Chapter 48

Den's perspective :

Hello Phoenix I am matatabi...

Wait what..? I asked confused

I am 2 tails my name is  matatabi..

You know who I am?? .. I asked

Yes... But I didn't think that something like you existed, if it's true, and you actually exist than the world is in a great danger if he gets you than it's all over...

I was so shocked knowing about that...

What do you mean who wants her and how this world is gonna end... Yugito asked who was probably listening our conversation...

The dragon... I am really surprised kurama didn't tell you phoenix.. But as I know him he probably won't tell you... The people who were here looking for you was working for him...

It means he knows she is the Phoenix and he wants her to bring back the God of War... If He comes back you know what will happened to the world there will be nothing but the end of the world...

It can't be you know..... I was so shocked I didn't understand a thing why they gonna need me to bring a war God back like how the hell do I know all this stuff...

Yugito was looking at my pale face... She understood.. She saw my eye full of fear...

Is there any ritual or something... I asked

Yes there are 2 but I am not sure if it's true or not but don't fall in love with the dragon...

What are they...? I asked

One is.. if he makes love with you and your first child will be the God of War.. Long process.. But in this way you two will rule the world with him..
And other way is if he consums your soul he will be the vessel for God of war and he alone will destroy the world.. Either way he needs you to bring back ares..

dragon and you are meant for each other it will be hard for you not to fall for him...

As I know ,you were supposed to be more strong, even stronger than the dragon himself.. You are strong no doubt but your Phoenix form isn't completed yet so you are not as strong as you should... And if he is trying to reach you so he must know and have gained his true form.... be aware Phoenix... You can bring light but you can also bring distraction... You can give this world a new beginning but if you don't follow the right path you will end it in a few minutes.... Matatabi said

That words made me shiver... I was terrified I start panicking.. Yugito held me in her embrace...

Miss Yugito... I said shaking...

It's fine moon I understand how you feel and you are worried about Kakashi and your friends and village... But have faith in yourself you are not just Phoenix you are moon of hidden leaf, gifted most talented konoichi the village ever had... When ever you feel loosing just remember all those people who loves you and you have to protect them... As a jinjuriki I know it's hard not to loose control but remember the desire to be loved and live with your loved ones comes inside from your heart and that heart isn't Phoenix's or any other creature it's a human heart, a heart that beats for the people you love, I have seen you and know you, you are easy to read, your heart is so beautiful and soft don't let anyone change it...

I hugged her I feel a lot better now... Thanks you know miss Yugito...

I am glad to help you moon but please call me just Yugito  no need to call me miss.. After all I think of you as my first friend and most trusted friend I ever have, whom I can rely on...

I am glad to be your friend you know..  I said

BTW who is kurama, matatabi ...?

He is 9 tails his name is kurama....

He has a name too, wow... I am gonna call him kurama from now on

he is not a friendly fellow... Matatabi replied

I know but he is not that bad naruto can overcome his hatred and kurama's hatred too...

Neji came to me with shikamaru... He always act so tough but when he saw me he threw his arms around me to give me a tight hug...

Don't be reckless all the time moon..He is a sweetest friend, his words his actions his care all are same as his

I hugg him back smiling... I won't, I promise I said tightening my grip..

What a drag another touchy friendship....

You are too cool to hug me shikamaru but your face tells the other way around...

What ever I am not an emotional mess like you guys..

Neji quickly stand back...

I do not like you to call me emotional I am worried about a friend and that doesn't count...

Now now you two geniuses don't argue let's just get back we have to be there on time or they will think we didn't took our mission seriously and neji you won't like it....

Yes indeed we shall get going now...

I made my wood clone again... Neji gave me a look... Don't make the same mistake moon...

What a drag not again...

I giggled... We don't have any choice do we

.. I said transporting myself and them to tonoi... But my woods clone was coming with Yugito...

Hey guys missed us... I asked

Moon how...

Teleportation I said smiling at them...

Meanwhile.. My clone

Yugito you see neji... I don't want to make him worry about me so can you please not tell him or anyone else..

But Moon you know how dengerous it is to keep secret and specially this one..

Pretty please Yugito... You said I can handle it so let me handle it I promise I won't loose...

She sigh hopelessly...

Okay moon but don't get in middle of any battle again and promise me you won't go on missions like this...

I promise I won't do anything without giving it a second thought...

How about Kakashi you will tell him?

I don't know.. He is always worried about me I do not want him to keep me in a watch all the time you know... And he got his responsibilities too, I don't want him to stress out about me... You know

But he is your boyfriend right...

Yeah he is but it doesn't mean he have to baby sit me all the time I don't want to depend on him or anyone.. And specially now when I can be a cause to bring danger to them I can't see him hurt because of me... Although he knows people are looking for me...

He knows and he let you come here with kids...

No he doesn't know I came with neji and shikamaru this mission originally was a solo mission so I asked them to let neji and shikamaru come with me.. trust me they saved me more than one time...


Okay no more messing around moon,

I will never do that.. I said with a grin..

And here Yugito keep this..  I gave her a kunai that I marked...

What is this moon

It's my special kunai I can come to you by Teleportation if you have this...

Very well... I will keep this kunai.. She said smiling back...

Time skip..

After bringing back killer bee tonoki offered me to show the village and I agreed shikamaru wanted to rest and neji went with tonoi

So you still remember your promise tonoki...

Off course how could I forget a promise to a friend... My original plan was to show you and itachi my village but looks like like it won't happen...

I heard about itachi, I am so sorry

It's fine.. I said looking away.. I don't want him to see the tears in my eyes..

Moon I know you are crying ... he said placing his hand on my shoulder

No it's just I got some dirt in my eye...

You don't have to hide it from me I know you were so close to him you even told me your reason to take chunin exam.. You never wanted to live without him.. But I was really surprised how did he left you as a guy I know he was in love with you the way he treated you and believed in you I thought he can't even think of leaving you...

Yeah I thought that way too.. I said crying a little more

But you know what I will get my answers and he have to give me my answers... I said with a smile eyes full of tears

He smiled at me back...

Time skip...

Way back home

Shikamaru, neji... Can I ask a favor from you guys...

Let me guess you don't want us to tell anyone about that attack... Shikamaru said

Here you go using that big brain of yours... I said

But Moon I won't allow you to go on missions if you want us not to tell anyone...

You too neji, she is making a mistake and you are supporting her...

No I am making a point here shikamaru... I know her she will find a way to make us do what she wants.. So why don't I make a bargaining with her... We can use it against her, if she break her promise...

Hello I am here neji... I said, he definitely knows me better now

Do as you like neji...

So moon what do you say..

Fine, you already know everything about me neji.. I said rolling my eyes

It's mid night... I made 2 shadow clones to send with neji and shikamaru till they reach home...

And I had back to my home...

Clone one ...

It's a drag but you know I can do anything too to protect a comrade, specially one who I think as a friend ... Shikamaru said with his regular frown

I just pull him in a hug..
What get off of me you weird girl... I laughed at his reaction

Good night shikamaru I said...

Good night weirdo.. He said and went inside his home...

And my shadow clone disappeared

Got a minute to talk moon? Neji asked.. This is my 2nd shadow clone...

Yes neji,

Don't get hurt or don't do anything reckless moon I am going to change my clans fate but you said you will help me and support me and will be there to see me... Just think about the people when needs you and loves you... I know you are afraid too but you are not alone let us be with you...

Neji I know and I truly understand what you are saying.. But you know village is in danger too i have to figure it out by myself... And you know I can't afford to loose anyone else anymore so I just need you to trust me neji and I promise I will be there to see all your hard work... I said offering him a genuine smile...

He nodded and went inside the house.. Good night moon..

Good night neji...

I was so scared this time, I thought not many people will miss me if I die but I was wrong I was just thinking about Kakashi naruto and sasuke but I was wrong there are more neji grandpa, asuma pervy sage, guy, shikamaru, shikaku, even yugito, he made me realize what am I to him but he actually made me see what am I for the people who loves me... I am worried about Kakashi specially ... I know how scared he is to even think to loose me..

Mom dad I am in trouble and there is no one who can tell me what to do I can't share this with Kakashi I know I am being selfish but it only make him worried about me, I am missing him terribly... I don't know if he is back or not but it's been 15 days on the mission...

I will just go and check on him...

Near his house.. I sensed his Chakra..
So they are back... My real self must be with naruto and sasuke now...

I went inside not making any noise but I can bet he is awake...

I took off my jacket and uniform and changed into his shirt with shorts...

I went to the bed with him ...

I just wanna be with him feel him and see him, it feels like I was away from him from years and the thought of my conversation with matatabi and Thn yugito and neji is scaring the hell out of me I just wanna feel safe so I want to sleep beside him...

As I lay down next to Kakashi he pulled me closer to his hard chest...

You are back love... I missed you so much, let me guess you are a clone.. He said in his husky voice he was half asleep...

Me too k and yes I am a clone... I said turning to hugg him..

He pull me even close, his one arm under my neck as pillow and he kissed top of my head and other arm holding my body,,I feel safe in his arms I feel I am home his scent makes me relax my anxiety pain fears goes away in a minute

I kissed his chin on his mask... Man he do not take down his mask even on the bed... How am I suppose to kiss him by surprise I can't do it, nope.. Never gonna happen..

I feel so relaxed so I feel asleep without any bad dreams..

Meanwhile.. The real me..

Nii chan you are back... Sasuke said coming out of his room he seems weak to me..

Yes bubble what happened you look pale and weak what's wrong.. I said taking stap towards him in concern..

He explained everything to me even told me he was jealous of naruto when he defeated Haku...

Look at me sasuke.. I touched his cheek...

You are strong you heart your ambitions are strong and you soul is stronger... And guess what my bubble posses a heart of gold even at the risk of your life you choose to save naruto you truly love him and think of him as a family as a friend... I am so proud of you and you know you makes me feel so happy my little baby... I said

That's not enough nii chan I am an avenger I need to be strong and that looser naruto is getting stronger than me..

Listen sasuke he only defeated because you already made Haku weak and you know what he is alive because of you, if you hadn't save him he would never defeat Haku or anyone, so what I think is you defeated Haku and zabuza with with your friends and sensei ... So for me you are stronger more than you know... And for being an avenger I don't think it's a path you want to follow it will only lead you to the darkness and loneliness... And your nii chan won't let you go down to this path I already lost my best friend and brother on that path I am not ready to loose my other brother... I said hugging him.

He understood and he hugged me back...

For you nii chan I won't be an avenger, even if I want to avange my clan by destroying itachi so badly, for you I will not do it but if you leave me don't blame me for choosing a path that I think is right...

His words reminds of the people looking for me...

So if I die or lost my sasuke will follow the path of darkness I won't let that happen...

Now let's go back to sleep sasuke and I will heal you now...

I healed him and I came back to my room to sleep...
Moon chan you are back... Naruto said hugging me half asleep..
Yes my Pikachu now let's get back to sleep...

Next morning

I went to hokage office to report.. After that I had too see my bf what was he doing.. He had my shadow but my shadow clone didn't disappear so its feeling or anything hasn't come to me I wanna know what they talked... If my clone told him about the attack I really don't want that to happen...

Time skip...

I am home k...

Hey thanks for being with my bf I am here you can go I said undoing my clone jutsu..


He was preparing breakfast...

I held his waist resting my head on his back...

K how am I gonna live without you... I missed you so much you know.. I was just thinking about you on my whole mission... I confessed blushing...

He turned to hold me..

Me too babe... He said cupping my face in his hands...

Den I have been thinking... Guy and asuma told me to ask you and kurunai agreed...

What Kakashi?

Mmm I don't know if it's good time to ask but better now Thn never..

Kakashi... I said making him look at me

Den will you marry me...? I mean not now at least when you turn 18 or when you are ready I am in no hurry I can wait until you decide but if you say no its also fine I won't force yor, and won't feel bad... I just asked what i thought I should... He was babbling in confusion

I took down his mask and kissed him passionately.. This man can do anything, he  really wanna marry me, this man holds my heart I don't know how to tell him how much he made me happy... Him of all people I never thought would ever want a family life or want to be committed, sure he is a best boyfriend but marriage I never thought he would ever ask... But he did out of the blue... And I love it I am going crazy about him now marriage with Kakashi sounds good a loving husband a perfect family...

I broke the kiss... I could have read his thoughts but I am lost in mine I am so happy

Kakashi I will keep my surname after marriage but our kids will use your surname... I said in whispering on his lips..

You mean you will marry me den.. He said widened his eyes...

Off course who will say no to the sweetest man in the world and the man I love the most...

He hugged me... Thanks den.. He said kissing my shoulder...
