Anniversary Part 2

Proofread? Nope sorry im lazy Also this is gonna be mostly dialogue.

Thank you to slytherclaw26 for requesting a part 2!!IM SO SO SORRY IT TOOK SO LONG!! Here it is!!!


"A PICTURE LASTS LONGER DRACO!!" was the last thing you said as you saw Draco become the color of a tomato. He smirked and jumped in the lake, splashing water on you. You soon felt to warm arms wrap around your waist and a kiss on your neck.

"Happy Anniversary Y/n."

"Happy Anniversary Draco."


Your POV

Draco and I were at the lake for a few hours then we ate dinner and walked backed to the castle hand in hand.


"yes baby?"

"Why did you choose me?"

"What do you mean?" Draco said with worry in his voice.

"Its th-jus-nevermind."

"Y/n. Whats wrong? Its our anniversary we should be happy baby."

i hesitated.

"its just because*sigh*I'm not like other girls. I'm-well-me. Theres nothing special about me."I said with a small voice.

"Y/n." Draco said as he pulled you into an embrace and placed a tender kiss on your forehead "Dont you ever say that youre not special. Yes youre not like other girls, but thats what I love abot you. Youre different. And if I have to tell you that Youre the light to my dark, the yin to my yang. I need you here. I love you." Dracos voice cracked at the end of his sentence.

" oh Draco"you said while nuzzling your face into his chest." I love you with all my heart. Thank you for saying all those nice things about me."
Draco chuckled and picked me up bridal style to his dorm room.(don't think like that you pervert)
Once you got in his room he asked you to close your eyes and hold out your hands. You did as he said and felt something furry and hyper in your arms.

A. Freaking. Puppy.

"AWWWWWWWWW!!! PUPPY!!! Is it a boy or a girl?"
"It's a boy. He's also waiting for a name. I thought you should name him." Draco blushed madly and looked at the ground. The buckles of his shoes suddenly becoming very interesting. He was so cute when he was shy or when he blushed.

That boy will be the end of me.

You put the puppy down on the bed and made your way towards Draco. You cupped his face in your hands and kissed his lips for a good 2 minutes. When you both pulled away, you and Draco were panting from your recent activity.
"Yes baby?"
"I want to name him d/n(dog/name)"
"I think that's perfect!" For the rest of the day you and Draco spend the day talking and playing with d/n.
"Y/n it's getting late. Can I stay here?"
"Of course. You can cuddle with me and d/n"with that Draco went to get clothes and came back with food.

Merlin Draco. You look even hotter with food...

He set down the food while you fed the puppy on his dish. You two began to eat and once all the food was finished you grabbed the puppy and cuddled with Draco.
"Mhmm" you hummed into his chest while he ran his fingers through your hair.
"Happy Anniversary."
"Happy Anniversary Draco. Good night babe."
"Good night love." Needless to say it was the best day you had ever had.

A/n: so...

How do you tacos like it?? I'm sorry it's crappy but I really tried. Anyways good morning/night!! I'm going to bed right now soooooo yea. Bye my tacos!!❤️❤️
