Pansy Parkinson

Holy Crap!!!40 views!!!!!!! Thx guys so much!!! Honestly i thought that i was going to get 2 or 3 views. You Tacos are awesome~ Maybe later i'll write some.....SMUT!!!!Hope you guys enjoy the chapter!!

Your POV
You were walking towards the y/h common room from the prefects bathroom. What did you just do? How did you gain the courage to hug him? Were you still dreaming??  You never had a crush before, so this feeling-feeling something in your heart when he was around or when you thought about him. All of your friends had already have had boyfriends, ex's, or were currently in a relationship, but you always thought that you were never going to find love or experience what is was like. All of your thoughts left and your heart took action and you just hugged him. When your thoughts came back to your head you didn't feel his arms around you let go, and went to the y/h tower. You left him with a smile and saw his saw his shocked/happy face. Did he like the hug, or was he just being nice. All these thoughts came through your head and soon all you could think about was his gray eyes and the way that they sparkled when  he looked at you. All you wanted to do was to hug him, place your lips on his, and never let go. Thats all you wanted to do. You knew for a fact the Draco didn't have feelings for you.

You were walking when a hand pulled you to the floor. You put your hand to the side of your face and felt liquid...blood. You turned you head to see who pulled you down when a fist met your face. You howled out in pain as the unknown person kept striking you with more punches. You knew that you were going to have bruises on your stomach and face. You heard a boy give out a sharp cry. Then all of a sudden the punching stopped and you turned your head to see Pansy looking at Draco with anger. 

"Pansy?? What the f*ck are you doing to y/n?!?!?" you heard his voice crack as he said your name. He kept looking at you while running up to you and held your limp body in his arms. You left drops fall on your shoulder.

"What do you think I'm doing?? I'm trying to punish this bit*h that hugged you when obviously you belong to me and no one else!!!"Pansy screeched.

"No! No! No! I d-don't belong t-to you-u!!" He sobbed.

"Well then who do you belong to?!?! Because I know that you can't possibly have feelings for this-this....thing!!" Why did she call you a thing ?? You were a human being just like everyone else at this school. Why did she have to be so rude to you??

"It belongs to someone that I love. I know that surely I don't have any feelings for you or anybody else except that special someone!!" 

"Fine. Just keep in mind that you had your chance with me and you lossed that to a stupid stupid person!!" she yelled.

 And with that she stormed off to the Slytherin common room leaving you and Draco alone in the hallway. He quickly got on his feet and carried you in his arm bridal style, running to the Hospital Wing. Your vision got blurry and your head was spinning. Draco noticed this and whispered to you,"Y/n. Y/n stay with me." he said with worry in his voice and eyes. Thats all you heard before you blacked out in Dracos arms.

A/n: Sorry that this was short and a little sad and I left a cliffhanger(>-<)sorry!!! And can i just say that your tacos are amazing and I love you with all of my heart!!! We got 40 views?!?! WHAT?!?! I honestly thought that I would have only gotten 2-3 views but i never would have imagined 40!!Thankx soooooo much my tacos!!Love you..again!

Word count:668

 ~ Taco Queen 
