Kidnapping them again

3rd person POV

It was a normal say in Aizawa's class everyone was kind of paying attention and writing notes, the meme lords were whispering to eachother.  Aizawa was surprisingly teaching and not napping, then everything changed (when the fire nation attacked) when the lights went out . Everyone was freaking out some of them started up their quirks like Aizawa and Bakugo. Todoroki made a small fire in his hands to create light, which was blown out by someone or something. All of a sudden there was fog like smoke on the ground and a ominous green light started shining around the room but no one could find the source of it. Then a evil laugh echoed around the room. 
"Is it a villain attack?" Uraraka asked
"Everyone get behind me just in case" Aizawa said
"Whoever it is we can take them on" Bakugo said making small explosions in his hands
Then the lights turned on and everyone was looking around til they saw someone standing where Aizawa was standing facing away from them. 
"Who are you and what do you want!?" Aizawa shouted starting up his quirk
Then the person turned around with a sweet smile, "Did you miss me?" 
"AUTHOR!" Everyone shouted, some ran up and gave her a hug. 

"So I bet you guys have been pretty stressed out even you Aizawa, so I am taking you all back to the theater! To give you all a break and just like before Izuku I will need a sample but that is just so you can stay with Todoroki. So without anymore explanation lets go!"
After she said that everything started to spin and sooner they all ended up in a theater with Shinsou, Endeavor, Hawks, the LOV, All Might and Present Mic. 

(The theater seats)

(Snack Table)

(Drink Table)

"Wow" People said
"Look good?" Author asked
"It looks amazing" The girls said
"Thank you, okay take your seats and we'll get started" She said turning to the projector room. "Alright y'all", She said through the speakers, "I have a different set up so I'll be talking to you through the speakers." 
"Okay" Everyone said
"Okay lets get started" Then the machine started 

(420 words)
