Pt 39: Bella

"So what now?" I ask, truly fed up with these new turns of events.

"I think it's time we try you out around humans," Carlisle says making me smile giddily. "I'm sure Bella would love to see you."

"Wait," Edwards says, standing up defensively. "I don't think that's a good idea."

"She's ready," Jasper interjects.

"We don't know that," Edward argues.

"Edward," I say calmly. "I, in no way, am ever going to hurt my family, and if I even feel the slightest bit out of control I promise you that I will leave immediately."

"You just don't know," He says again, ignoring my words. "You're never in your right mind when blood lust takes over."

"Edward," I warn, getting his attention from the rant we were each about to become subjected to. "The love I have for my family is stronger than anything you or anyone else will ever experience. When I tell you I won't hurt her, I won't."

"But how do you know?" He whispers. I could tell that he was overwhelmed with stress and anxiety about the me seeing his mate. He still seemed hesitant with Jasper around Bella when I wasn't there and he'd been a vegetarian for over fifty years.

"I know, because my being okay around humans means that I can be with my son," I say seriously, the whole room instantly overcome with silence as they each stared at me. "You have no idea of the pain I am in not being able to protect him, when the thing he needs protection from is me. There is nothing that is going to stand in my way from having my family together again. Dad and Bella included."

Slowly, Edward nodded before giving me a small smile.

"Finally," I whisper looking at the rest of the gang, each of them looking at me strangely. "What?"

"Nothing," A few of them whispered, before I looked up at Jasper expectantly.

"We just think you're awesome," He says, kissing me on the forehead.

Smiling giddily, I looked around at my family. I couldn't wait to have Micah in my hands again.

We were all sat in the living room, my leg bouncing up and down at an inhumane speed in anticipation to seeing Bella again.

"How are you feeling?" Jasper whispers into my ear, his arm resting on my shoulders as I snuggle into his side.

"I'm going mental, I can't wait to see her," I exclaim excitedly, my leg only bouncing even more.

"I'm really happy for you, Soph," Rose says kindly, as I smile at her.

"Me too," Alice smiles. "I can hardly remember my family, and the memories that I do have, I'm not sure are real. It is amazing to see you still have them in your life."

"Really?" I ask, realising just how little I knew about Alice and her life before becoming a vampire.

"Yeah," Alice says again. "It was crazy waking up as a newborn, having no idea who or where I was- I had forgotten pretty much everything... After becoming a vampire, I had a vision of Jasper. Knowing I had to do everything in my power to find him, and find the rest of the Cullens- It was all that got me through."

"That desire to create what you never had..." I whisper as Alice nodded in agreement.


"I get that," I say as we share a small smile.

Suddenly, we could hear the tires of Edwards car coming down the driveway. Although I still had time to prepare myself, and even though he and Bella were still so far away, I felt the anxiety rise up in me as an unknown yet suttle sweet smell started to rise in the air.

All eyes were on me as I instinctively breathe in. I heard the car halt to a stop as I could imagine Edward listening in on the family's thoughts.

"What? What is it?" I could clearly hear Bella say to Edward.

Taking a deep breath in, I focus my attention on my goals. My son. My family.

Suddenly, the sweet smell was everything but desirable. I felt entirely indifferent to the smell of the blood, instead comfortable and excited to see Bella again.

"How are you doing this?" Alice asks, surprised, as I look at her unknowingly.

"What do you mean?" I ask her, as everyone stares at me in the same manner.

"You're totally unbothered," She continues.

"Oh, right," I say, looking over at Jasper. "I don't know. It's just not a problem."

Hearing the car slowly move forward again, I moved towards the window, desperate to see Bella as the car moves out from behind the trees.

"She's here!" I squeal as I race towards the front door, swinging it wide as I halt to see both Edward and Bella still in the car, Edward clearly on high alert as his eyes didn't flich from my figure.

I knew it was understandable for Edward to feel that way, but I couldn't help but feel angry and possessive over my sister- watching as he almost claims her as his own.

Getting out of the car, I watch as Bella looks at me awkwardly, unsure of what to do.

Smiling widely, I watch as Bella follows in suit, moving to come towards me, only to be stopped by Edward.

"It's not safe," Edward tells her as I frown at his words.

"That's my sister, Edward," Bella says, ripping her hand from Edwards. "I tolerate your behaviour with Jacob, but you cannot act that way with Sophia."

"But, it's diff-" Edwards starts.

"Yes," Bella interrupts. "It is different. That's my sister."

With a short nod of his head, Edward steps back, his beady eyes staring intently at me, watching my every move, my every flinch.

My attention was drawn away from Edward as Bella starts running towards me. Throwing my arms out, Bella jumps towards me as we envelope each other in a hug. I was so happy, I could hardly contain it.

"Well, that was risky," Emmett whispers, as I let go of Bella, both of us turning to face the entire family.

"For someone else maybe," I tell him. "But not for me."
