach. Geralt was on one knee holding up a ring in a wooden box.


"Will you marry me?" Geralt asked.

Jaskier nodded excitedly. "Yes, oh Geralt yes!" Jaskier jumped from Roach into Geralt's arms throwing his arms around his neck. "Yes yes! Thank you! Yes!"

Geralt smiled as he kissed him carefully along jaw line up to his lips. "I love you, I want you to be my husband, and I want to have you as Ciri's other father. Ciri wants you as her other father too. We talked about it together already, I hope you know that I want you dandelion."

Jaskier tried not to cry of joy as Geralt slipped the ring on his finger. "I love you so much...I would love to be Ciri's dad, your husband." Jaskier smiled hugging him happily, kissing him again. "Thank you, thank you really!"

Jaskier smiled happily kissing him again. Geralt sighed in relief thanking the gods that it worked out, that Jaskier had accepted his proposal. He kissed him again as they sat together watching the dancing lights, Jaskier cuddled into him happily as they watched the sky light up.

"This is beautiful." Jaskier said his eyes surveying the sky.

"Not as beautiful as you." Geralt said nuzzling into him as they sat back on the soft grass around them. Roach whinnied as blue green lights ran across the dark star speckled sky. Jaskier cuddled into him, Geralt grinned sliding his lute over to him.

"Sing for me?" Jaskier nodded and slowly began to strum a tune, they sat cuddled together under the twinkling stars and color mixing dancing lights. After a few minutes of Jaskier's singing and strumming a brighter twist of color blasted above them. "It's amazing."

"Do you really like this place my song bird?" Geralt asked rubbing his cheek with his finger.

"Yes, I do." Jaskier replied earnestly, this was the best experience he could have possibly had. He had planned to be with Geralt for as long as he would allow him to be there, he would do whatever he could to continue to be Geralt's song bird. He wanted to help raise Ciri to strong, to still give into her princess side but be as brave as her father. He cuddled into Geralt feeling him kiss his neck and then nibbling on his earlobe slightly. "Geralt."

Geralt chuckled returning to kiss his jaw line before capturing in a kiss as the lights burst above them. The dark night was lit up as they kissed one another. Geralt was going to protect his family, his cub and his song bird. He held him close as the lights sparkled. "What's this called?" Jaskier asked as they slowly pulled away from one another.

"Northern lights." He smiled kissing his forehead. "They're gifts from the gods."

Jaskier smiled. "Gifts."

He looked down at his hand looking over the ring on his finger, as the lights danced above them the jewel on his finger sparkled. He felt like this was a gift, having Geralt as his was a gift.
