Movie AU pt.3

"Okay we are doing ANOTHER movie AU, so get your snacks ready lets go." 

"Alright first one" 

"Wow Mr. Aizawa looks so good" Uraraka said
"Yeah who knew he could clean himself up" Mina said chuckling
"You know they are right Shota you do look dashing in that suit" Hizashi said to him, "You wouldn't mind showing me sometime would you" he said as he grabbed Aizawa's thigh

"That would take a long time to turn all of my skin pink huh?" Mina said looking at her hands
"I bet it would take forever to wash off all the paint too" Dabi said touching his scars
"True do" Mina shouted
Midoriya leaned over to Uraraka, "Are they bonding over body paint?"
"Yes yes they are" She said back

"*Laughing* Poor Hawks" 
"Damn all his flying scenes that would suck"
"Constantly in the air" 
"Lets hope he isn't afraid of heights" The class all said laughing 
"Hey that's not funny" Hawks said pouting 
"Calm down they aren't making fun of you, just cracking some jokes about your actor" Dabi said rubbing his boyfriends arms, trying to reassure him

"But he would tho" Mina said
"All hail lord Bakugo" Kaminari and Sero said bowing in front of Bakugo
Momo handed Kirishima a fake crown that she made, and he put it on Bakugo's head
"All hail lord Bakugo" The Bakuaquad said 
"What the hell are they doing?" Midoriya asked
"Idk man" Uraraka said
"Kids scare me" Shigaraki said
"Someone trade me jobs" Aizawa said sinking into his sleeping-bag

"What is that from?" Tsu asked
"Is that from when we saved Kacchan?" Midoriya asked no one in particular 
"Yeah I think so" MOMo responded
"You guys saved Bakugo?" Jiro asked
"Oh heh yeah when he got captured by the LOV me Iida, Kirishima, Momo and Todoroki saved him." Midoriya said
'He didn't even use my nickname' Todoroki thought looking down sadly

"Pfft, really Kiri" Mina said laughing at her shark friend
"Well he's not wrong" Bakugo said shrugging
"Really bro you too" Sero said laughing

"I like to call this one 'when all might meets small might'"
"That is funny young one" All Might said laughing

"Accurate very accurate" Aizawa said 
"How rude you do that to master" Shigaraki said
"Damn man I was just trying to give you some love" AFO said
"Fuck you" All Might mumbled
"Daaaaamn" The meme squad shouted
(If you know what that's from I love you)

"Omg Shiggy you in the background" Toga said laughing
"What I'm beautiful" Shigaraki said flipping his hair like in the picture
"Yeah you look amazing Shigaraki, no you look ugly" Twice said

"Oh look it's moi" Aoyama said 
"What's wrong author?" Hagakure asked
"Oh nothing I just forgot he was here" (Legit did tho till I saw this)
"How could you forget moi?" He asked
"Very easily apparently, Okay next" 
*Hurt French Noises*-Aoyama

"Oh yeah two of me awesome" Kirishima said
"That's your stunt double hun" Mina said
"Oh...Still cool!" He said
Bakugo face-palmed 
"I also love that mama mido is helping with makeup" Mina chimed in
"That's so cute"

"Yeah that would suck huh" Uraraka said rubbing her neck in embarrassment
(I'm running outta ideas so the last ones are gonna be short)

"Like father like son" Hizashi said
"Yeah yeah shut up" Aizawa said

"Omg could you imagine how long that one scene would take?" Kiri said
"Too long" Bakugo said
"You wouldn't wanna hold hands with me for 5 hours?" Kirishima said "sadly"
"That's not what I said, I just mean I would want to go home eventually" He said trying to cheer up that sad bean
"Okay that's all we have for right now" 

(Let me know if you want another part of movie au or what else you would like to see)

(882 Words)
