{Hey lovelies sorry I've been you know dead for the past like couple months. I've just been not feeling it you know? But I am back right now while I'm feeling up to it also i kinda did a dumb.....I broke my laptop 😅 yeah my fat ass sat on it and cracked the inside of the screen so now there's a HUGE black spot where the publish button is but the good news is is that it is pocking out by the edge of it so I can still get things published which is a good thing.  Anyway on with this chapter sorry for keeping you waiting, also this is just a filler to keep you guys occupied while I work on bigger chapters. I will also be trying to update my other story if y'all wanna check that out while waiting.}

"Hey guys so today we will be looking at female counterparts prom edition" I said
"Ooh I can't wait to see what the boys look like in prom dresses!" Uraraka said
"I know I bet they'll look adorable" Mina said 
"Alright guys first up is Kirishima"

"Damn Kiri be showing up to prom looking bad ass!" Mina said
Bakugo leaned over to Kiri and whispered in his ear, "Hey daddy shark, you wanna put that dress on for me when we get home?" 
"KATSUKI BAKUGO!" I shouted at him
"What!? What did I do this time?" He asked
"You know what you did" I said glaring at him 
"Okay next is Koda" 

"Wow Koda you look so pretty" Hagakure said
"I must agree you look rather beautiful" Momo said
"Alright let's speed this up so I don't completely lose motivation"
"Next Shoji"

"Wow Shoji, that dress looks amazing!" Uraraka said
"I bet that outfit costed a lot though" Tsuyu said
"Alright next is Todoroki" 

"Bougie like the bougie bitch you are" Mina said 
"Okay I'm losing motivation so the dialog might not be that long"-A/S
"What?" Mina asked

{We 'bout to have a Logan Sanders moment hold on to your hats}

Iida stood up and said, "I appreciate you making me look like," He pulled flashcards out of his pocket flipping through them till he got to the one he wanted, "A 'hot tamale' "
"Oh umm...you're welcome?" 

"Wow I love all the nature on outfit" Deku said
"You look beautiful Midoriya" Monama said to him
"Aww," He said blushing, "Thank you" 
Todoroki looking at them with jealousy mixed with regret in his eyes

"Damn I be looking like a zorra caliente" Sero said sneaking some Spanish in there
{Translation will be at the bottom}
"You do mi héroe" Iida said
"You know Spanish?" Sero said blushing
"I do, I study other languages in my free time" Iida replied
"Wow that's cool" Sero said
"Awww, that was so cute"-A/S
"Okay before I die from cuteness overload let's move on"

"Yes we love a goth queen!" Mina said
"I love everything about this outfit" Jiro said

"Wow Kat you look great" Kirishima said in awe
"Thanks Sharkie" Bakugo said
"A crown on the head like the queen you are" Kaminari said hyping up that Bakusquad's leader

"Lowkey looks really good" Uraraka said

"Wow Denks you look great" Shinsou said 
"Aww thank you Shin" Denki said blushing

"Wow Shinsou you look so good" Deku said
"Thank you Midoriya" Shinsou said
"Wow My Buzzy Beautiful Sunshine Nugget looks so good" Denki said
{If you know what that's from I'm sorry}
"Oh...Thanks Denks" He replied blushing
"Next is class 1-B students"

"Look Mo-Chan we coordinated on the flowers" Deku said super excited
"Yeah we did didn't we" The blond blushing boy replied
"Last kid"

"Wow you look so manly bro!" Kirishima shouted to his twin
"Thanks bro you looked so manly too!" Metal Kirishima shouted back

{Pro heros will be in next chapter running out of picture space}

 zorra caliente-hot bitch
mi héroe-my hero

904 words
