I hate you!

Quick a/n: In this part/few parts you sing beautifully, but never do it in public and only when youre stressed or sad. Also Running is like a relaxant. ALSO all the songs i will use belong to their owner. I DONT OWN ANY OF THESE SONGS!!!!mkay back to the story.one more thing is story is a little sad so..sorry??

5th year just started and you feel so distant from Draco lately. He didnt send you letters throughout summer, visit you, or talk to you. He didnt even sit next to you in Potions anymore. You had bought Draco a pair of Snake cufflinks, you thought Draco was just sad or something so you thought that giving him the present would calm him down. You knew he was in the Slytherin common room because you could hear him talking. You werent prepared for what came next. Draco was kissing Pansy. The girl who tried to kill you last year. Draco had protected you and took you to the Hospital Wing. He had saved you. But now, he was killing you. You ran up to him slapped him and shouted,

"I thought you loved me Draco! You bastard!! to think that you would do this to me! After all we've been through!! Well you know what? WE'RE DONE!! Oh and heres your stupid fu*king gift i got you!! I HATE YOU!!!"you threw the gift and ran outside into the Forbidden Forest. (PRETEND LIKE YOU WROTE THESE SONGS BUT YOU DIDNT!!! MKAY) Tears were pouring out of eyes.You ran deep into the forest and took out you phone and looked through the beats you had made for your new songs. You played the beat to a song you called Ciao Adios

You stared to sing and you immediately stopped crying. Singing just helped you during times like this. It could change your mood within seconds. This is what you sang:

(Caio=hi/bye and adios=bye)

(one more song)

The next song played and the beat alone made you feel better:

This was a song you had made with y/m/f(your male friend)the song meant sooo much to you.

You were now happy then you heard a familiar voice saying,"I never knew that you sang."

Mother. Fu*king. Draco. Malfoy. God do you hate me?? you thought

"Well now you do. And if you dont have any more questions i have to go." You said as you ran at an inhuman speed past Draco toward the y/h common room.

Dracos POV 

I was chasing Y/n to tell her that Pansy had kissed me and that i had tried to stop her but she grabbed my face and kissed me. Suddenly, once we were deep into the woods she took out her phone and found a beat then sang. I couldnt even speak. Her voice was so heavenly it just too control of me. Until I heard the lyrics. They broke my heart. I started to to feel a pang of pain in my chest. Then she sang another song that was still sad then a more happy one. Then she was done and i couldnt control myself, "I never knew that you sang."

"Well now you do. And if you dont have any more questions i have to go." Then she ran so fast i didnt think that a person could run that fast. I started to chase her but i was no use. She was too fast. About 2 minutes later i saw: Fred, George,Ron,Harry,Cedric,and Hermione running towrds me with their wands ready.

Oh crap.

Cedric stepped foward first." WHAT THE FU*K DID YOU DO TO Y?N!?!?MALFOY IMMA BEAT THE LIVING SH*T OUT OF YOU!!!" Cedric is basically Y/ns older brother which is what scared me most of him. The if that wasnt scary enough Everyone started to walk towards me but it was hermione that was in front. Out of all of those people Hermione scared me the most. She was like Y/ns sister that she never had, and hermione charged toward me and tackled me to the ground and punched me right in the nose. Followed by the Weasleys and then Potter.

~Timeskip brought to you by Neville blowing up a cauldron~

I didnt even bother getting dressed up for classes. I wasnt going looking like i did all purple and blue with some dried blood on my lip. I heard a faint knock on the door 'oh what the hell! What else can happen to me?' i said in my head as i made my way to the door. I opened the door and saw a puffy eyed y/n.


"Im serious." said y/b/f. I felt sick to my stomach. Y/b/f said that she/he saw Pansy pull Draco into a kiss when i entered the room. 

"Where would Draco be right now?"

"Most likely in his room. I heard that your friend fam gave him a beat down."

"Oh Merlin."

You run to Dracos room and knocked on the door lightly. You could hear him groan as he got up. Then he opened the door and you fell to your knees sobbing. Once you calmed yourself down you got up and cupped his face in your hands.

"Draco.  Im so so sorry! Y/b/f just told me that Pansy kissed you not the other way around. Im so so sorry. I should have let you explain. Oh Merlin im so sorry Draco!" You said as you choked out a sob. " Please take me back. I didnt ever want you to get hurt Draco. I never meant for this to happen. I promise no one will ever hurt you again. I love you Draco!! Please take me back. I'll do anything!"

Dracos POV

I hated seeing Y/n like this. She was crying and it was my fault. She was begging me to take her back.



"I love you."

Thats all she needed to hear to start hugging me and kissing me all over my hurt face.

"I-love-you-so-freaking-much-Draco-Lucius-Malfoy" she said between kisses. I laughed and carried her to my bed.

"I love you too y/n"

Then we cuddled, and y/n kept kissing wherever i had injuries, and talked the entire day watching movies not caring about the classes we skipped that very day. 


Word count:1101

HELLLLLOOOOOOOO!!!! IM BACK!!!!!! Tbh this was my favorite to write and i might stop writing this book because i cant think of any ideas, but then again i might keep writing soooo idk. ALSO Please go read my other book(soooooo much better than this one!!) called Hogwarts/Camp Half Blood Oneshots by 

@papi_chulo_99 yes that mee!That book also has little conversations between charavter. Please go readthem. Theyre soooooo funny!But please go read it, vote, and comment on it. I love hearing your suggestions all the time. Mkay that it bye bye my tacos
