Potions class


Heyyyyy. this is gonna be my first time writing smut! Hope you like it!!You have been warned!!

Proofread? Nope. Nada.


You were in potions class and it what is the most boring class you have ever had. You do not understand anything and I was almost going to start snoozing. You have to close your eyes but then you felt something on your thigh. You looked down and saw Draco's hand rubbing your thigh. You both were sitting in the back together.

You tried moving his hand from your thigh,but the more you did so, the more he would touch you. It turned you on so much but you wouldn't risk getting in trouble with Snape.  "Draco... Stop"  you hissed at him, But he started smirking. "Yes Ms. l/n?" Said Professor Snape.

"Nothing Sir." You replied back.

"Very well as I was saying..."continued Snape. Dracos hand was under your skirt and was going up. He slipped his hand under your panties and you gasped. "Hmmmm...your so wet for me y/n"he whispered In your ear when Snape wasn't looking. He slowly inserted one finger into you and pumped slowly.

You started breathing quickly, trying not to make much noise. You buy your lip hard as we can so he inserted another finger and sped up his pace pace." Draco... please not nowwww"you said. You had stuttered by the pleasure that you were feeling. He removed his hand and started playing with your clit. He added more pressure and you closed your eyes shut.

"Class Dismissed" said professor Snape. Draco removed his hand and licked his fingers. "You taste so good"he said with a smirk. "Do you wanna skip dinner?"he asked. Potions was the last class of the day and you needed Draco. Now.

"Ok. But I'm getting you back for what you did in class" ou threatened and he grinned at you.

Both of you ran to then Slytherin common room and up to his room looking like mad people. You locked the door and kissed him hard. " I hate you for the things you did"you said between kisses" and that deserves some punishment."you said while I'm buttoning his shirt. You removed his shirt but left his tie on. You then kissed him hard while you undid his time.

"Put your hands behind you."you said and he obeyed. He pushed him onto the bed and tied his hands tightly with his Slytherin tie. You started to notice a tent forming in his pants which caused you to smirk. You straddled him, towering over him. But you were just smirking down at him. "Do something Y/n!!" He was desperate for you. You just shake your head. You started stripping. Slowly. Painfully slow. You reveled your black lace bra and panties.

"You like?" You ask seductively as he was breathing quickly. "Shit Y/n...PLEASE!"you loved teasing him. It felt so good. You started running your hands on your body occasionally groping your boob. "Wish it was your hands, Draco?" you said and he closed his eyes shut. You looked down at his pants and noticed that they were about to rip. You unbuttoned his pants and pulled everything down.

His member was an angry Sade of red which made you feel satisfied with yourself. You went down and kissed the head causing him to hiss. You the licked the head. Precum was already flowing out the tip. He started to move his hips up and you pushed them down. "Control it Draco." you said. Then went back to his member. You licked the side of the shaft then took him into your mouth. You were sucking and hollowed you cheeks. "Eghh Y/N!!" He friend and You removed your mouth. "I don't think I want you to cum yet."you bit your lip after saying this. " PLEASE Y/N GOD!!"he groaned.

"But I like seeing you helpless." You pouted. You removed the rest of your clothing and straddled him. You teased him with you boobs knowing he wanted to touch you so bad. You started sucking on his neck making sure that there would be hickies there tomorrow. "Don't leav-Ugh" he said in defeat. You slipped your hand down and jacked him slowly. "Do you like this?" "YES Y/N!" You knew he was close so you stopped. " you know it's better to cum inside me." "THEN LET ME!!" His breathing was increasing and he had beads of sweat on his forehead. You aligned yourself with his shaft and lowered. You kissed him while untying his hand, which flew to your breasts. "Let me do this part"he said. He pulled out. "Get on your back." You obeyed. The looked you in the eyes."You won't be waking anytime soon. " was the last thing he said as he pounded into you recklessly. You became a making mess, as did he. "D-Draco imma c-" "Me too baby girl." His thrust were getting sloppy and slowing down. You flipped him so you were on top and rode him af fast as you could.

"FUCK Y/N!!"

"DRACOO!" You both screamed each other's name as you came. You got off and laid your head on his chest, bringing his hand to your head so he could play with your hair.

"Oh lord y/n..." he chuckled " good night love"

"Goodnight Draco baby"

A/n: IM BACK BITCHES!!!! Comment and share.❤️❤️ Leo hates me
Leo: not if she doesn't write about me...
Me: that's not gonna happen!! Bye bye tacos. Comment if you liked it!!
Leo: bye tamales!
Percy: bye blue food!
Draco: bye mudBlo- I mean- muggles
World: bye whatever you are!!
