It's Lonely Being So Strong

If the sports district was anything, then imagine the biggest Olympic event held by the richest country on the planet, hosting only martial arts tournaments. And duels between masters of different fighting styles come here to duke it out.

My walk brought myself to an open field with lots of elevated arenas and massive courts that juxtaposes as far as the eyes can see. The place a biome of its own with barriers over barriers that protect the individuals within from any long-lasting and deadly harm.

Classes were held in dojos and demonstrations of martial arts were only seen being practiced in combat. Everyone was using a special training weapon, whether that be the shape of a sword or a bow, it nonetheless increases its own weight the more energy was poured into it. This kind of training brings double the benefits of adding more pressure and exceeding one's limits within the session.

I found it very intriguing that such a unique training regiment was being conducted and more so in fact that this school doesn't shy away from letting students bring harm. Of course I understood this was a regulated environment but seeing students groaning in pain on the floor and their teacher berating them about their flaws made me a bit apprehensive to say the least.

I took upon myself to sit down on the audience seat high enough to see all arenas and combatants fight but close enough to get a feel from the fight. After making myself cozy enough, my magic sense and perception-support barriers cover the entire field in one go.

I've observed a lot from just sitting here for five minutes and trust me this place is filled people full of potential. If anyone of them joined the military back in my world, then they'll be making a legendary career with combat tours from dangerous locations only the top brass could send you.

I was deeply astounded how everyone had the potential to fight, with some just weren't making the cut, but that's only because they were pitted against stronger foes. Some of them fought with magic based enhancements, tricks, deception, straight-up bravado, stealth or long range combat.

It... sorta reminded me of hell where fights like these were way too common but the difference was that no one was dying.

This placed wowed me. Not because there were a lot of impressive fights, no they were all boring as hell to watch, but because this place could cultivate the full potential of just about anyone in a matter of a few months.

Only the most prestigious military academies on earth could bring out the best performance out of everybody. But the Tempest Academy seems to top them over as they adhere no strict soldier discipline.

Fascinated how this academy could possibly facilitate the extra logistics needed to exercise the best out of every student's martial prowess, I then realize this is probably where the key factor how this world was originally a fantasy filled with fantastical monsters and beings of raw power come into play. If this was somewhere on Earth, the NATO and UN would probably be thinking this country was under a militaristic dictatorship that forces its people into contracted service.

Pulling back from my digressive thoughts, I analyze the battle between two opposing forces. Some of them are duels between two, some of them are king of the hill, where multiple players must struck down one target, and others are Battle Royale.

Everyone had different fighting styles. Some using the same but are better than others doing it, and some aren't even fighting but are straight up beating anyone's asses the moment they come within range.

Like this one chick in this arena righ now who's absolutely destroying anyone coming for her. Whether she was getting distracted or everyone coming at her all at once, she swung this long-ass katana with her eyes closed and the wind around her went wild. Everyone coming was struck regardless how they block or dodge her attacks.

And it wasn't like the guys coming at her were weak, from what I just saw, even I would have a hard time confronting their coordinated attacks and I wouldn't be able to bring them down without a spell casted or two to boost my chances. But this chick on the other hand used zero spells in her effort to bring them down, just the increased weight of her katana, the inhumane strength that contrast her delicate frame, and the seemingly uncanny instincts of a trained warrior.

Instincts, huh?

Perchance she may be able to enlighten me the ways of fighting with primal instincts?

"You all did great today, guys. I can feel a lot of improvements in your skills, but still," the chick said and puts down her katana, "It's foul play to group fight against one, you know that right?"

"Your strength is foul play!" A girl brought down to her knees panting spoke the truth. "How else are we, haah, gonna beat someone like you who can swing a fully loaded training weapon without a sweat?!"

"With hard-work and determination, of course!" the scary chick said pumping her fist with sparkles in her eyes, oblivious to the dismay of others.

"Haha, it's princess Yuzuki, after all." Said a guy who's black and blue ruined good-looks smiled with missing teeth. Earning a nod of surrender from others.

"Anyways, you guys are energetic today, wanna have another go?" said the chick as she pulls up her katana in a stance. And the rest paled with their bloody looks.

"Uhm, I'll have to pass... Because... I have an important class tomorrow!" said one as he was about to escape.

"Yeah, I also have an important class to attend!" said another.

"Maybe another time Yuzuki-chan."

"I see..." said the chick as she turn crestfallen. "Then see you guys later."


The opponents left the girl one by one in her lonesome disappointment. She sighs to herself for a bit before coming back to her senses and started practice swinging her katana.

I too sigh to myself thinking what a waste of opportunity that  I couldn't observe more from her fights. If I could analyze her then I could possibly level up my martial arts in a way of learning from others.

"Ah, shame, the young princess still hasn't met a friend without holding back." an old voice chuckles in amusement. "Why must Rimuru-sama make her so special? Her Oni God strength is like a blessing and a curse, isn't it?"

I turn to the right and saw an old man hunching as he sat beside me. His warm eyes half-open, and the wrinkles form as his lips curve to a small smile, his old visage added sharpness with the two horns sticking out from the forehead, indicating he wasn't human. Supporting his stature was a smooth cane that looked like a scabbard. And he spoke without turning to me as if he was talking to himself.

I was caught off guard because he wasn't there from the beginning nor did I sense him ever approaching. Alarmed by his presence, I simply looked at him in surprise.

"Hoho, my apologies for surprising you, dear guest. How has your day been fairing?" The old man turn to me with his smile. "I hope this city had been kind to you."

'He's not anyone ordinary.' I concluded in my thoughts as I answered.

"I'm doing well, I suppose."

"Is that so? I see." he nodded, "Have you come to learn?"

"I've come to improve my craft." I answered, no longer keeping my guard up as the old man was beginning to grow on me.

"Oh really? I guess that's to be expected from anyone who comes to this place of learning. But you're not a student of this academy. How can you improve if you don't place yourself in a position of learning?"

"I have my ways." I told him with a glance as I observe his every detail, his wordings, his breathing, his aura. The old man was definitely strong. I could sense a sharp sword sharpened by talent and experience from him and I bet if I made the wrong move, my head would be lopped off before I knew it was coming.

He was definitely a master, and I could learn a lot from him if I just analyzed him a bit mo-

"Your ways are arrogant." the old man said.

"Pardon?" I was taken aback.

"Who truly learns from the audience seat?" He spoke with a deep meaning in his voice. "The people who can only sit and watch as the battle unfolds before their eyes, what do they see, what do they hear, what do they feel, what do they know? Whatever it is, there's nothing to refer from compared to facing the combatant yourself. Who are you to judge from here who will win or lose in a duel over there? Who is better than the other? Will you feel the same way if you were to battle? You will never know if you do not try to learn. That is why I think your ways are arrogant. Merely observing and boasting your prowess without substance to prove it is a privilege reserve for kings. Are you a king? Certainly not. Not yet, at least."

"I'm sorry, what are you getting at?" I was slightly perturbed by what he said. Because it's sounds to me like he's provoking me out of nowhere but at the same time he's just politely answering question. It's a passive aggressive that's irking me but I dare not tell this old man to fuck off.

"You think your analytical glance will expose the nature of your foes but you couldn't be more wrong." he said shaking his head. "I dare bet that even with your vast intellect in appraising the princess' strength and weakness, you will never be able to beat her by just sitting there. How else then will you improve your craft? And if your craft was built better from speculated theories then I'm sorry to say, you didn't come here to improve. You came here to satisfy your vainglorious ways."

"Alright, I get what your saying, old man." I said sighing in exasperation, "You don't learn to cook by watching people eat."

The old man smiled and said, "That's one way to put it."

He then turns to look at the chick from before, "Then why are you hesitating now that you understand?"

I raise an eyebrow picking up what he was saying.

"If you are afraid, then don't be. This place is for learning after all." the old man added.

"I'm not here to pick a fight." I shook my head. "Like I said, I'm here to improve myself. If I cause a scene wherever I go then that would mean I truly haven't learned anything from my previous experiences. And bait me all you want, old man, I'm not gonna be the princess' playmate today."

The old man merely smiled and shook his head. "Then it's a shame. I was hoping someone with equal strength as her would contend to cater the princess' loneliness. But it seems I've only been a bother. This old man apologizes."

"No need. I've been enlightened by your wise words, so thank you for your time,"

"Is that so? I see." the old man stood up with his posture slouched, "Then please enjoy your stay here, dear guest, it's been a pleasure finally meeting you, Barrier Demon,"

The old man turns and walks away from the audience seat. Into an exit where his figure is then lost to be seen.

I then shook my head and cringe. The demons here sure love to gossip! The hell they've been doing high up their asses here talking about little ol' me to some random ass old man?!

Sigh...society, am I right?

Continuing wasting my time here, I observe the girl swinging her sword with discipline and finesse, she was simply doing a downward swing over and over but if you look closely, when the wind brought by her heavy swings lifts up her skirt, you can see she's wearing...

Ok. Stop. Am I bored off my ass that I'm perving onto underage monsters?

Sometimes I question my sanity if 9000+ years in hell had been good to my little ol' noggin.

Anyways, her form was good. She adheres to a disciplined style of fighting. Footwork was sturdy, swift, and flexible, so was her sword swings as the increased weight of her katana blew back the wind and fluttered her skirt and ponytail hair.

No one seems to be coming forward to challenge, which was a shame to both her and me since she wants to fight some more and I want to see more fights.

And it's a shame really. If she had a chance to go to hell then there'll be plenty of fools wanting to challenge her all day everyday. Hah, hell will have field day entertaining her.

"You dwon't wearn to cook by watchin other people eat mweh mweh," I complained to myself like a child, "Me and my big mouth..."

I stood up and walk to the princess' direction. Using my illusory skills and magic, I walk without hindrances from anyone nor from the stalkers spying on me all day.

As I approach, I thought back to my discussion with the old man, despite not knowing his name, he did make a point about learning in the position of learning. Though there are different types of learners out there, the hands-on type of learning always seem to suit my style despite knowing it was safer analyzing data from a distance.

I could do that all day but nobody here impresses me as much as this princess ever did with her seemingly wild swings and uncontested strength. And since no one was going to fight her anymore for my research purposes, then I wouldn't bother wasting anymore time. But on the other hand, I don't want to leave empty handed.

I need more battle data. I concluded with those thoughts as I wish someone will stop me from doing something stupid.

In the end, no one stopped me. Can't blame them since I'm practically invisible but I was hoping one of my stalkers would.

I climbed up the elevated arena and once I was close enough, I knelt on the ground and lowered my head as a sign of respect in greeting before royalty. And released my stealth mode.

"Huh? Oh? Sorry, didn't see you there, sir. Do you need something?" Said the startled girl said as she stopped and look to me. I then raise my lowered head to witness the awe of God's perfect children.

A black theme sailor uniform wearing middle-schooler with long dark purple hair tied in a ponytail, a stunning beauty blessed with Asian heritage, a noble prestige set off from her heartfelt expressions and there she stood with her delicate and proud dual horns on her forehead.

"Your Highness, Princess Yuzuki, it's my honor to finally meet you." I said without a beat. "People refer to as the Barrier Demon and I've come to ask you if I may be so bold?"

"Oh? Okay, ask away. And no need for the formalities uhm... Mr. Barrier Demon. Tell me, what can I do for you."

What a nice girl, I thought, her parents must've raised her well.

"Then, thank you for your time, i want to ask you if I may be so selfish, to challenge you in a sword duel?"

"Eh? Sword duel? With me?"

"That is correct."

"And just only you?"

"If only you'll only allow me to partake in this indulgence, please."

"I see..." she gives a friendly smile and said. "Then, it'll be my pleasure to pla- I mean, have this sword duel with you, Mr. Barrier Demon."

"You honor this lowly demon," I stood up from kneeling.

"If you need a training weapon," she points her finger to her left, "There's a rack of those over there."

I nodded in gratitude and looked to the racks, and using telekinesis, a training weapon flew to my hand.

It was a wooden stick with magic circuits engraved on its smooth cylindrical surface. Using my Unique Skill: Computer to study this thing, I manage to understand it full operation.

With a thought, I poured my magical energy into the stick and it's magic circuits glowed. It's form then shapeshifts into a long double-edged sword, it's weight then increases y two folds every 4 seconds being poured with magical energy. Right now it was weighing 700 pounds but with my demonic strength, it's weight didn't register to me. But soon enough I started feeling it's mass more and more. I let it go and the Magical energy instantly dissipates and it reverts back to a wooden stick. I put it back on my hands it then becomes an axe, then a bow, then a crossbow, the a pistol, then a combat knife... It was shaping to whatever I was imagining the moment I poured my magical energy.

I then poured demonic energy and the training weapon let out a growl as if it was alive as it forms into a black serrated long sword, a jagged teeth axe, a menacing bow, a heavy revolver, then to a Karambit knife.

So it also changes its nature depending on what type of energy was poured. I nodded in understanding and then turned said wooden stick into a long sword. I made some practice swings with it and found out the better control you have over your energy, the better your control over the training weapon's mass, shape and density.

Luckily I have the best control over my magical energy since I'm always on stealth mode that requires a constant concentration of magic power.

"Wow, you mastered the training weapon already?" the princess blinked her eyes at me impressed. "That's really amazing. Usually people don't know that the whole trick to it was to have better control over magical manipulation. They just straight up poured their reserves into it without even accounting for the increasing weight."

"I had a weapon like this before. That's why I feel it more familiar."

"Oh, really?"

"Yeah, a wooden sword that houses a bloodthirsty sword demon I had to keep pouring magical energy and demonic energy just so it would stay sharp and teach me how to use a sword."

"Woah! Sounds like an amazing sword." her eyes glitter with interest. "Can I see it?"

"... Yeah, about that."


"I pawned it."

"... Pardon?"

"I pawned the thing for some quick cash."

"...That's... a shame."

"My apologies for ruining your mood, your highness."

"No, it's fine... It's fine." she readies herself. "So, shall we dance?"

I then stood straight and bowed my head, "Ladies first."

[Analysis ready... Results:

Name: Yuzuki Tempest
Age: 14
Race: Oni God Princess

Unique Skill: Chaos Optimizer
- Certain Outcome
- Optimization
- Chaotic Fate

Daily skills:
- Herculean Strength
- Magic Sense
- Magical Manipulation
- Oni Goddess Transformation
- Infinite Regeneration
- Perfect Memory
- Oni God Haki

- Abnormal Condition Nullification
- Pain Nullification
- Natural Effect Nullification
- Holy-Demonic Attack Nullification
- Physical-Spiritual Attack Nullification




While deeply bowing, I dare not let her highness see the face of deep regret warping my face.
