Pt 16: nice rides & new threats

Walking through the front doors, knowing Bella was home, I was overwhelmed by sudden nerves. Totally and utterly scared of her reaction. 

As I climb the stairs, reaching Bella's door, I take a deep breath before knocking lightly. Opening the door, I peer my head into the room, my eyes immediately catching sight of Bella sat on her desk chair, facing the door expectantly. 

"Hey B," I say nervously. "How are you doing?"

"Good, now," She says bluntly, making me take a deep breath in.

"That's good. How'd your conversation go with Edward?"

"Fine," She says. After a long pause, she continues, "How long have you known?" 

"Around a month," I say quietly, fiddling with the sleeves to my shirt. "Are you angry at me?"

Bella takes a deep breath. 

"No," She says. "I was a little insulted at first, but I understand now."

"Okay... cool," I say hesitantly. "Do you have any questions for me?"

"How'd you find out?" Bella asks as she gestures for me to take a seat on the edge of my bed. 

"Intuition. The Cullens filled in all the blanks."

"Right. So you and Jasper are mates?" She asks.

"Yeah, I guess so," I tell her blushing. 

Bella and I talked for a while longer, mostly about how today had gone between Bella and Edward before we separated to our respective rooms. I couldn't wait to get in bed. Today had been huge, and I knew I was going to sleep like a baby. 


The next few days were quite interesting as a means of readjusting to Bella knowing about the Cullens. Even the fact that we had another person amongst the group was strange to get used to. It was nice though, knowing I didn't need to hide the ins and outs of my relationship from my sister. It felt like a fresh start for us. 

Bella had been officially introduced to the rest of the Cullen's the day after she found out and final exams were right around the corner, so I had been feeling very overwhelmed. 

I had spent every free second studying my vocabulary lists, literary quotes and mathematical formulas. I don't think I have ever felt so much stress in my life, but I also had to admit that I was feeling quite confident in myself.


School had just finished, and I was very excited about the coming weekend and being able to relax a little before exams start on Wednesday. 

The Cullens had invited Bella and I to their Baseball game this evening as Alice says that the weather will be perfect. 

Unfortunately, I have a study group that I promised I would be at, and so I will be late to the game. Thankfully, Jasper has lent me his car for the day so that I won't have to drive Bella's awful truck to Aaron's and then to the field. 

"Hey babe," Jasper says, as I meet him and the rest of the Cullens at their cars. 

"Hi Jazz," I greet, giving him a quick peck on the lips. "Thank you for lending me your car. I already feel powerful," I tell him winking at him. He just laughs at me, pulling me into a hug.

"Thank God for that," Emmett smirked, as he jumps in the passenger seat of Rose's convertible. "That truck of Bella's is absolute trash." 

"Hey!" Bella interrupted. "Lay off the truck." 

We all laugh amongst each other as Laura walks over to me, clearly uncomfortable to be near the Cullen's. 

"Hey, Laura. Ready to go?" I ask, gesturing towards Jasper's car. 

We had earlier planned for Laura to come with me to Aaron's place and then have me drop her home on the way to the field. 

She quickly nods her head, attempting not to make any eye contact with the group, before ushering over to the car. 

Grabbing the keys from Jasper's hands, I quickly peck him on the lips before saying bye to the gang and running over to the car. 

Jumping in the driver seat of Jasper's Audi R8, I turn the ignition, the engine roaring. 

Now, this is a car.

"Let's do this," I say to Laura excitedly as she laughs at me, reversing out of the spot and speeding out of the carpark, towards Aaron's house. 


Our group study session flew by. We had managed to finish a quick biology quiz, in which I won, and a past paper under exam conditions. We had finished a lot and had also had fun doing it too. A little bit of friendly competition may have been thrown in the mix as well. 

"What are the Cullen's like?" Laura asks me, as we drive towards her house. I pause, uncertain how to answer the random question.

"They're great. Why's that?" I reply, keeping my eyes on the curving roads. 

"Oh, I was just wondering. They've never shown much of themselves at school. I find it quite incredible how they opened themselves up to you and your sister," She says genuinely, sensing no condemnation in her tone, causing me to relax. 

"Yeah, I'm grateful for that too. I absolutely love them- almost can't remember my life before them," winking at Laura before laughing. 

The rest of the drive went pretty quickly as I pulled up to her house. The two-story building was quite lovely. It was painted a light blue with a quaint wrap around porch, placed on the corner of two intersecting streets. 

Laura gathered all of her stuff in her hands, as she turned to get out. 

"Thanks so much for the lift, Soph," She tells me. "Let Jasper know I said thanks."

"Will do," I say smiling, waving as she walks towards her door. 

Chucking Jazz's car into reverse, I drive out of her driveway and onto the street, heading towards the outskirts of town, near the entrance to the forest which gets you to the field.

Driving along the dirt road, through the forest, it took me back to the time Jazz last brought me here.

I could see the clearing just up ahead- I don't think I was too late after all. Stopping the car just in front of Emmett's jeep, I get out, closing the door behind me. 

Jazz was stepping up to bat, intimidating Alice as he flips the bat in his hand. 

"Woo," I yell, as I start walking towards them. "Go, baby!"

They all turn to face me smiling as Esme and Emmett wave at me. After a moment getting themselves ready, Alice pitches the ball towards Jasper. It was so fast my human eyes couldn't keep up with the blur before Jasper swings the bat, slamming it as Emmett races after it, climbing a tree and catching it on the full, before throwing it back. 

"My monkey man," Rose says smiling as she walks past Bella. I laugh at her competitive comment. 

They all kept playing a few more innings as I sat myself a little bit over from Bella and Esme who were catching and umpiring, sitting on a tree stump. I was feeling so happy, when suddenly I was overcome with negative energy, sending panic over me. 

Jasper and Edward whipped there heads to me, alerted by my nervous squeak. Alice too seemed to notice my anxiety before she was quickly pulled into a vision induced trance. 

"Stop!" Alice yelled, from her position of pitcher. In a quick movement, Jasper runs over, grabbing me before ushering us both over to where the rest of the Cullens were now gathered. 

"They were leaving," Alice begs, "Then they heard us."

"Who?" I urged as Jasper calms my emotion. 

"Other vampires," Jasper whispers, as he tucks me under his shoulder. 

I look over at Bella as she looks at me, Edward also standing protectively over her. 

"Don't be too obvious," I tell Jasper instinctively as he just looks at me, loosening his arm around my shoulder. 

We all focus our attention across the field as three vampires move from out of the sanctuary of the trees. 

They all move with so much grace, but that's as far as my compliments go. Their entire demeanour seemed intimidating and threatening. 

That was when I first realised it. My first encounter with other vampires. 

I grab hold of the back of Jasper's shirt, clenching it in my hand, nervously. He looks down at me, kissing me on my head before looking back at the now nearby vampires. 

I could almost feel my heartbeat in my throat, as I looked out at them- two men and a woman. Each beautiful, yet scary and each with the same blistering red eyes. Human blood.

The blond man, who stood the furthest from us was the scariest of them all- eliciting genuine fear to curdle throughout me. His long hair was tied up behind his neck, and his eyes showed all of him, leaving nothing to hide. He was not good. 

The woman stared at me, her red hair similar to my own, except for the wild and chaotic nature of her own, ironically contradicted by the classic beauty of her pale skin and red lips. Although she didn't give off the feeling of immediate danger, she did demonstrate a desire to prove her worthiness- which can be almost as dangerous as a natural disposition. Something told me not to underestimate her. 

She seemed to look at me curiously before the man in the middle of the three, spoke up. 

"I believe this belongs to you," He says holding up the baseball. His French accent becoming apparent with every word. His eyes seemed almost bright, up against his dark skin which glowed under the storming sky. With his long black dreadlocks and muscular build, I would have thought him almost beautiful it weren't for his cold and threatening aura which emanated from him. I knew I couldn't trust him.

The man threw the ball at Carlisle, who stood at the front of the group, catching the ball with ease. 

"Thank you," Carlisle said to him. Short and sweet.

"I am Laurent," The French vampire stated, "And this is Victoria, and James," He continued gesturing to the other Vampires. 

"I'm Carlisle. This is my family."

"Hello," Laurent greeted, towards us all. I felt Jasper tense up next to me, as Emmett did the same from the other side of me.

"I'm afraid your hunting activities have caused something of a mess for us," Carlisle maintained, directed at Laurent. 

"Our apologies. We didn't realise the territory had been claimed."

"Yes, well, we maintain a permanent residence nearby."

"Really?" Laurent scoffed looking towards James for a reaction. "Well, we won't be a problem anymore. We were just passing through."

I focused my attention on James as he seemed to be looking at Bella and Edward. He's instinctive.

"The humans were tracking us, but we led them east," Victoria smirked, clearly proud of herself. "You should be safe."

"Excellent," Carlisle said smiling, clearly trying to relieve any tension. I could sense Jasper looking towards him for direction. 

"So," Laurent sniggered, "Could you use three more players? Come on. Just one game," He pressured."

This got each of our attention, as we all looked to Carlisle. 

"Sure. Why not?" Carlisle said. "A few of us were just leaving. You can take their place... We'll bat first." 

I let out a slow breath, looking up at Jasper as he keeps his eyes on the others, his hold on me tightening more and more with every second we stand there.

"I'm the one with the wicked curveball," Victoria smirked.

"Well, I think we can handle that," Jasper boasts, attempting to draw any attention away from us. His comment causing Laurent to laugh giddily. 

We all turn to leave, Jasper putting me in front of him as we walk towards the car.

Jasper and I walk past Edward and Bella as they hold their place, Edward watching James' movements and thoughts very carefully. It was quite obvious that Edward felt quite threatened by James. 

All of a sudden, the wind picked up before ushering the scent of humans towards James as he takes a deep breath in. His eyes immediately draw to Edward as he protects Bella who now stands behind him. 

"You brought a snack," James hisses, as he moves towards her.

The Cullens all run in front of us, defending our place. Along with Esme, I instinctively place myself in front of Bella, protectively, knowing there was nothing I could do to protect her. 

My eyes watch Victoria's every move as she watches me- Still confused

"The girl is with us," Carlisle states firmly as James and Edward stare each other down, "I think it best if you leave."

I grab hold of Bella's waist from in front of her, pushing her further away from us, as she focuses entirely on the interactions between Edward and James. 

"I see the game is over," Laurent states slowly, causing me to scoff, "We'll go now."

Edward and James both hiss at each other before both Laurent and Carlisle usher them away from each other. 

As they start to move from us, Carlisle moves towards Edward. 

"Get Bella out of here. Go." 

I look over to Jasper intending to question Carlisle's push for Bella to leave but not me. Jasper quickly shakes his head to stop me from saying anything, before looking over at Carlisle. 

With a nod from Carlisle, Jasper grabs my hand before he, Rose and I rush over to his car. 

Jumping in, Jasper turns the engine on before quickly swinging the car around and towards the entrance into the forest. 

Turning to face both him and Rose from my place in the passenger seat, I look at them expectantly. 

"Would you please tell me what is going on?" I bed, grabbing Jasper's arm, "Why didn't Carlisle want me to leave too?" I demand, as he just stays quiet, focused on getting us out of here. 

I look over at Rose, as she shakes her head at me. 

"Carlisle is the only one who can properly explain," She urges, causing me to huff. 

I will get my answers.
