Annabeth x Percy

(i do not own the drawing found above)

Relationship: Percy Jackson X Annabeth Chase

Prompt: Fish

Fandom PJO/HOO - Rick Riorden universe


Annabeth watched Percy from the dock, he was trying to see how long he really could stay under the water. His smile was wide as he swam around the lake. His green eyes finally trained themselves towards Annabeth. "Hey!" He called. "You want to come in? The water is perfect!"

"You always think the water is perfect." She said laughing. "Is it really?"

"This time it is." He said laughing as he swam towards her, she smile as she slowly got her tank top off and adjusted her swimsuit. He smirked and waited as she wiggled herself out of the shorts and stuck her toes in the water. She smiled, it was actually a good temperature.

"Ah come on wise girl, get in. Why don't you get in?" He asked smirking.

"Oh shush seaweed brain." She said smirking as he splashed her. She let out a squeal as he got closer, he splashed her again. "I am going to get you!" She shouted.

"Come and get me than!" He shouted back as he splashed her again and disappeared into the water. She crossed her arms, than began to back up to get a head start into the water. She ran and dove, she smiled feeling the rush of water come over her, however she knew Percy had the advantage, she couldn't technically see in the water, and opening her eyes wouldn't make it much easier for her. She began to swim around grabbing for anything that could come towards her. She swam towards the surface to get a breath to find Percy across from her.

He smirked and kissed her. "You enjoying the water so far?" He asked smirking as she got closer to him, wading in the water.

"Yes, actually." She replied, he smirked, splashed her again and dove under.

"PERCY!" She shouted diving after him. She grabbed for what she thought was his foot, and pulled up. "I got y-" She looked to her hand and saw she was holding a fish. She let out a shout and tossed the fish back in. She let out a scream as something or someone grabbed her waist. Percy giggled and kissed her neck and cheek.

"You caught a fish."

"You are a fish." Annabeth replied with a giggle. He smirked and created a bubble for the two of them to relax in, she smiled as she watched the aquatic creatures swim around them.

"This is nice."

"Yes it is." 
