pt 4: soul tie

It's like my spirit was tied to him. I wanted to know him. To be around him. To feel him.
It was as though my souls new him. Desired him. Was destined for him.
It was strange how real I felt those feelings. I'd never experienced anything like that before.
I felt scared.

"The Cullens?" Angela said as if there were something to tell.
I felt defensive. Ready to protect him. Protect them. But also eager to know it all.
I was truly freaking out on the inside.

"They're, um... Dr. and Mrs. Cullen's foster kids." Jessica jumped in eagerly. "They moved downwards here from Alaska, like, a few years ago."

"They kind of keep to themselves." Angela included. Seemed normal enough.

"Yeah, 'cause some of them are together." Jessica gossiped. "Like together, together."
I felt my heart sink a little as I watched as the boy with the honey good hair opened the door for the beauty beside him. I felt jealous.
What is wrong with me?

They neared closer to our table, headed by a stunning blonde woman, who could be on front covers of magazines if she so wished, and a man who looked to be made out of the muscle.

"The blonde girl," Jessica continued. "That's Rosalie, and the big dark-haired guy, Emmett, they're like, a thing. I'm not even sure that's legal."

"Jess, they're not actually related." Angela and I repeated at the same time. We looked at each other with a smirk. Weird coincidence.

"Yeah, but they live together. It's weird." She said, defending herself.

"If you think about it, it's impressive that they can maintain a relationship at this age whilst they're living together. I think that shows a lot of maturity and trust among the family." I say in defence. Jessica gives me a strange look as to ask what my point is. I just shrug in return.

"And, okay, the little dark-haired girl's Alice. She's really weird."

"I'm sure that's not true at all. You shouldn't say things like that about people you don't know." I say sternly. The more Jessica opens her mouth, the more I dislike her.

"I know more than you do." She rebuttals. I just huff in response.
"Everyone thought that she was with Jasper, the blonde one who looks like he's in pain, but we've been thinking for the last year or so that they aren't. Not too sure though, they're always together." My heart sinks a little further. "Dr. Cullen's like this foster dad/matchmaker."

"Maybe he'll adopt me," Angela says innocently, causing me to laugh. She's funny. I think I'll keep her.

"Who's he?" From next to me, Bella shifts in her chair and seems to catch her breathing, as a tall bronze haired guy walks through the same door the others did. I can only guess he's a Cullen too. It's amazing that they're not all biological. It's as though Dr. and Mrs. Cullen went and handpicked each of them.

"That's Edward Cullen. He's totally gorgeous, obviously, but apparently, nobody here's good enough for him... like I care, you know?" Jessica huffs, clearly deflated by what I can assume were many unsuccessful attempts to gain his attention.

Interestingly enough, as Jessica was talking, Edward seemed to smirk, as if he knew what was being said. Knowing that was impossible though, I discarded that thought.

Like Jasper has my attention, I could tell that Edward had Bella's. She was totally absent-minded as she stared off towards the Cullen table.

"Seriously, like, don't waste your time," Jessica said, catching Bella's attention again.

"I wasn't planning on it," Bella responded. I knew my sister though. And that was not the case, especially as she gazed back towards them.

Following her line of sight, I caught eyes with the one and only Jasper Hale, who's expression suddenly seemed almost surprised. We held each other's gaze a moment longer, nothing seeming to be worth drawing away from each other for, until, we were unfortunately and suddenly surprised by the bell.

With the intentions of making me walk with her as far as my class, Bella grabbed my hand. We both walked out of the cafeteria, each with the desire to turn around and go back, each not knowing what, or rather, who was on our minds.

Next up was English. I walked through the door, with the intentions of going straight to Mr. Mason stood just in front of me when a feeling, or urge, overwhelmed me to look to the far left of the classroom. Sat in the back corner were Jasper and Alice, both staring at me. Each with a different emotion. Jasper seemed shocked and confused, whereas Alice sat with a knowing smile and readiness. I was overwhelmed and confused with my feelings and thoughts, I didn't have the energy to give it much more attention, no matter how much I craved it. Craved him.

I passed Mr. Mason my pass as he directed me to sit in the very middle of the class. I was both saddened and glad that I was away from them both. I loved English, it was my subject, and so it allowed me to at least try to give it all of my attention.
And for the rest of the lesson that's what I did. I tried.
