
Warnings(s): none

Proofread? Haha you think that i do that.
The platinum haired boy was staring again
I could feel a blush rising to my cheeks as he did and people were noticing.
"Y/n, why is Draco staring?" Ginny asks.
"I don't know , He has been staring at me for the last week at every meal."  I admit as she frowns.
It was true. It started last week when I caught him staring at me at dinner. He's been staring every day sense. I'm starting to feel self-conscious.
"I can't tell whether he is glaring or falling in love with you." Hermine he says causing me to choke on juice I had been drinking
"He's not in love with me!" I said loudly, people turning to look at me as I did.
I see Draco smirk slightly from across the hall. As my friends laugh at my outburst my cheeks are hot and tingly at the thought of Draco falling in love with me.
"Your face tells me you wouldn't hate that," Ginny laughs and I cover my cheeks with my hands.
"Ginny!" Igrown, tempted to say something to her about Harry.
Suddenly something lightly hits my head.
A little paper heart. I look around to see where it has come from but no one has seem to notice that it happened except for Me and Ginny.
"Unfold it!" Genie squeals. Drawing to tension of several other Students who look at us.
I start to carefully unfold the heart to reveal a perfectly written note.
Dear Y/n,
Meet me outside the great hall
From, Draco.
I stand up quickly and start to make my way out of the hole. My friends watching as I go when I get out of the hole I notice I'm standing at the side leaning against a wall.
"Draco?" I say softly and he turns in my direction as I walk towards him.
"Y/n, uh hi." He stutters
"Hey," i say twiddling my thumbs nervously,"what's wrong?"
"Um. I just wanted to tell you something..." he trails off, I've never seen Draco, Slytherin Prince, look so nervous before and it's pretty freaking cute.
"What is it?" I bit my lip slyly.
"It's just that... This is a lot harder to say out loud." He says quietly and I put my hand on his arm encouragingly and he suddenly moves his hand up and gently places it on mine. My heart flutters slightly at his actions
"Y/n, I really like you a lot. I wanted to know if you would be my girlfriend?" He says with pleading eyes.
"I-I don't know," I stutter" shouldnt you hate me because I'm a friends with muggle borns?"
"Yeah, but I don't hat you. And you being friends with them isn't going to stop me liking you."
I'm shocked. I really do like him and I have for a while but to hear the words come from his mouth is different.
"Yes." I whispered, squeezing his hand that was intertwined with mine.
I say nothing but stand on my tippy toes and place my lips gently on his. He tenses before I think I'm starting to spec. His hands on my waist and my lips on his feel natural.
We pull away and I giggle slightly at his expression.
"Wow..."he says as a smirk tugs at his lips.
"I-I should probably go before Ginny comes barging through screaming like a banshee." I stuttered before he lets go of my hand and a blush rises to his cheeks.
"Y-Yeah, me too, but with Pansy." He says and we shuffle away from each other awkwardly.
Soon we both walk into the hall again with matching red cheeks.
"What was that about and why are you blushing!?" Ginny ask before I even sit down, "tell me everything, y/l/n!" She smirks. I only blush more, sneaking a quick glance a drink though who seems to be dealing with the same problem. His eyes reach mine and he smiled sweetly at me making my heart jump.
I've fallen hard for this boy.
Me: Hiiiiiii hope you like it. Please vote and share!!Leos a weird piece of scrap metal!!
Leo: Goddammit not again...
