pt 27: he looked evil

"I need you to come with me," Bella exclaims as she walks into my room as I'm changing Micah's nappy. 

"Well, I've got the rest of the day off so that could happen," I tell her. "Where do you wanna go?"

"I need to find a place Edward and I used to go," She says as I groan at her. "I need some clarity, some closure and I know I'll get it there."

"Right... but what am I gonna do with Micah?" I ask her with a roll of my eyes. "Dad's gone fishing and I most certainly can't leave him here alone."

"I already called Billy," She says. "He'll take him for the rest of the day and he even said that Emily was coming over anyway so she'll probably want to take him later on."

"Well, I suppose that could work," I tell her. 

"So why the sudden urge to hike?" I ask her as I follow her steps, weaving in and out of trees and over broken stumps. 

"I went and saw Jake this morning," Bella whispers as I roll my eyes at her. 

"Bella, why would you do that?" I ask unimpressed. "Has Billy and myself not been clear enough on the matter?"

"He was my best friend," She tells me. "I didn't have anyone that I could just hang out with that didn't know the ins and outs of Edwards and my relationship. I needed a little freedom and Jake happily gave it to me."

"I'm sorry you felt like you couldn't have that with me, but at the same time, you shouldn't have to depend on another person for that freedom, happiness or value," I tell her as she turns to look at me. "You need to learn to get your worth and value from yourself, not from how others see you or how much another person loves you."

Bella pauses for a moment, dwelling on my words.

"How do you do it?" She asks. "How do you manage to be so independent? You've never cared what others think or do. Dad's opinion has always been the only one that you really cared about."

"And then Jasper happened," I tell her as I grab her arm to keep walking on. "It freaked me out... You know me. I run from responsibility and expectation, but I fell for him and I've been trying to figure myself out ever since."

"Is that why you won't take him back?" Bella asks me as I just look up at her in surprise. 

"What do you mean?" I ask her.

"I know he's come back for you," She tells me. "I know about the flowers and all the gifts."

"Right..." I whisper awkwardly. "I guess you may be right... I feel uncomfortable depending on another person. I can trust myself but I can't always trust another person to stick around, and Jasper proved that."

"But he came back," She reminds me. "He didn't disappear. He told you why he was leaving and told you he was coming back. You don't really have a leg to stand on."

"Brutal," I murmur as I let silence overcome us. 

"I would do anything for Edward to come back to me," Bella says honestly. "Even though he said he doesn't feel the same way as me, I wouldn't hesitate about taking him back."

"But don't you feel weak?" I ask her honestly. 

"No, I don't. I probably should, but I don't," She says. "You especially shouldn't feel weak. Love is extremely powerful and if you both feel exactly the same way there's no reason for your love to be abused."

For the rest of the walk, there was a blissful and comfortable walk that surrounded us. My mind was consumed and overwhelmed with all of Jasper that I couldn't think of anything else. 

Sun started to shine more evidently through the trees as Bella's steps started to fasten. I knew we were getting close to Bella and Edward's clearing. 

Bella gasped as she halted ahead of me, as I stepped up beside her. I was confused as I looked out over the dead grass. Bella seemed to feel the same way as she walked around. I tried to give her some space as she observed hers and Edwards special place. I could tell she was hurting but I didn't know what to do. 

Maybe seeing this place will give her some closure on their relationship. Is that what I want for her? Edward loved her. How could he have left her like that only with the reason that he didn't feel the same way... Impossible. 

"Bella-" I started before I became overwhelmed with a discomfort. Something was about to happen. Something was wrong. 

Looking upwards, I met eyes with the Laurent. The vampire that had tipped us off about James and Victoria. 

Laurent looked different. Before he seemed so fake, but today, stood there, he seemed totally transparent. 

He looked evil.

"Bella... Sophia," He greets. 

"Laurent," Bella says before he comes closer towards us. 

I walk up to Bella, standing next to her protectively. 

"I didn't expect to find you here," He tells us, as he looks at me closely before bringing his attention back to Bella. "I went to visit the Cullens, but... their house is completely empty."

"And?" I ask him as he looks at me curiously. "What's your point?"

"I'm surprised they left you both behind," He says. "Aren't you sort of a, hmm... pet of theirs?"

"Well, that's rude," I say bluntly. 

"Do the Cullen's visit often?" Laurent asks as he walks around us as if we were sheep needing to be herded. 

"Yeah, absolutely," Bella says after a moment. "All the time."

"The family had to move because of Carlisle's age, but Jasper has moved in with us and the rest of them come and visit at least every other day," I tell him. 

"I'll tell them that you stopped by," Bella says at I look over at her. "I probably shouldn't tell... Edward. Cause he's pretty protective."

"But he's far away, isn't he?" Laurent pushes. 

"Why does it matter, Laurent?" I ask him.

"Why are you here?" Bella asks.

"I came as a... favour to Victoria," he answers, as I look at him in surprise. 

The redhead vampire that has been a problem for the pack... I really should have put that together before.

"She asked me to see if you were still under the protection of the Cullens," Laurent says as I look at him suspiciously. 

"Why should she care?" I ask him.

"Victoria feels it's only fair to kill Edwards mate, given he killed hers," He says looking at me bluntly. "An eye for an eye."

"Edward would know who did it," Bella urges. "And he'd come after you."

"They all would," I say. 

"I don't think he will," Laurent says, ignoring my presence. "After all, how much could you mean to him, if he left you here unprotected?" 

"He didn't," I tell him agitated. "I told you already. Jasper is here."

"From what I can tell," Laurent says, stepping awfully close to me. "He hasn't been here for a few weeks..." Laurent whispers in my ear causing me to shiver. 

"So, you've been stalking us?" I ask him. 

"I thought that was already clear," He whispers again. "I see everything you do... Congratulations, by the way, Mummy."

Stepping away from me, I look over at Bella neutrally, trying to show my unconcern. 

"Oh, Victoria is not going to be happy about my killing you," Laurent sighs. "But I can't help myself. You are so mouthwatering," He says looking at Bella meaningfully. "And you... You intrigue me."

I felt my heartbeat slow at his threat, my breathing halting. I felt myself going into survival mode. 

What can I do? I need the Pack...

"Please don't," Bella begs. "I mean, you helped us."

"No, no, no, shh," Laurent consols, getting awfully close to Bella's face. "Don't be afraid. I'm doing you a kindness. Victoria plans on killing you slowly. Painfully. Whereas I'll make it quick... I promise you will feel nothing"

"Get away from my sister, you bitch," I tell him firmly, as he turns to look at me angrily. "You have no idea who and what you're messing with."

"I don't believe it," Laurent says as he looks over my shoulder as growls start to emerge from the forest, followed by the rest of the Pack.

Looking at the bewildered Laurent, I smirk at him. 

"It was awfully nice knowing you," I say sarcastically before he quickly turns in an attempt to escape. 

"Go boys," I call as I watch the wolves start chasing after him, Jake's wolf lagging behind a moment.

"Bella, run," I yell as Sam's wolf gets thrown by Laurent, only to get back up and after the vampire. 

"Dad! Dad!" Bella yells, as we both race into the house. 

The entire way home, we hadn't stopped to catch our breath. The adrenaline within us allowing us both to manage the trek. 

"What's the matter?" He asks as I follow her into the kitchen.

"Bella... no," I wheeze, being unable to fully talk.

"In the woods, they're no bears," Bella urges, as I look up at Harry, shaking my head at him in urgency.

"No, Bella," I try.

"What do you mean in the woods?" Dad pushes. "Bell, what the hell were you doing in the woods?"

"They're wolves," Bella persists, as I look at Harry in surrender. "I mean, they're like, huge wolves."

"Are you sure about that, Bella?" Harry asks her. 

"Sophia saw them too," Bella urges, turning to look at me. 

"You were there too?" Dad says angrily. "You have a son. You can't be putting yourself in these positions!" 

"I know, I know," I tell him. "It wasn't supposed to happen. Anyway, Billy and Em have Micah."

"Soph, the wolves!" Bella pushes. 

"Right," I say. "They were wolves, but I don't think they are what's causing the murders."

"They were after... something," Bella covers up as I roll my eyes at her.

"Wolves?" Dad continues. "You saw 'em? Alright, well... Harry? Feel like going hunting? Get some of your guys together?" 

"Sure, yeah, I'll... I'll just, ah," Harry stutters, gesturing to outside.

"Dad, I really don't think the wolves are the cause of the deaths," I press, as he gets up to follow Harry outside. 

"What the hell, Bella?" I yell.

"You saw them too!" She yells back. "Why are you defending them?"

"Because those wolves saved our lives," I urge. "We both know that wolves aren't the cause of the deaths. Your little friend back there and his friend Vickie, are!"

"You don't know that!"

"Yes! Yes, I do," I yell back, before storming out of the room and towards the front door. "Now, innocent animals are going to get killed because of you!"

"I am so sorry, guys," I tell the Pack and Billy as I take a seat at Emily's table, bouncing Micah on my lap. "I honestly tried to stop Bella from yapping, but she just wouldn't."

"It's okay, Soph," Sam says, his arms wrapped around Emily's waist as she smiles over at me. "We know you would have."

Suddenly, the phone started ringing, making me jump in my seat from the shock. 

"Hello?" Emily asks, before listening to the other person speak. 

As she did, all of the boy's faces seemed to change, as Em hung up the phone. 

"What?" I ask, "What's wrong with you all?"

"Harry... He's dead," Em whispers.

My heart stopped at the news. I became overwhelmed with sorrow and anger. 

"Victoria did this," I say aloud. "I know she did," I confirm as Sam looks at me intrigued, the boys doing the same.

"I think you might be right," Sam says, nodding at me.
