Fringilla/Francesca The Witcher

Fringilla smiled as she filled up a wooden plate with foods that were supposed to help the elven sorcerous with her growing child. She filled a goblet with water for her, and then headed up to her room, Fringilla knocked and Francesca answered it promptly.

"Oh Fringilla, a lovely surprise do come in." Fringilla smiled stepping in, her braids flowing behind her. She sat beside her and handed her the plate and goblet. "What is all of this?"

"For you and your growing babe," Fringilla commented with a wide smile on her face, "I hope you enjoy these all."

Francesca looked over the plate picking through the fruits and baked goods, she couldn't help but smile, the tips of her pointed ears grew red, her cheeks and nose as well. She was blushing, and that made Fringilla believe this was all worth the trouble, Francesca began to daintily eat the fruits. She took a sip from the goblet, her throat felt replenished. She smiled, they small talked about the elves that were coming in on ships, their training, and how the rest of the day was planned for the two women.

"After you finish would you like to talk a walk with me?" Fringilla asked, Francesca lowered her blue green eyes looking over her plate. It shouldn't take her long to finish.

"I think a walk would be lovely."

Fringilla smiled and waited for the elven woman to complete her meal, she set the plate on the table with a sigh of satisfaction. She had been hungry and it seemed Fringilla knew exactly what she needed, she couldn't help but smile at her. The auburn hair that twisted in braids and ran down her back over her blue dress, Fringilla had a hard time keeping her eyes off the elf. Francesca had a similar problem, her short dark hair in small twin braids, her elegant clothing, the way she spoke, the brown eyes that watched everyone with care.

Fringilla offered her hand to the pregnant elf, Fringilla helped Francesca stand with a smile on her lips. They walked about the castle looking out among their people.

Their people.

The two women together were a strong force, a calm light and a strong hand. They walked arm in arm, Fringilla took the to keep Francesca and her unborn child safe, Francesca was closer to the wall to make it so no one could come up on to opposite side of her. They continued to walk, waving hello to their people, helping when they had questions. They stopped back at Francesca's room, the women stepped in and sat back down on the couch.

"I long for my child to be here," Francesca smiled, "to meet you, and our people."

"I long to meet them as well," Fringilla smiled, she watched the elf rub her round stomach, Francesca smiled feeling a kick to her hand. Without warning Francesca grabbed Fringilla's hand bringing it carefully to her stomach. Fringilla's eyes grew wide in surprise, a small but strong kick bumped into her hand. "Isn't that something."

"I can't wait for them to know you." Francesca couldn't help but smile again, their eyes met again and a spark formed. "I would like for them to call us both mom."

Fringilla's eyes grew wide. "You would?"

The elven sorcerous nodded, she took Fringilla's hand in her own, their fingers interlocking. "If you would allow it." Francesca smiled. "If you would take us."

Fringilla leaned forward. "I would be happy to take you, take you both as mine. We will rule together side by side."

Francesca was blushing once again, Fringilla leaned forward once more and their lips met for the first time. It was an experience for both of them, a love was forming and cultivating. Together they would bring peace and prosperity, together they would raise the coming babe, together they would become more. Francesca gasped in surprise as Fringilla pulled away and kissed her rounded belly.

"I will see them as my child just as they are yours, I know you do not need protecting and are capable, but I will protect you. I will protect them."

Their fingers interlocked once more, Francesca felt safe with Fringilla, and Fringilla felt stronger with Francesca.

Together they would be a power couple.

Together they would bring strength.

Together they would grow, and raise their child.
