No U


Hello y'all, I have something to say...




That's it. What else do you want from me?

* * *

Namedonthaveone POV:

"Yo, what's up!" was the first I said when I realize who decided to just teleported by.

An old friendly demon I knew way back. 800 years ago to be exact. At that time I was a pretty powerful lesser demon who could go toe to toe against powerful greater demons around. During my escapades, I happen to cross two peculiar demons from two different colored factions...

Getting along...?

At first I confused knowing common sense that demons from different colors don't ever and I mean ever, get along.


I wonder why I had to ruined what could be the only humane thing that has ever happened in that shithole?

They were friendly, polite, respectful of boundaries, genorous enough to share a large bit of their energy to heal me.

Ǎ̶̢n̴̲͆d̸̻̏ ̷͎̑I̵̥͗ ̵͔̄k̶͔̿i̸̱͝l̵̯͘l̵̟͒ẹ̷͊ḓ̶̋ ̷͍̃h̴͕͊ė̵̬r̴̢͂ ̶͙͛f̷̱͊ŕ̸̗i̴̻̅e̶͚̅n̴̲͆d̷͇͂ ̸̺̅i̷̠͝n̴̨̈́ ̵̢͑f̸̠̍r̷̰̾o̵͈͆ň̶̬t̴͙͠ ̸̛͇o̷̺͘f̷͙͠ ̷̓ͅh̸͉̓e̵̼͠ŗ̴̍ ̸̹̍ṽ̷̳e̶͖͑r̷̬͝y̷̪͑ ̶͙̈́ọ̶̌w̴͎͆ṋ̴͘ ̷̳̒ë̴͖́y̸̨̏ẽ̴̯s̴̖̓.̴̧̿

Out of mistrust, or perhaps the opportunity presented itself, I lunged a hand straight for the killing blow, piercing her demon core, ripping her limb from limb for good measure, all the while she experienced a level of agony that could crush a soul over and over.

And I ate everything that was a part of her except for her demon core, revitalizing me for a moment to properly dodge the killing blow of pure grief and rage that followed.

As a distraction, I threw the damaged demon core to her friend whom didn't hesitate to catch it along with the magic bombs that exploded there after.

I didn't know what happened after because I ran as fast and as far as I can. I didn't look back to know that the other demon was still alive. For her anguished screams filled with grief echoed the hellish void with volume.

And I regretted my hasty actions that lead to this very moment.

From the memories I ate, I learned that the demons who healed me were genuine in their actions and held no ulterior motive.

They were legit being helpful and wanted nothing more than to get me recovered to my peak condition.

And I, the asshole took one of the few Samaritans life with such gruesome methods that only spoke my skills in killing my own demonic kind. Because my frminal mind didn't comprehend the act of kindness outside of the grace of my princess.

Then, many moons passed as I followed that survivor in her quest for revenge. But she never found me stalking her because my skill in illusions made me practically invisible.

Out of guilt, I helped her get stronger by weakening demons challenging her. And she killed so many out grief and rage that she reached a level of power that no longer needed my support.

That's when I left her to her own devices. Never to see my face again.

Until today...

"How's it going?" I spoke again. Only to be met with a dreadful silence.

Her crimson eyes glaring at me sent chills down my spine and her aura only solidified the longer I stared at her.

I look at her body she hosted and couldn't help but feel impressed.

Her body was basically a legendary-tier weapon having compositions of magic steel, mithril and orichalum, her demonic essence perfectly synching to the material down to the molecular level.

Her frame perfectly shaped to be the ultimate fighter. Standing with the height advantage, her upper body ready to prowl, hips so flexible and legs just waiting to kick the ground. Yet, she firmly held herself with such control that not a single muscle on her twitched or pulsed.

Then there was her mask. A very plain looking mask. Seemingly having an attribute of hiding one's true power but that did little to help mitigate the seething aura around her.

"Not much of a conversation partner, are you?" I said with such lax to hide my apprehension for her.

"I mean, it's been a long time since we've last met." I added. "At least say hi."

Again, she gave only a long pregnant silence that made the scene eerie and that was then I realized something.

Duh! In space no one can hear you!

Due to the fact that there is a lack of medium to transmit vocal vibrations in outer space, real sound will never be heard in the empty void no matter how loud you get.

No wonder she isn't replying. She never heard a thing I said to begin with.

Alright, since I knew what the problem was, the solution was simpler.

Using magic, I created a pocket of air that enveloped the whole field we stood on, kicking up a gust of wind in the process.

And when I was about to speak, I heard her mutter.

"Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill him... Kill him...Kill him... Kill... KILL... KILL!!!"


Me: D:

Would you look at that? She still hates me.

Well, with all things to be considered, I did kill her friend in cold blood.

But jeez, move on already, will you? Don't tell me I have to kill you too?

A bit disturbed at my first ever witnessing of someone's obsessive grudge against me, I then thought about why she was even here in the first place.


Why the hell did I want to go to the moon?

I instantly lowered my center of gravity and clenched my fists, preparing for a brawl. Eyes focused, I then asked the demon doll in front of me.

"Who sent you?"

This instantly got me a reaction as I felt like was locked on by a sniper. I felt a tingling sensation and trusted my instincts to make a move.

But the demon doll was fast. Too fast. That I wasn't able to react in time and then my chest bursted with an arm piercing through.

But that was only an illusion I left as I had dodged a second earlier and became invisible.

However, I suddenly found myself spinning at speeds and my glass body cracked from the impact as I crashed and made a new crevice on the moon surface.

"Your illusions..." her hoarse voice crackled, and she retracts the hand that me flying, "don't work on me anymore."

And just like that, I was defeated in less than a time it takes it piss someone off.

* * *

3rd POV time

If a person from the Cardinal world were to ever gaze upon the moon about now, they would've been able to see nothing of the action taking place unless they had such keen vision or possess a perception skill at the Ultimate level. Yet, what was going on had no one's business in mind except for two who are up at the moon right now.

The Demon stood up from his crashing point and readied himself. Though, he wasn't fairing well. For a body composing of nothing but demonic energy, that attack on his body alone caused half his face to shatter and left a hole on his left shoulder. He grimaced a terrible visage as he did his best to heal himself.

But the Doll didn't leave it to chance and with a speed faster than the Demon could blink, the Doll covered the enormous distance, one of her appendage turns into a metallic bladed weapon and struck to cut the Demon in half.

The Demon, tried as he might, even with his newly acquired instinct to react to any level of danger, dodges the blade and ultimately fails as his right arm dismembers from his body. Whilst creating a fissure behind him due to the overwhelming pressure.

'So strong!' the Demon thought as his only one eye narrowed into a dot. His shock so pure and his mind frazzled to form a coherent idea.

The Demon could hardly remember, but he was sure of the fact that the Doll was weaker than him in all possible categories. He would be a fool after all if one of them many loose ends he intentionally left unchecked suddenly became too much to deal with.

He was sure that the Doll was nothing to be worried. Apprehensive he may have been during their sudden reunion, but the Demon was cocksure that he could handle her when push comes to shove.

Now, he was really starting to regret a lot of his decisions.

His instincts went into overdrive when his sensed an impending attack underway. But what can he do? He was far too slow in his peak condition, he was even slower in his shattered state.

Too late. Even before he could move a limb, a blade elongates and lunges through his torso.

"Gahh?!?" the Demon screamed in pain. And screamed even more so when his whole frame was hoisted up in the air with the bladed appendage raising him.

"Do you feel that?" the Doll's rage-filled voice said with such eerie calmness. "Do. You. Feel. That?"

Before the demon could respond, his body was suddenly slammed down to the ground like a hammer. Creating a tidal wave of moon dust on impact.

The Demon lay imprinted on the surface echoing a painful groan. That groan turned into another scream as a foot larger than his head hammers on his torso.

Helplessly, the Demon could only struggle as he watches the Doll tore over and over his various defense systems and shatter through his life-saving barriers like they were made out of hard clay.

But more than feeling agony, the Demon was utterly surprised. How the hell did someone like the Doll got so powerful was beyond him. But perhaps it wasn't surprising since his abilities improved so much under one day living in Tempest. How much stronger was the Doll after staying possibly years in a realm full of endless possibilities?

And right now, the Demon was experiencing the possibility of getting a beat down from one of many demons he had personally looked down on.

Did getting such a powerful body allowed her to possess such exponential strength?

Has the Doll achieved the Rank Demon Peer in such a short amount of time?

No, it's not that...

The Demon could tell he wasn't fighting another Primordial like Noir. This speed and strength isn't coming from being a higher level of a spiritual life-form. If that was that case, then the Demon would feel her aura should exude more dominance than his.

'Something doesn't add up!' the Demon thought as he feels his ribs crack open. 'I can't get a read on her. Why?!'

His most reliable asset, Unique Skill: Computer, was unable to fully appraise the Doll's abilities. The ever growing mystery inflicting a large amount of pain only made the Demon fear for his own life.

'I need to escape!' The demon barely formulated a plan before claw like fingers clamped down on his neck, while two feet each held down his thighs. And with one ripping pull, the Doll tore the Demon's torso from his lower body and raised him high up for all to see.

With only one eye, the Demon struggled to glance down at the Doll. Her menacing glare of fury was so focused on him as if she was trying to burn his spirit in hellish flames.

"Did you feel that?" the Doll ever so calmly asks. Not bothering to consider how the Demon is ever going to verbalize with only half his face.

"That..." the Doll raised her other hand and shifted its form into a hammer. And slams it down on the Demon's forehead. Cracking it more and inflicting a soul crushing force.

"And that..." again, the Doll hammers. The Demon feels disoriented as his forehead revealed a crater.

"AND THAT!" she hammers once more. Crushing his entire forehead with only the lower head remaining. But the Doll knew the Demon didn't die from that. She was trying to bring as much pain to him as she possibly can.

"Was not everything she felt! WHEN YOU RIPPED HER APART!!!"

And with a crushing grip, the claw like hand clamping the Demon's neck and whatever was left of his head was pulverized into fine dust. Without anything holding him in place, the now headless Demon fell into the silvery sands of the moon.

Now merely a torso with a mangled arm attached, a body piece only to serve as evidence of a gruesome crime scene, the Demon was barely alive with his demon core exposed for the killing blow.

But the Doll was not satisfied. She wanted to hear his screams more. She wanted more body parts to rip. She wanted him to suffer than to die. And give him such slow, punishing death that he will never dare to revive in hell ever again. And enjoy every moment of it!

The Doll's hands then morphed into giant hands and used them to pick up the remains of the Demon's body. And like crumpling a piece of garbage paper, the Doll slowly crushes her victim with such grinding force. Feeling every part of him shatter little by little from the sensation of her metal fingers. She crushes him... Until the Demon was nothing more than a small clump of shattered demonic energy that housed his damaged demon core.

All this happened while the Demon didn't have a mouth but wanted to scream. The experience was so horrendously agonizing that he just couldn't think of anything other than the pain. He was sure that if it was any other Demon they wouldn't have any longer. And yet, the Doll was well aware how to keep him alive. So long as he still had a body housing his demon core, he was as alive as a quadriplegic vegetable being physically abused by a sadist.

'No! No! NO!!!' the Demon was not afraid of death. Even if this wasn't an illusion he conjured to fool the Doll, it wouldn't make any difference. He realizes that he can never truly die. Even if he'll lose a majority of his memories and abilities sustained by damage from battles, he will respawn back into the godless land known as hell. Where he will have to scourge what breadcrumbs fell to his feet to survive.

To live in that shithole again for the next thousand years.

'No, not again! NEVER!' the Demon screamed in defiance. But what could he do? There was no escape. He was too weakened to fight back. And his opponent's power was above his magnitude, that any of his skills and tricks wouldn't work on her.

There was simply nothing he could do...

'No, there is... There is one thing I can do!' the demon weakly thought in his last moment.

"Now..." Says the Doll as she held the crumpled shaped ball that was the Demon. "You die."

And with a crushing grip, the Doll crushe-

"NO U!"


The Doll was suddenly sent flying after her face collided with something small and hard, like a fist and it launches her out while her guard was down. And although she didn't feel pain or damage, the resulting force was enough to sweep her off her feet.

The Doll recovers herself and takes a fighting stance. Fully alert against this intruder who managed to sneak past her senses. And from the place where she was knocked out, when the dust had settled, a pair of divine white wings unfurled from the being and glowed a majestic brilliance that illuminated the dark void.
