Movie AU

"Okay so for this one Midoriya you don't have to go back because they are just pictures. So this is a movie AU where basically all of the things that happened in your life was just a movie and this is more of a behind the scenes thing. So lets get started"-A/S

*Theater laughs* 

"But why does he look hot in the before picture?" I asked then got weird stares

"Could you imagine how long it would take to make all of those scars though?" Mina said
"She does have a point" Toga agreed 

"Oh I would love to have Kota as a brother" Izuku said 
Bakugo was laughing "I remember that" 

"I kind of like that coat" Dabi said


"That's kinda gay" Kaminari said
"Kami your literally gay" Mina said
Kaminari holding Shinsou's hand "And?"

"I would so forget my lines" Uraraka said

"Aww, Bakugo you look so nice talking to the kids" Momo said
"Huh, what's that supposed to mean!? I'm nice to kids" Bakugo said (Yelled)
Todoroki *thinking back to the hero licence test* "Sure"


"Shoji looks so weird without his arms" Ojiro said
Everyone agreed

"OMG on the side of Minetas head it says 'trash'" Jiro said laughing 
Everyone noticed then laughed, even the villains

"Our fights would look weird without the special effects wouldn't they" Midoriya said

"What a weird twist that would be if Overhaul was Eri's dad" Tsu said

"Huh, that's why" Izuku said
"Welp that's all for now"-A/S "Okay Izuku back asleep you go" 
Then Midoriya disappeared in a flash of light. 
