
There's a lot of things I could slide at the back of my mind. And I more or less don't give a shit what people think of me. But there comes a time when it's appropriate to not take shit from others.

Height? I already know I'm short for my age but if you think you can look down on me because of that...

Haha... I'll break your fucking legs.

Faster than a split second, my barrier expanded and encased the entire open field under my control. Targeting that punk who had just insulted me and wanted to reduce him to atoms...

But I realized quickly that things were not what it seems. First, I was encountering some heavy restrictions that my barrier failed to fully manipulate the physical laws because a very complicated barrier that was not my own was overpowering my own. Thus, the punk was spared for a few seconds. Second, the energy to use my Unique Skill was getting depleting not only my magicules but also my demonic energy. I was shocked by this because according my calculation, I shouldn't be draining this much energy to kill someone but I quickly assess why and found the reason.

The summoning circle I was standing on was jerry-rigged. Thousands of demon seals were preventing me from forming a corporeal body in the mortal plane and was also restricting me in this enclosed circle surrounded by Annihilation magic triggered if I tried breaking to even break out. Without a corporeal body, I won't be able to store absorbed magicules and demonic energy. And even with my vast reserves, I won't last long and will be forced to go back to the demon realm to recover. Due to the fact that four contraptions, that looked to be giant magicule crystals posted on four directions, were sucking the magicules out of me the more I start to struggle.

The instant I realized that, I then used ANALYZE to comprehend the structure of this magic circle. But what I found were layers of layers of encrypted magical laws that I don't even recognize and 1/3rd of them were artificially created to be indecipherable!

Who the hell made this magic circle? And what the hell is a New Solomon series class summoning? Was this really necessary to trap lesser demons like me? I get that demons are generally dangerous beings by nature but damn! This is taking it too far.

I shook my head and decided to give up on being aggressive. This was not what I was expecting from the mortal plane and I was fully surprised by this. To think someone like me who dominates in the demon world couldn't even get out of a lesser demon summoning circle. If demons found out about it then they will truly mock me to no end and I'll be forced to hide my face in shame.

Kuh... Kill me.

Anyway, it seemed like nobody noticed what I failed to do since the barrier didn't react and nothing was quite happening to me yet, so I was able to maintain a cool lucid expression. Except that I never thought I'd see the day an old granny dashed her way to whack the punk with a paper fan. It looked like it hurt so my eyelids twitched.

"You goddamn moron! Does nothing good ever come from your mouth?!" the old lady wearing a really good witch costume said with fury in her eyes.

"Ow...what the hell, professor?!" the punk said with teary eyes. "What did I do?!"

"What did you do? What did you do?!" the professor repeated his question twice with intimidation. Causing him to flinch back. She looked like she wanted to snap his neck with her wrinkling old fingers if only that wasn't frowned upon by the law. Reigning her temper in, she snorted and coldly said to the guy.

"The fact that you don't even know how close you were to death really testifies how you haven't had a girlfriend yet. You think you could anyone impress anyone with that level of stupidity? No, right? In fact, I'm just shocked how no one's smacked the idiocy out of you yet? Did you know how close you were putting us in our own graves? If that demon didn't didn't let that slide, the news headlines would be news casting how one idiot put a whole class killed? If you wanna die so bad, do it by yourself, you understand?"

"Eh? What? But?"

"I said... Do. You. UN. DER. STAND?!" the paper fan in her hands were shaking as she asked again.

"Y-yes ma'am!"

The professor snorted and gave him the cold shoulder. Then another guy wearing a white shirt holding a sword, approached the guy and said with a wry smile.

"Richard-san, right?"

"Uhm... Yes?"

"Un, well... Don't take what Jean-dono said to heart, alright? She's just looking out for all of us, after all."

"Eh? But, but Fritz-sama, what did I do wrong? I don't think it's right-"

"Richard-san," the guy no longer smiled for the idiot and said with a serious look, "I think it's right to read the air and keep things to yourself, okay?"

"Eh? Umm?"


"... OK." even though the idiot said that, everyone noticed the indignation laced in his response and the guy, Fritz was his name? Just shook his head.

While that drama concluded, everyone then turned their heads where they heard a fake cough. Now that everyone's attention was on me, they now realized that they've rudely kept a guest waiting and the old lady stepped forward with an apologetic smile.

"I sincerely apologize for that disgraceful display, demon-sama. I ask for your forgiveness for that boy's rude behavior towards you."

"I don't care for such antics, witch." I coldly said to her as she gulped. "You mortals are known for worrying over such trivial and mundane matters but that was not what I came here for. Now tell me, who dares summon me?"

"It was me." said a girl taking over the conversation.

"You?" I asked while assessing her.

(A/n: Imagine her with red eyes and long ears of elves then you got Langley)

She looked old enough to be a young adult. A long fair maiden with light blue, long hair, red eyes, long ears and was short like me. She wore a witch hat and a stylish uniform with an emblem patched on her left torso. Like what I expected of girls, she was pretty and exuded an air of cold elegance.

Proudly, she said, "Yeah, got a problem?"

Well, yes, but actually no. I thought, secretly grateful she summoned me but I didn't want to show it.

Hmmm... I tilted my head as I further assessed her...

What to say. She looks incomplete. From what I can see from her, she possess within her a power that purifies evil and the unholy. I believe it's called holy attribute. The bane attribute for demons like me. Not only that, she seems to have formed a spirit pact with a powerful spirit of the holy attribute.

But is that all she really is? If that was the case, why do I have the gut feeling that this lass had an unfathomable level of potential just sleeping inside her? And I don't know how but she was exuding this mysterious charisma that's causing me to draw myself towards her.

Yet, I strangely can pick up that something about her was missing. Like a jigsaw puzzle, the other pieces were missing to fully create a clear picture.

Basically, she was strong but I couldn't point my finger on why she was so strong despite my intense analysis on her. How strange.

Anyway, I shouldn't underestimate her. I conclude my thoughts about her for now and said.

"That depends on your definition of problem. If you just summoned me for shits and giggles, don't think you can walk out of this place alive."

"Okay." and she shrugged.

"What do you want?"

"Become my servant." she said and the air became tense. I could hear some people gulping background.

Become her servant, huh? Well it's not like I didn't expect it. After all, why summon a demon of not to make it submit to its bidding?

Then again, I have no plans of serving anyone other than the princess. I can tolerate a lot of things but becoming someone else's servant is different. I'd rather go back to hell than submit. Of course, I don't plan to waste this chance of going to the mortal plane.

"And your offer?" I was willing to lend her my ears her my ears to see where this negotiation will lead. If this girl doesn't satisfy some of my conditions then I'll find another way to stay in the mortal plane.

"I have a vessel you can host. You can have it if you swear your loyalty to me."

Gotta say, she's got guts. Is she some kind of elite or something? This punk did say she was from a fallen nobility or something. Whatever.

"A vessel is fine..." I said.


"But I won't submit to you." I cut her off.

"... And why is that?" the girl, as if expected this, negotiated with me further. I then raised up 1 finger in front of her and said.

"One, I don't necessarily need a vessel at this time. So your offer doesn't satisfy me."

"If that is the case then-"

"Second, I don't think I can submit myself to someone weaker than me. An Employer-employee relationship is fine and I would like to make things clear that I don't like working past an 8 hour shift and weekends if being your servant entails that I have to serve you 24/7."


"And third, I already have a master."

"Really?" she asked. With the rest also showing curiosity.

"Well, yes. But she doesn't know that. So I will have to return to her side eventually and become her servant once more."

"I see..." as if understanding my circumstances, she gave a defeated sigh and asked.

"So the reason why you won't become my servant isn't because I made a spirit pack with a holy spirit?"

"The spirit pack? Well, I don't think that's a factor to consider. Even if you have bad affinity with demons, I'm sure plenty would serve you if you offered...50 souls or so."

"T-that many?" she was taken aback.

"50 isn't that many to us, really. In fact, if you offered 100, then we'll listen. If you offered 500, we'll consider. And if you offered a thousand. Then we will happily serve you for a time."

Everyone drew in cold breath at the shocking revelation. But I notice the old witch and Fritz guy didn't seemed surprise.

"What do you even need 1000 souls for?" she couldn't help but ask.

"Of course, to evolve." I answered. "If a lesser demon wants to evolve, they need a thousand souls to consume. You heard how demon lords evolve into true demon lords by harvesting souls, right? Demons develop in the same manner."

"Then... Do you want 1000 souls?" I can smell her nervousness when she asked that.

"No. 1000 souls isn't enough for someone like me. In fact... I don't think I need souls at all."

She sighed in relief when I told her the truth. But I notice how surprise the old witch was and and how that Fritz guy was raising a brow at me.

The reason why I've been keeping an eye on their expressions is because out of all the people of this group, the two of them had been the most cautious of me. They also seemed to be communicating each other with their thoughts alone ever since the girl conversed with me.

"I see." the girl nodded to me as if acknowledging that she cannot possibly sacrifice 1000 souls just so she can acquire my loyalty. Besides, what kind of loyalty could you expect from an evil creature who demands the lives of so many?

But as if not giving up, she then said.

"But other than souls, you said you wouldn't serve me because I was weak, right?"

"... Yeah?"

"And you said you already decided on a master but your okay being my employee, right?"

"... Yeah?"

"If so then..."

I caught her grinning at me the next moment and what she said next didn't surprise me.

"If I fight you and win, will you follow me to restore my family's honor as my temporary subordinate?"

I went silent at first thinking about what she just said. Restore honor? Temporary subordinate? I have a lot fo questions but I have no interest asking about them. Plus, I really don't want to be tied down serving this girl. Because think about it.

If a girl as strong as her can't even restore her family's reputation or whatever herself that she had to ask a demon to help her just raises red flags.

And even if I do help her, if her goals prove to be impossible to accomplish, I'd like to make an exit plan. Being a powerful being doesn't necessarily mean you can do anything.

Power is only a requirement for the goals you pursue after all.

"So you wish to fight me?" I tried to convince her it was a bad idea as I release a bit of my aura at her. The crowd took a step back as they felt the wave of pressure but the girl took it head on and released an equal amount of aura at me.

I smiled as we were releasing both our intentions, a bunch of visitors came to watch us from afar. Some of them were watching me very intently. As if warning that if I do something stupid, I won't be walking out here alive.

Wait a minute, who are these guys I'm just sensing right now?


Holy crap! Are those really greater demons?! Why the hell are they as strong as archdemons?! And more than 5 of them at that?! The heck?! Each of them are strong enough to dominate an entire region in the demon world and they're all out here chilling?!

Shit, I definitely can't act recklessly here. As expected of the cardinal world now ruled by God's replacement. I'm like that frog that went out from the well and realized for the first time how vast the sky was.

I sighed in defeat and said to the girl.

"Alright, umm miss?"

"It's Langley, Langley Vikville."

"Okay, Langley. I'll fight you. If you win, I'll be your subordinate but don't expect that I'll follow every command. But if I win, then then I want the vessel and some cash I can use. Deal?"

Just as she was about to agree.

"Wait3x! Hold up for a second, will you!"

"What now?" I click my tongue in displeasure. But completely ignoring me, that Fritz guy approached Langley and said.

"Langley-chan, I get that you want to restore your family's reputation and all but you really got to consider this carefully. A demon might be helpful but you should be able to tell this guy isn't your everyday typical demon. No one wants to see you hurt yourself so how about you-"

"Fritz-sama, I appreciate your concern. But I can manage him."

"But-" Langley then cut him off as she glared at him with her determined eyes.

"I can handle him."

That Fritz guy was still hesitant to just watch as the girl puts herself in danger. So I then said.

"Well, it's not like she'll be in true danger."

I gain the crowds attention as I continue.

"Look, Fritz, right? Anyway, I know this entire field is encapsulated with a barrier that prevents fatal damage to those inside of it, so Langley here will be fine so long as she remains inside. Besides, if we're talking about danger, then aren't I completely at a disadvantage? Without a body, I can't restore my energy and the damage I'll receive won't be able to heal. So Langley here was given a handicap from the very beginning. Odds are she has a high chance at winning but the reason why I want to fight her despite that is because she's willing to make a deal with me. If that gives you some piece of mind, lay off, will you?"


The guy was completely silent as he gazes at me full of wariness. The other hidden party hasn't moved yet so it seems I'm wordlessly given consent to act carefully.

A few dozen seconds in this staring contest, Fritz sighed in defeat.

"Fine. But you guys have to play by the rules."

"Which is?"

"If the opponent said they surrender, you have to stop. Second, you cannot kill your opponent. Third, you have to keep the damage within the barrier. Can you play with those rules?"

"Seems fair. Where do we fight?"

"There's an arena just east of us. The barrier's effect is much stronger there so you guys can have your match there."

I was then released from the magic circle and followed the group to the arena. I still couldn't form myself a temporary corporeal body due to the demon sealing spells casted on me. And according to my analysis, the only way to free myself is to complete a contract with the summoner or go back to hell.

Well, that's fine by me.

Once we got to the arena, Langley was the first to climb while I stood motionless. Noticing that, she turned back and asked.

"What now? Did you chicken out on me?"

"You still haven't answered me Langley."

"About what?"

"Do we have a deal or not?"

"You're sweating over the details." she rolled her at me and said. "But yes, we have a deal. Keep your word, alright?"

"Gladly." I smiled and felt the demon sealing effects diminished.

I then climbed the arena while building myself a temporary corporeal body from the demonic energy I have left. Langley stood at one corner of the arena and I at the opposite. As we face each other, unmoving, waiting for the other to make the first move, the first thing that came to my mind was regret.

Ah, shit, she has a Unique Skill. My heart instantly dropped after getting a few results from analyzing her.

--POV Langley--

As the demon moved to the corner, I stared at him with a fixed gaze while I activated thought acceleration.

'Hey, can you tell me how strong this guy is?'

<<Appraising target... Complete. Would you like to see appraisal results? Y/N?>>



Name: none
Age: 8900 years old
Race: Evolved Deviant
Existence value: 67,000

Unique Skills:

Unique skill: Protector
*Barrier Creation
*Danger Reaction
*Absolute Territory
*Personal Space
*Thought Domination
*Complete Isolation
*Law Manipulation
*Field Control
*Illusory to reality
*False Heaven

Unique Skill: Computer
*Mental Acceleration
*Perfect Memory
*Flawless Calculation
*All Of Creation

*Magical effect resistance
*Physical effect resistance
*Mental corruption resistance
*Pain nullification
*Ailment nullification
*Spiritual attack resistance
*Holy attack resistance
*Natural element resistance

Daily skills:
*Magic sense
*Demonic energy manipulation
*Demon instincts
*Demon nature
*Demonic absorption

End of analysis>>


'What the absolute fuck?! Why on earth does he have two Unique Skills?! And why is his race Evolved Deviant?! I've never heard of a race like that before. Also, what kind f skill is False Heaven? What does it even do?'

<<Response: the sub-skill False Heaven is a skill that defies the world's natural cycle by replacing it with an entirely different system of natural laws completely under the skill user's design>>

'Okay. Explain it simpler.'

<<Response: It means the individual possessing this skill can control the whole world and everything in it by replacing it with another>>

'That's broken. I find it hard to believe that it's not nerfed. Any weakness?'

<<Answer: Negative. I will have to conduct further analysis>>

'I see. And I assume the Unique Skill: Computer operates in the same way like you?'

<<Response: Affirmative>>

'Oya? Between you and his Unique Skill, you think his is better?'

<<.... Conclusion: Heh, as if>>

'Oh, did that tick you off?'

<<Negative. That was just your imagination>>

'Ata girl. Then what do you propose to show our dominance, partner?'

<<Solution: recommend that master activates Auto-battle mode>>

'Is he really that strong that you should take over?'

<<Solution: master has a 28% chance of winning. But those calculations are purely based on the appraisal results. So chances are even lower without any complete estimation. Using Auto-battle mode will guarantee a higher chance of winning>>

'Well, I got no complaints. Just don't beat him up too much.'

<<I will not fail you, master>>

'Alright. Go for it, Great Sage-sensei!'
