Tony/Steve - a New Idea omegaverse

Tony was working on the buttons of his suit, and then got to the last three. They wouldn't button, as soon as he got them clasped, they popped. He huffed as he tried again.

Steve walked into the room and looked them over. "Are you okay?" He asked.

"Just fine." He grunted. "Just fine, I just cannot get this damn button to clasp and I am going to actually lose it if I have to do this one more time.

"Maybe we should buy you some maternity clothes." He suggested.

Tony rolled his eyes at the thought.

"Steve I am not going to wear those, they hardly ever make them for male omegas. I don't think it's going to help me."

"Well, that is odd isn't it. They should make them for both, I'm sure you being Tony Stark Rogers can pull some strings. Someone will make you an outfit if you don't think anything is going to fit you correctly."

Tony hadn't thought of that, he could make a whole new clothing line, for male omegas specifically if he desired. He let out a soft sigh, but a smile was spread across his face. Pride was washing over him, he couldn't help but feel excitement about becoming the face of a new brand that actually catered to needs people may have.

He let out a soft smile and instantly got on the phone, he had plans and he was going to get as many of his top people on this line. "You look so pretty now, but I cannot wait to see what you make." Steve mumbled kissing Tony softly as he ran his hand along his belly.

"Steve." He muttered softly. He leaned into his arms, kissing him softly. "I love you so much."

"I love you omega." Steve muttered, kissing him softly. "So much."

Tony grinned wrapping his arms around him. "Thank you." He muttered. "So much."
