Intermission: Our Battle Will Be Legendary

3rd POV

Zegion's mighty frame re-emerges from the mist and enters a well-lit chamber filled with desk chairs lined up facing a large screen that portrayed the outside world.

Zegion approaches the two seated nearby a large stereo terminal. One was a wild blond man of tanned skin wearing a plain blue shirt and jeans who featured a wide grin and eyes glinting with excited glee and seated on his left shoulder was a woman of miniature stature small enough to fit in one's hand. A blonde-haired braided and wings belonging to fantasy pixies on her back, her eyes express a glimmering curiosity as she, like the man, look unto the ginormous screen before them.

"Veldora-sama, Ramiris-sama, I have returned." said Zegion with a slight bow and a tone respect.

"Umu," hummed the handsome man who grinned at the giant exoskeletal frame towering over him.

He, Veldora, turned his attention back to the screen and so did Zegion turn his head to look the same direction.

Displayed over the wide screen was the replay of the event, where one seemingly unassuming lesser demon who wore a formal suit challenged the Trial of Zegion's Temperance set at the highest difficulty designed by the Veldora himself and won much to the surprise of those who've witness the undeniable results.

Zegion observes as the scene replays over and over with a change in his expression, not that he could express a lot with that menacing visage covered in solid carapace, then again, it didn't hurt that he could curve his lips slightly. He did look on with wonder though. For the lesser demon and his abilities of said demon were peculiar to him.

Ramiris the Spirit Queen in her pixie form look at the lesser demons attempts in the screen with silent curiosity. Which was a rare moment given her nature to blabber endlessly with nonsensical spiels in her excitement. But that was just how intriguing the lesser demon to her was.

And Veldora couldn't contain the grin on his face from growing even wider the more the screen showed how the lesser demon triumphed over the trials with flying colors. The feelings swirling inside him, curiosity, excitement, wonder, all the emotions that made him jumpy with his fists clenched with unstoppable battle spirit. He felt something about the lesser demon that only few could so evoke...

Like he... Found someone worthy.

"Kuhahaha!" Veldora bellowed a mighty laugh in his amusement. "This guy's is pretty interesting to come out unscathed from those trials! It almost makes me wonder how he even did it!"

"Teacher! Teacher!" said Ramiris trying to catch the blonds attention. "I think I know how this lesser demon did it."

"Oh, do you know?" Veldora said amused, "And do you think he did it."

"Isn't it obvious?" ask smugly the pixie while puffing her chest with pride. And said to the curious two who were wondering what was she going to say.

"It's obvious this guy has an Ultimate Skill related to invincibility and teleportation if he's able to make it through the trials! Am I right?"



At the man's correction, the pixie childishly exclaims in denial. But noticing her foolish behavior, she coughs hiding her immaturity to accept only answers tailored to her. She promise to mature after all. At least, mature enough for her teacher to look at her differently.

"Why is that? I'm pretty sure of myself that only individuals with Ultimate Skills could conquer that trial. Even Rimuru said so!"

"True, Rimuru did say that." Veldora said with a grin and stated another truth. "But if that lesser demon even possess his own Ultimate Skill, I would've sense it being used. And I know that was no Ultimate Skill he used. In fact, he didn't use one at all!"

"Nani?! No Ultimate Skill?! No way?!" Ramiris was in disbelief.

"It's true what Veldora-sama has said, Ramiris-sama, that fellow truly doesn't possess an Ultimate Skill. I came in person to check for myself and seen his might. A strike of such level was u able to chip a piece of my carapace." Zegion chimed in from the side and spoke with assurance. But that only casted more doubts on her.

Then what was that level of invincibility that lesser demon showed them? The way he trot about in the trial grounds with such nonchalance as the gravity of a hundred suns forcing him down, ice and fire that could devastate cities were casted in his indifference, the way he seemingly broke the frozen space that strangled him in time with unstoppable teleportation, the power of Unique Skills can only take a person so far. Only the power of an Ultimate Skill could give the person such advantage over the challenge. Yet, she's been told that the challenger managed to win such trials without possessing at least an Ultimate Skill of his own?

What trickery was this? Some kind of illusion?

"Now now, you two. He didn't 'use' an Ultimate Skill, I didn't say he might not possess one. In fact, he may very well be hiding it very skillfully as far as we know."

"Is that true, Veldora-sama?" To Zegion's query, Veldora gave him a look and saw what seemed to form a frown on the insectoid's face. Zegion felt a bit disappointed at himself that he was too quick to judge someone's strength and dismissed it as lacking, when in fact it may be that the demon could've used just a portion of his strength to satisfy his curiosity.

But in his defense, Zegion did felt like that one sword stab contained all the strength the demon had as he had to secretly used his Ultimate Skill to counter whatever he felt was changing the causality of his defense. Because if he didn't do that, then his jugular would've been slightly chipped away. But it didn't get chipped so Zegion concluded that the demon was by in account of power weak.

But even then, Zegion couldn't dismiss the fact that the demon he belittled had passed the trials without sustaining a single damage.

Veldora merrily laughed and didn't answer. In fact, he doesn't even know if the lesser demon had an Ultimate Skill or not. But did it matter?

At the end of the day, the only thing special about Ultimate Skills are the individuals who possess it. No feeble soul is allowed to obtain the power to bend the laws of the universe permanently and live without consequences.

So unlike fools who worry what kind of skills are people hiding in themselves, Veldora had little interest what nature of Ultimate Skill the demon possesses so long as he remains interesting to him.

Truly, Veldora was built different.

And the demon was all the hype in Veldora's mind. Truly, he never felt this excited about anything ever since the internet was installed in the whole nation of Tempest and its allied nations to allow his long-desired dream of playing multiplayer with his Steam Account.

The demon reminded the dragon a lot of people he knew in the past. Special characters who showed up out of nowhere, conquering everything in sight and were handed everything they needed in a golden platter.

Need a purpose? Found one on day one.
Need power? As you wish.
Need a challenge? Step this way.
Want a reward? Sure!

But the good luck streak could only get them so far until they challenge beings more than they can handle. And it has always been that way ever since Veldora felt curious about the weaklings so eagerly dying by his death-heralding winds.

So many of them proclaiming they were the chosen ones, heroes who will finally slay the evil dragon Veldora, only to be absolutely slaughtered just like the cities they sought to refuge when reality struck them and ran like cowards.

'Ahh... Good times...' Veldora thought with nostalgia.

However, despite the similarities, the demon gave Veldora the feeling that he was somehow very special.

He can't quite put his finger into it but his instincts as an Otaku genius and one of the True Dragons gave him this gut feeling that the demon's existence was gonna change the world.

How so? Veldora didn't know, but that's what makes it so interesting to him.

And being a subject of interest, Veldora wasted no time trying to get the background of this mysterious challenger.

Veldora had his own view when he investigated the demon, for character the demon was awfully polite and formal but because he was of the demon race, that only mean that he was just another unapologetic monster.

People who came from hell came out different after all.

For a lesser demon, he was by far the strongest of all the lesser demons. Especially compared to named demons with physical bodies. His aura felt more compact and chilling. Given the fact that he doesn't even a have a name or a body yet spark a sense of awe from Veldora. If given a name worthy of his power and a body that suited him, how much would the demon grow?

Veldora felt tempted to give the demon a name and a mindless clone as gifts but resisted the urge to do it.

Then there was his strange abilities. Veldora had of course seen the demon's set of Unique Skills but he didn't know which of them ever gave the demon  the ability to become seemingly invincible. Nor any of them seemed to have the power to teleport. Perhaps there was some trick to it? After all, there are plenty of hidden perks of having a Barrier based Unique Skill, An Information processing Unique Skill, and a Power Optimization Unique Skill.

'Perhaps that Unique Skill: Perfect State had brought about such overpowered effects...but...'


'Then again, that level of invincibility wasn't something a Unique Skill could manifest. Even then, I didn't even see him use the skill at all.'

"Hello? Earth to Teacher?"

'Plus, I made those trial grounds so that fledglings could awaken their true power under the enormous pressure stacking against them. Yet, the demon hadn't even grown in terms of strength nor attained a new level of power through the trial.'

"Teacher, are you listening?!"

'Hmm... And Damage Nullification Skill don't have that power, too. How interesting. Just what was that invincibility?'



Veldora was snapped out of his pondering trance and look at Ramiris buzzing about, pulling his bangs to get his attention.

"Finally, now I have your attention." coughed the Pixie trying to behave herself and asked. "So, teacher, my question was and I hope your listening, what was that skill he used to go immune from all sorts of damage?"

"Oh, you didn't know?"

"Of course I don't, silly! That's why I'm asking!"

"Kuhahaha!" not ready to admit that he didn't know despite seeing it replayed to him numerous times, Veldora laughed merrily, he then replied with a statement he was sure of "Then it's only obvious that since we didn't see him use a single skill to counteract those damages means that he didn't use a skill at all."

"Yeah teacher, you said that already."

"O-of course! But first!" Veldora grins towards Zegion. "Tell me, my disciple, what kind of skill did he used to attack you?"

Zegion paused to ponder for a bit while reaching out to the pristine jugular with his hand. "Hmm, from what I've observed teacher, aside from the skill to manifest a long sword from illusions, he attacked me with a force that passively activated my defense skills. After that, he stopped and look at me with a look that said 'Kuh, kill me!'."

"kuhahaha! Is that so? Looks like you've destroyed his dignity just by standing still! I am very proud of your growth, my disciple."

"You praise me too much, Teacher."

"But is that all you've observed?"

"Did I overlook something...?" Zegion asks in worry.

"Well, I just want to know if you notice the trick he used before stabbing you. Tell me, did you notice anything about him as he was about to attack you?"

Zegion's eyes then lit up in realization and said "Yes, indeed. At that moment as intent to kill manifested, I wasn't sure but I notice his existence shifted between phases of reality. Like he was both becoming real within unreal... Teacher, could it be this was the secret of his invincibility?"

"kuhahaha! Very good observation." Getting a little hint from Zegion's interaction sparked a theory from Veldora as he mused about it. "Yes that's right. The whole point of his invincibility is shifting his existence in-between phases of reality!"

"I see, I've overlooked something crucial. Thank you, teacher." Zegion slightly bowed his head in awe for his Teacher's wisdom.

"But how does shifting one's existence grant someone invincibility, teacher?" when the pixie asked a really good question, Veldora secretly racked his brain with thought acceleration to come up with something substantial and said a second later.

"Well... That's because... Well..." feeling a bit pressured by their eager gazes, Veldora stuttered," You guys missed another crucial part about his shifting of existence!"


"Yes!" Veldora stated aloud.

"Forgive me for my lack of diligence, teacher, but please enlighten me what I have forsook from my observations?" At Zegion's respectful query, Veldora quickly answered what came to his mind.

"It's his swordsmanship!"

"His swordsmanship?" the pixie and the insectoid tilted their heads.

"That's right!" regaining back his arrogant flow, the blond man straighten his back and grinned wider. "Zegion, my faithful disciple, review back your interactions and tell me what you have observed from the demon's swordsmanship."

Zegion gave a pondering look as he thought back to that time.

The demon so arrogantly, so defiantly, so brazenly, opened to hostilities, conjured a long sword from illusions, and then... So perfectly...


Why did it seemed like demon had already stabbed him the moment he moved?

That should've been impossible. The world slowed to a crawl due to his superior thought processing skill. And yet.

The demon in his memories, took a sword so perfectly, took a stance perfectly, aimed at his throat so perfectly, then stabbed...

All in one instant?

Zegion couldn't help but trace the layer of carapace on his jugular again. Then his fingers wandered to his chest.

Back then, 6 years ago, there had been a huge cavity on his torso that nearly brought him to the edge of death.

It had all healed up but the phantom pain still lingers longingly. The image burnt into his mind, the strike carved into his soul.

He will never forget that lethal blow he was never able to dodge, never able to block, never able to forget.

Why did his sword strike remind him of so much of... No...

Impossible! He must be recalling it incorrectly!

Zegion shook his head and dismisses the thought. There was no way one could execute four different moves under one instant!

Unless you manipulated your existe-...

Wait a minute?


"Yes?!" Veldora flinched in surprise as Zegion looked at him seriously and said.

"I was truly wrong about him. The demon is strong! He is not weak nor foolish! But he has already possess true power! It was disrespectful of me to offer tutelage when I have nothing teach him. He walks in his own path now."

"I-I see..." flustered, Veldora coughed, then merrily laughed.

"As expected of my most finest disciple! You've truly made me proud!"

"You honor me greatly, Teacher." Zegion smiled.

"So what have you discovered?"

"His swordsmanship was perfect." Zegion stated and it was Veldora's turn to be confused.



"It had reached such a level of perfection that his techniques, down to the most insignificant detail, were flawlessly carried out!"


'I don't get it...'

Instead of getting a lead, Veldora became even confused. But Zegion continued regardless.

"It was so perfect in fact that his movements were performed in an single instant!"


'What are you talking about?'

"And by shifting his existence from in-between phases of reality, the demon had therefore already stabbed me with his sword! But because my passive defenses were superior to his strike, his attack never chipped a layer of my carapace!"


'I give up. Let's just wing it...'

Wait a second?

"You said that his movements were performed under a single instant?"

"Yes." Zegion affirmed not noticing the confusion in Veldora's tone.

"And under that moment, did time stop?" Veldora asked this just to make sure as a theory conjured was a shout to solidify.

"Did time stop? No." And Zegion shook his head.

"Aha!" as if he had solved a mystery in Ace Attorney, Veldora had a eureka moment as he finally figured out. The Pixie and Insectoid were nonetheless taken aback by his reaction so Veldora recovered by clearing his throat.

"So, you've finally realized. Good, I've trained you well, my disciple."

"I don't deserve such praise." Zegion honestly said as his intellect can never compare to his Teacher's wisdom.

"So what does that all mean?" The pixie asked in confusion. "I don't really get how swordsmanship is even related to his invincibility."

"Kuhahaha, but that's just what's so interesting about it. For you see, he was never invincible in the first place!"

"EH?!!!" Ramiris exclaimed. But Veldora continues to explain.

"He wasn't invincible from the damage inflicted to him. He just entered a state of total stagnation. Where all forms of forces and energy stop to affect him on a fundamental level."


"In that state, the demon had performed three concept manipulations under an instant. Law manipulation, to prevent damaging casualty from acting forces, Casualty manipulation, to phase in-between a possibility where his actions became certain, and Reality manipulation, to manipulate his state of being and bring to absolute perfection!"

"What are you saying...?"

"Teacher?" Zegion raises his hand to ask a question, "is it possible that..."

"That...?" Veldora grinned knowing what he was about to ask.

"That his actions seemed similar to... The First Princess' entering her 'State of Superposition'?"

"What?" Ramiris' eyes widen in surprise bow understanding the level of power scaling talked about and Veldora laughed uproariously.

"Wahahaha!" the blond man had to struggle to answer and said. "That is right. But that's also not quite right as well."

"Indeed, I thought as much." Zegion nodded in agreement as well.

"Hey hey hey! What's this about Shizuka's State of Superwhatsitcalled, huh?!" the pixie queries as she buzzes into their faces. And Zegion explained.

"Well to put it simply, Lady Ramiris, the demon's being had essentially behaved so strangely in fact that it can only be understood by quantum mechanics."

"Yeah, Shizuka mentioned a lot about it but I never really get it." Ramiris said scratching her head confoundedly.

"That's understandable. No one can completely understand the subject and even Rimuru-sama has admitted he will never understand any of it."

"Oh yeah, and Rimuru is a pretty smart guy!" said the pixie cheekily she added. "Not as smart as Ciel and Shizuka though."

"That is correct. Only Ciel-Sama and the First Princess had been able to understand the fundamentals and Shizuka has known to be the only one who manifested quantum mechanics into her techniques."

"So you mean the demon did the same feat as Shizuka."

"Not exactly. To be honest, we aren't so sure yet."

"Ugh, what does that mean?!" the pixie said in frustration.

"What I mean to say is that their actions in manifesting quantum mechanics varies different but they all form at the same base. Take for example, the First Princess has graciously explained to me one time that the way her State of Superposition works is by using Law, Casualty, Reality and Probability manipulation Skills to enter a State of Superposition, she had theoretically phased into branching timelines, and had entered a designated timeline where her action become 100% certain, all under an instant."

"And I don't understand any of it!" Ramiris admitted. But Zegion continued nonetheless.

"In comparison, the demon didn't enter a state of superposition, but had shifted his existence and phased in-between realities, using what manner of abilities, he was able to bring his actions with 100% certainty through perfection, all under an instant."

"I give up. I don't understand any of it." Ramiris was crestfallen admitting her lack of intelligence but the blond man beside her felt the opposite as he understood none of it but still laughed.

If Veldora admitted, he had an ability that was close to what Shizuka and the demon performed and that was his mastery over Probability Manipulation.

Using such a skill had allowed him to escape near impossible scenarios and bring damage immunity to mortals from several nuclear explosions.

Heck, if he tried, he could create a butterfly effect with absolute certainty by just standing on a certain place, creating a chain of events that lead to someone getting struck by lightning.

This theory of power, more often than not, was proven by the cooperation of his good friend Gobuta.

But there lies the difference. While he had total mastery over Probability, Shizuka had mastery over Phenomena. Meaning his power required Casualty to happen while the princess just let things happen, and things happen.

It was as if her Luck Stat was set over its maximum parameters, the world kept turning in her favor where ever she goes. Granted, she did explain she was just leaping into possible timelines where results worked in her favor but Veldora never understood the theory of 'Many Worlds Interpretation' she was talking about. Despite understanding that other worlds exist and were proven to be true.

And yet, Veldora couldn't help but compare the demon's abilities with Shizuka's. And then he wondered, if both of them met...

Would they fight?

And if they fought...

Who would win?

"Well obviously it would be that little girl..." Veldora muttered with a smile as he recalled that adorable, Rimuru-looking loli creating havoc wherever she goes.

Oh how the bills for property damage stacked like paper towers.

Truly the daughter of the Chaos Creator...

And yet, the loneliness in her eyes was something Veldora could remember. Having no equal, where his parents were too strong and her sisters too weak, without a rival to truly battle all out, she was left to only fight by herself.

Veldora could sympathize with those feelings of lonesomeness.

"You said something, Teacher?" the pixie asked.

"Nothing important." Veldora dismisses and asked.

"So, my disciple." Veldora grins wider. "About the demon, does he have any potential to acquire an Ultimate Skill of his own?"

"Yes, Teacher. I can say with absolute certainty that the demon has potential to evolve his skills and acquire an Ultimate Skill."

"Excellent!" Veldora bump his fists with excitement. "Once he realizes his true potential, we will cross paths eventually and duel in the deepest floor of the Labyrinth! All according to keikaku! AND OUR BATTLE WILL BE LEGENDARY!"


With that boisterous laugh, The demon's fate was sealed as the Storm Dragon Veldora deems the demon worthy to challenge him in the unforeseen future.

Ramiris and Zegion shook their heads and a bit pity for the demon had unknowingly entered into Veldora's shenanigans.

Meanwhile, two subordinates under Ramiris, Treyna and Baretta, entered the room to serve their master and Veldora snacks and tea.

Baretta took a quick glance at the large screen replaying the events transpiring around a certain lesser demon and...


An insane amount of bloodlust was unleashed from the Demon Doll Lord and glares at the screen, no, at the demon in display. And it caused the others in the room to flinch.

'Those features and facial expressions don't match... But that aura! I'm certain that's him!' Baretta thought in anger as it recalled many years in the underworld where it originated, along with that person.

It had been many moons but Baretta will never forget that demon.

For what he did to 'ɹǝɥ' was u̸̪͇̬͎̭̽ͨn̢͉͚͔̼̲̯̰̩̍f̨̯͙̩̠͎ͣ̇͂ȍ̻̱̙̹͔̫̜͟ͅr̶̰͖̓̽ǵ̘̼̮̺̮̠͚͂͐͟i̠͍̻̪͎͔̺̠͑̃͠v̪̰̪͚̺͇ͭ͡a̛͈̼͕̩ͪ̓͗b̋҉̥͔l͋͒ͧ̃҉̤̻̹e͕̳͂̍̇͜!͙̥̼̘̳̺̼͆͗͡

Just recalling those memories made Baretta want to kill him over and over. Until he could no longer resurrect. And slowly crush his demon core to oblivion!

But why?! What is he doing here?!

Does he want to die?!

"Ehh... Baretta, um, are you okay?"


As It's master stammered a question it shook Baretta from its blind rage. It look to the people around. Treyna's pale face, Zegion's wary expression, Veldora's curious gaze and Ramiris' look of concern.

After a stupor, Baretta lowered its head in shame.

"My deepest apologies. I didn't know what came over me. Please punish me as you see fit."

"Tell me what's wrong, Baretta. You seemed pretty angry just a moment ago."

"Oh..." hesitant to explain, but Baretta nonetheless obeyed. "I just recalled a bad experience during my years in the underworld."

"Oh? What made you recall them?"

"Well..." Baretta pointed at the screen. "That lesser demon there reminds me so much of that person."

"That person?" they tilted their heads.

"Yes," Baretta nodded. "If I am not mistaken... He calls himself the Barrier Demon."

Everyone but Barreta looked at each other's faces as they understood.

"Baretta-dono, if you don't mind telling us, what made you so angry about the demon?"

To Zegion's query, Baretta hesitates to answer. Remaining mummed about it. And shook its head.

Understanding that it was, a very personal issue, the people left it alone and continued about their day.

In Baretta's mind, it ponders what manner of punishments would be fitting for it acquaintances once they meet.

What expression would contort that face of his once he realize the gap between their powers.

His barriers and tricks will work no longer...

Just imagining it caused Baretta to grin in a demonic way.
