Pt 33: worst day ever

"Eventually, after many unnecessary brawls and power struggles, the vampires began to discuss the danger of our knowing, concluding that our existence was too dangerous for the security of their livelihood."

"Disgusting creatures," Billy exclaims, clearly infuriated.

"I normally wouldn't agree, but these Vampires, the Volturi, they are nothing but evil," I tell them seriously. "It hadn't been long before Alice informed Aro, the main leader, that she had seen us becoming vampires in one of her visions- that being the only way in which our lives would be saved..."

Almost instantly, Jacob jumped up from the chair he was sat on, growling and shaking in anger at my words.

"Control yourself and sit down," Sam ordered as Jacob struggled in submission, before finally sitting back down in a huff.

"After serious discussion and discomfort, Aro ordered Bella and Edward away, in acceptance of their terms, but ordered Alice and me to remain. Aro was not convinced from Alice's vision that I was any different to what I was then since on first glance you can't tell I'm any different. My life was put more and more in danger with every second spent in that room. I knew that there was no way I would be able to leave and ensure the safety of my friends and friends, especially Micah unless they had definite assurance and proof that I would become one of them."

"But how did you escape?" Emily asks.

"I promised that they could be the ones to change me," I practically whispered. "If I didn't, I would have ended up dead..."

"What?!" Paul raged as he stood up in anger, before being pulled back down into his seat, by a confused but authoritative Sam.

"You're telling us that you're a vampire? Right now?" Sam asks.

"Of course not," I exclaim in a huff, confused by how they had come to that conclusion. They each signed in relief, as Sam nodded for me to continue. "Anyway... How? I don't know, but it concluded in me standing before the oldest vampires in existence, promising them the right to change me themselves. Apparently, this amused, and somewhat shocked Aro, and as a result of that has become even more dangerous for me."

"When is this supposed to happen?" Billy asks with gritted teeth, clearly angered by the situation I had created for myself.

"I don't know," I say, causing them all to tense in heightened stress. "They wanted it to happen then and there but I wouldn't do it, and before we left, Aro swore that he would come for me- time and date, unclear."

"Surely there's something we can do," Em asks desperately. "She didn't ask for this!"

"She kind of did," Paul argues under his breath, causing each face to turn to him in horror.

"He's right," I say. "The only difference is that I 'asked for it' because the lives of my son and family were at risk. I never wanted this, and I never would have chosen it. Don't forget that I've had my life threatened by psychotic and narcissistic vampires that have no care for my life, let alone the greater good of humanity."

"I'm sorry," Paul mumbled.

"So you're gonna become one of them?" Embry clarifies.

"Well, the point of our meeting wasn't actually to just tell you about what happened in Italy," I tell them, as they look back at me with wide eyes.

"There's more? Seriously?" Jake asks.

"Well, I wanted to talk about the treaty..." I tell them, directing my attention towards Billy and Sam.

"What about it?" Sam asks.

"Well, I recognise the importance of it, and although I would love for you and the Cullens to be able to live in harmony without the need for treaties and truce's, I'm not here to change your mind," I reply briefly.

"Then what is it?" Billy asks sceptically.

"I want to talk about changing the grounds on one of the rules you've got in place," I say hesitantly. "The one that determines that a Cullen cannot bite a human under any circumstance..."

"Why on earth do you think we would ever change that?" Paul exclaims, clearly agitated by the conversation.

"I don't mean permanently- I just mean an exception to the treaty," I start, "I don't want the Volturi to have any power over me. I don't want them to change me, but I know that it has to be done. If I deny it, they'll kill me, the Cullens, Charlie and most certainly Micah... I'm here to ask you for permission to have one of the Cullen's to change me instead."

Silence consumed the room once more as I watched my friends battle stereotype and loyalty, each of their eyes flicking between each other to read the perceptions of the pack. I understood their feelings, but I was wishing and praying, with every part of me, that they would have some softness towards my situation.

"Wouldn't the Volturi or whatever get angry though?" Sue asks.

"Oh, definitely," I smirk as the boys perk up at my lack of hesitation and minor excitement. "But they wouldn't have a leg to stand on- they want me changed. Are they going to kill me if the jobs already been done? That would be straight-up ridiculous."

"She's not wrong," Em whispers, looking between Sam and Billy.

"I recognise and understand your hesitation, and I would never want to do anything that puts you all in pain, but this has become my reality and it has to happen," I tell them. "It would be easier for me if I knew that you guys were on my side, even if you couldn't support it..."

"Well, I understand your position, but I beg of you to reconsider," Sue interjects. "Surely there is another option."

"Yeah, there is," Embry sasses. "Death. I'm pretty certain we already covered it."

"Embry!" Emily and Sam both scolded as the boy whispered a reluctant apology to the new elder.

"I suppose he's right," Sue says, looking back at Billy.

"I suppose the main question is, is dying better than becoming an immortal who drinks the blood of humans," Paul states, as everyone around the room nods in response.

"I don't think that's necessary to consider," Billy whispers as I stare at him in disbelief. "We know what we do, we know the purpose of the Quileute. Saving and creating bloodsuckers ain't it."

"Seriously?" I snap. "You'd rather it if I were to die?"

Billy became silent as he rested his head in his hands. I couldn't believe it. I had never felt both so alone and insignificant before now.

"You're family to me, Billy, you're my second Dad," I whisper, as tears threaten to spill down my cheeks. "How could you feel that way?"

"I'm sorry," He replies quietly. "But it's the way it is. They depend on the blood of humans to survive. They are lead by thirst and desperation. They kill millions of people to satisfy their own desires- I won't stand around knowing that you will become that."

"Is that how you all feel?" I ask them, as they each looked at each other, some nodding in agreeance and others staying still. 

Rising from my seat slowly, I couldn't believe what was happening around me- it was like I didn't know these people- my friends... My family.

"When you were each phased into the pack, you swore that you would protect humans, no matter the cost," I say bluntly, staring at each of them dead in the eyes. "You lied."

"Soph," Em calls, as I move towards the door.

"No, Emily," I tell her. "I won't be associated with people who are driven by hatred and tradition, over the lives of people, let alone those that are supposed to be family."

I took one last look around the room, at the people who meant so much to me. I didn't know what to feel, so I felt what was natural. I felt angry.

"Oh, and also, the Cullens drink animal blood, and you know that, yet you do not care," I snap. "Imagine that vampires, 'bloodsuckers' make better humans than you so-called 'protectors.'"

Slamming the back door behind me, I staunched towards the car. It felt almost like an out-of-body experience. I couldn't control my body, nor could I think logical thoughts. I felt consumed with an unbearable and controlling anger. All I knew was that I needed to get off La Push land, but I also knew I couldn't go home. Not yet, anyway.

Driving down the long road out of La Push, my manic and pulsing eyes caught sight of the opening to the Nature walk Jasper and I had gone on for our first date. Without even thinking, I found myself speeding down the long dirt road, before parking and running towards the trail, not even thinking to take my purse or lock the car behind me.

It felt like hours by this point. All I had been doing was walking. I had managed to pass the lake that Jasper and I had spent our first moments at, and I had found myself weaving in and out of trees, over fallen stumps. I was totally and entirely consumed in my thoughts.

I thought we were family?

I thought they cared about me? About my son.

How could I ever look at them again?


"Sophia," I thought I heard, my now conscious mind aware and straining to hear my name being called again.

Looking up from the ground before me, I realised just how far away I had gotten from the car. I had no idea where I was and I couldn't even recognise anything from the many times' Jasper or Rose had taken me for picnics around the expansive Forks and surrounding areas.

"Sophia," I heard again, slow and quiet, travelling by the wind.

I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up in fear. I hadn't felt like that in a long time. I felt like something was about to happen. Something bad.

"Sophia," The voice came, now louder and far more clear. Very close.

Calming my racing heart, I looked up until my eyes met the sight of the one who has been tormenting my dreams, ruining my moments of peace, and destroying my independence.

"Victoria..." I whispered, realising the severity of the circumstance I was finding myself in.

"Ah, so you remember me," She says, her voice both menacing and seductive. I felt sick, just by looking at her. It was as though my mind froze in fear.

"How could I forget? You've only been tormenting my sister for the last six months," I snap, both impatient and scared.

"Ah, you certainly do have a mouth on you," Victoria grins, her red eyes becoming even more intensified as it contrasts with the brightness of her teeth. "I had heard whispers of such."

"What do you want Victoria?" I ask, getting braver. "I don't have the time for this."

"And what could possibly be so important for a human-like you?"

"For starters, I have the Volturi on my back, which is fun," I say, as her face flinches in fear before returning to her evil grimace.

"Is that so?" She smirks, clearly not believing me.

"Yes, it is," I say, letting out a deep breath. "Seriously, what do you want?"

Victoria paused as she looked me over. Even though we had at least ten metres between the two of us, the vampire was still able to look over every one of my features- observing them as if she hadn't seen something quite like it before. Her pale face stayed the same, her eyes wide and intimidating as her face carried a large and fear-inducing smile, showing exactly what those teeth are made of. The old and tired looking clothes she wore were hardly noticeable when watching the perfect red curls that graced the top of her head, unlike my unruly red curls. 

She truly was practically perfect in almost every physical way. Thank god she was such a bitch. It made me feel a lot better about myself.

My mind was snapped out of my wandering thoughts as suddenly a gust of wind hit my face before Victoria was stood right in front of me, the both of us breathing the same air.

In fear and surprise, I fell back, slamming my head on a rock. My head went dizzy as my eyes were fading in and out of the darkness. I reached up towards the pain, only to see my hand covered in burgundy liquid- blood.

At first, I saw how heightened Victoria's senses became, although she seemed to halt as she came to some sort of realisation.

Leaning down towards be, Victoria's face came close enough to touch mine, as she sniffed before moving a little further away.

"I've never been one for delayed gratification," Victoria sneers, her eyes maddened with blood lust. "Yet your blood is like the ultimate bridging experience- a little bit of fun for a short time but quickly, get's very old."

"Sexual innuendo is just dripping from that statement," I huff, trying to move as far back as I possibly could, away from her. "Anyway, delayed gratification has been shown to have a lot of positive effects on the mind and body..."

I kept moving as far back as I could, Victoria looming over me like a lion stalking its prey.

"An example of such is impulse control," I say. "You should look into it. I think it could help you."

"You talk a lot when you're nervous," Victoria says, almost as if she was making a list in her head.

"Wow, I never knew," I sass back.

"And a bad attitude," She continues, pretty much ignoring me.

"Okay, genius," I snap, growing even more frustrated and impatient as I lay cowered on the ground. "I don't know what you're trying to do, but would you just hurry up and get on with it?"

On all fours, Victoria hovers over me, her hair dangling in my face as I try desperately not to sneeze in her face.

Definitely a good way to piss her off though...

"You'll know soon enough," She cackles before lifting a rock above her head.

'Why does this keep happening to me?' I thought as I watched her hand holding the rock travel down towards my face, my mind stuck in slow motion. I was paralysed with fear as I watched her face, her wicked and awful smile... Her canine teeth glistening in desperation. Forever later, yet also a second too soon, I became consumed in darkness- the world I knew it, never to be the same again.


I am so sorry today's chapter is so long! There was too much for one chapter yet not enough for two :(

I also just wanted to take a moment to thank each of you taking the time to read, comment, like, etc. It makes me so happy to open my phone to so much support and encouragement.

Lots of love, B-R xx
