Pt 24: heartache

"There he is! My favourite little man," Billy yells as Jake pushes him down the ramp and towards us as I close the car door behind me.

"Pardon me?" Jake sasses as Billy just brushes him off making him scoff.

"Well it's clear who's the favourite, and he's only 2 months old!" I laugh as I lean down to hand Micah to a begging Billy.

"Bella?" Jake asks surprised as she pops out of the other side of the truck.

"Look who left her cave," I say winking at Billy.

"Good to have you with us, Bella," The old man says. "Got much planned for your day?"

"Um, yeah," Bella says as I look over at her. "I'm going out with Jessica this evening too."

"Ah, social butterfly over here," I joke.

"So, how's he doing?" Billy asks.

"Same as always," I tell him honestly. "Sometimes I wonder if there's something wrong for him to be so perfect."

"Yeah, I never had that issue," Billy sighs. "Both Jacob and his sisters were absolute pains- they still are actually..."

"What's with all the digs?" Jake whines.

"What's with the steroids?" I sass back.

"I give up," Jake says. "I'm going to the shed. Wanna come?" He asks Bella, moving to walk out the door.

"Oh... Yeah, sure," She says following after Jake, not before awkwardly waving at Billy and me.

"I'm so glad I'm not an awkward person," I tell Billy honestly, making him laugh.

Billy and I were in the kitchen talking when there was suddenly a knock on the door.

"I'll get it," I tell him, walking over to open the door. "Emily!"

"Soph! Hello," She greets hugging me. "I hope baby boy is here," She says.

"Of course!" I tell her excitedly.

"Yay!" She exclaims almost running to the kitchen, before moving towards Billy. "Give him here old man," She says making me laugh.

Emily and I had met just over a month ago when I first brought Micah to the Black's house. She had come to bring food over to Billy and after a few coffee dates, I managed to manipulate her into accepting a casual job at the library.

"You working this evening?" Em asks as she sits across from Billy and me.

"Sure am," I tell her, watching as she cradles Micah in her hands. "Even Mel's gonna be there with Jackson."

"Oh, yay," Emily exclaims excitedly. "Do you wanna go together? I'm happy to drive and then drop you home afterwards."

"That would actually be brilliant," I tell her. "That means Bella can stay longer, which I think will do her good."

"Bella's here?" Emily asks shocked. 

"She sure is," I say with a smirk. "We had a conversation at 2am this morning... I may have had to apologise to the neighbours but apparently it woke her up a tad."

"I'm glad about it," Billy tells me genuinely. "It was becoming quite concerning. I've never seen Charlie so stressed in my life."

"I know right... Come to think about it though, it probably saved me from dealing with a stressed-out Charlie over me bringing home a kid," I joke. 

"I don't think so," Billy assures me. "He trusts you."

"Oi, Bella!" I call ducking my head through the shed door, catching the attention of both she and Jake. "I'm going to work with Emily. I'll meet you at home later this evening."

With a nod, I turned for the car where Emily was strapping in Micah. 

"Tell me," I say turning towards her as she jumps in the front seat. "When will babies be happening for you and Sam?"

"I wish," Emily laughs. "We decided we'll try not long after the wedding."

"Better hurry up then," I tell her. "It'd be nice for Micah to have either a bestie or a future spouse in the waiting."

"Too true!" Emily laughs. 

Suddenly my phone starts ringing from inside my pocket as I reach in for it. 

"Sorry- oh, do you mind if I take this?" I ask Emily hesitantly, looking down at the screen. 

"Not at all," She tells me with a reassuring smile. 

"Thanks," I tell her.

'Katie, hey,' I say hesitantly. 'How are you?'

'Hey Soph,'  I hear. 'I'm feeling somewhat better. The institute here is brilliant- a bit confronting but good all the same.'

'Oh good,' I say. '... Listen, I'm sorry I didn't call or anything... I wasn't sure whether you would want me to or not.'

'Honestly, I didn't want to,' She tells me. 'But I feel more ready now.'

'Well, I'm glad about that. I've missed you,' I tell her honestly.

'I've missed you too,' She says. 'Anyway, I better go. I need to call Dad with the rest of my call time.'

'Okay, no problem. All the best,' I say. 'Bye'.


"So that's...?" Emily asks hesitantly. 

"Yep," I say strangely, looking at my phone screen. 

Weirdest call ever.

"Thanks for driving me and Micah," I tell Emily as I pull Micah and his capsule out of her car. 

"No problem at all," She says. "Today has been really nice!"

"It has," I tell her with a smile before Micah starts crying from beside me. 

I started to feel unsafe, suddenly overwhelmed with a sense of discomfort and vulnerability. 

"It's okay, baby," I tell him slowly before waving towards Emily and walking up the path towards the front door. 

Quickly I opened the door, slamming it behind the two of us. I felt overwhelmed with Deja Vu to the night that Katie was stood in my room. 

Micah didn't stop crying as I lifted him up into my arms, as Bella walked out of the kitchen and into the hall, making me jump. 

"You scared me!" I scolded her as I tried rocking Micah. 

"Sorry... what's wrong with him?" Bella asks.

"I don't know," I tell her honestly. "I've fed him and changed his diaper. He's probably just feeling a bit exhausted with today- so am I, if I'm honest."

"Well, why don't both of you go up to your room and when I'm done cooking I'll bring some food up to you," Bella offers, looking down hesitantly at the screaming Micah.

"Thanks, Bell," I say, grabbing Micah's diaper bag and slinging it over my shoulder and kicking his capsule out of the way of the door. 

"No problem," I heard as I moved up the stairs, rocking Micah in my arms. 

"What's wrong with you?" I ask him as he seems to press further into my body, his arms reaching out towards me to be closer. 

His screaming continued the closer I got to our bedroom door before he suddenly stopped crying. Looking at him, he seemed to quickly fall into a pleasant sleep as quiet filled the house. 

My attention perked at the circumstance, as I looked at my bedroom door in uncertainty, unsure whether to trust my instincts or not. Ignoring my paranoia I opened my door, before flicking on the light. Looking around, there was nothing out of the normal as I moved towards Micah's bassinet before placing him in it. 

"I love you, baby boy," I whisper, before kissing his little head. 

Standing up, I felt a gush of wind as anxiety filled my body before I instantly felt calm again. 

"Jasper..." I whisper knowingly. 

"Yes, dear?" A voice said, shocking me into stillness. 

I slowly turned around before facing him. He looked the exact same way he looked in my dreams. Handsome, yet dishevelled. He started slowly moving towards me as I stayed in place, still too shocked to move. 

"Soph?" He asked, as my name drew me out of my initial shock.  

I started to feel anger. I became overwhelmed with it as he looked over at me confused. I was angry at him, at Bella, even at Katie. I was mad that he left me. I was mad that Bella was able to grieve. I was angry that Katie could leave behind my dream. 

"Are you okay?" He asks, looking at me concerned. 

"No, Jasper," I tell him bluntly before moving past him, bumping his shoulder in the meantime. 

I move over to my bed where a pile of clean clothes were gathered ready to be folded. I started folding the laundry as I stared at him in disbelief. 

"Where were you, Jasper?" I demand. 

"I went south for a few weeks before meeting back with the family in Ithaca," He says cautiously, moving towards me.

"Stop!" I command as he halts. "So you were in New York? Whilst your girlfriend was in Forks. That's smart," I say. 

"I'm sorry," He whispers. 

"Apologies aren't good enough," I say again. "I respected your decision when you said you needed space. I respected you, and I didn't call or text. I was expecting you to be gone for a couple of weeks, maybe a month max. You were gone for months, Jasper. I needed you here and you were gone."

"I know," He says. "I'm so sorry, Soph. I'm so sorry. Every single second we were apart was agony. I hated it. I was so scared."

"No," I tell him firmly. "I was scared. My sister was in a state of depression. My father had no idea what he was doing. My best friend was destroying her life, and I became a mum... That's scary. Being too chicken to confront your girlfriend, isn't scary."

"Please," Jasper begs. "What can I do to make it up to you?"

"I think you need to leave me alone," I tell him. 

"What?" He asks shocked. "But we were just apart. I'm back now."

"Not here, you're not," I tell him. "When we were separated, it was all about you. My actions never showed I was thinking about you, but you never left my mind. No matter what I was doing, I was thinking about you, wishing and praying I was making you proud."


"No buts," I interrupt, sitting on the edge of my bed. "I need you to go."

"Are you breaking up with me?" He whispers. 

He looked so small- almost weak. My heart was aching and breaking, I wasn't sure what to do. 

"I don't know," I tell him honestly. "I love you, I always will."

"But?" He asks uncertainly. 

"But you hurt me and I don't have time to hurt," I say. "He's gotta be my everything now. I can't have people in my world who could just pack up and leave whenever it gets a bit tough."

"I was scared I was going to hurt you," He pushes.

"Well, you succeeded. Just not the way you imagined," I whisper. 

Silence filled the room. I could feel his stare on me as I looked down at my feet. 

He was right there. Within arms reach. My heart ached and my body twitched to feel his touch, but I couldn't. I wasn't ready. 

"Okay," Jasper whispers. "I only have one thing to say and then I will go... I love you, Sophia Swan. You are my forever and always, and I will get you back. I want you every minute of every day. I want you to be my wife."

Both my mind and heart seem to stop as I look up towards him as he slowly walks towards me, stopping only a foot away from me. He hesitates before leaning down and planting a soft kiss to the top of my head, before backing away again, towards the window.

"I will respect you wishes just like you respected mine. There's just one difference," He says with a smirk, making me raise an eyebrow in question. "I'm far more impatient and possessive than you."

Not even a second later, I blinked and he was gone. I felt confused and slightly in awe of him. I wasn't sure whether what I had done was the right thing to do, but it was too late now. 

I had him back and now he's gone again.

Standing up, I slowly walk towards the open window, sticking my head out into the darkness. Somehow, in someway, I felt like he was still out there. I still felt connected to him.

"Don't take too long," I speak softly out into the wind, hoping that he heard and understood my hearts prayer.
