Male counter parts (Filler) (Sorry)

(Hey guys I promise I will get chapters out but I wanted to tell you why I haven't been updating. Recently I've been under a lot of stress, first I learned that my dad is coming back from the Army in October. Now I'm stressing about schools because I might be switching but I don't know yet so it's taking a huge toll on me and I'm on this new medication that has me all sorts of messed up because it's new so I'm still getting used to it. And I promise I'm not making up excuses because I really wanna write for you guys the chapters just probably won't be out as fast as they usually are. But that's all I wanted to say so lets get onto this chapter.)
(Also finding outfits for these guys was very hard because guys clothing is soooooooooo boring)

"Okay since you guys likes female counter parts so much we are looking at male counter parts so here we go first one is Momo" 

"Thank you I look very exquisite" Momo said with a smile
"Yeah whatever rich girl" 

"Next is Uraraka"

"Wow I look so good! And I love the outfit! Thanks so much" Uraraka said
"You look so pretty Ochako" Tsu said with a slight blush
"O-oh thank you Tsu" Uraraka said blushing 
(New ship?)
"Okay next is Mina" 

"Damn look at me I look fine af!" Mina shouted
"Looking good Mina you can rock a guy and a girl" Kaminari said hyping her up
"Alright calm down, next is Tsuyu"

"I really love the frog necklace 'kero'" Tsu said
"Yeah I thought it would be a cute touch for your outfit"
"Okay now we have Kendo but since she isn't here right now I am going to bring her here" 
"Hello?" Kendo asked/said as she appeared in the room
"Hello Kendo you are going to be here for a short second I just want you to look at this picture of a male version of you that I made then tell me your thoughts on it"
"Okay" she said

"It looks really nice and I really appreciate that you made me" She said
"You're welcome now bye bye" 
"Alright next is Jirou" 

"I love the music note ring it looks really cool" Jirou said
"Cool now last kid is Toga"

"I love the sweatshirt! Is that real blood?" Toga asked crazily
"I don't know" I said shrugging "Okay last one is Midnight" 

"I absolutely love that shirt something about it just turns me on!" Midnight yelled
"And we're stopping that right now. Okay that's all the male counter parts for now"

(Let me know if you want another male counterpart in the comments and who you would like to see! Also I have so much fun making female counterparts so if you have anymore of those then comment who and I would love to do them with like a theme like formal or Halloween stuff like that so if you wanna do themes comment the theme you would like to see! That is all for today have a great rest of your day/night whatever! Lots of love!)

672 Words
