Chapter 17 Anbu First Day

Chapter 17..
Next day...

Den's perspective :

I wokeup and I saw Mikoto chan was helping sasuke with his breakfast
And tachi was making the breakfast...

I went to his side and held him from his waist from behind like I always do whole resting my head on his shoulder ...

I am hungry tachi... I said in my sleepy voice..

I know the first thing you need when you wakeup is food...Why don't you  go and sit I will serve you your breakfast moony.. He said with smile..

Lovely!!! You are the best tachi

I went to sasuke's side I kissed his cheek and set next to him... He jumped and sit in my lap...

It's comfortable this way mom.. Nii chan will feed me now you can go help big brother itachi... He said resting his head on my chest...

Sasuke let her eat too.. itachi said walking towards us with my pancakes and a glass of chocolate milk..

It's fine tachi don't worry I can feed my little bubble while eating.. My lovely baby... I kissed top of his head..

You two have spoiled sasuke.. Mikoto chan said pointing me and tachi..

Mother he is a kid he needs to be spoiled by his big brother and his nii - chan.. He said

Shisui came at home... Good morning everyone, He said sitting next to me and he started to eat with me...

good morning shis.. I said giving him a quick kiss on cheek

Make breakfast  for me too itachi.. He said ordering..

Yes sure .. tachi smiled....

tachi is nicest person I have ever met after dad... No matter what I do he never get mad at me, no matter how tired he is.. He still do what someone ask him to do... No wonder every girl who meet tachi fall in love with him... I wish he date Izumi she is so cute and they both actually make a cute couple... But when I see him with anyone else I feel bad, kinda jealous... .. I want him to date other girls yet don't wanna share my tachi  with anyone... But same with shis he is the best a lovely person full of warmth love and care and he and Izumi hangout a lot lately......

Moon lord third wants to see you he asked me to inform you last night... Shis said with mouth full of pancake..

Why me, what does he wants from me now, do we have any mission shis? I asked

I don't know he just asked me to inform you... He said stuffing his mouth with pancake

Alright I will get going..,may I go sasuke.. I asked with smile...

Yes nii chan you can go but come back on time you will tell me story .. he kissed me again..

I got up went to Itachi's side... now you get ready you have to go too and you too shis.. I said running to my room to get ready..

At Hokage office


I knocked before going in..

OH den you are here...

I nodded still angry at old man..
Still not in a good mood I see..You can join anbu with itachi...He said

Like I will... I stopped processing what he just said.. Wait you mean you are allowing me to join anbu with Tachi for real?? like you really mean it..??? I asked happily...

Yes indeed

What's with the sudden change of mind any way gramps.. I asked

You want to join or not?? ... You can join from today, shisui will help you with that...
And yes den you are old enough to move in with naruto now.. He said with smoking pipe

Really I can?? thanks old gramps.. My eyes lit up by hearing this

Today can't be more better you know..

I left the office..

I got my mask and an usual anbu uniform...

Here is the mask I edited with full moon on the forehead.... I choose this one because you already have black katana... And this mask looks so cool, I just edited the moon on the forehead , and the mask I took from google......

Tachiiiiii I am so happy.. I Said running to hug him

Moon what are you doing here????.. He asked with confusion

I am joining anbu silly...

What??? I mean how,,?? he was so confused

she is going to be your team mate and lord third agreed.. Shis said

It must be shis right... I asked

No it wasn't me I don't know what happened to lord 3rd to change his mind..
But whatever you 2 are happy and that what matters the most... Shis said

I gave him a tight hug love you shis you are the best big brother anyone could ask for..

I know I know I am awesome.. He chuckled

Tachi what happened aren't you happy..??? I asked.. he was in deep thoughts..

Off course I am.. Now come let's meet the rest of the team members he grabbed my wrist and start walking..

Excuse us shis... I said.. And he nodded with a smile

I was wearing my mask that I have been given earlier

hello captain, she is moon you probably know about her joining the team... Tachi said, but that made my heart beat so fast my heart was like.. I am gonna explode if you stay here any longer....

It was K. Kakashi hatake the copy ninja my crush from the day 1st... over team captain
And I AM GOING TO BE IN THE SAME TEAM WITH HIM... I am not ready to face him, we haven't met in ages and now I am in front of him

Hello moon , i am Kakashi hatake your team captain.. He said with his close eye smile...

Hello I am d- moon nice to meet you captain.. I said with a little crack voice

he don't even know me or remember me, it broke my heart, thank God my mask is on so they can't see my eyes are wet..

Hello moon I am Yamato your other team member... A guy with serious expression said..

Hey.. I greeted..

I like this team captain Kakashi I remember them beating me and my team when they were genin, their combo attack was absolutely flawless... Said yamato

you were there too i remember .. Itachi

Yes I was the person who she punched and marked..

The woodstyle kid.. tachi said

Yes.. Yamato said nodding

Okay now Yamato is going on a solo mission, so it leaves three of us today...
Our mission to watch the jonin, who are going to exchange the scrolls today.. We have to make sure nothing goes wrong and no one gets hurt specially our two clear?... K said explaining the mission...

Yes captain.. We both said in unison..

We still have sometime so you two can go and get ready.. K said..

Tachi I have to do something I will meet you outside.. I said running out..

Kakashi's perspective :

I was packing my bag for the mission..

When itachi spoke.. Captain it was you who convinced lord hokage for moon to join the anbu...? Carefully looking me...

Does it matter itachi?? you two looks happy who cares who convinced lord hokage..? Result matters, now two of you can go on missions together again so just be happy, and you know she is happy too being with you again... I said with close eye smile

.. He nodded

You two go I am coming.. I said

.. He was right I asked lord 3rd for den.. He wasn't ready to allow her to join the anbu he said, "its too dangerous not because den will get hurt but she can be a danger." ..
I don't understand why he said that but I assure him I will take full responsibility, and I will take care of her and protect her with my life, what matters for me is that she is happy and I am happy for her, she must thought I don't remember her.. But little did she know I can't forget her, she is the last person who I call family since I am not so close to naruto yet...

She will be in my team this way I can spend some time with her... But I was wrong to think that she will be happy to see me again, I had high hopes that when she will meet me she will throw her arms to hug me but that was just my expectations..... But it was my fault too I never show up till today... How can I expect her to feel pleased to see me again and specially when I don't show her any sign of recognition ...
