Chapter 24


Itachi's perspective :

He jumped off of the cliff

Shisui... I called him  out loud..

I run to hold his hand but I couldn't, and he fell off the cliff ...

Shisuiiii... my eyes changed by watching him die...

Mangekiyo sharingan...

"You are my best friend itachi."

His words rings in my ears like bells...

Back to back to back to an endless loop, echoing in my mind..

What have you done shisui

Shisui.. I said under my breath...

Noooo... I cried my lungs out falling on the my knees to floor looking up in the sky...

It is first time I cried... Cried out loud with all my heart, Like a howl of a trapped wolf..
I know at this moment nothing can be changed.. There will be only blood and sacrifices and pain through out the journey... I am the  one who has to endure, I must endure, I am a Shinobi, I know what he meant, when he said what is like to be a Shinobi I know better now.... This pain is unbelievable, unbearable yet I have to bare it and bury in my heart... All by myself.. He left me alone to do it.. I have to be strong emotionally, i have to hide my emotions and be ready to sacrifice almost every thing, even my love my family and everything that i hold so dear to me in order to protect my village and to fulfill my promise to shisui... even LOVE  I can't even see her crying how am I going to do that, he told me to take care of them.... I sit still on the ground tears falling like rain drops I was silent only words I was hearing was his last words that I can never escape  from I was trapped in an infinite pain dimension where I can't run and hide I can't escape I can't deny only thing I am able to do is to face it and be brave and fight ... I lost my best friend but I have to stay emotionless....

Next morning..

. I was drinking coffee watching out from the window still thinking about last night and shisui, I haven't told anyone,

Moon wakeup late today. She hugged me from behind... I been waiting for you whole night tachi I was so scared...

I know what she is talking about.. it is her special sensory ability that sense danger to her loved once... She sensed shisui's danger...

I trun to face her... Her face made me forget everything my pain my sorrow my ache, She was holding me, looking into my eyes... Moon don't be scared I am here with you... I said placing my hand on her face .. Resting my head on hers

She kissed my eyes


Tachi I am too scared of loosing you or shis...

Hearing his name I let go of her...

Let's go out you must be hungry...

She nodded...

We went outside

Sasuke was sitting outside alone I went to sit with him, moon was eating her breakfast..

Father only cares about you itachi.. Sasuke said with anger...

You probably hate me huh? I said looking at the sky..

He was silent...

It's all right sasuke, people always think ill of a Shinobi it's only  logical

That's not how I feel.. He said

I chuckled.. Being the best isn't always good, when you have power you become arrogant and isolated from the world...
No matter how close you are from the beginning...

But with us it is different because you and i are flesh and blood  I will be there for you even if it's just a little obstacle for you to over come, even if you do hate me that what big brothers are for... I said looking down to him..

That's right you are so lucky sasuke because if tachi loves someone, he loves with all his heart so never doubt your brother's love towards you... Moon said walking towards us...

She sit next to sasuke...

Btw why this discussion early in the morning... She asked ruffling sasuke's hair...

Nothing just brotherly talk.. He said smiling..

If itachi and moon in there come here we need to talk... Someone said from the outside of the house..

We went out to see..

There were 3 uchiha police officers

What's wrong.. I said

There were two people who did not show up in yesterday's assembly and moon lives here that's why I called her she is your friend isn't she? ... One person asked

Wanna tell me why you weren't there?.. Another asked

We know that you two are in anbu black ops, so you be called away anytime on the drop of a hat , that was the case your father was trying to make when we asked, about you being not there but we are not him, you will not get any special treatment from us specially not you abomination thing... You disgust us... They said pointing out moon

Watch your tongue what you are talking I will not tolerate any insult anymore .. she said in anger

I smiled at her...

You.. They were about to say..

I said...I understand, I guess we should've been more careful..

Would that be all gentlemen? I said calmly

Yeah sure thing, but you know what  before we go there is one thing... Do you know anything about shisui uchiha? He killed himself we found his body near the river..

By hearing his name moon fell on her knees

No it can't be she said... Tears forming in her eyes... She sit down crying
Her eyes was wide open like gonna pop out any second..

It's funny if I remember correctly you two kinda looked up to him like an older brother didn't you?

How terrible.. I said without any emotion

I went to moon's side to comfort her..rubbing her back..

She doesn't need any she is just lost in her thoughts

forgive me I haven't seen him at all recently... What a tragedy

Yeah? But at this point the police force doesn't have any choice but launch an investigation

What? I asked

This is the note shisui left behind we already had fully analized it, there is no doubt it's his hand writing.. He said handing me the note...

But If it wasn't homicide why the investigation... I asked

If someone posses sharingan its not a big deal to copy handwriting and someone with special abilities can do that too... One if them said shifting his gaze from me to moon

The man who was strongest and gifted among the clan feared by other villages as shisui the teleporter he was the man who can do any thing, take any mission if it was good for the clan I can't imagine man like that throwing everything away don't you think? One officer with long hair said

You should not judge by appearances and by you own preconceptions either.. I respond

We will leave that one for you now take it to anbu and  make a request for sniff around it too... They said with commanding tone

Let's  just hope we get the lead of it soon..
... They said walking away..

I clinched the note in my hand in anger...

Why don't you just come out and say it..
You believe we have a hand in this..

Yeah that's right you little punk.. One of them said smarking..

I knocked them out in a blink.. They all on the ground coughing blood..

Like as I said before, appearances and preconceptions aren't going to tell you anything...

For an instance you made a mistake assuming I am a patient man... Who will listen everything you say about me or moon..

The Clan the clan you overestimate your own abilities with no idea of the depth of my own and look at you now graveling in the dirt... I said in pure anger

Shisui had been keeping an eye on you recently the strangeness of your behavior over  time in the anbu couldn't be over looked, what are you playing you filthy little rat.. With that bitch by your side.. She is poisoning your head you dirty felon..

I kicked him so hard he coughed blood again...

Don't you dare to bad mouth her.. She has nothing to do anything or anyone... She does not want to be a part of this filthy organization..

Obsessed with the organization, obsessed with the clan, obsessed with the lineage,

a worthless compassion that enslave us, all it does is limit our capabilities, that only turn into the fear that you don't understand...

Stop it itachi... That is enough what on the earth is the matter with you, itachi you been strange lately... Father said looking at me in disbelief..

Nothing strange about me.. I have my own duties to fulfill.. I said looking at moon..

I knew at the moment I am in love with her with my whole heart with every fiber of my soul.. I am only going to protect her and give her a life she deserves.. Same for sasuke

So why didn't you come last night than.. Father asked

To reach the next level.. I said looking at moon.. She is traumatized by the news..

What are you talking about.. He asked Confused

I threw a kunai toward dad that only hit the uchiha symbol on the wall behind him..

I have had enough of this, there is no hope left for this pathetic clan, the people of this clan are all the same, you focus on the travail and loose sight of what's  more important,

change is impossible in this fog of ignorance, how can we evolve when the regulations are the only thing we ever known..

Such arrogance.. Dad said in anger...

That's enough,if I hear one more word of this nonsense I will have you threw behind bars ... One officer said standing back on his feet..

Well what's it gonna be I can't take it anymore, please sir just give me the order... Other said

Big brother you have to stop... Sasuke said in panic..

I sit on my knees bowing my head... I am not the one who killed shisui but I apologize for the words I have spoken I am truly sorry...

Well I guess he has been pretty tired lately because of his mission of anbu black ops... Dad said

But captain...

Anbu are under the direct control of hokage even you wanna arrest one of them you need to get a notice first... Father said

I take full responsibility for him and moon you have my word... Dad said

Very well sir... They said leaving

Inside itachi... Dad said walking inside the home..

Later father I have to take care of her first...

I took moon in bridal style away from the house... Without listening his response

She was just weeping tears rolling down to her cheeks

I took her near the cliff where shisui died.. Moon look at me.. Do you have any idea how much you are hurting me right now... Don't cry moon he is still with us inside of us in our heart you said once that your mom and dad are inside of you... Same with shisui he moved from othside to inside of us... I said wiping her tears off her face...

She started to cry loud now like I did last night.....

Tachi he was fine yesterday I met him he was happy, and he promised me that he will take care of himself for us... He broke his promise tachi he broke it, how could he, he does not care about Izumi or you or me I told him we will get through  any obstacles together why did he do that ... She said sobbing and holding my shirt from shoulder... Just like a little girl... I remember when last time she cried like this... It was hard for me thn like it is now...

After an hour...
Tachi it's the first time I saw you angry.. She kissed my eyes, don't loose your cool..
I held her hand..
Stay with me moon I will be fine.. She nodded

Tachi go home I am here for a while

Moon I can't leave you here alone...

Please tachi I will be fine don't worry I just wanna güve myself some time ...

I kissed her cheek and stand up for leaving...

On the way...

İtachi wait... I heard someone calling me from distance

I stopped... It was Kakashi coming towards me..

I heard about shisui and I am so sorry.... I understand how it feels like loosing a friend, he was my friend too just stay strong,  time is hard specially for you and den you have to be strong for both of you, since shisui is no more its you two for each other, be strong my friend, ... He said with sampithy..

Thanks captain.. I said with a weak smile...

He new the pain behind the smile, no one better knew this pain except him..

Where is she now..??? He asked concern...

On the cliff.. I said


I nodded

Why you left her alone I know her she will be crying... He said in tension

Don't worry she won't cry anymore she wanted to be alone she asked me to go home and give her a little alone time... I said...

But I will be near if something happen.. Don't mind me, I will keep an eye on her just in case, I won't invade her space, is it okay with you if I do that? ... he said asking my permission..

Thank you captian make sure she do not sense you...

I will keep that in mind... he said moving to her direction...

He loves her so much, I can see in his eye his words and his actions, anything happens to her he is the first one to come beside me.. she doesn't know anything, his love is selfless for her...

I am going to give her a better future if not with me than with him no one can take better care of my moon Thn him... I will make sure to bring love to her life for the rest of her life...
