This Level Of Genjutsu Does Not Work On Him

Sometimes you gotta wonder, what the hell actually is a Demon?

From many religious texts and biblical gospels, demons are, the incarnation of evil.

But for me, being a Demon, all I can say is that a Demon is just fighting machine.

Birth with malice, strength and immortality, they destroy and devour others to gain strength, then once gaining strength like no other, they rise to the peak of powerhouses. Becoming the top dogs of the underworld.

It's been many moons since I left my cave and ventured out into the wilderness that is the Demon realm. A blood red moon that hung in the sky perpetually, cursing these barren lands forever with the color of blood, blesses me who strolls with reckless abandon.

Of course, I was taking care not die. I haven't died ever since that fateful day dozens of years ago as I cover myself a powerful barrier that conceals my presence entirely.

Right now, not even a Demon with magic sense could see me even if I'm right at their faces!

How did I come possess such outstanding stealth skills? Well, it was all thanks to my genius skill manipulation of overlapping the effects of skills that allows my to stack more effects!

For example, I took the sub-skills from my Unique Skill: Protector, Absolute Territory and added the skill effects onto Personal Space, thereby creating a barrier with effects I can manipulate. I can adjust any effect the barrier has on me down to the seething magicules and demonic energy that can be perceived to the lightwaves that can be seen in the electromagnetic spectrum.

In truth, it took more adjustments to manipulate the effects I so desired from the barrier. Like I wanted light particles to actually pass through me instead of bouncing off me. I also wanted my very image to reflect on a faraway place, so that attackers will strike my reflection instead. Creating a mirrored illusion. And best of all, I wanted it to be as real as possible that it could even fool the most alert of demons.

Despite the genius that I am, trying to even accomplish such a level of genjutsu took me years of fighting and practical training. I basically had to eat the memories of a skilled illusion Demon and that guy was a real bitch, I tell you!

Luckily his level of genjutsu has no effect on me anymore. In fact, I'm even more skilled than him now! Combine magic with my OP barrier skills and some tinkering of the effects, I was finally able to create true stealth.

Now I am no longer the barrier Demon. I am, henceforth, the Stealth Demon!

Ahem... Anyway.

Aside from achieving true stealth, I also became a master of pretty nifty magic body-strengthening magic. I also became able to fully master my skills to extend their flexibility, consolidate the demonic energy I absorbed into my spiritual body and expand the threshold of my magicules.

Then again, that didn't seem to be enough to grow out from my lowly stats. Even if I trained all my skills to perfection, increase my magicule count, or refine my spiritual body with endless amounts of demonic energy, I'll never be able to grow any stronger than a lesser demon.

What's a lesser demon you might ask? Well, according the demon hierarchy 101, lesser demons are powerful beings born from malice that are stronger than the average demonic monster and weaker than a Greater demon.

And a greater demon is actually weaker than an archdemon. And what's stronger than an archdemon, you might wonder? Well, it's basically a unique existence at that point. Some would call them demon peer? But they're basically a myth. No demon, as far as I know, has never actually seen a demon peer before. But they have seen demons as strong as demon peers. And they are the Seven Primordial.

The Seven Primordials had existed since the beginning of the creation of the demon realm. They have the longest experience as demons so they are out right powerful. So powerful in fact that they even got monikers based on their hair color.

Rouge the Red
Bleu the blue
Vert the green
Juane the yellow
Viore the violet
Blanc the white
And Noir the black

Together, they form the power rangers!

Go go, power rangers!!!

Cough cough! Cut. I'm sorry, wrong show.

Anyways, so yeah, they're really strong as fuck, they have their own faction filled with greater and lesser demons lead by archdemon adjutants. Like, I can even sense their presence from where I'm standing and I know for a fact they are literally planets away from me. Just looking at their demonic auras seething will look like a glowing Mt. Everest covered in Christmas lights. Yes, they are that terrifying.

As for me? Well, I don't know. Given my strength, I'm actually as strong as a greater demon despite the fact I'm actually a lesser demon. That's because my attacks are amplified using the effects of my Unique Skill: Protector. So I'm a different case all together.

So my goal is to become evolve and become a greater demon. Why? For the sake of survival of course! There's no better motivation than staying alive.

"Ha, ha, ha, ha, staying alive, staying alive,
Ha, ha, ha, ha, staying alaaaaa~hahaaaa~hahaaa~~"

I found myself singing to 80's music again even though I completely forgot most of the lyrics by now. And I'm not to worried getting caught for it really. I mean, look, two greater demons are tearing each other's limbs and I'm herein the vicinity. Minding my own fucking business. They didn't even notice me picking up the breadcrumbs on the floor. I'm literally invincible at this point.

Then when one of the demons won from that fight, I swoop in for the kill. Trapping the weakened victor inside a barrier that was stacked with effects that maximizes damage to its absolute peak. I pierce the demon in the chest, pulled out the exposed demon core, and began feeding on his remains.

Ah bliss. What a wondrous thing it is to trample others and steal their hard work.

What's that? I'm cheating, you say? Don't sweat the details. In fact, if I haven't done what I've doing so far, I would've been gutter feed for the rats back in that cave.

Besides, I am using my own power after all. What's there to complain?

Before I notice, I had already locked this place clean from any existing residue and no one would've noticed that a battle had taken place here.

Well that is if no one had actually fucking notice.

"Kukuku... What a masterful control of skills. You're almost as good as some acquaintances I know. How curious."

I froze in place as my demon heart began beating loudly like a drum. I tried my best to turn my neck but it felt like an old robot that hadn't had its joints oiled as slowly, I look to the source of the voice.

A tall and devilishly handsome man was standing behind me with a grin. With black hair along with a lick of red on his bangs and dark eyes glowing golden pupils with red irises, he wore fine black clothing that otherwise made his favorite color apparent.

He was just 2 meters away but I can feel his breath making my skin crawl as I could feel nothing, not even his demonic aura, but the pure sinister intent from his presence alone.

He was making his demon nature show a different kind of vibe compared to the other demons I have so far encountered. Giving the impression that I was seeing a demon far above my caliber.

And he was looking at me. He was really looking at me! Those golden orbs emitting red sinister light were really looking at me! Who has mastered the art of stealth through barrier, a demon finally caught me with his very own eyes!

My demon instincts were telling me this guy was trouble. And I needed to run and hide from him like my life depended on it!

Me? Run? After so many years trampling on others like I was bully Maguire, was karma finally out to bite me in the ass?

No. Don't run. Man up, you fucking demon! Call it pride or foolishness, the days spent hiding in fear like a rat are over you now!

Man the fuck up!

Taking a deep breath, I turned around and hid my fear with a shit-eating grin.

"How can I help you, sir?"

I congratulated myself for my bravery. I should be given a medal of Valor at this point. But the reply made my spine shiver that I instantly regretted saying that.

"Oh, you wanna help me? Kukuku," he said with a grin. "How can you help me?"

I can help you leave me the fuck alone! I wanted to say but can't cause my throat is too busy gulping out of nervousness.

The man took a step forward while I instinctively took a step back. He took another step and I went back with another. This went on until the man realized I didn't want to be anywhere near him at all and he let out a sinister chuckle.

"Kukuku, now aren't you interesting. Didn't you want to help me?"


"I assume you just asked that out of courtesy?"

I politely nodded.

"Kukuku... You're really something, aren't you?" the man said as he took a step forward again, while I... Couldn't.

My eyes widen in shock as I realize I couldn't move my body. Like a frog paralyzed before a snake, the man took another step.

"A lesser demon killing a greater demon, albeit it was weaken, you did manage to overwhelm its resistance skills and that attack was too powerful even with the help of body-strengthening magic, you should not be able to generate that level of strike. Tell me, how did you, a lesser demon, do it?"

I could only silently stand still while the man stops just a feet away from touching me. Yet, he merely glances my whole body in assessment with an amused look.

However, I've finally gathered some strength into my body with the help of my barriers negating the fear effects. I look at the man straight in the eye and asked.

"Yo-you really want to know how I did it?"

"Kukuku, I asked, didn't I?"

"Are you sure?"

"Yes, I am."

"Then rather than an explanation... IT BE BEST IF I DEMONSTRATE IT, RIGHT?!"

And like a total lunatic, I clenched my right hand into a fist and dished it into the man's face!

Then an explosion occurred as if the mother of all bombs was dropped in this exact spot where the man stood. My barrier generating the desired effects to maximize the damage I could dish out into one singular location. The pressure comparable to 10,000 meters below the seas, the impact collision like getting hit by a bullet train, the heat that could melt sand into glass in an instant, lightning powerful enough to destroy an entire tree... I expended all the magicules and demonic energy I've collected throughout the years to unleash a destructive blow that would otherwise take a chunk off a mountain. All the while nullifying the man's resistance skills to weaken his defenses.

This was a one-hit kill trump card I've developed out of the many contingency plans in case I was cornered and I needed a sure fire way to defeat my enemies. This trump card was a last dish effort more or less that guaranteed certain death to any greater demon out there. Heck, it might be able to injure an archdemon if I'm willing to bet on it.

A deafening boom shook the area as my ears slightly rang, and to my absolute horror, I've come to prepare for the worst.

As the cloud dust settles, the man whom I had unleashed the brunt of a single concentrated disaster had still merely stood at the exact same spot with no evidence of having budge an inch, grinned at me.

And my punch was stopped by a single finger.

Not by a powerful shield, nor by some extraordinary barrier, it was blocked by a singular finger alone.

As I felt that cold, steel-like finger pressed between my knuckles, my spine endlessly shivered and my demon instincts were screaming at me to start running now!

The man chuckled to himself with a sinister tone. Sounding impressed, he said.

"Kukuku, I see now. So, it's thanks to this barrier that's been surrounding us is the reason why you're able to throw such power. I've been wondering for quite a while why you kept using an attribute-less barrier but now I understand it's actually a skill generated barrier instead of a magically conjured one."

My thoughts accelerated to the max as I tried to analyze every word he had just said while resisting the utter shock that threatens to throw my thoughts in disarray.

This guy... Actually figured how my barrier works?!

As if to answer my thoughts, the man said.

"And not only is this a simple barrier skill, it's actually a Unique Skill. Kukuku. No wonder you're able to overwhelm the resistance skills of others. It's because you're using the power of a higher tier skill. And by using an overlapping method of supporting your normal skills and magical spells with your Unique Skill, it allowed you to cast damage that's above the limit."

I slowly retracted my fist and took a step back while letting him continue his assessment.

"Kukuku, truly masterful! Such level of control over Skills is comparable to high-leveled demon hunters and sages with budding hero eggs. Too bad however, that such level of skill can be easily countered with another Unique Skill and the artificial effects you've added would have no effect on me who possesses the skill Law Manipulation."

My back was sweating like it was the hottest summer and the howling wind billowed amidst the silent wasteland.

I was deep within my thoughts while staring at the man who continues to smile as my accelerated thoughts come to form a conclusion on what the hell did he just say using maximum analysis with All of Creation supplementing missing information.


I see...

So that's why...

That actually makes sense to be honest. After all, he's totally correct. My attacks were overlapped using my Unique Skill and the artificial effects I added like pressure, temperature, and nullifying resistance skills were all thanks to my Personal Space and Absolute Territory. A better description of it was like a forest fire being fueled by mother nature blowing hot wind in a cyclone. Naturally, such devastating effects would occur that would otherwise defeat opponents above my level.

And to beat such fire was another fire of the same nature. Thereby blocking my trump card with a single finger because the real strength that attack was no better than a lesser demon punch doped with body-strengthening magic. And the artificial effects were fully negated all thank to the man's skill: Law manipulation.

So that actually means this man has a Unique Skill of his own...

Hahahaha...yep, I'm fucked.

I'm totally fucked right now.

My trump was easily beaten. No words can truly express how depressed and terrified I felt. And the man relishes on my contorting expressions as he grins like... Well, like a demon.

"Kukuku, I can smell fear from you. Are you perhaps regretting what you did? Don't feel bad. I actually feel like sparing you. So, how about we make a deal?"

My eyes lit up with a false sense of hope as the man continues.

"Ill give you a count to ten to run for your life. If you manage to escape from my perception, I'll let you go."

"And if I can't?" I asked nervously hoping the man would give me an easier time.

Still grinning, the man told me.

"Kukuku, then you'll be my toy to play with. How's that?"

I felt light-headed as his words echo deep into my mind, and his glowing eyes stare right into my demon core as if to mark me. It somehow made me feel violated but my thoughts were now more focused on escaping.

So just like that, I said.


Run? That's easy!

I've been running all the time since the first part of my demon life. In fact, I haven't even gone rusty as I don't skip leg day. Running is Hella easy. I bet $10 he'll lose sight of me before he even notices.

"Well, then. You have 10 seconds." he said raising his fingers then pulling them down to count.

Guess it's time to use my ultimate skill.

Ultimate skill: Nigurundayo!!!

Like a bullet, I turn and bolted out of here.


Supported with my barrier filtering out air drag, easing my aerodynamics, decreasing the gravitational, doping with body-strengthening magic, I was traveling at well within supersonic without causing sonic booms due to the fact I emitted no sound by the blessings of my barrier.


I was already several mountains away but I didn't stop running. His voice still echoes softly as if he was whispering close to my ear.


I was already so far I bet I've beaten chinese immigrants running away from the communist party. Yet, my face was filled with despair as there was no escape from him.


After counting down, just like that, he took a step and teleported in a completely different place from where I ran to, his hand quickly grabs my throat. And just like that, my illusion disperses as my clocking barrier shattered like glass and the illusion I casted to run in a completely different direction faded as it lost my total concentration.

"Kukuku... That was a nice trick. You could easily fool anyone even if they have universal perception. But it is merely a trick compared to me, a true master of illusions."

My face fell as I realized I couldn't even fool him with my proudest of tricks. I felt humiliated, at the same time terrified.

"That level of illusion does not work on me."

He then raises his other hand in front of me.

"Let me show you what true illusion is."

And then he flicked his fingers and he disappeared.

Suddenly, metal chains began snaking my wrists and pulled me high up from the ground. Before I notice, I was no longer in the wasteland but in a dark bedroom with a canopy bed on a checkered floor.

"Welcome to my World of Temptation."
