Daryl/Negan/Rick - Fun in the Snow

Snow was just one more thing to add on top of the apocalypse. It felt like an added hell, with the undead roaming and then the chance of freezing to death on top of crops not being assessable. It wasn't an enjoyable experience for many. Daryl was down on his knees bundling Judith into some warm clothes to play out in the snow. He loved his little ass kicker.

She was his world, since Rick had allowed him to become her surrogate 'mother' and began a relationship with him he wanted to make sure even though they were living in the apocalypse they could still live.

He was busy bundling his daughter up when he felt legs press into his back. "Papa!" Judith squealed reaching for the man behind him.  Negan chuckled as he ruffled Judith's hair a bit. "Hey baby girl." Negan smiled as he picked her up once her jacket was on tight.

She snuggled into him happily. "Where's daddy?"

"I think he is with Carl upstairs." Negan remarked softly kissing her forehead again as he handed the child off to Daryl. "Alright baby you and your momma go off and play in the snow I'll find your dad."

Daryl blushed softly, momma. He loved being called that. Judith happily took Daryl's hand as he set her on the floor and the two made their way out of the house into the snow. The two began to play, Daryl tossed her in a snow pile with a smile on his face.

Judith giggled and clapped her hands happily. "Again again!"

Daryl smiled and picked her up once more and swung his little bundle into another snow pile. "Thata' girl darlin." He grinned kissing her cold nose once he helped pull her free from the snow pile. "You just let me know when you get too cold alright little ass kicker?"

"Yes big ass kicker." Judith grinned.

"Judith Dixon Smith Grimes!" Rick yelled as he stepped out of the house with Carl and Negan on his heel. "Watch your mouth."

"It was moms fault!" Judith screamed as she ran from her father as he scooped up some snow and began to form a snowball.

Carl laughed as he watched Daryl's face grow a deep red and he too followed Judith in her run while Rick and Negan both began to follow the two runners in attempts at throwing snowballs at them.

"Go baby girl go." Daryl yelped as he chased after her. She moved as quickly as her little legs would let her all while Daryl was pelted with snowball after snowball as he finally picked Judith up and carried her like a football as he readjusted her so she could hold on better.

"We shouldn't be teaching our child swear words!" Rick shouted as Daryl finally ceased his running once he placed Judith behind a snow pile and the two began to pelt her fathers and brother with snow.

Everyone in the community loved watching them come together as a family even in such a season. The snowfall didn't seem to stop their smiles, nor their laughter.

Carl and Judith eventually began to make snowmen and snow angels while Rick, Negan, and Daryl huddled together watching their children play.

"This seasons beautiful if you really think about it."

"Suppose so," Daryl mumbled, "they're so cute..." he muttered as he leaned his head against Rick's shoulder while Negan rubbed his back.

"They are cute." Negan agreed. "You made cute kids Rick."

Rick smiled kissing each one on the cheek before he joined them placing his police hat on the snowman with a smile on his face. Carl and Judith smiled hugging their father. They were lucky to still have him, this world had taken many people from lots of kids. They lost their mother, but they gained a dad and mom back. Daryl was technically a second dad, but he accepted the title of mom plenty fine.

Carol called them in as the snowstorm came in. Negan grinned picking Carl up, throwing him over his shoulder. Judith giggled as Rick picked her up and the family made their way in for some hot coco. Daryl couldn't help but smile, as he followed his family in from the cold.
