Suicidal Deku

⚠UwU angst warning⚠

⚠Mentions of self harm and suicide⚠ 
*If you are not comfortable with these things please skip this chapter*

⚠Nice Bakugo warning⚠



"Talking"- In Au

"Talking"- Outside Au

'word'- Thinking


A/S= Author-San

(...)= A/N

'...'= Izuku narrating


"UwU get ready for sad boi hours my mans, woman's and non binary's. Okay leeeets cry." 

(So for the start when Izuku is narrating the screen is going to be black and they can only hear him until I put otherwise, just to clear up any confusion before we start)

'It all started when I was 4, when I found out I was quirkless. That's when my misery began. When dad found out he had a quirkless son he left, mom tells everyone he's off abroad so she doesn't have to answer peoples questions. Sometimes she gets mad at dad for leaving and starts drinking and when she drinks she gets violent. I don't blame her though it's my fault for being a useless waist of space.' 

"What do you mean quirkless Deku has a great quirk" Mina said
"Well that's what everyone thought was that Deku was quirkless but in reality it developed later because if it had developed when he was younger like everyone else's it could have seriously damaged his body and may have even killed him" Said the Author when telepathically saying 'your welcome' to All Might and Deku
"So is that why Deku broke his bones a lot" Tsu asked
"Izuku you don't really feel like that right?" Uraraka said
"O-of course not I-I'm fine guys this is in a different w-world" He said rubbing his neck nervously
'He's lying' Bakugo thought 

'When my best-friend got his quirk he became the star of the school everyone loved him. But word got out that I was quirkless and everyone started to hate me, except Kacchan, he's the only one that stood by my side and helped me with the people that picked on me.'

'What?' Midoriya thought 'That's not what happened Kacchan was one of my main bullies' 
'Different world Izuku' Author told him telepathically 
'Oh right' He "said" (in his head)

'When we got to middle school things only got worse' The scene opens to Midoriya sitting in his middle school desk doodling in a note book. 
"Now the end of the year is coming up so it's best to pass out these application ideas," The teacher said throwing the papers into the air, "But I know you all want to be heros" 

Everyone then started to show off their quirks. 

"Not really a great teacher" Aizawa mummbled

"Yes yes you all have great quirks" The teacher said settling his students
"Teach don't lump me in with these losers, heh" A middle schooler Bakugo said 

"So he had that same attitude back in middle school too?" Kaminari said
"What is that supposed to mean huh!?" Bakugo shouted
"Nothing man nothing" Kaminari said putting his hands up

"I aced all the mock tests, I'll be the greatest hero alive and it all starts with U.A High" He screamed standing on his desk

The kids in class started whispering about what he said. 
"What he's gonna try for the national school?" "I mean he has a great quirk" "Yeah but his ego, he doesn't even know if he'll make it"

"What did those extra's say about me!" Bakugo shouted
"Calm down Kat they're just stupid kids they were probably just jealous that and knew you'd make it in" Kirishima said calming his boyfriend down
"Yeah you're right, those stupid extra's didn't know what they were talking about" He said more calm

"Oh yeah Midoriya you wanted to go to U.A too right" The teacher said making the whole class freeze then started laughing and saying mean stuff like, "Seriously Deku?" "Please that quirkless loser wouldn't make it a day" "They would't let a quirkless loser in when they could have someone better" "He'd die in the exams" 
"Hey extras shut the fuck up!" Bakugo screamed at his class while they sat in shock. Thinking since Bakugo was so egotistical that he would agree with them. 
"You dumbasses don't know what you're talking about, Deku may not have a quirk but he'll still do better that any of you in those exams. Me and Deku WILL get into U.A and we'll become the best heros ever just you extra's wait." He shouted

"Yeah that's right Bakugo stick up for Deku" Uraraka said
"You guys do know this didn't actually happen in your world right?"
"What do you mean Author?" Tsu asked
"Bakugo was one of Izuku's main bully's has been since he got his quirk" 
"Well yeah he may have bullied Midoribro but he's getting better and being nicer to him" Kirishima said
Everyone agreed 

♡Time skip to U.A cuz I ran outta ideas♡

'Shinsou invited everyone in class to a party with class 1-B, I wasn't gonna go but todo-kun said he was going to go so I came too. It was okay for the most part but don't worry we weren't drinking alcohol it was just juice and soda and water.'

"That's a relief" Aizawa said
"I don't think Iida would allow anyone to drink" Kaminari said
"Underage drinking is very bad and could cause so many problems in your adult years bla bla bla bla...." He just went on and on and on 
"Okay Iida I love you but please shut up so we can move on" 
"Right sorry" Iida said

'Everything was going great I was hanging out with friends and got to know some knew friends some more like Shinsou, I was also secretly trying to get him and Kaminari together, but don't tell him. It seemed like the perfect night till I remembered my plans for tonight, but I didn't let anyone see what was going through my head. Everything was fine that was until Shinsou decided to take pictures that's when they found out. That's when my plan was ruined.' 

"What plan?" 
"Is Deku going to be okay?" 
"Just watch and see" 

"Hey Midoriya can I take a picture real quick?" Shinsou asked
"Sure" Deku said and smiled while holding up the peace sign 
When Shinsou was taking the picture he heard Midoriya mumble under his breath, "One last pic and I'll be gone. Make it count put the flash on never really felt like I belong" 
"Midoriya what do you mean?" Shinsou said using his quirk
"Huh?- I'll be dead by dawn I'll be dead by dawn." Deku said 
Shinsou was in so much shock that he accidentally stopped using his quirk and Deku ran out of the party. 
'I gotta find Todoroki' Shinsou thought while looking for him once he found him and told him what happened Todo rushed to Deku's room where he found him on the ground with his arms sliced. 
"Oh no no no no Izuku please" Todoroki said crying 

"Oh no please say he made it on time" Uraraka said
Midoriya was sobbing and being comforted by Todoroki who was also crying

Todoroki checked for a pulse and found one it was faint but it was there. So he patched up Deku's arms and rushed him to recovery girl where she healed him and signed him up for therapy. 

'Well there you have it, don't worry I'm okay this story was years ago. I was in therapy for the rest of my time at U.A and I also had some amazing friends that helped me. Yes I didn't stop cutting directly after my first therapy session but over time it got better with the help of friends and family, even the teachers helped out. But to let you off with a positive note I'm okay now and I know that when I feel down I always have people to talk to.'

"I'm glade that it ended on a good note." All Might said
"Oh but this universe isn't over" 
"What do you mean?" Hagakure asked
"What if Todo didn't get there in time? What if Izuku locked his door? What if it didn't end good? Well we're about to find out" 
"What-" Before Uraraka could finish her sentence words faded there way onto the black screen. 

'Alternate ending'

"Hey Midoriya can I take a picture real quick?" Shinsou asked
"Sure" Deku said and smiled while holding up the peace sign
When Shinsou was taking the picture he heard Midoriya mumble under his breath, "One last pic and I'll be gone. Make it count put the flash on never really felt like I belong"
"Midoriya what do you mean?" Shinsou said using his quirk
"Huh- I'll be dead by dawn I'll be dead by dawn." Deku said
Shinsou was in so much shock that he accidentally stopped using his quirk and Deku ran out of the party.
'I gotta find Todoroki' Shinsou thought while looking for him once he found him and told him what happened Todo rushed to Deku's room but the door was locked so without thinking he froze the door then kicked it in causing it to break. He looked around the room  for deku only to find him on the ground with his arms sliced.
"Oh no no no no Izuku please" Todoroki said crying

"Isn't this just the same thing?" Mina asked
"Just watch"- A/S

When Todoroki went to go check his pulse he couldn't find one, so he tried CPR but Izuku was just to far gone. 

"Omg" Uraraka said covering her mouth with tears in her eyes
"No I don't like this ending change it" Toga said crying 
"I'm sorry I can't interfere with the universes, it's almost over don't worry if you want after this is over I can show you what's going on now in that universe" 
"You mean this already happened?" Shinsou asked
"Yes, let's just finish it first"

Izuku Midoriya's funeral was said to be one of the saddest moments in class 1-A, Aizawa canceled all classes that day so they could stay in the dorms and mourn. Everyone showed up to his funeral, everyone cried, especially Bakugo. He was upset with himself saying that it was his fault and he should've noticed he's his best friend and has known him since diapers. But he couldn't blame himself, no one could because no one could've known, he was just that good at hiding it. 

"That was really sad" Uraraka said crying 
"Do you wanna see what's happening now?" 
"Yes" The room said 
"Okay give me a second" Author said as she typed some things into her computer
"Okay here we go"

The screen flickered on to show Midoriya's grave and someone walking towards it, the person became more focused and it was Bakugo in his hero suit, but he didn't have his mask or his gauntlets on and he had a undercut with an X shaved on the side. 

^KInda like this^

"Wow that looks good Kat you should get it cut like that" Kirishima said
"Yeah maybe I will in the future but what does this have to do with me?" He asked
"Just watch"

"Hey Izuku," Bakugo said kneeling in-front of his grave, "I did it I got number one hero" He said as he put his hand on the grave
"I wish you were here to celebrate with me, we always talked about becoming partners when we got older. Heh" He said with a sad chuckle, "I got some big news I'm gonna propose ton Kirishima tonight at the dinner party, I hope he says yes. Any way that's all I came to say I miss you Deku hope you're doing okay." He said and got up and walked away
As he was walking away a mist like substance started to form next to the grave and you could see a very faint Deku as he whispered, "I miss you to Kacchan, good luck" 
Then the screen flickered off. 

"Aw that was so cute" The girls said
"Okay okay we get it can we move on?" Bakugo said

(2000 words)
