Draco x Reader

This is my first time writing here!Yay!!.

Your POV

You were boarding the train to Hogwarts when a pair of grey eyes were looking in your direction.The young boy came up to you and introduced himself. "Hey, Im Malfoy. Draco Malfoy." His voice made your heart skip a beat. All you did was stare at him. There was something about him that made you feel all giddy and excited. Once you came back to your senses, you introduce yourself. "Erm, hi im y/n y/l/n." "Thats a really pretty name, y/n." Then Dracos father called him. "Bye y/n."You realized that you only had 2 minutes to put your trunk and bag away, and say goodbye to your family. You quickly said your farewells to your family and got on the train.

Draco's POV

I was walking towards the train when i saw the most beautiful girl in the world. I wanted to know her name, so I walked up to her. I introduced myself and she stayed looking at me for a while. For a moment I thought I had something on my face, then she spoke. She seemed really excited for someone just going to Hogwarts. I just wanted to talk to her and get to know her better. Wait, I thought, why am I getting all mushy, and lovey dovey for this girl I just met. Thats when my father called me. I said bye to her not wanting to leave, but had to.

~~~~~time skip to girls dormitory ~~~~~

You groaned when you saw what class you had first. Potions. Snape hated you ever since first year when you blew up a cauldron by accident. Snaped hated your living guts. No, hated in an understatement. He despised you with a passion. You tried to get over the fact the you had Snape first today, and got ready. "Are you ready y/n?" your best friend, y/b/f, asked. "Almost. Just let me get my books and my bag." You got your stuff and you both went to Potions.

~~~~~time skip to Potions~~~~~

Your POV

You choose a seat when you got in class in the back of the room. There was an empty seat next to you, and you were hoping that y/b/f would sit there. To your disappointment, she sat with her boyfriend shes been with for 2 years. You thought about them. They were such a cute couple. You soon realized that you wanted what they had... you wanted love. That boy you met at the train station popped into your head. What was it about this guy that made you get butterflies. You didnt really know him. All you knew was his name, he was a pureblood, and in Slytherin. Speak of the devil, you saw him come into class. He looked around the class and saw you. You instantly blushed and looked down at your desk.

Dracos POV

I walked into Potions, and looked around the class for any sign of my friends, but found something better. Y/n. When i saw her she saw me, blushed, and looked away.I started to smile and walked up to her desk,"May I sit here? If no one is already sitting here."


Word count: 585

I know that this was short, but I wanted to know if you guys liked this stuff before I make more. Thanks for reading!! If you guys like this then I'll try to post once a week here. Please vote and follow me!!!! <3<3<3

Bye my little cuties!
