We Do A Little Trolling

Short recap:

Our story progresses slowly for our dear MC with vaguely understood powers.

So slow in fact, this might also be misunderstood as one of those fucking filler episodes.

But of course, try as I might with my dwindling supply of Copium, I shall deliver a story worth everyone's time.

But I digress. Anyways, Yuzuki started swinging to kill but our MC expertly blocked it just in time like those epic Revengeance Status videos saving countless sperm-like lives. (I'm high rn) And proceeds to smile... For no reason.

But it was all a prank! By the bitch of an older sister who hates our MC... For some reason.

Also, The loli vampire princess was about to tell him something but it probably wasn't important.

Anyways, enjoy the chapter.

* * *

"How many times must I discipline you brats before your mother takes this issue into her own hands?"

A pretty goblina in a maid attire spoke calmly while radiating a aura of pure wrath.

"My goodness." she sighs tiredly, "Look at just how messy the room you brats made? Do you expect the adults to always clean up after you? How will you ladies ever grow to become as beautiful as your mothers if none of you will pick up the slack, huh?"

"Words hurt, Fien-san."

"I don't wanna here it, young lady." the maid spoke calmly with a furrowed brow to the cowering pinkette princess. "I expected a lot from you given that you're the oldest one around, but all I heard from you was how you've been up to your pranks lately. Now this has escalated to the point that not only did you got your own lounge got demolished, you even put the guest in harms way. Do you expect your majesty lord Rimuru to pay for all this?"

"I... But I..." Stuttering for response, she ended up with nothing to give as she muttered in defeat. "I miss Diablo..."

"And as for you, Princess Yuzuki."

"Eeep?!" clutching tightly to the broom she held, breaking it in half, the dark purple-haired princess yelped and looked at the maid with trembling eyes.

"Yes, ma'am?"

"I know you've grown to be very mature and disciplined as of late, princess but for the love of all maids here, please control you strength! Your recent attack had almost gave everyone a heart attack, you know!"


The guilty princess bowed apologetically again and again towards the maid who remained impassive throughout the scolding. Already used to her clumsy handlings.

The maid just sighs and looks at the last girl in the room with a soft smile.

"And as for you, young lady."

The loli vampire in white Victorian-era maid attire slowly licks her popsicle stick with her small tongue while her eyes stared back at the maid as well.

"You just enjoy your snack, princess." the goblina maid said.

"Unfair!" the pinkette princess called, "This is blatant favoritism!"

"Hush, you. I don't wanna hear it. Now, clean up this mess in 5 minutes. The furniture will be replaced in 10 minutes so get to it."

"Yes, ma'am." with defeated faces, the two princesses swept up whatever shards of glass and wood remained in the floor. Not even a splinter in the rug was overlooked. After the whole room was clean of all debris, the two then gave back the cleaning equipment to the maid who overlooked the punishment(?) and sighed to the two.

"If the two of you feel any bit of shame, I suggest you reflect in your actions. Now, I have things to carry out so you brats better not get me catching you into some trouble. Am I clear?"

"Yes, ma'am." they said with crestfallen looks. Afraid to see eye to eye.

"Good, now if you'll excuse me."

The Goblina maid then bows to everyone and leaves as quickly as she came. I could swear she fucking teleported as soon as she heard what was going on in this room. Then proceeds to scold the two troublemakers, makes them clean up their mess and then leaves as the sole winner without lifting a finger.

Now that's best-tier maid level.

I wonder if I can hire a maid like her?


"What a peculiar object this is." I commented picking up the glass ball with my telekinesis and landed in my hands. As I began analyzing the thing, princess Shikuka comes in saying.

"Ah, that's the Fortune-telling crystal ball, you got there." I gave her the crystal ball to her hands.

"You mean like one of those crystal balls in fortune-teller tents?" I raise a brow. "I'd be forgiven to mistake it as a weapon given the durability it held."

"Hah! Only an idiot like you would use such a crude thing as a weapon." says the pinkette princess with a sneer.

"Nee-sama, please, just stop." her younger sister demands to her seriously to cease her teasing.

"Hmph." And her pride as a tsundere princess yields only a pout turned away.

(Onee-sama, please don't fight.) Luna sends her concerns telepathically to both her sisters, not knowing what to do next.



"Anyways," I broke the tension in the room, "Does this thing do what I think it does?"

"Huh? Ah, yes. It reveals a person's destined one whom they have yet to meet in their lifetime."

"By destined one, your referring to what kind exactly?"

"It could be any kind really." Yuzuki replied. "It could be a man or woman, future lover, bestfriend, rival, or someone who will definitely change your life! So long as they exist, and you haven't met them yet, then this magic ball will tell that you'll eventually cross paths. And when you do, only heaven knows what will happen."

"I see." I nodded in understanding that it was a very useless object.

I could see why it ended up in this room. Probably just something these girls play with to pass the time for shits and giggles and see if any boys that match within their set of preferences actually exist in this world.

How I almost pity who ever they'll end up marrying.


And then, as if the idea sounded fun, Yuzuki then said to me with a grin.

"Hey, how about we see who your destined one is?"

"Is that possible?" I gave her a look of doubt.

Because who the hell would wanna cross paths with me? Because I don't know if anyone has noticed yet but anyone who has crossed me has either died, died trying to kill me, or had killed me but ended up dying anyway.

Mostly they all just die.

"Yeah, I bet they're just waiting to meet you! Hoping to make their lives a little brighter!" speaking with certainty, Yuzuki spoke confidently.

"Or ruin their lives for that matter." the pinkette princess added bitterly.

Me and Yuzuki rolled our eyes at her. Well, I can't deny that might just happen though.

"Alright, bet. So how do we reveal my future victi- I mean, destined ones?"

"You said something really ominous there before correcting yourself."

"Don't sweat the details, princess. I'm sure I said nothing important."

"Yeah, as if." she giggles and holds the magic ball in front of me. "Hold the ball with me, I'll take care fo the rest."

"As you wish."

I held the ball with my hands with her. Luna approaches us to see the show, too. And princess Asuka peeks with one eye open from a distance. Then as the atmosphere settles, Yuzuki chants mysteriously as the magic ball glows.

"Magic ball oh Magic ball, show us our paths beyond our walls."

"What are you, a Disney princess?" I chided the comical scene with a snicker. "Was that really necessary?"

"Oh hush, the chant makes the scene more mysterious. And besides, I'm technically a princess." she smirks.


"Now, where was I? Oh yes...

What fate we behold to the world we live, what life to hold for the world we live.

For the happiness in the sorrow, for the sunrise in the sunset.

We command an answer from thee, who holds this one's destiny!"

The crystal ball renders a moving image from Yuzuki's useless chanting and reveals a scene.

What we see was in a room with walls so cold and blue it could be mistaken for ice, in a room that seemed to be private, a young lady brimming with energy was happily dancing in front of a TV playing a recorded video of an idol concert.

"Oh..." said Yuzuki.

"...What?" said Asuka

(Wow...) said Luna.

"..." said no one.

We can see that the young lady whom had vibrant blue hair cut short to the nape and wearing an eastern maid outfit, was enjoying herself mimicking the dance moves of the idol singers on stage, holding an imaginary microphone in her hand, perfectly syncing her moves to the beat.

"She's really good."

(Should we recruit her, Zuki-nee-sama?)

"Well, knowing her, she'll probably refuse out of embarrassment."

"Do you guys know her?" I ask the question.

And the princess exchange glances before answering me.

"Yeah, we do."

"Mind telling me who she is?"

"You wish."

"I'm sorry but no. Maiden's secret."

(Sorry, Onii-chan, but we can't tell you.)

"Well alright, but at least tell me if she's friend or foe."

"That depends on you really. Like I said, only heaven knows what will happen when you meet without mattering who they are."

"alright, whatever, I give up."

Surrendering to such vague answers, we continue to watch this dancing beauty of energy. Finally ending the song with her hands over her chest, fingers forming a heart, and a beautiful smile that could shoot down the coldest of cold hearts. It even made my heart skipped a beat... Which is strange since I possess no such organs.

And then the show ends with another young lady with thriving green hair barging into the room, scaring the blunette maid like a frightened cat. They started arguing. Though none of us really knows what they were arguing about. And the images fade into a blur. Ending the prophecy.

So that was my destined one? It was a very weird scene to be honest. And why her?

What does she have to do with me?

For now, I'll keep her at the back of my mind as she's not really important to me at the moment.

"Oh, it looks like it's not over." said Yuzuki with some shock.

"Is that normal?" I ask.

"Well kinda. Depends on you really."

"You're so vague today. You know that, right?"

"Teehee<3" she stuck out her tongue.

"Don't you teehee me."

The crystal ball then renders a moving image of a battle being held in another dimension.

Two opposing figures in the sky clashing blows that could level mountains in one hit. Darting at the speed of light as the atmosphere around them decompresses from the explosions they emit. They wrestle, they grapple, they strike with the magnitude that shook the earth.

One can tell these two have been doing this for a while as the ruination around them made the hell I came crawling out look like a backyard in Florida with no one besting the other, remaining uninjured throughout all the while determined to take down the other.

"Oh so there they are." said Yuzuki in understanding, "I was wondering where they could be."

"Without Diablo around keeping them in check, I guess it's only a matter of time till they duke it out." Asaki shrugs.

(They really do get along with each other, huh?) Luna smiles fondly looking at the battle that broke heaven and earth.

"So... Friends of yours?" I ask while breaking out a sweat.

"Well, yes. They work for my dad." said Yuzuki.

"They are employed?" I ask out of dumbfoundedness.

Who the hell wanna hire two ticking time bombs?!

"Yep, they sure are." Asuka answers with a deadpan look as if knowing why I asked.

And I was nervous for a reason because this is the first time I've seen this level of power. So much destruction rivaling destruction that continents would break beneath and collapse the sky above. Honestly if you ask me, I never want to see these people. Even if they're my destined ones.

Yeah, screw destiny! No way am I meeting them!

But then I abruptly changed my mind as the one of the two figures stop to be captured within my sights. I felt as if time stopped for one second around me while I almost jumped out of pure shock.

Her short stature of a frame behold a magenta beauty. She wore such formal apparels of military. Black endows her colored lavender aura and that visage that awestruck the burning memories long forgotten in me.

"Ah...!" my eyes widen in disbelief. Jaws slacken at such revelation. My mind races a thousand miles per second. And my hands tremble at such thoughts.

"It's her... How?"


"It can't be... It doesn't make any sense!"

"Hey, is something wrong?"

"No, this can't be right. How could she be here? She's so powerful. But she looks so the same!"

"Are you alright?"


"Geez, you don't have to shout my title, I'm right here."

"N-no, not you. Her, my princess! In the crystal ball right now!"

"Oh, her?" Yuzuki and the girls looked confused.

"Yes!" I said nervously with some excitement. "Where is she right now? You must tell me! It's very important that I meet her!"

"Uhm, t-they are, I don't really know-"

"Hey, hey! Slow down, asshat! Just who do you think you are making demands-"

"𝓞𝓷𝓲𝓲-𝓬𝓱𝓪𝓷, 𝓹𝓵𝓮𝓪𝓼𝓮 𝓬𝓪𝓵𝓶 𝓭𝓸𝔀𝓷."





My desperation turned into screams silences the three princesses. And there was only silence to respond. Such a quiet place rendered all insanity in me to null.

Oh how I wish I could know...

Pathetically, I recompose myself and form one coherent thought after another. Realizing my mistake, I back away one step and bowed.

"I apologies for my reckless behavior. That was extremely unbecoming of me and I deserve whatever punishment befalls unto me. I swear such disgrace shall never be shown ever again."

My words cut short as Yuzuki approaches and grabs my hands. She cups them with her own and smiles softly and spoke with assurance.

"It's okay if you ask us for help. We're friends after all."



"It's okay to ask us if you need anything. It's only natural that is friends help out. So don't apologize. Just let us know what you need, okay?"

"Wha... Why?"

Why would you wanna help?

Why waste the time helping such slovenly, uncaring, sociopathic, and morally questioned piece of shit of a demon?

What good would helping me bring?

"Why?" she tilts her head as if the question befuddled her and she blinks at me.

"Because we're friends, silly."



"... Oh," it took me a good long minute to process what she just said and I let out a stifled smile.

And then I remembered how naive she was to befriend a demon like me out of all the people in the world.

Ah, how wasted these feelings of hers.

For I did not feel for her the same way...

Or do I right now?

Who knows?

"Okay..." I said merely not knowing what comes next.

"Also, if you wanna meet her, I definitely can't let you right now given that she's probably not in the mood to meet anyone new today. So how about this. I'll setup a meeting spot for both of you whenever you're ready? That way, you'll have plenty to prepare for your eventual meeting with your destined one. Sounds good?"

"Alright, bet." I said leaving such worries to her.

"Then it's settled." she taps my shoulder firmly like a homie that got your back. Then she wonders with a tilted head and asked.

"By the way, do you somehow know her? Because this thing only reveals people you haven't met yet. So is she someone you know?"

That's a good question. So I answered truthfully.

"Honestly, I don't know as well. That's why I want to meet her so bad. So that I can ask her if she's..."

"She's what?"

"Sorry, bachelor's secret."

"Boo. You dummy, got me all riled up for nothing."

(Onii-chan, you're bad.)

As both the princess pout much to their chagrin, Asuka in the background scoffs in disdain.

"So melodramatic. You make me wonder if you really are a demon."

"I can very much vouch that I really am who you think I am."

"I don't give a damn, alright." so she said but if she really didn't care she would've left to do other things that mattered.

Makes you wonder why she's sticking around.

With a huff, she turns and sat her bum on the new sofa came to replace, cross her legs and arrogantly. Both her sisters tease her with their tongues out.

We then continued our viewings and watch the battle between two monsters concluded with no one winning.

It was then I realized that the other formidable fighter was a wild blonde wearing a military uniform quite loosely. Yet she fails to register as much as the magenta haired fighter did to me so her visage will remain at the back of my mind.

The moving images blurs to conclude such prophecy fortelling.

"You know, I don't know if you're lucky or just unlucky to be destined with them." Yuzuki adds her comment.

"Well given my nature, I must be pretty unlucky then." I shrug as if this was another Tuesday news to me.

Then the crystal ball let's out a soft glow once more.

"Oh... Four destined ones in a row? Are you some kind of chosen one?!"

"Possibly, I did fall to the dark side after all."

"Hah, I understood that reference."

We then watch as the moving images render to what revealed to a be a single man.

He sat on a table outside of some Starbucks looking Cafe sipping a large grande. Without a phone in hand or earpods in his ears. Like a fucking psychopath.

Albeit, he looked to be a fairly ordinary modern man. Unassuming with his turtle neck shirt, cargo pants and skinny frame. But if one squinted hard, they may see the man appearing so anemic. Pale was the color of his skin and the black glow in his eyes was an abyss so deep it sucked the soul of anyone staring.

Now looking closely, the man seemed very sick. As if he's running on fumes. Doping himself from the strong caffeine he sips so strongly.

"Who might this be?" Yuzuki wonders.

"You don't know?" I ask a stupid question.

"No, not someone I have memory of." she answers politely.

But all of a sudden, our sense of danger suddenly went haywire when the seemingly unassuming man... Stares back at us!

Alarmed by such a gesture, we were in disbelief.

"Is this suppose to happen?" I ask worriedly, but Yuzuki shakes her head in denial.

"No, it can't be. It must be some kind of coincidence!"

"But you can feel it right..." I gulp continuing, "You feel... His gaze on us?"


Yuzuki and her sisters had nothing to say as the silence sent chills to our spine.

Asuka then intervenes with a stutter.

"H-hey... If you guys messing around, stop it, alright. It's not funny."

Bitch, do you think we're playing?!

I wish I could claim that we weren't but I fail to do for I was unable to leave my gaze from the man who calmly smiles, sips his coffee, chuckle at our reactions, and spoke as if we could hear him.

But the truth is we couldn't hear him, for the damn haunted crystal ball didn't come with audio. However, that didn't prevent us from reading his lips as he said the words...

Friend... Or foe?

It was as if he read my mind, I felt like a cold shower just drowned me. And the fact that he was the only one calm among us speaks the veil of mystery from him.

Such simple action caused our spines to chill. For we fear the unknown and the man in the ball embodiment such concept.

The man chuckles. Seemingly amused. And waves his hand in the air. The moving image blurs unrecognizably as if to abruptly end the prophecy. Getting nothing but a mystery and the spine chilling query of the man we know nothing about.

"Well... That was something." I said to break the tension in the air. And the princesses sighed in relief.

"Holy moly... Just how unlucky are you?" with some concern, Yuzuki jokingly asked.

"Well, pretty down rotten lucky." I answered.

"You do realize who... What that guy was, right?"

"No clue."

"That... That man was a God."

"You mean like your dad, the king?"

"No, my dad's a special case. He got his God hood through inheritance. That guy who however was the real deal! Someone who legit has both LEGENDS and MYTHOLOGIES of him being labeled with different names and titles. And judging how he's casually sipping coffee in the mortal plane, he must have thousands if not millions of years of experience under his belt!"

"Are you for real?" I was in disbelief but look of seriousness on her wasn't deforming into a smirk.

"I am for real." she said. "And I can only hope a miracle you'll be able to hold on your own when you meet him."


I curse my shitty luck behind my gnashing teeth to be fated to meet whatever that guy was, the crystal ball renders a moving image to our surprise.


To our growing terror, what was revealed to us was another man. But unlike the previous one, he was anything but ordinary.

A height so tall he could put athletes to shame. A body so lean and toned. Yet filled to the brim with seemingly invisible power. Wearing what appears to a military apparel of a naval admiral, he held with his two hands a long sword stuck on a pedestal. And that pedestal seemed to feed off the energy from the sword that acted as some conduit with embedded circuitry around glowing whitish blue.

"Oh shit, not this guy..." Asuka peeking from the distance had a sour look as soon as she saw who it was in the ball.

"Friend of yours?" I ask.

"Hardly. That guy could give Aneki a run for her money when it comes to military strategies. And ever since Aneki declared war on him, he has been so far the greatest threat to her goals."

Then as if theorizing something crazy, Asaki then growls at me.

"You! You're in league with him, aren't you?!"

"Me? I never met the guy. What are you on about?"

You lots have been staring all you wanted for a while. Now pray tell why your eyes intrude themselves on my being before I slit your throats?





Not gonna answer me, huh?

So the voice spoke in our heads with the willpower that was profound as the expanse of the universe.

We didn't need to ponder where that voice came from, for our eyes met the deep blue that stares back. A visage of bravery, with hair as grey as his age, yet his body seethes with unrivaled vitality. And he stands with a stance that forgave no weakness.

Such a gesture puts us all in alarm as the tall man slightly squints.

Oh...its the slime's brats.

"..." the princesses reacted differently in silence as the man in the ball spoke as if he could see us.

And someone whom I haven't met before. What's that look on your face? Never had your fate divined before?

"..." I couldn't help but feel at lost.

I can guess what you mongrels had been doing lately and it's nothing but a farce. Has your father of a slime stopped fooling in his little country?

"..." Asaki grits her teeth.

Is Lady Shizuka the only one sane enough to clean up after your father's mistakes?

"..." a shadow looms over Yuzuki's gaze.

Have you sisters been any of help to your eldest? I can't imagine the burden she must be bearing right now.

(...) Luna hides behind Yuzuki, frightened by the man's presence.

Can you lots do nothing at all? Will you just watch your eldest sister bear the consequences of what she had to do to gain even an infinitesimal possibility of an improbable future? I bet your father isn't doing anything substantial even though he has the power to render all this to null. Let me guess, he's fathered a fifth? My how pleasant. The Chaos family expands ever so blissfully. Woe us Arbitrators, for no one weeps the boring job of cleaning the anti-entropy.


Hmm? You said something?

"The hell are you on about, you nazi face prick?!"

Rude as ever, I see...

The man shook his head.

You have much to learn.

"Says the fuckhead who's been against Aneki since day one! Why are you talking like you're on her side now, huh?! What fucking changed?! What's your game here, Khlaus?!


The man stoically becomes quiet as if he was afraid to admit. But he remains steadfast and simply answers.

You lots should be proud of your eldest sister. For she had done what I thought to be dangerously impossible. Even for Reality Warpers like myself.

"...You can't possibly mean..."

Why, yes. It's exactly what I mean.

"No way..." Asaki mutters in shock.

She had finally done it. She has built the foundations for the False Heaven.


"But how is that possible?" she voices her disbelief and much to my chagrin I felt it mutually.

But the man pauses a second and said without emotion.

She found a way. That's all I can say for now. If you want a full story, then get it from her.

Asuka groans in frustration unable to decipher the man's words.

"So are you allies now or what?"

For now, that is the status. I will prevent any unforseen issues lady Shizuka cannot cover on her own. Then again, it would be great if your father just a end his ass already to proper godhood, then maybe the whole multiverse would be spared from this hubris.

"Why you so of a-"

Then Yuzuki cuts into the conversation before it gets too heated.

"High Solar Admiral Khlaus of Old Terra, I can assure that father will dutifully follow his role in this grand scheme. So please put your trust in him as you did before."

...Trust, huh?

The man scoffs at the idea. As if provoked by the thought, he spokes with nothing but scorn.

How about, no? I'll never trust your father for something as important as this project. That's the bottom line of our alliance between your sister and me. Because there's no way I'm trusting him when I can't even trust him one Friday's worth of paperwork. You may all think that he's smart when it matters and always knows what to do. But I can prove to you a thousand times you're all wrong about him. The last time I visited his domain, his country was so poorly defended he didn't even know that other gods were spying on him. And when I explained something as complicated as the total destruction of the multiverse to him, it just went one ear to the other. And when it finally matters that he must take everything in his own hands, he left the important role to his kuudere A.I of a wife who can't be better than a knock off Skynet!


And do you still remember what your mother Ciel did to 'fix' the problem?

The princesses had their faces crest fallen. Daring not to look the man in the eye as he continues without emotion.

Your mother, took half of the living souls of the universe, sparing your world in the process, and just 'patched' the tears of reality.

'Patch' I say. Just Patch. She didn't fix the damn problem. She didn't fix anything. And somehow she believes the flex tape she slapped on would last forever. Oh how wrong she was.

And that look of pure disbelief was priceless.

Then she soothes the woeful heart of her husband that there was no other solution... That there was no other way... But to sacrifice half the lives in this world and leave the problem to their future selves.

But I knew she was just scared. Scared to be left behind. Because she can't stand the fact being away from her beloved master for even one millisecond.

Because she's just that. A petty little girl with the psyche of a Lambda Calculator, too confused too compute her own emo-

"ENOUGH!" Angered, Yuzuki bares her fury with clenched fists. I've never seen her so angry before. So infuriated. So frustrated. It stimulates my demonic nature to taste such Nectar. But I fail to do so as I see her struggling to contain her emotions, and glares at the man.

"You can insult us for our sloth and ignorance about the matter. And we truly regret not helping our Onee-sama... But you don't have any right to disgrace our parents when you cornered them to act as they see fit!"

The man was rendered silent but his gaze didn't flinch. And he just sighs as if tired of this farce. He then said.

Is that how you really see it? That somehow I'm at fault? Well no matter, it's not like I'm trying to make a point. I realize how futile it is finding fault in your father when you're related to him.

Yuzuki's demeanor return to calm as she found it also futile to expect the same thing from this man.

Then after a pause of silence, the man said without emotion.

Well, this has been pleasant but I must go now. I have far too many activities that require my full attention and I can't waste it with you lots. So do excuse me.

"Then this is goodbye, High Solar Admiral Khlaus."

Oh, I forgot to mention one more thing.

"And what is that?"

The weird demon over there with angel wings. Yes, you. I want to leave you a really cryptic message that will either very important or really irrelevant in the future. So listen carefully.

Be careful of the God of Modern Warfare...


That's all.

"That's all?" I felt like this guy was trippin on me.

Yeah, that's it. What the hell do you want more from me?

"Well how about you tell me who the hell is the God of Modern Warfare? It fucking sounds like a gamertag a twelve year old playing COD would put in."

I wish that were the case but that guy deserves that kind of title. Even I fear a total war with him. So be wary.

"You're not answering my question."

I'm not suppose too. Cryptic message, remember?

I flip a bird at this asshole, earning a smirk from Asaki and a giggle from Yuzuki.

The man rolled his eyes and harrumphs, abruptly blurring the moving image as the prophecy comes to an end.




"... Fuck that guy, am I right?" just trying my best to relieve the tension in the air, I earn a relieved smile from Yuzuki.

"Ahaha, yeah, fuck that guy!" She said without a hint of shame.

And we both burst out laughing like idiots as if we got away from a prank gone horribly wrong. Asaki could only shake her head dumbfounded by our reactions and Luna smiled like a sweet angel.

And all of a sudden, the magic ball glowed once again.

"Oh, what now?" losing interest to such a thing, I ask out of spite, "Is this thing broken?"

"You really are unlucky, you know that?"

"Like preaching to a choir, of course I do."

And the ball renders a moving image of young lady in her office doing paper work.

And everything about her was as noticeable as the sun in the sky. A beauty beyond what was even natural as her silvery blue hair tied into a neat tail reveal her while visage. A skin so fair it felt unfair to exist. A face so perfect to match. And her bewitching eyes of scarlet light unveiled the raw energy of a powerful being akin to sleeping giant of destructive ruination.

Wearing plain robes for casual occasions, she was dealing with hundreds of documents per second. As if she was the sole manager of an entire logistical company, she brushes ten orders at once and proceeds to add ten more.

A hardworking maiden determine to get the job done.

And then she abruptly pauses.

Who's there?

The maiden turned her head to stare above and look back at us.

"Not this guy, too." I swore in spite. However, the three princesses were gawking too much to even process what was even happening.

And out of the blue, Asaki suddenly grabs the ball from our hands and began shouting at it.

"Aneki! It's me, Aneki! Can you here me?!"

That voice...? Saki-chan?! What are you doing?

"Please, Aneki! Tell me when will we meet as again? We really miss you! Please don't leave us like that again!"

Her words tremble as she spoke without pause, stifling her sobs as she yearns for that loving touch.

And the silvery blue maiden ponders carefully on what to say before saying.

I miss you all greatly as well. There is not a single moment where I did not miss ruffling the soft crowns in your heads and your sweet laughter as we play but please forgive me, I had to move as soon as possible. There was only such short time for goodbyes.

"That's okay, Aneki! You did nothing wrong at all! So, do you need any help right now? I'm sure you're super busy with something so great that will make us proud but please tell us where you are so we can help you!"

I'm afraid I cannot reveal that. Now is not the time to come, Saki-chan. So, please if you really want to help, look out for our sisters. You are the next oldest after me, are you not?

"But we wanna help you! I wanna help you! By your side in every step of the way!"

As I've said before, I cannot let you. Now isn't the time-

"Then when will be time?! Another decade?! A century?!"

That... I do not know.


Asaki couldn't contain her sobs anymore.

Don't cry, my baby sister. Please be strong in this tumultuous times when our family needs to protect each other. Remember what I ask you to do and when I come back, that is the best time to be by my side. Please, I only ask you to be patient for me, alright?

"... Sniffle... Okay, Aneki..."

Good. Now, I must destroy this magic ball. Any form tracing method that can track my location must be destroyed no matter what.

"Wait, Aneki, please don't go yet! I have so much to show you-"

I'm sure you very much do but what were doing now is dangerous without proper encrypted channels protecting this conversation, who knows what those who oppose me will do. Please be understanding, Saki-chan.


I must go now.


The silvery blue maiden waved her hand in the air and caused the moving image to distort. Ending the prophecy with the crystal ball cracking into many fine shards. And the shards fell from Asaki's fingers to turn into dust.

Me and Yuzuki could do nothing but watch such a saddening scene unfold. I felt such grief in the air that my demonic nature was so enticed to breathe. But I held back out of respect.

And even then, I still feel that deep down inside me...

I didn't even give a single fuck about what just happened.

Sadness... Grief... Anger... Terror...

To a demon like me, it was an appetizer before the main course.

Bringing me nothing but a sense of unhinged apathy and an unhealthy way of coping.

Truly, I'm a scum of the earth and that will never change.

Luna comforts Asaki with emotional support and I began to think of ways to get out of here.

"Well, it's been nothing but surprises in this room but I think it's time I hightail and jet. So thanks, princess. I had enough fun for today."

"Oh, alright then. I hope what happened here hasn't troubled you."

"Oh please, princess. You guys have been nothing but kind to a selfish demon like me. But I must go now. Oh and before I forget, here. Thank you for letting use it."

I return to her the Tablet-looking Textbook into her hands.

"Thank you for returning it. Has it been any help to you?"

"It has. And I owe you for that."

Like seriously. If it wasn't for that tablet, I probably would never have gotten myself a new windows update.

"Alright then, now if you'll excuse me..."

"Goodbye for now, my friend. I hope to see you again. It's been crazy fun with you, you know?"

"Oh we will, princess. You promise me a setup meeting with whoever that person was, right?"

"Ah, of course. Then please look forward to it, okay?"

"I will."

After giving Yuzuki a high-five and a headpat to Luna, I then made exit from the room.

* * *

"Just what the hell was that guy, Zuki?" the pinkette princess asked her sister the important question to address the elephant that left the room.

"Honestly, I don't know." Yuzuki said as she shook her head.

"Well, whoever he is, having a destiny with Aneki can't be a good sign. So we better dispose of him as soon as possible."

"Onee-sama, please don't be foolish." Yuzuki locks a glare at her sister. "He is my friend. And I won't have you dispose of him just because of some unfounded omen."

"He is not a friend, Zuki." Asaki berates. "He is a demon of unknown loyalty. Even worst is the fact that his ties to destiny crosses with beings of unimaginable power and mysterious backgrounds. Plus, have you seen his growth as of late? I don't know about you but my last diagnosis with him, he wasn't as strong that he could tank a full powered strike from you, remember?"

Yuzuki pauses to ponder and recalls what began in this room. And certainly, her sister had a point. Her demon friend had never been strong enough to take a hit from her. Much less block it with such ease and remain unaffected.

It would've certainly dumbfounded her if her guilt hadn't so much clouded her observation.

"Zuki, I know this is hard, but he's not to be trusted, alright." Asaki said with a serious tone. "The only demons we should trust are those loyalty lies with papa. Because demons at their core are unapologetic monsters who feed off from our despair."

"You don't know that!" Yuzuki defends. "He's different from the rest!"

"And how do you know that?!"


"Don't pout at me like that! I'm doing what's best for our family."

"Then what's your deal with him?! From what I gather, you've treated him with nothing but scorn and disdain. Do you hate him or something?"

"Yes! Yes I do, Zuki!"


"Because he's a fucking Psychopath!"

"... What?"

Asaki sighs as he struggles to excuse herself.

"Look, I analyzed his psyche when we tried healing him alright. He's not a good person. Far from it, in fact! When I took a look at how his mind operated, it was nothing short of madness! Have I tried bringing back his sanity? Of course, I did. But I failed! So now Tempest has a Psychopath on the loose and he's getting stronger than ever!"

"... Onee-sama... How could you... Reading someone's current psyche without consent is a violation of privacy, you know?" Yuzuki was nothing short of shocked by the revelation.

"That's what you're focus on? His fucking rights?! Screw his rights, alright?! If it's to protect your naive ass from monsters like him then I'll trample anyone's rights any time!"

"I didn't ask for such a thing, Onee-sama!"


"I didn't ask you to protect me, like this. Why are you just making things worst when I can handle it on my own? Why are you starting fights by yourself and telling me it was for my sake? Onee-sama, please just stop, alright. It's not helping me or you in any situation. And if really wanted help, would I be so foolish to never ask it from my dependable and brave Onee-sama?"


Soft arms strongly embraces Asaki's frame. A sweet smell tickles her nose. The pinkette princess couldn't help but crane up her neck to look at Yuzuki with her lovely smile.

Being the older sister, she was always jealous of her sisters growth spurt. Being shorter than one's younger sibling tends to mislead a lot of people especially for one as proud as Princess Asaki Tempest.

But now Asaki very much liked how tall Yuzuki was than her. It very much reminds how her mother Shion hugs her with so much gentle love.

She then felt her legs being tightly hugged by a pair of soft arms on her hips. Looking down, she saw Luna feeling left behind and hugged both her older sisters. Asaki and Yuzuki exchange glances out of shock and then burst out laughing.

'What the hell am I doing?' Asaki thought to herself. 'Zuki is right. I shouldn't be such a whiny bitch about everything that endangers my family. So what if he's a psychopath destined with gods and generals, he's got nothing against a demon like Daiblo who simps my papa day and night. And even then, I know everyone I love will help us.'

'Because my family is the strongest!'

With such conviction raised Asaki said.

"Ah geez, I was an idiot being worried over nothing."

"That's right, Onee-sama. You're just fretting over nothing. So please don't kill my friend."

"I'm really having some misgivings about him, but whatever. Just don't date a guy like him, alright?"

"What are you talking about? Why would I wanna date him?" Yuzuki tilted her head in confusion and Asaki just shakes her head.

"Just don't, okay?"

"Whatever you say, Onee-sama."

"C'mon, then. Father must be done with work so let's go home."

"Ah, just don't intrude his office again, Onee-sama... Onee-sama, are you listening?"

Meanwhile, Asaki was sending a long range telepathic message to a certain blunnete demonness who works in the coldest region of this world.

(Hey, Rain-san. You there?)

(Who is this? Don't you know I'm trying to do something important? Huh, you don't know that? Please die.)

(Yeah yeah, look, It's me, Asuka. Listen, I wanna do a little trolling. You down?)

(Huh? Oh, hey, princess. Yeah that depends though. Who's the unlucky bastard this time?)

(Okay, let tell you what happened to us just recently...)

